The -Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel. Hill, K. C. FIRESMIVIIAM CLASS, EDITION CAROLINA PLAYMAKERS PLAYMAKERS THEATRE Thursday and Friday Nights Freshman Debating Club Meets Tonight, 7:00 O'Clock Second Floor Y. M. C. A. VOLUME XXXV CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 NUMBER 50 Tar Heels Even Basketball Series With the Marylanders University Avenges Defeat of Monday By Score of 20 to 14 Sides Leads, Scoring With Ten Points Deciding Game Here on the 19th. (By Ben Kendrick, '30) The Tar Heel quint avenged" a previous defeat Tuesday night ; by beating" Maryland 32 to 23, at College Park. Due to a unique arrangement, the second string of each team started the game and played the entire first half. The Carolina scrubs got off to a flying start in the first few minutes and at the half had piled up a lead of 20 to 14. At the beginning of the sec ond period the varsity of bofh institutions took the floor. The Carolina regulars playing their usual flashy game not only held this lead but increased it three points. The White Phantoms seemed to have profited by their experience of the previous night and kept close guard over the stellar performers of their an tagonists. : Sides, second-stringer, led the scoring of the Southern Champs by looping the ball through the basket for ten points, Satter field coming close behind with seven. Of the regulars who saw service, Rufus Hackney and Billy Vanstory led with four points each. Hale, star Mary land forward, led the rest of, his team and tied Sides by garner ing ten. The game came as a surprise to most Tar Heel fans, as it was not on the regular schedule, and it was not decided that it should be played until Tuesday morn ing. As it is necessary that any team interested in participating in the Southern Conference Tournament play at least eight games with Conference rivals before it can be represented, Carolina and Maryland both de sired to play another game, since they had only seven scheduled. This enlarges the Carolina Maryland conflicts into a three game series, with the deciding game to be played here on Feb ruary 19. Carolina (32) Maryland (23) Position Satterfield (7) Hale (10) Forward Sides (10) Snyder (5) Forward Purser (1) Linkeoust (6) Center Perkins Crosthwaite Guard Baggett (2) , Zahri Guard Price (2) R. Hackney (4) Vanstory (4) Morris B. Hackney (2) Referee: Loyola. BAND TO LEAVE ON TRIP.SUNDAY - Tour Will Include Concerts At Southern Pines, Greenville, and Roanoke Rapids. Subs: Adams (1) Faber (1) Boyd Dean SMITH RICHARDSON TO SPEAK TO DI SENATE , (By D. L.McBryde, Jr., 'SO) Mr. Smith Richardson, presi dent of the Vick Chemical Com pany, of Greensboro, has accept ed an invitation from the Dialec tic Senate to speak here Monday night. Mr. Richardson has been conducting a campaign a gainst the State land tax system. He says that the North Carolina tax system was created for an agricultural State, and for this reason' bears too heavily upon landed property. As- a reform for this Mr. Richardson advo cates tax on intangible, property. r (By D. E. Livingston, '30) Sunday afternoon the Caro lina Band, under the direction of T. S. McCorkle, leaves for its first tour of the year. While on tour the band plays five concerts, which are made up entirely of classical . numbers, but so chosen to please the gen eral public. The program wil be practically the same as that presented last Sunday, including a saxaphone quartette and num bers by soloists L. R. Sides, cor net, and F. L. Byrley, clarinet, The band plays in Southern Pines Sunday night, Monday af ternoon in Warrenton, Monday night in Roanoke Rapids, open date Tuesday afternoon, and Greenville, N. C, Tuesday night. The organization returns to the Hill Wednesday. This . compact schedule has been arranged for the benefit of the band members enrolled in scientific courses who are unable to stay away for an extended period of time. There will be another trip later in the quarter which will cover offers declined during this trip, and individual concerts at Greensboro and Ra leigh. Portrait of Judge Battle Is Presented To the University (By J. J. Parker, '30) . An oil portrait of Judge Wil liam Horn Battle, founder of the law school of the University of North Carolina, was presented to the University Tuesday morn ing by T. H. Battle, Rocky Mount, H. B. Battle, Alamaba, and W. J. Battle, Texas. The painting was done by Mrs. Ar thur C. Nash. Hill Yarborough, president of the Law School Association, pre sided over the meeting, making the address of welcome. The portrait was unveiled by little Miss Martha Ann Battle, Rocky Mount. - . Presentation, on behalf of the donors, was made by Frank Spruill, Rocky Mount. Mr. Spruill paid high tribute to Judge Battle. A sketch of his ife and career was given. He was graduated from, the Uni versity in 1820, and was grant ed his license to practice in 1823, or some years he was a mem ber of the General Assembly, and later, reporter for the Su d An M rtAA TT. preme (Jourt, isai-isaa. ne was appointed to revise the state statutes. In 1848 he was ap nointed to the Superior Court s - bench, but the Senate failed to endorse his appointment because there were at that time too many state officers from Orange coun ty. He was successiuuy appoint ed to the bench in 1852 and re mained there until 1865, when all state officers were deprived of their positions by the Fed eral government. He was rein stated after the state regained control. He served some years as a Supreme Court Justice. A rising vote of thanks was tendered the donors, after which the meeting was transfer red to the library where the pic ture was put on the wall. FROSH PICTURE TAKEN TODAY Another group picture of the Freshman Class will be taken this morning in front of the law building. ; The picture which was made some time ago was not good enough to make a good cut for the Yackety Yack, necessitating the making of a new negative. Dean Bradshaw Directs Unique Discussion Group for Freshmen o- Members Exchange Opinions Oh Everything from Religion and Success In Life To Choice of Schools and Campus Politics Identical Idea Never Tried Before. (By Ben Kendrick, '30) Shortly after the beginning of the school year Dean Bradshaw organized a group of about a dozen Freshmen containing sup- J. posedly the most intelligent men in the class. The group tries to meet about, once a week for a period of two hours in Dean Bradshaw's office and discusses problems which the average col lege student is called on to solve. The membership of the group was determined to a large extent by the results of the intelligence tests given to all new men in tance from Regular Staff. - - the first week of school, although This issue of the Tar Heel is high Sch(X1 record! &M. ?eneral THIS ISSUE IS EXCLUSIVE FROSH CLASS PRODUCT Group of Freshmen Put Out the Tar Heel Without Assis- the exclusive product of the journalistic talent of the Fresh man Class. ! The regular staff was liberal enough to the first year men to turn the entire responsibility over to them. The freshmen who were interested gathered and perfected an organization of their own; and have' proceeded reputation were taken into con sideration. For the first few weeks the group of about twenty-five gradually shrunk, but finally, became stationary at a- bout ten or twelve which seems to be an ideal number. There is no attempt at debate, although in the course of the discussions it is quite frequent that divulgent views will be ex- Of course, conclusions to prove to the campus that they nrp!,p j 1 i. JA A il.. Ir Iiav a Kit uu.. iu tue are reached( but each man can school publication. Freshman haye hia own That is to say reporters were assigiieu . f snhWf W, Wr, . the regular beats of the campus , HmT1p A .. and the material in the field of fee up without any attempt leaiure sranes wa tauiyugiuy, n1r. Vf)t . RflV w ni1(, i i r il. 1.1 i. I . - - - searcnea ior someininjr mat would prove, of interest to Tar Heel readers. Those who were asked to contribute have re sponded in a fine way, some of them working into the early morning hours in order that they might prove worthy of the op Dortunity given them. With the exception of some suggestions from the regular managing edi tor, Byron White, this issue is published under the auspices of the class of '30 with the follow. ing staff: Nelson Callahan Editor W. R. Hill Business Mgr. Glenn Holder .'. Staff J. J. Parker F. G. McPherson D. E. Livingston Ben Kendrick Marion Alexander E. G. Hoef er John Mebane D. L. McBryde " Malcolm Moore idea is right while another is wrong. Nor is there any at tempt to direct the trend of the discussion which moves smooth ly from one idea to another that is closely related without cog nizance that a new field is the object of survey. First Topic The group took its first and only ballot at the very beginning to determine what topic had the most general interest. It was decided to discuss the question of choosing the right school, For the purpose of collecting data, Dean Bradshaw in, chapel took a great many statistics as to why the student came to col lege, why he chose the course he did, how many times he has changed schools, and so forth. When the summary was finished it was discovered that over twenty were at this university because the Freshmen did not have to wear Freshman caps; one Sophomore had changed school four times; and one boy was in the liberal arts college "because I have to take this non sense before I can take law" as he expressed it. While discuss ing this topic, Dean Hibbard was summoned to defend his branch of the University. After the meeting, he claimed to have benefitted more from the discus sion than all the rest put to- (Continued on page four) FEBRUARY ISSUE OF MAGAZINE IS ABOVE AVERAGE Reviewer Praises Work of Fow ler; Gardner's Article Is Good But Too Dry. (By D. Pier son Ricks, '30) Te Deum Laudamus! The Managing Editor eternal sophomore has graduat ed. "Burlesque," in the Febru ary issue of the Carolina Mag azine, is by far the best bit of work R. K. Fowler has done for the magazine this year. It is a far leap from "Slaves" to ."Burlesque." The bold, brutal adjectives of the latter are the work of an artist. Fowler's poem is the outstanding thing in this issue I would add that T Jhrarv Renorts " eclipses anything that has ap- ' ' I .i it. y 7 . n r ' - Large Circulation f area m I who ( j tax VVCIC l v uuv avjl muiu Total Haardt's Anthology and Eric Walrond's "White Stranger." I was somewhat puzzled at ". . . get the cue . . . of raucous, blue and jazz-torn music." FROSH FIVE LOSES TOBABYGENERALS BOARD ANNOUNCES REGULATIONS FOR RUSHING NEW MEN Interfraternity Council Will Ex act Heavy Penalty for'Vio-' lation of Latest Rules. Whisnant Scores 15 Points Hard-Fought Game. in Business Department John Mebane B. C. Mulder C. J. Shannon January Book Withdrawals More Than 15,000. (By G. P. Holder, '30) During the past month the main library of the University circulated 15,868 books, accord ing to the monthly statement of Perhaps Mr. Fowler would ex- C. M. Baker, assistant librarian, plain that as "poetic license." This total represents an increase Let him have it. He was allow. Of 18 fo over January of last Continued on page two) year. .. In addition to the number of Yackety Yack Again books circulated by the main li brary, the circulations of the All organizations expecting to Commerce, Extension, Law, and have their space jngerted in -the other branch libraries showed Vnww vv t xr. , 4-V I MVilV miwtv an increase uvw mwoc vx yi-i , , - v; , vious months. , ment for same before February T.ihmrv officials renort that Joth. Space rates are; half- each month's circulation shows page, $17.50; one page $35; two a substantial increase over the or more pages at $30 a page preceding month, and that the Organizations having special various library departments are pages can get rates and all pay- badly crowded at present. They ments must be made to G. P. state - that more library space Dozier or A. K. Smith at Y. Y. must be provided in the near office, basement Alumni, before future. 'February 15th. (By M: G.Moore, '30) The Tar Baby cagemen -were defeated by the Washington and Lee frosh Tuesday night at Lexr ington, Va., 41 to 34. This was the only defeat administered the Tar Babies during their Virgin ian invasion. The Little Generals forged in to the lead during the first three minutes of the game when they scored eight points before the Carolina Freshmen were able to score. Both teams held the lead for; a short time during the first half, which ended with the score standing 16 all.. The Little Generals got the lead again at the opening of the second, half arid held it consis tently for the remainder of the game. Both teams presented a well balanced attack. The individual star for the Taf Babies was Whisnant who scored 15 points, while Berry Wilson, high scorer of the game, led the attack for Washington and Lee by scoring 18 points. (By G. P. Holder, '30) For the benefit of the thirty or forty Freshrhen and students ' with advanced standing who en tered the University for the first time after the Christmas holidays the. following "rushing rules" are announced by the In terfraternity Council: 1. Open rushing shall end at midnight on Monday, February 14, at which time a period of si lence shall begin. This period shall end at 6:00 p. m. on Wed nesday, February 16. 2. During this period there shall be no rushing in any form by the fraternities, by their a- gents, or by the new men them selves on or off "the Hill." 3. During the Period of Si lence no fraternity member shall occupy a room with a new man. 4. On Wednesday all new men who receive bids from fraterni ties will be summoned to appear before the Faculty Advisor, who . will direct them to the houses of the fraternities of their highest choices among those bidding them. 5. During the Period of Si lence every new man is consider ed on his honor not to discuss . the subject of fraternities or fraternity matters with anyone else, another freshman, a mem ber of any fraternity, or any a gent thereof. The penalties for violations of these rushing rules are as fol lows : 1. In case a member of any fraternity violates in any way the rules regulating rushing dur ing the Period of Silence, his fra ternity chapter shall be denied the privilege of pledging or ini tiating for the period of twelve months and shall also forfeit a $100 bond. 2. In case any freshman vio lates any of the rushing regula tions, he renders himself per- manently ineligible to join or to be pledged by any fraternity at the University of North Caro lina. All fraternities, both national and local, are asked to send in their bids by noon on Tuesday, February 15, to the Faculty Ad visor, 205 South Building. COMMITTEE PLANS FOR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY DEBATE TRYOUTS TOMORROW NIGHT I Try-outs for the intercol legiate debate with South Carolina will be held in the first year law room tomor row night at eight o'clock. The query is ; Resolved : that the Volstead Act shall be so amended as to allow state-controlled safe of beverages containing not more than 2 3-4 alcohol (By G. P. Holder, '30) Washington's birthday will be celebrated at the University by special exercises, ' including an address in chapel, according to plans announced by the faculty committee on arrangements. The regular chapel period of thirty minutes will be doubled on Feb ruary 22. R. D. W. Connor, of the His tory Department, is chairman of the Committee.' Someone of the -younger and more important aluriini of the University will be invited to make the principal ad dress. T Examinations for removal of conditions in English composi tion will be given at 3:00 p. m. February 25 in 202 Murphey, according to an announcement of the Department of English through the secretary, W. D. Mc Millan.