Thursday, March 10, 1927 THE TAR HEEL Page Three The Driftwood Fire By Dave Carroll There has been some doubt concerning this columnist's plan of procedure in his future policy of publishing political news. Therefore, we wish to make the following statements concerning our treatment of frame-ups, candidates, and politics gen erally.' 1. Sometime ago the writer offered this column to the pub lication of political "dope." His decision to put before the stu dent body those men who are v favored for its offices has been, and can be, changed none what soever. But since we can not be expected to serve as campus sleuth, we request thai the stu dent body co-operate with us in making its elections more whole some. The campaign for clean politics should not be left to any .one student; in this case, it is no personal hobby with us. 2. We request that any stu dent who knows a matter of poli tical interest mail that informa tion in a letter, signed or un signed, to this columnist. Even strong suspicions should be re ported for fair investigation, be cause we cannot always expect absolute knowledge from our correspondents. ' 3. The columnist will obtain a trustworthy reply to all those indictments with which he may be provided. He will seek to verify or disprove all accusa tions which may come to him. At any rate, the result of his findings will be made known to the student body. "t I. In order that the student body may be assured that we hall not conceal any letter, or treat any one with undue pref erence, we request that a copy f all information given us be; sent to the editor of this paper. This impartial official will act as a guard to our fairness. ' 5. In the attack on secrecy, we shall be bound by rid personal friendships or affiliations, but only by a desire to present, to the campus the men who ' may be deemed worthy or unworthy of its offices. " . The appearance of names and political hews will not neces sarily mean that we have un earthed a plot. We are devoted to all significant publicity, good or bad. . The nature of our in formation the reader must judge from the facts themselves. A prospective candidate's own ac tions will determine his' praise or his condemnation. V ' The Student Council As usual, the prosecution of offenders by a vigorous student council has raised a caterwaul from this campus. To us the issues 'seem to be: 1. Has the student council the power to co erce testimony from one student in order to secure the punish ment of another? 2. Were the penalties for the lightest of fenses justified in the recent de cisions? Under the present system we 'consider it necessary that the councilmen be empowered to punish witnesses whose silence may frustrate justice. But we do not believe, that indictments or names (not convictions) may be secured legally by forcing one student to testify against anotn er." We also consider the pres ent ignorance of council proce dure a rosy tribute to student apathy and-councillors' lethargy. Finally, although it is possible that true decisions may .have been rendered in the recent case, we do not believe that the coun cil was justified in assuming, as a principle of student govern ment, a thing which is obviously not a part of student sentiment here namely that any man may be shipped for refusal to 1 U-V tJUJ.-i aiitomtpiicatlciii No use trying to rise and shine while you'e keeping yourself half - dead from self - generated poisons. Put your system on a paying basis. Keep your digestive organs func tioning properly. Make an attempt to balance your daily idiet. mi 9 uiiivjjjF tbiiMiiifr" faiaff?'ff-fif wMtitsf j iltk'ifVlfflWM ' BRAN, SALTS, VITAMINS, PROTEINS and CARBO HYDRATES are all contained in , Shredded Wheat in appetizing and d iwstible form. Crisp, delicious shreds of vital body-building nutriments. Two daily biscuits of Shredded Wheat eaten regu larly will make you fit and keep you fit. Begin now and see! , , Jlialteita daily habit testify against another. ' '(Ex pulsion was evidently threatened in the case of some men who at first refused to incriminate oth ers.) On this one great point we believe the council to be in error, even though their final verdict may have benefited ' campus society. No , Reversal But any "government on this campus should punish lying, cheating, gambling, drinking, and defiant thrusts at justice. Unless some of the verdicts were extremely harsh, the student body should entertain no idea of requiring a new trial. We wel come the present controversy, for it may decide one question: Is the present system of govern ment, as now directed by the student council, as understood by few, and obeyed by almost none, the accurate representation of student sentiment which it should be? For several years student government has i been misunderstood. It is high time that we coolly build a strong ap pellate court. ' x : FINAL INTRAMURAL BOXING MATCH FRIDAY The finals in the intra-mural boxing elimination contest will be held in the Tin Can tomorrow night of this week. Old West defeated the Carr leather push ers and the winners of the Man-gum-Ruff in contest will fight Old West for the campus hon ors. Boxing was reintroduced into intra-mural circles this year af ter a lapse of a year and the sev eral dormitories have taken an active interest in the fighting game. The final match Friday night is expected to draw a large crowd of spectators. Ruflin Boxers Meet Team of Old West .. The intramural boxing finals will be held tomorrow night (at the Tin Can at 7:30. Ruffin de feated Mangum in the last of the elimination contests Monday night and as a result they will fight the Old West leather push ers. ' '' , -, The bout tomorrow night should be the best held in intra mural circles this year. Ruffin won all of the fights from Man gum with the exception of one. Old West have some good fight ers and a big crowd of spec tators are expected to be present at the final match. In the arnament race our ban dits lead those of all other na tions. Brooklyn Eagle. Football Game Saturday ' 'Twixt Old-New Players (Continued front page. one) der the new rules decided upon Sunday, by the national rules committee. The goal posts will be moved ten yards back at each end of the field and the new rules concerning lateral and backward , passes and one sec ond shift halts will be in effect. Therefore, on Saturday, the only thing missing from . a regular game played in September will be the presence of strange faces in one of the line-ups. ' V Belding to Referee Coach Belding will referee, PICKWICK THEATRE "Almost a Part of Carolina" SHOWS DAILY 3:00, 4:45 6:45, 8:30 REGULAR ADMISSION 10 and 25c Candy, Popcorn, Cold Drinks, a d Gum on Sale in Lobby, : THURSDAY, MARCH 10 Pauline Starke, Lionel Barrymore in "WOMEN LOVE DIAMONDS" Fox Comedy FRIDAY, MARCH 11 GOD GAVE ME 2j a i . QlCtUIt ... CCD CENTS Comedies Ashemore umpire and Pritchard act as field judge ; Rabbit Bonner will be head linesman. Every one of the 85 or more men who have been working out daily under the tutelage of Coach "Chuck" . Collins will get a chance to show his wares under fire. Coach Collins himself will occupy a neutral position on the bench, making substitutions on both teams. He claims he is not biased and doesn't care which team wins. The new men will hold the advantage, as they will have over sixty players to substi tute from, while the monogram men will have but twenty-five. The new line-up will be made up LOST Slicker and Slicker Hat. Name inside R. K. Patterson. Return 308 Manly and Receive reward. This firm is noted for the quality of the jewelry it has sold for the past half century. largely from freshmen who will be eligible next fall, and mem bers of last fall's scrubs. The line-ups of both teams will be published in Saturday's Tar Heel. The monogram men will in all probability line up, exactly ai they started the majority of games last fall, , , and ; substitu tions will be quite numerous. CLOTB3ES Our Representative MR. GIB COLLINS will be at the Carolina Smoke Shop Monday and Tuesday March 14th and 15th Nat LUXENBERG & Bro. 37 Union Square, New York . Btfma Itlk 9 I7 Sit. "Singers must be cautious regarding their throats. Like other singers, ! pre" fer Lucky Strikes be cause they are never irritating and be cause of their finer flavor" O Itlahkln, N. Y. Florence Easton, prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company The perfect condition of her voice always wins applause Lucky Strikes are mild and mellow the finest cigarettes you ever smoked They are made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobac cos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process in treating the tobacco "It's toasted" no harshness, not a bit of bite. It's toasted! Your Throat Protection 31 ? When in Now York you are cordU ally invited to He how Lucky Striku are made at our exhibit, corner Broadway emd 45th Street.