Page Four THE TAR HEEL Saturday, May 21, jp Stadium Will Be Completed By V Thanksgiving, Is New Report University Of ficials Deny Statement that Work Will Last until January 1st; Rumored that V. M. h Game Will , Be Played in New Field. Looking 'em over with Luther Byrd The report that the Kenan Mem '. orial Stadium would not be completed in time for the Thanksgiving: football game with the Virginia Cavaliers was an incorrect statement according to University authorities. The pouring of concrete into the wooden forms is about to begin. . ' ,v It is expected that turf will solve the problem of an equal playing sur face. - The excavation job waa con siderably hindered and slowed by the .unexpected encountering of ; huge ' masses of rock and approximately ten times as much blasting is being done as was formerly intended. However, the greater part of the blasting has come to an end, and any other blasts which may be heard on the campus will come from the shattering of sev eral loose boulders which are scat tered around. .'.:.' '. ., " It was believed when the rock was first encountered that the -concrete work and the actual construction of the large stands would be delayed about two months,' causing the com pletion to fall on about January 1. However the wooden iorms aoout tne field already show the outlines of seats. The severeness of the , explosions have been caused by a ledge of heavy solid granite formation said to ex tend under a. great part of. the vil lage. , Fully fifty . percent of the foundation of , the Stadium is hard rock. A sixteen-hour shift is at pres1 ent in :: operation, stopping about twelve o'ciock p. m. Thirty-three men are employed on the job of excavation. Many complaints have been received. by the construction company on ac count of the concussions from the blasting, and for that reason smaller charges of dynamite are now being used., "Windows in several of the campus buildings have been broken by the severe shocks. ' , It is estimated that a full delay of about six weeks has been caused in the excavation. From unofficial sources it has been reported that the Stadium will be completed in time to play the V. M. I. game in it. This contest takes place three weeks before Thanksgiving. However this- is not definitely known as yet. ) ;"-" S ' Gossip circulates the rumor that the amount lost by the Nello Construction Company due to the delays will aggre gate over $10,000. ; v BAPTISTS LOSE TO TENNIS TEAM The University of North Carolina tennis team concluded a very success ful season here Thursday when they overwhelmed Wake Forest by a score of 9 to 0. It was the final appearance of Captain "Dune" Elgin and Spencer Blaylock as Carolina representatives and they acquitted themselves credit- ' ably, winning all the matches , they played. v, Cvtfii':-J it,e.y:, !! j Although ,the team did not j win either the State or Southern Confer ence tournaments, it won all of its team matches against Northern op ponents and defeated every team in the state except Duke. In the state tournament Elgin got to the semi finals in the singles, while in Southern Conference play, Waddell eliminated one of the favorites and- went to, the semi-finals before he was defeated. Summary: Elgin (C) defeated Powers (WF) 6-1, 6-2. Waddell (C) defeated Hall (WF) 6-4, 6-0. Dal rymple (C) defeated Epstein (WF) 6-2, 6-2. Cone (C) defeated Maxwell (WF) 6-1, 6-1. Covington (C) de feated Helms (WF) 6-1, 6-1. Blay lock (C) defeated Yates" (WF) 6-1, 6- 4. , v ":. . Elgin and Waddell (C) defeated Powers and Hall (WF) 6-0, 7-5. Covington and Dalrymple (C de feated Epstein and Helms ' (WF) 7- 5, 7-5. c Cone and Blaylock (C) defeated Maxwell and Yates (WF) 6-3, 6-S. TAR BABY TENNIS TEAM BEATS DUKE The University of North Carolina freshman' tennis team won its first match' of the year here yesterday to close its schedule, defeating Duke frosh by a score of 7 to 2. Wilson played best for the home squad, while Hackney starred for the losers. Con trary to the dopesters, Kendrick came through to win a match after eight straight defeats. Summary: Wilson, C. defeated King, D., '6-2, 6-3. Merritt, C, defeated .Glassie, D., 6-2, 6-0. .Palmore, C, defeated Swenninger, D 6-0, 6-2. Hackney, D.," defeated Kendrick, C, 9-7, 6-2. Watt, C, defeated Farriss, D., 6-0, -!. Pickett, D. defeated Wiley, C.6-4, 6-4. " Wilson and Merritt, Carolina, de feated Hackney and Glassie, Duke, 6-2, 6-2. Kendrick and Palmore, Car olina, defeated Sweringer and King, Duke, 6-4, 5-7, 8-6. Watt and Wiley, Carolina, defeated Pickett and Far riss, Duke, 6-4, 8-6. BAND WILL PLAY IN DURHAM PARK Sunday afternoon at four o'clock, the University Band will play a con cert at El Toro Park in Durham. This is the first of a series of Sun day afternoon concerts which the Durham Kiwanis Club is sponsoring for the summer, and it is quite a cre dit to the University" Band to be chosen to open this series. , In the past years the band has been mostly local in its work,' but this year the organization has been making a careful study of concert music. ' Dur ing the present school year the band made several, very successful tours, and is planning to make concert work ft regular part of its program .in the future. . ' ' Pitt County Club Elects New Officers Will Attempt to Get Students for University. Thursday night the Pitt County Club in their last meeting of the year elected Tom Johnson as president for next year. The other officers elected were C. C. Stokes, vice-president, and Willis Whitchard, secretary and treas urer. ' ' . 7 V -; ' '' The chief business of the club dur ing this ' meeting was the; 'discussion of the imprbvemettt of club ' wofk at Carolina. During the present1 schol astic year, the club has-published sev eral issues of" the Carolina Reporter, and is planning to issue this publica tion more frequently next year. This paper has for its purpose the main taining of close connections between Pitt County 'and the boys here in sqhooL Through this paper, the old Pitt County alumnae are able to keep in touch with the events on our cam pus.. ..The paper is also serving as an organ to interest, the graduating high school students in college club work and in coming to the University to complete their educations. ' . ...'- At this meeting the club -also dis cussed the possibilities of new men for next year, and made a resolution to conduct a campaign this summer to get the Pitt County boys entering col lege next fall to come to Carolina. , The secretary of the club was also instructed to prepare a paper on the work of the club, and send it out to the various papers for publication. ' After the speeches of the retiring officers, the members remained to en joy a smoker and social hour. Richmond Banker to AppeaBefore Banking Students Banking' students of the Commerce school will be given an opportunity to hear one f the leaders of their pro fession on Monday through Wednes day of next week, when Mr. Philip Woolcott, Vice-Pres. of the Morris Plan Bank of Richmond .will speak every morning at 9:30 in 113 Saun ders Hall. Mr. Woolcott has been to the University before in the same capacity as a lecturer. His interest is not confined solely to the University of North Carolina, but to many other institutions as well. ' v He will point out many details of the Morris Plan system, : and "; give practical information , to interested students. Although the lectures are primarily intended for Commerce stu dents any one who is interested in banking is cordially invited to attend these lectures. ; - ,: ' Mr. Woolcott was formerly, sche duled to come down this week but on account of the illness of his wife he was forced to postpone his visits un til next week. Spanish Club to Hold Meeting A Spanish cena at the home of Dr. N. B. Adams Wednesday evening, May 25 at seven o'clock will give a muy delidoso termination to ' the years work of the Spanish Club, El Centro Hispano. A regular Spanish mal with the necessary accessory ensaladas y postrea will compose the menu. Cars will meet the' club members at the West gate of the campus and carry them to the host's home on Pittsboro road. (There is . something new un der the sun ! . At least Coach Bob Fetzer and his 4 assistants v are hoping it will be "under the sun." In fact their fevery prayer this week has been that the Weather Man cast favorable glances toward the "Hill" , pn Saturday when - athletes from prep schools all over the South come here for the first annual Southern InterrScholastic Track and Field Championship games. Already five of the best pre paratory schools in this section have sent in entries and includ ed in these entry lists are a num ber of fine athletes who may carry Tar Heel colors to victory in the next few years. I say may, for unless they return home with a favorable impression of their -reception here - Saturday they will cast their lot with oth er colleges or universities. , '.'-.. And therein lies the responsi bility of every, Carolina man on 'the Hill." .Many of the schools entering men have alumni in the University, and of course these alumni will look after men from their own school. 1 v Woodberry Forest in particular, has a strong alumni club here, and Augusta has a number of prominent alumni here. However, it is up to every Tar Heel to make the visitors feel at home. There is too much of an in clination to low-rate the calibre of high and prep school athletics when such events are carded for Carolina courts and "fields, but a glance at the records of some of the . entries for Saturday's meet shows that the competition then will be keen indeed. Woodberry Forest is entering a strong team, and with it comes three men in particular that will be worth watching. 1 They are Rhoads, Motley and Yarborough. Rhoads heaves the discus close to '130 feet.- In fact his record stands at 129 -feet 1 11 inches. Matley does around 48 feet with the shot, and has pushed Rhoads in ( the discus. .Then, too, Yar borough has done: the low hur dles in 26 seconds flat, which is a mark college stars shoot at each season. - " .''',''',"'. "' ':... ; '. v Incidentally this same Yarbor ough. is a North Carolina ' boy and a brother of Carolina's own Hill Yorborough, who ran the low hurdles for the Tar Heels for four years. The writer re members meeting this kid four years ago when the. -freshman track squad met the Woodberry track and field men -at Orange. Even then "Kid" Yarborough, expressed an ambition to follow in his brother's . footsteps and run the hurdles for Carolina. Looks like that ambition may be realized ! ' .' ' ' . Asheville School is sending the largest number of men of any team entered to date. Already they have filed entry blanks for sixteen contestants, and included among these sixteen are some of the, finest talent in the South. The two Sawyers (not brothers) have a monopoly on several events, for between them they share seven events. - ; ' ... . .. Altogether now,, gang, let's be out on Emerson Field Satur day afternoon and i put . Coach Bob's first annual "Southern Inter-Scholastic Track, and Field Championship Games" over V in big order! , This meet marks a new ven ture for Carolina and it is going to take more than the mere work by the athletic authorities of the University, to put it across. For many years the Extension Divi sion has sponsored the annual State High School Meet, but this is the . first step taken toward sponsoring any, South-wide tour nament. Indeed it will be the first strictly prep school meet ever; held in the state. t Coach Bob hopes to make it an annual affairv but it must go over big this year to grow as it should in years to come. Hi Teams Clash For State Title This Afternoon Four Dances on Campus Tonight 5 Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) gym will be attractively decorated, and solo dances will be given for .the initiates of the Golden Fleece and. of Phi Beta . Kappa. The Carolina chapter of .Alpha Kappa Psi will give a ball at the Carolina Inn, also last ing from nine till twelve. . Kike Ky ser and his Orchestra are on the pro gram for this. shag, and their pres ence combined with the warm hospi tality, characteristic of the hosts, will insure an enjoyable evening. f 1 ne annual xs . . rag championship is a contest staged by the State High School Athletic Asso ciation. 1 It now boasts, an enrollment of 272 schools. The 73 teams. which have participated in the series this season are the largest ever entered in the baseball contest ; . - Schools which, have won the state title in the past years: v e v. Sylvum, 1914; Sylvum, 1915; Clay ton, 1916; Cherryville, 1917; Winston Salem, 1918; Red Oak, 1919; Greens boro, 1920; Red Oak, 1921; Clayton, 1922; Pomona, " 1923; : Shelby, 1924; Clayton, 1925; ??,??? ?, 1926. LIBRARY NOTICE Return all library books on Monday, May ' 23. After that date they will be issued for 48 hours only. L, R. WILSON Awards Night to Honor Students in All Activities 1 (Continued from page one) Yack to men on the respective staffs who have been deemed worthy ' of them. These are the rewards for long hours of toil, sweating over long and tiresome stories and articles. , Out standing men on the business staffs of. these publications . will s also be given keys for exceptional work. One of the most prominent events of the night is the presenting of the Grail Cup to the First Year man who will be chosen from the ranks' of his classmates to represent the "best all around" Freshman at the University. This is a happening looked forward to with zeal by every man who has en tered Carolina Portals , for the first time. Last year this coveted cup was won by Tommy Coxe. During the hour which the cere, monies will last the college residents will have the curtains drawn back for them to recognize those men who have served faithfully their school, and won laurels on the , fields. Men of prominence will deliver speeches ap. propriate to the occasion. Many 0f the men to whom these awards will be made are Seniors, and will gradu. ate! this year. There are others, howi ever;' who will return at the opening of next season to carry on the ideals of their departed team mates, to gain new honors, and to win new laurels. S. G. Chappell, President of the St u dent Body will preside at this meet ing. Theu coaches r of the various teams, and the participants of campus activities will be present. THE VELVET KIND ICE CREAM Sold Exclusively by SUTTON & - ALDERMAN Good enough for Dad good enough for you Edgeworih lures Tubes poping Greasing Vashing All Auto Accessories Jack Sparrow s . Filling Station uaiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmimiiwiiiuiiiiiimiummmmiiiiimiiiiiumiiwmiimmim In this Age 1 - ' . :'' To Advertise Is to Thrive We TAR HEEL 5 r- nil