Page Two THE TAR HEEL W)t Car mttl Leading Southern College Tri weekly Newspaper Member of North Carolina Collegiate Press Association Published three times every week of the college year, and is the official newspaper of the Publications Un ion of the University of North Oar olina. Chanel Hill. N. C. Subscript tion price, $2.00 local and $3.00 out ol town, lor the college year. Offices in the basement of Alumni Building. Telephone 403. J. F. Ashby...:. Editor D. D. Carroll ..Associate Editor F. F. Simon ... Business Mgr. Editorial Department Managing Editors Tom W. Johnson- ...Tuesday Issue JUDAH SHOHAN..i:...:.:..rAMradoj Issue Joe R. Bobbitt, jR......J5aturday Issue OPEN FORUM Walter Spearman........'j4sisant Editor Walter CTeech.:..Assignment Editor Staff Marion Alexander Oates McCullen J. H. Anderson W. W. Anderson C. A. Carr George Coggins Calvin Graves Frank Howell Glenn P. Holder F. C Hobson T. J. Gold B. B. Kendrick D. E. Livingston J. C. WesselL F. G. McPherson W. L. Marshall H. L. Merritt John Mebane J. Q. Mitchell Louise Medley H. B. Parker Robert Murphy W. D. Perry A. C Underwood F. D. Uzzell Business Department ' W. W. Neal, Jr..A. to Bus. Mgr. Charles Brown . ..Collection Mgr. G. W. Ray. Accountant Managers of Issues Tuesday Issue W. R. Hill Thursday IssuaJames Styles Saturday Issue.. ..Edward Smith " Advertising Department - Kenneth R. Jones-Advertising Mgr. f oung M. Smith Asst. Adv. Mgr. M. W. B reman Local Adv. Mgr. William K. Wiley Ben Schwartz G. W. Bradham C. J. Shannon Oates McCullen Edwin V. Durham J. H. Mebane ' M. Y. Feimster Walter McConnell A. J. McNeill Circulation Department,, Henry C. Harper Circulation Mar. R. C. Mulder. .Ftier of Issues C. W. Colwell Tom Raney Douglas Boyce W, W. Turner You can purchase any article adver tised tn the Tab Heel unth perfect safety oecause everytmng tt adver tises is guaranteed to be as re-ore- sented. The Tar Heel solicits ad vertising from reputable concerns only. Entered as second-class mail matter at the Post Office, Chapel Hill, N. C, Tuesday, April 26, 1927 MOSTLY ABOUT WOMEN Women may now . become members of the University fac ulty..: The announcement of the recent action of the executive committee of the board of trus tees in admitting females to the list of instructors may serve to perturb those who are "agin 'em." Paraphrasing a statement made by President Chase in Winston-Salem last week, ,we a- gree everlastingly with him that the board's move will not make the University more like North Carolina . College for Women or any other female in stitution. There has long been a need for women instructors in the school of education. As the newspaper report of the com mittee's meeting states, the "ac tion will not be revolutionary. It was observed that 99.44 of all the work in elementary grades in North Carolina is done by women. To get the proper training these teachers have had to go heretofore to Peabody, Chicago, or Columbia." Now, it is assumed, they may get the "proper training" at the University of North Carolina. Contrary to the first impres sion gained by the announce ment, the Tar ijlEEL does not think the faculty will be "stocked" with women next year or the years to come. At the same time it may be added here that if we can get a female pro fessor that has the "gpods" and can deliver them better than a man applicant for the position, we say take the woman! It is childish to remind herein that this is a University; . j Hibbard Gets It Straight Editor of Tar Heel: - A news story in your last is sue carries a statement which is so full of humor as to determine me to break my eight years of silence and. ask space in the Open Forum column. 4 The account to which I refer explains the working of the ab sence rule for juniors and sen iors. The young man who wrote it, a freshman I believe just starting off on a promising Tar Heel career, stated that "Mr Hibbard wanted the students to report professors who attempted to make their own class rules concerning absence and prom ised to take the matter up with such professors." (I quote from a harrowed memory). "Take the matter up" how? Are they to be spanked? Reported to the trustees? What? It is this state ment which makes me cdnsider the story one of humor.' Your young reporter seems actually to think that a dean is a man of some power. But in order that I may not appear again in such an ambi tious, Bill Hart, fate-tempting role, let 'me say that I did say something like that to the re porter. I do feel that any pro fessor who fails a student pure ly because of the student's neg lect to attend class regularly is violating the spirit of that rule, and students failed in a course or that reason should make com plaint to their respective deans. This is a safe invitation to ex tend no, students will be failed on this basis alone. ADDISON HIBBARD Random Thrusts , Off With the Old Yea, verily, the '' old order changeth and the new taketh its place. The bright, clear flame of the Driftwood Fire has been shifted to heavier duties in the FRESHMEN LOSE INTRAORALS TO TO TWIN CITY ID HAVE FULL CARD Winston-Salem Lads Win Hectic Baseball, Tennis, and Horseshoes Game from Tar Baby on Campus Schedule , Nine. for Spring. The Carolina freshmen drop- The spring intramural tour- ped their initial baseball game naments in baseball, tennis, and yesterday afternoon on Emer- horseshoes will get under way field when they bowed to the f urin nf ?wo we1ks- AU Winston-Salem high school nine Qf these events should turn in 4-4 1 . 1 f TTT'll - 1 " A. 1 -A. I uTOiu. wiuiams circuit ciout their entries within the next in the eighth accounted for two week at the intramural office at markers bringing the Twin city 205 South, lads thp. which thpv main. - mere win De two basebai Tuesday, April 26. 192r WHAT'S HAPPENING editorial columns. There mav it burn brightly and continue to.ltained throughout the remain- leagues, consisting of the fra ternities and the dormitories blaze up as honest, as frank, and as purging as was its wont in this column! And On With the New This year's Tar Heel is quite ing innings. Erratic fielding and numer ous hits tended to make the game rather long drawn out and I Two five inning games a week will be played by each team on the intramural field at four and five o'clock in the afternoon. The linintorpafirio- TVio Tor "Rnhv KofOr ia v;to V, J campus championship team will fortunate m possessing two To ,.xxi.- get a silver lovincr cub which will to have the gift of producing ?6 Pjea tne orau. me fwMotfi,,.w.0H teams will start the season on Winston catcher had a big day neMona,ay; at the bat collecting five hits out of as many trips to the plate, editors instead of the customary one. Such good fortune, how ever, will inevitably result in a nice, heavy supply of lengthy and serious editorials which must be offset somehow. So EUREKA! the Spearman finds a purpose and a policy for his column, which all good columns a subtle compliment, perhaps, for this fledgling!) must surely have. Therefore, having start ed forlornly and at random with neither purpose nor policy, the Spearman now announces as. his fiigh and lofty purpose: (1) to turn out a column light and one of which was good for four bases. Wright to Jockson to Bunch completed a pretty dou ble play for the freshmen while Plaster and Payne did the same for the visitors, The all-university tennis tournament will then begin on The teams will consist of two men each, and will play two singles and one double match, against the pair they draw, the winner ad vancing to the next round. Tnl Tr Tin n rr ati mid Vi n UavoaI up to tne eigntn it was eitner ahnft in will tnm- A. ' '11 1 V I .V.w " V-W- team s game witn one team ieaa- monM ia. o tt ing one inning and the other like tennis howev'er, there may be only one entry from each unit f"f fVA TT?iivateifv unrl Viava .... I Ufn Vt sr WvtwMm kin I " frivolous enough to balance the wfll be four men on each team, editorial page and (2) to beg, nings of work managed to hold There will be two separate borrow, steal, or invent enough Jhe visitors to 2 runs while his tournaments, one for fraterni- nonsense to fiU one column one teammates were marking up five ties anoVone for dormitories, the time per week.. . : to their credit In the -.fifth ODpose each other to ENGINEERS WILL GIVE OPEN SHOW Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Students to Exhibit May 4. Students of civil, electric, and mechanical engineering will give an "open show" on the night of May 4. Ihis interesting feature of student activity, heretofore un known to the student body, ,will consist of demonstrations with engineering material, labora tory experiments, and illustra tions of machine power. The students in these three depart ments of engineering will adopt this procedure in order to intro duce all students, Chapel ; Hill residents, and people out in the state to the engineering schools and their work. Student guides will be provided so that a com plete tour may be made of the work done in Phillips Hall, the filter plant, and the power plant, he entire schedule of enter tainment will be prepared ,' and executed by students. Programs will be printed and issued to those interested. Besides an excursion . which will point out the sources from which the University's power. heat, water, etc., come, and the work of the various engineering schools here, the students will offer prize contests and refresh ments at the end of the program, which will begin at eight and end at ten o'clock. Large engineering schools have undertaken these enter tainments with signal success. At Massachusetts Institute of echnology, a similar program was presented to 7,000 people. ligh school students through out the state will be given an op portunity to see the work of all three types of engineering as it is taught here. Miss Annette Osborne attend ed the junior-senior- banquet at the North Carolina College for Women during the Easter holidays. Policy If Any And as for policy that will change and with Hamlet relieved Stewart. Win ston took advantage of the determine the campus cham pionship. The matches will con suiw pruit anyuung in- vvngnts error ana. rayne s doubies events and will be played terestmg, amusing, and. funny homer, secured five tallies. The nn .a . , .JJ IV 1 i ii f i liii i 1 w W W UV. WUObl UVtCU llKUb rhoT mav aaivia r 4- H - An -wet AtrAa -TnAnli wvn-HAA 4-a ma. 4-. I s w u j ra xx w ."cu w i it v. x v X back of the Law Building, VX (JCUW U1C LUlUIUIUOIi. MUIUS I CX 3 III UlKlt LUX XI tt UlC USL UUt contributions are welcomed and the Twin City tribe accounted The name of R. Ii. Zealy was will be printed if possible. The for these two and one more in omitted from the Honor Roll as only qualifications are these r all the sixth while they held the published in the Tar Heel. Zealy contributions must be (1) fun- Tar Babies scoreless. Edwards has made nothing but A's since nier than the Buccaneer but (2) meanwhile had taken Hamlet's entering the University. not necessarily as amusing as place on the mound.- The new Tar Heel news stories or as arrangement appeared to en- laughable as the Yackety Yack. courage the yearlings for they managed to push 3 runs across Warning or Promise and at the same time blank the ab r visitors Then in tfca cicMh must occasionally be personal. Lnmo wiim.- m m. So let this be a warning or a xn Ij w .. ... , TT tically sewed up the game for promise if you like! However, Wwqi any tnrusts tnat may De maae . n ttii t -w I" -sox score tnrusts maae to amuse everyone Crowder, 3b rather than to wound anyone. Cook, c.f. blaster, p. As for Crusading Petree, lb However much the charger at Swain, 2b the head of this column mav re- iayne c- semble the fiery steed of some ' .' ; x i --i.x i-x -x j- aiiweiH luugnt, let it De ais- Clodfellow, s.s. tmctly understood that the Tar Babies Spearman upon his back is no McManaway ardpTit rrriaaor TfM- rruaorl. Bunch 1 tTT 11 iny ia inn oorimia a nrniact - i j ti t.xi x jiNewiin uc uixuex vamii ugnuy or m ral1" Jackson dom ; and the avowed purpose Maus of this column is amusement Wright rather than salvation. ' Kerr Stewart A Fond Farewell Sinclair Now that. Rirnins Madrv ha acore Dy Minings . 1 (M AA u ;x ;i . ."ow-ci.. xux uxvx xxuiu wic cmwua. LJajje Carolina Fresh 221 of the 1AR Heel we suppose that his paragraphic favorites, Co-ed Cora and Freshman Fritz, have also set out for other lands. As a fond farewell to two such faithful friends we should like to make this announcement: This Is To Announce The Marriage of Co-ed Cora and Freshman Fritz May They Live Happily Ever After In Other Realms Than The Columns of the Tar Heel DR. D. T. CARR Dentist Tankersley Building Chapel Hill, N. C. TODAY National University Extension As sociation Conference. Conference of the National Academy of Visual I struction. n 8:30 p. m Phillips Hall. iU ' trated Lecture on "Auguste Rodin" Edgar Wind. by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 National University Extension As sociation Conference. 4:00 p. m.-Baseball Hampden Sidney. 7:00 p. m.-r-Venable Hall. Moving pictures. "A Concrete Ex ample," "The Single Ridge," "The Story of Lead Mining." . THURSDAY, A VRIL 28 2:00 p. m. State Tennis Tourna ment. '. 4:00 p. Davidson. m. Freshman Baseball FRIDAY, APRIL 29 2:00 p. m. State Tennis Tourna ment. '".- 2:00 p. m. Track Meet N C State. 4:00 p. m. Baseball Davidson. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 2:00 p. m. State Tennis Tourna ment. 8:30 p. m. The Playmaker Theatre. Concert by the University Glee Club. KODAK THE CHILDREN . WITH . EASTMAN FILM Whether at college or at home, you'll find lots of chances for Kodak pictures, and you'll want to use Kodak Film for best re sults. " : - All sizes here fresh Chapel Hill, N. C. i;iiiiii)tiiiisimiiiiii;i);iiii;i!iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;!iiiiiiiii!iiiim 4 4 3 2 1 5 2 2 3 ab 3 3 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 0 ' po . 3 2 2 7 1 1 0 1 2 po 0 8 0 0 1 9 1 1 2 0 FANCY ICES SHERBETS Durham Ice Cream Co., Inc. "Blue Ribbon Brand" ICE CREAM Special Color Schemes for Sororities and Fraternity Affairs Dial L-963, Durham, N. C. BLOCKS PUNCH mtttniiiiiii;iiiit;ii:iitniiiiii;ii;t?mnr 052 020 02011 30010 Dancing is your best insurance for an enjoyable vacation. The TARHEELIA DANCING CLUB offers a chance to in sure for a happy summer by announcing its last class two teachers, eight les sons, all for five dollars. Our Naughty School , One of the feminine visitors o the Easter dances declared that she had never seen such an unmoral school. "Why," she exclaimed, "you even have deans instead of principles!" (Dear me, can that be an insinuation that our deans do not have prin ciples? We wonder.) Dame Fashion Decrees Lively Colors for Spring In the greatest Easter parade of, history, the Gentleman of the Avenue displayed bright colors in his neckwear. Vivacity is the word of the hour ; self-expression, the mode. Avail yourself of . the means of portraying your individuality and distinctiveness. We offer you a brilliant field from which to choose those hues which may best suit your taste. ' Daughety & Dawson 202 . "F" or Box 130 33 m STETSON CLOTHES PRESSED FREE g 1