Page Four' THE TAR HEEL Saturday, February 12, 1927 'ophomoric ophisby Paul Hanson Holds The : Legislature Spellbound (Continued from page one) (By Nat Henry) S K wKawu J 1 of spectators who filled the house chamber. "L think it is time for the young people of this state to Misdirected Talents : . speak out," he yelled, irt a voice From many and reliable men that carried into every corner J . . ' -a I Oil ; ttT 1 A . ' 1 Come statements as to the de- or tne room. i want to say nrsc blorable state of decadence that that I was raised in a Christian the college students and the uni-, home and I think it is time that Versities are in. . No matter the rising generation should tell wha't we would ike to believe we the people something about a11 it Mutt Evans? vim4- nimr Thftt urn or rnora ia i ui Liiia luuiiaiiiicoa uicv axe uiiB ,m . uiuaum.. vu., ""r" "j . eopnomore atmetic prowess such a . general condemnation I rying on. . . has not been confined , to th from such sources there be some ' uod knows it is not evolution hskwV fall nnnr-r w find truth in thes? most unkind ' as- that's driving the young people eraj members of the class of '29 sertions. There can be no doubt out ol, tne churcnes. l naven t that we "collich',' boys have lost been driven out and I have at Interest in the Di and Phi lit- tended the, University for six erary societies, contests of ora- years." The house rocked with tory and the much advertised laughter and applause, the first The stock of books will be those selected from the Modern Library lists, the best sellers, and those of general interest or discussion, ranging from Wm. Durant's Story of Philosophy to novels. ' The handling of text books, etc., will remain .with the Book Exchange. Sophomores Cut Notable Niche in the Hall, of College Athletics (Continued from page one) : team like a blanket. How about infielders; Beam, catcher; Fin lator, Furches, and Jessup, put- fielders, will give em all a fit, Tar Heels Draw Even , 'Vl Break on Northern Tour (Continued from page one) disporting themselves with cred it on the basketball team. Ruf us Hackney, . who is second high scorer of the team this year. year's aggregation of grapplers. When track is considered, it must be remembered that, two sophomores, Cox and Brown, nenrv satterneia. : r.iass nrpsi. . . . i i i i i e ii 1 1 1 1 - philosophy of Service,, 'mere- real aispiay oi enmusiasm mat dent and star fnrwsrri fore, since our critics have seen naa ieaturea tne tnrce nour ses- r.pnr0 pntViv n. sion. You laugh like you think enlonfrate(i centers, are all mem- . .t I W J I I T A. 1.1 I we have and Since they are mere- am uurau uecause i went mere be f th sor)homore claaa ... . i r t a xi i by qualified as more competent lursurs- riweui uujreiuur . r-i-v RrftWT1 oq nna nf .... .... . I J...J J J-l T I . . critics ttian we are, we must a- Kiuuceu "u U1C" 1 the star members of Coach bide by their diagnosis of the studied law there for two years. Rowe's , boxing , team, which dilemma of the younger genera- :.'Tve had five brothers who seema headed for a Southern tion. They say, we are all wet. Went to the University' he pro- Chammonshin. Mritrvx fptw Our critics are, with few ex- ceeded, after clearing up his ac- weight who performed credit- ceptions, of the. older genera- ademic record, rand not one of ablv acainst Vinrinia is also a tion, who brought us .into th? them has turned out an atheist, sophomore Coach Quinlan has world and to whom js entrusted We do not know anything about only one sophomore who is a our education.-. -They, therefore it, we want to know where we regular on the wrestling team, are to blame for. the ' homwe are going iromnere; not where but he's a big one. CM. Ab- atate of .cynicism and atheism we came from we care nothing bitt is heavyweight on this that we, the younger, generation, about that. - ire now. wallowing in. But they , Ratty's nerve seemed to be do nothing but criticize in a de- about to fail again, but his in structive manner. They are do- spiration carried him on again ing nothipg-to save us from this "I'm amazed at my temerity. I have already won their mono- unholy Quagmire ; tney simpiy don t know what made me get up grams as member of Caroli tell us that , we are in .the.. bog here. I had an inspiration .that na's championship cross-country and tell us what a helluva mess wouldn't let me sit back there team. But these men, Harper, it is. ' -'.. and listen to all this foolishness. Sandlin. and Colburn are amone '29 Rise to. Arms 1 People will think me crazy." those who are expected to aug- Boys of twenty-nine, we must Ratty appeared to be some- ment the Southern track cham- save for the world ourselves and what worried, but he was going pions,' in their campaign to re- our generation from the devil, strong and me audience broke tain their laurels. We are suited, as are no other out in a great roar that proved The net team this year is con group of boys in the World, to beyond a doubt that he had made siderably strengthened by the accomplish this superhuman a hit. "When you pass this law two sophomore members, Char task. The juniors and seniors what are. you going to do about He Waddell and Dick Covington. have not the right, nor do the it? You can't sit in the class- Now we come to the grand old freshmen ; .they are too young, rooms and spy on the prof essors ; game of baseball. Although the anyhow. The only way to save and that's the only way you'll diamond candidates have not yet ourselves and the coming gener-catch them. reported, it's a sure thing that ations of college students is for f ell vou o-pntlpmpn nf the sophomore candidates will be us to beat the devil out of this committee, it's time the DeoDle Meiadin contenders. Ellison, In year's freshman class. The re- 0f North Carolina got back to gram Baxter' pitchers; Foard, suits of this action will, of the good old time religion and Cx Satterfield, and Williams, course, at first, have, no far- quit this cussin' and discussin' reaching results. This beating about something we cannot help, will not be haM, and to most of I thank God for men like Dr. us will be very pleasant. This Poteat who have risen above de- may appear simple but it will nominationalism." The house inculcate in our hearts the ole applauded and laughed again. .Carolina spirit "and we and the Ranson went on. . 1 . ... Ml I XICOI1IUCU WUl IiaVC UV UIUC iUI T toll vn V,n4. T n,QT,- V, James branch Cabell, Anatole Universitv for six mr nH France and their cohorts. We there waa nothine- there to cn 1 l t j. i 1 j I win oe bo nara put to aeiena our- me to lose my faith. You can't selves that we will have no time legislate people into Heaven. lor me victrola and courses in Why, it's an insult to God; it's evolution. We will, then, take Uke saying that He's got to be up, as our, ioreiamers did, the protected iitcimy, jtim oratory r ,. fc emMn.t vp1n Hn(,nV;T, 4- t-r. a -jii. " r r"""e tun tea uj, . t uiue wpeuuinire u.,4. :. tv,Q Tr,; a t U1 Vw.t.aiWiV l1" snnkpn out. T'va hwn onio. ,;u t. t. .... r - - - - : m" "uo "1CBO,;we law arid I had connected up to rf uuw ,u w,ul uie : nHina work with a law firm but I spirit in our. heart, our hearts r.vnn now w, v,ot a then happy,.we can go through about what rve done it won't me rest or college witn a blithe take me.1 song on our lips headed. Boyd was outstanding for Maryland. Priced who was high scorer of the game with 10 points, was outstanding for Car olina. Tuesday night Carolina stu dents were surprised to hear that Maryland had been beaten by a score of 32 to 23. It was later ascertained that the game, which was unscheduled, had been arranged by a special agree ment between the rival coaches. It is necessary for a team to play eight conference opponents in order to be eligible for the championship tournament. Both teams had only seven games reg ularly scheduled. In order ' to make up the full quota, this game "Was arranged. It was agreed that the scrubs of both institutions were to play the first half of the game. Half 'time found the Tar Heel subs leading 20 to 14. The varsity went in in the second half, but they slight ly increased the lead, and the game ended with Carolina victor. . Ten men made the trip. . -They were Captain Biinn Hackney, Price, Rufus Hackney, Morris, Vanstory, Purser, Satterfield; Sides, Perkins, and Baggett Coach Ashemore and Manager Hardee accompanied the team. Art and Comedy Feature of New Playmaker Bill - (Continued from page one) . ner diction is top nnisned and her walk too graceful. She gives one the impression of a wel bred girl transplanted to a rug ged mountain home. . Hubert Heffner in his first appearance on the Playmaker stage since his return last fall does himself justice in the role of Brother Waycaster. Anita Darling as Zennie, an old mountain woman. gets into her character with pleasing results, and we are thankful to Josephine Sharkey who lightens the play by her in terpretation of the role of Mame: mother of Effie. - f LOST! 9 -,.;:: Large white bird dog. , Black spots on ears. Was wearing , black studded collar when last seen. Answers to name of Bino. Re ward for information leading to recovery. G. F. COLE 109 Hillsboro Street Telephone 74 But we can give you a real TAILOR MADE to your measure SUIT En -Avant War to. the death against the freshmen ! Carry fire and sword into their, camp! It will be a war for a righteous cause and a desirable purpose. We will be iuung. powers Ud he had left no little impres- college professors tell us of. Our name will go down in history as one of the greatest classes in Ratty thought he was making "a fool of himself," but he was throwing out a line that won the enthusiastic accord of all his hearers. He was the talk of Raleigh last night. He had, ap parently, spoken from the heart sion on his audience. any university. EN AVANT! "The Bull's Head Book Store" is Latest Venture $29.50 AT $34.50 i. i. Stetson "D Valet Service Free (Continued from page one) Editor of Tar Heel: as tne spring election casts its 0r to purchase them. The book shadow over the campus these store will order any books called H many wees aneaa, anow one for. This will be the first ex- wno nas participated in campus periment to discover whether politics in the past to say that or not a larger general book he is heartily in favor of any store would be successful at the hiovemnt which will bring poli- University. This method of ex t-S.i.., 4-1.. i i- . i . ntc otuvujf uui m Hie upeii, i perimenung nas proven very and will actively support the successful at several colleges and eame. , universities, amone them heme L. B. KENNETT. Yale and Princeton mTnittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniwtiiHimtmnittiiiiiiiinm In The Muse and the Movies we have, perhaps the .best play of the three, it is certainly the best worked , out , plot and con tains many good lines. Jose phine Sharkey and Bill . Atlee hold the center of the stage and justly so, for they both haye ex cellent roles and get the most out of them. ' The eating scene is very well handled and shows of Mr. Atlee's style of comedy with the best effect. Miss Shark ey hits her stride in the role of Cousin Jane and it with a deft ness which is delightful. Mary Margaret Wray as the artist's wife is somewhat unconvincing and seems to be only reciting lines. There are many times when she fails to make the most of her lines and her performance as a mixture of good moments and not so good moments. Lion el Stander as Maurice Daushky takes a rolle that could be made into one of the most amusing of the performances and slaugh ters it. Betty Gray does her bit as Gerald's Muse to bur satisfaction. t I am not going to disappoint those dear people who have wait ed patiently for the nasty crack that always appears in reviews of Playmaker performances for I have one and it . has to deal with the make up. We have eag erly awaited the day when peo" pie will look somewhere near human on the stage and we were not rewarded by the queer-look-ing creatures that walked the Playmaker stage- Thursday and Friday The women were made up better than the men, perhaps due to. the fact that they have had quite a bit of practice at the art. The men are beyond description; the lines stood out on their faces like the skyline of the Appalachian mountains and their tanned skin reminded one of certain stiffs that we have viewed not so long ago. For Neat and Accurate ; TYPEWRITING i -see M. L. GARMISE ; , 207 Old South Let old Squire Pipe be the judge . . His honor, old Squire Pipe is unques tionably the world's ablest judge of pipe tobaccos. Who else is by nature, training and experience so weU-quaKfied to try a tobacco and hand down a , decision on it? . ;. So, in the case of Granger Rough Cut, the plea is that Judge Pipes verdict be accepted as final! To make a long brief brief: Character witnesses everywhere have sworn to Granger's sterling quality. .Experts have vouched for the superiority of its rough cut. Chemists have testified that the new "glassine'sealed" foil-pouch keeps the tobacco in perfect condition. Finally, it has been shown that by using this foil-pouch, (instead of a costly tin) it is possible to sell Granger at just ten cents. On these arguments Granger rests its case! A couple of pipefuls will convince Squire Pipe that it is the world's greatest pipe tobacco... and any good judge of tobaccos will confirm the decision! GRANGER Rough Gut The half-pound vac uum tin is forty-five cents, the foil-pouch package, sealed in glasaine, is ten cents. m Made" ! for pipes only! '(Grnger Rough Cut it made by the Liggett, fe'.Myers, Tobacco Company Stationery - Fountain Pens Typewriters New Victor Records Released Every Friday niMnimimiiMttltiMuuiiUMUiUHiiiiuiHMtililUi.iliilUUitUllUIliiilUU P5 J Mi itm !!hh i uimirniiiniiunniiniiimiifiiiitiniiiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiMiiHtM mn u ra uiiiiiuuiuiuiniiiililmiiilliihh " .MuuuHiiii iiiiiuuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuililllUIUUIllUIIIUUIUUUill III IIUlMlUMiiiiii"