Thursday, October. 7, 192S THE TAR HEEL Page Three Freshman Cheering This Year Best Yet Directed by Kike Kyser, the freshmen gave an exhibition of cheering in chapel yesterday morning that was declared by members of the faculty to be second to none ever presented by a freshman class at the Univer sity. The men were dismissed from chapel a few minutes be fore, the ringing of the 10:53 bell, and congregated in front of Memorial Hall, where Kyser led them in several spirited songs and yells. - ; Before leading ' the cheers, Kike pictured the hours of hard work expended by the football team every afternoon, and point ed, out ita need of the support of every member of the sjtudent body when it play s South Caro lina Saturday. " - The ; freshmen received his talk enthusiastically. Plans made for New..,.:.. Road from Here to Durham. " Word has been received that the Durham Country Board of Commissioners have started a movement to pave the New Hope Valley Road between Durham and Chapel Hill. This, hawever, depends upon whether Orange County will pave three miles of the road which lies within its boundaries. ; New Hope Valley Road is the nearest route from Chapel Hill to the New Hope Valley Coun try Club which is being built for the benefit of the University of North Carolina, Duke Univer sity, and the citizens of Chapel Hill and Durham.. The construction of this road will make the new Country Club more accessible to the people of Chapel Hill and this immediate vicinity and should, therefore, be of much interest to them. When You Dine in Durham More than any other place in the City, probably, Welcome-In has collegiate atmosphere. Hefe from mid-day until after eight in the evening, we serve regular lunches and dinners. Almost anything you want to special order. We also make to special order frozen fruit salad, layer cakes and many other dainties. WELCOME-IN Opposite Washington Duke Hotel 4 TAR HEEL OF . PAST DECADES Twenty Years Ago Today Nineteen out of twenty-four students passed the State Bar. Whitehead Kentty was elect ed editor-in-chief of the Tar Heel and B. S. Skinner was e lected business manager. Professor Howell was appoint ed chairman of a committee of seven to get bath houses and a swimming pool here. Virginia has good football prospects. Fifty men are out for berths on the team. Elisha Mitchell Scientific So ciety met. Dr. Richard H. White head was elected president. Freshmen .elect. Albert Cox captain of the f rosh football team. A training table at the Com mons for football men will be run. Digestible food . will be served. Ten Years Ago Today U. N. C. defeated V. M. I. 6-0. "It was the fiercest football cur tain raiser ever pulled on the Hill." Winston scored for Caro lina. ;- '' Henry Fairly, ' thought to be an intruder, shot by his room mate, at five o'clock on Sunday morning. JtJoth tne Doys are from Monroe, and the wound is not of a serious nature, 1 Freshman class holds meeting and appoints committee, to se lect appropriate colors for the class. One freshman wants bright, colors to represent the stars in the class. f There was a pretty fair crowd out for the Carolina-V. M; I. football game about 600 in all. The Phi Kappa Sigma frater nity announces the initiation of Adams, of Andrews, N. C. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS -in- E "THE BLACK PIRAT Thursday, October 7th. The Supreme adventure classic of the screen the story of a coura geous Sea Rover the life of the pi rateyividly pictured. Thrills on the high seas! the sword! the flintlock! the gangplank! Photographed in technicolor Comedy: "All Wool" Admission 50c FSclswicIs Tlieatre "Almost a Part of Carolina ii THINGS THAT, COUNT By Brown Shepherd, Jr. Many a lesson is taught by de feat. Carolina seems to ,be un willingly paving the way for a scholarship. : '. '" - Authorities credit Tennessee with a championship team, it is a certain knowledge that the Tar Heels will not be by themselves "among those defeated." Out of the black gloom of the Tennessee game there appeared a silver lining of hopeful nature. As the third . quarter opened Carolina burst forth with an of fensive effort which showed promise of definite results with a little more time and experience. . Several passes, Ferrel to Young, were completed in the Saturday fray. Looks like that ancient . arial jinx has at last been lifted. Many members of the Caro lina squad have -been subjected to heavy fire in the two initial games of the season. A great amount of nerve has been evinc ed, but not enough fight. There's a big difference. Harry, Swartz, Tom Young, Joe Josephs and Steve Furches deserve lots of credit for the fight they put up Saturday. '-': .. " The Carolina coaches have at no time predicted a winning team for this season: "The ma terial is simply too young and lacking in experience." N Give our grid-instructors time; they are working with the future in mind. . Several members of the. squad have quit since Saturday. Some had excuses, some had too much Tennessee, some had too little of everything, others craved a recess. mm Hike Kyser is doing a big thing for Carolina by the forma tion -of his "cheerio" organiza tion. It's hard to fathom how a Carolina team plays at all, in view of the spirit manifested, or rather not manifested by the students on numerous occasions. Y CABINETS MEET; MAKE NEW PLANS Decide to Invite Outstanding Speakers to Address Caro--, Hna Student Body. FOLLOW BLUE RIDGE PLAN The Y. M. C. A. building was again the center of activities Monday night when the three "Y" organizations held their regular meetingss Several im portant sisues were discussed by the Junior-Senior Cabinet, while the completion of the member ship for the Sophomore and Freshman Cabinets was the chief topic for these organiza tions. The new series of Religious Discussion groups for all the fall quarter was discussed by the Junior-Senior Cabinet and Presi dent Glenn brought out several ideas expressed at the Blue Ridge Conference concerning Religious Discussion groups. A report of an investigation of the distributing of literature and pamphlets on the campus was given by Nash Johnston and was endorsed by-the cabinet. Norman Block put before the cabinet in an interesting manner the idea of a concentrated effort to bring to the University campus a num ber of the most outstanding men and speakers, of the country. Under this"Dlan a program will be carried out according to the Blue Ridsre clan of conference. The cabinet : heartily endorsed the proposal. The Sophomore organization of the Y. M. C. A. was formally named tne "Sophomore Cabinet" by the members Monday night. The members 6f this cabinet will assist in holding the freshman elections Friday. The member ship is not yet complete, and any Sophomores who are inter ested in Y. M. C. A. work are requested to give their names to the Y. M. C. A. office. The Freshman Cabinet will hold a smoker at the regular meeting hour next ' Monday night. William Chandler, W, C. Spaugh, and James Mclver.were appointed a committee to ar range the smoker. The Religi ous Discussion group plan was explained, and ' many, members expressed a desire to join a group. - A merchant advertises "Happiness Hose." Presumably these are for con tented calves. Life. Tau Epsilon .Phi ... announces the initiation of Harry L. Schwartz, of Charlotte, N. C. "A Thousand Years Ago' - ; ; to. Be Here October 15-16 '"A Thousand Years Ago," a play of the orient, which will be given October 15 and 16 by the Carolina Playmakers has been en larged and will be made to look as much like out-of-doors as pos sible. There will be a back ground ' of pine trees and ever greens across the back and sides of the stage, : many Japenese lan terns will be hung throughout the auditorium, ; and incense from the orient will be burned in the building. Every effort will be made to make the setting as much in keeping- with the play as possible., - The farmer is mistaken if he thinks his crops will be helped by the reina of government. American Lumberman. DR. WADE H. MARSHALL Osteopathic Physician Tankersly Building CHAPEL HILL Geo. F. Messner Wm. H. Eowe Everything on campus in past four vears heated by us Carolina Heating & Engineering' Co. HEATING, VENTILATING AND POWER PIPING Phone 1466 Durham, N. C. BUDD-PIPER ROOFING COMPANY Durham, N. C. Roofing and Sheet metal Work THE STUDENT JEWELER Watch and Clock Repairing ! S. HYMAN - - 411 MANLY n:8nnmmmmtttmtt HI jOEBtSl OoEi! TIME TO CHANGE YOUR BOARDING PLACE! - The D. and H. Cafeteria Offers a $30 Per Month Board ing Plan tttniiiiiiiiiiiiininitnii rue coTHes, HiATs HAZTsASHe2 ACD SHOS DEVELOPED BY FINCHLEY FOR COLLEGIAN USAGE FOR FALL WILE BE EXHIBITED BY A REP- i REShNTATIVE FROM NEW YORK Showing TODAY at . -CAROLINA DRY CLEANERS PARTICULAR INTEREST IS IN c VITED TO THE EXTRAORDINARY FABRICS, OF FOREIGN SELECTION. PATTERNS CONFINED SOLELY TO THIS ESTABLISHMENT. FORTY FIVE DOLLARS :. , AND MORE i TAILORED TO MEASURE THE FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK