Thursday, Febrcary 23, 132s Pass Two THE be -Wwcizl Leaping Southern College Tsi Weeslt Newspapee reputation in Atlanta for clean, hard playing, unquestionable sportsmanship and a spirit of never-say-defeat that has endeared the Tar Heel3 in the hearts of the sports-lovers of Atlanta. The Tar Keel, hopes that the Fly ing Phantoms will bring home the bacon, and expects the University's representatives to add more to- our reputation during this tournament. Published three times every week of the college year, and is the official newspaper ef the Publications Union of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Sub scription price, $2.00 local and $3.00 out of town, for the college year. TAINT SO, TAINT SO Offices in the Building. basement of Alumni J. F, ASHBY.....V - . ...Editor W .W. Neal, Jr.. Business Mgr. Dav Carol... ........Associate Editor EDITORIAL department Managing Editors TOM W. JoHNSON...-...TMesday Issue GeCtrge Ehrhart.. Thursday Issue Joe R. Bobbitt, Jr. . Saturday Issue Walter Spearman Aady Anderson... U.N.C.CJP. Editor Dav Carol j Egad, Bos well, the 'man accuses us! of being an Irish Catholic with a nig ger in the woodpile and a Pope up our sleeves. When the writer accepted the posi- publican for the President of the United States and at the same time went Democratic for Governor Smith. Out-Stater pleads against bigotry and fear of bigotry1 and yet indict3 Governor Smith for political and per sonal honesty in the matter of prohi bition. If prohibition i3 "the great est moral achievement in the twen tieth century," and the majority of the people in the United States hold that opinion, what can Alfred E. Dissension! Is there dissension m Smith, as President, do about it? the Democratic party ? Will there be President Coohdge, with all his ac- a split in the Democratic ranks over knowledged "influence and popular sup- Al Smith ? Some are of the opinion is ever going to abuse those privi leges for which our forefathers bled and died that we might enjoy. Here's hoping that we get the right man for President, regardless of his party of church affiliations. HENRY E. GIBBONS, JR. MORE ABOUT AL SMITH ! Editor of Tas Heel: Editor of Tab Heel:- L i 1 L1 t- I . ... . -'. J port, seems to ue uuauie tu yua oyer tnat sucn a split is imminent; uu . legislature in the last four years, hlV T?lV NftW hill." 1 tronne -foMsvno aitan TtVOT flT WlStF- I - . - itJ I do not intend to make these col-1 heard in Europe. umns the battle ground of a political r,r- if rfmit controversy, but would appeciate the space in the Open For um necessary to print this, a reply to a recent article on Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion. The above mentioned article appear ed in the issue of February 16, and was written by one who styles himself "Out-Stater," and who might well have said "Outrecuidant" Without commenting, on whether or no Al omltn nas a j 11 man s voice naa uie carrying power of a bird's, it coald esjHy fc. . . 1 ,,1 A V,ntra TlrtlToT ! or wnetner or no n tuum xv. i x 4-:,l -F KTatxr V ATk a winning vote uuwc x, And not one of Governor Smith's shalling their forces for the coming bitterest enemies, not even young Ted- strueele. tion as associate editor of this journal, J y Roosevelt, has ever referred to him This is especially true of; the na: he anticipated no such attack as that as a "straw." If the Democratic par- tional party, but what of the newly made upon him m Tuesdays Iar ty "is as a drowning man," it was I formed local party? In that hazy, Heel.. He never, never expected to placed in this predicament by party embryonic formation mutterings and find himself with entertaining reli- leaders who refused to recognize in dissatisfaction concerning the nomi- gious zeal of any kind, be it Catholi- 1924 the worth of an honest and pow- nation of Smith have been heard. Will cism or Holy RoUerism. How proud erful statesman, for reasons directly there be a split in the local party? his conscientious parents would be! J contrary to that part of the Const!- That a split is not the remotest con- But this is serious. Mavhan 'tis I t-r.4-? finpptipw is .TiarrlW tn Yit denied. ' - ku.iui. u ' : 1 - -r j xv.i. i-n nmrPT ,r,-fo1 T?r,f ft,Q -COr,.ifo orfifnr'c 1 j . t ."x. C,,VU n,nr,fn fimi tf hrtth IB JneianU, mat, weic r ic may tell the Ku Klux Klan on 'im. iious -foretathers" fought against re- attracts and repels. ' His popularity made life unbearable for the uaui- Then his Irish neck will be in a twist bellion? Or good liquor, for that mat-1 is based primarily upon his person- olics and the numerous new sect . .. Assistant Editor shore enuf. ter? And whose forefathers framed ality, and upon his record as H-re- Does he know so little oi ine vtu- nlii? Church that he places n, on iuc City, "because of these asserted "facts j i I know nothing, I would like to ask ! this: - tw ha "nntStater" know, that t this state with "its pure Anglo-Saxon stock" was one of. the first to . be founded in this country, and that the reason for its founding. was the fact that the religious intolerance of those SHOWING AT CAROLINA DRY CLEANERS HON & TUES. Feb. 27 and 2 Rep. Mr. "Gib" Collins $34.50 TO $42.50 Tailored to your order Nat LUXENBERG & Bro. 37 Union Square, New York Between I6tk 9 I7tk Stu tt ' .it. ! n. it. 1 i. 1 r;4-4-; -mm-n-nn; I mnrVnlilv RnrcpsKftV! state executive. nencer me wriw;r buiutia mai, auuie-1 x uuuauiuuuu guaiaucinj; cquainji i -j - i . , j t.y, u,ia u ao i . -co.,. t oil "foi i opt siTsi ..roof What is more aooealme to the popu- levei oi a xraiiu I i. ., .t i ti i-i i n4-nvn;4-r mvi Anon Itt ss-cnweri Tvur ttr.,,..., ciate editor from the dastardly foe, TTnfortunatelv. auibbW and de. ie man we cawny.pnrase uom r, ; u., Yauateouciwu i . . . I - ;jmii, t rtmUfl uni0hrpnth. nose nf evistence: t r tr:i..l.,ll Ho miehoo tn annnnno that .tho I lmo I 4-!- J- J.i;. oiucnaiM -J it uvu r John Mebane mite Senate will be armed to the convictions which seem to erin the 1US 1US mcaaagc Vi cua" "r " Louise Medley tPPf, flT1fi tnTicits. and will defend anv- I OU . G. McPherson k - , i.; L, - "R A - Marshall I A1U1U veijfuwj( xuj. i tne cause ox governor omnn. uis J. J. Parker urthermore, he extenU3 a hearty great achievements m the State of James Rogers welcome to all Irish Catholics to join! New York make little impression on in ' this commendable enterprise of voters outside the State because they saving the associate editor from the cannot visualize the unique conditions - Kluckers and this Aberdeen divil. He I which exist in this state BUSINESS STAFF goes so far as to point out to these Staff Aady Anderson Gates McCulle Calvin Graves Glenn P. Holder D. E. Livingston Dick McGlohon Harry J. Galland James B. Dawson W. H. Yarborouerh W. K Marshall Donald Wood Katherine Grantham George Coggins Does he try to lead vus to believe j dear to the American heart 1 , But that the Catholic Church furthers lg- what-is more repellent to American j norance and bigotry? tastes that the various epithets that Does he not know that the Catholic the famous mud-slingers of the Re- Church was instrumental in preserv- publican party can and will hurl at ing the most sacred of all the written him. Don't fall for the early Smith documents that are man's heritage : nronaeranda before the opposition lines I Does he not know that for many mi and counter action is brought to centuries the onlv schools in existence To tell them that Governor Smith' if T Al J A4. TJ..., 1JI I 1 T iUt. rr. J t r V I . . ... .. . uciw. agomoi, ""-" I """ """" J -"rZZrr: :rrjr ?SZ record of fine S0CiaL s Hall, and his supporters are straining the Religious, or by private tutors W4C "BUU xxWi momuu vxxxx - made in tne face of a. hostile Legis- PVPrv eTVe in a frantic effort to ere- r.ted bv them? l""i'CI'lcl "00'- """" ! "ss" """"F" "". nature produces a doubtful reaction. w 0; dr.H rnn the r v v xt,0i. xv, r'ofV.I I . . . K 1 fxiz A V UX XXC Dtuiriiubub " 1 r I xUCd XAC UUb LUAb U1C t. luviiv ye sons ox inn, - 1 Onfc-Statpr himself cites it as an ar-1 t-i ,x; .nn,;Tntn "Rni- witf k n 1,, 1 v , 1 xciuuviawv. xiuiuixionwu. j- - vjuuitu uaa evex Lxcav,xxcvx wicxaxivi. as lor ourselves, you Det your Doots gument against the man. The major- get it? The writer begs to doubt that and peace among men? . t . m X . I . . 1 . I tnat were Americans to tne core. Hty of the State Legislature is Kepub- he will. . These things certainly do not admit Hurrah lor the uemocrats, tne btars hcan and yet that majority repre- jn spite of the tolerant, humane, the appelation "ignorant and bigoted. ana stripes lorever, noertyana union gents approximately 40 per cent ; of and unprejudiced viewpoint so fondly -j rjoes he not know that-to be a real one and inseparable, I d rather be the population of the Stat the up- held by the average college man as member of the Catholic Church, 'one j right than president, whoever touch- state districts. reeards to prohibition and Catholic- must iive a life that admits of no es a hair of yon grey head, in God j The Republican majority in the ism, it is quite another matter to ex-1 criticism? we trust, my country, my country, Legislature is able to maintain a lop- pect ordinary voters to he incewise Does he not know that Al Smith is H. A Advertising Staff M. Y. Feimster J. M. Henderson Ed Durham , R. A. Carpenter Robert O. Higk . VJohn Jemison . Leonard Lewis . G. E. Hill...., ..Collection Manager H. N. Pattersoa.Jlssi. Collection Mgr. Heary. Harper....CircMZation Manager Clyde Mauney David McCain Gradon Pendergraft e pluribus unutn. Thursday, February. 23, 1928 Anyway, begorra, oi ain't Irish. PARAGRAPHICS A'dd to list of fireside plans being made at this time of the year: trans atlantic hops. v OPEN FORUII ; If Alma, alleged patricide, had used a "Gat" the deed could have been done so much more gracefully. FORMER MAGAZINE EDITOR DEFENDS SMITH .A sided apportionment oi the elective so unbiased. a real Catholic? districts by voting .down any bill call- Al Smith presents perhaps tne Desi n0es he not admit that a man of ing for a re-apportionment. Thus known figure' in the country today, this tvne would make a President of they are able to perpetuate the Re- who can be attacked on. grounds oi the highest order? ... ... . . i mT Tk T 1 I publican majority, although a certain prejudice. ine icepuDiican None of our Presidents so far has i - . I it i . 1 J 1 t.1 4- Ui I district in New York City containing realizes tms; its attacs upun omitu eyer been the get of such a scath 90,000 people has the same' represen- has been silent to a great extent be- . - denunciation on account of his tation as an up-state district with cause it has not deemed it feasible religion Must we wait until the most less than 10,000 population. ; , to waste money fighting a candidate prosperou peacefuland tolerant pe- - - T . 1 jr . w m - ly-tw -V 1 It is in the face of such odds as wnose cnance oicuruig riod of the historv of. the United cratic nomination is aumiucuiy New York City. As we get ifc, the plea is ,to come on ut and be battered with the sweet thought that another team will be chosen next season. Mitor of Tar Heel: this that Governor Smith has brought ! New York State forward'1 in educa tional and social legislation to a rank which is second to none in the United States. JULIAN STARR, JR. Although the person who wrote the lelter headed "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" appearing in the Tab Heel "Condition of Charlotte Millionaire February 16 -signed himself "Out- Very Good," headlines a daily. And! Stater," he failed to designate the it should continue to be so if the tax "state from which he came. Aside assessor doesn't give him too much from any geographical reference, I'd worry. say that he is in a fairly 'bad state at present. The fifteen-dollar-a-week New York " However. Hd like to reply to his clerk who would divorce his $4,000,000 diatribe directed at a man whose name heiress-wife on the grounds of de- he seems to know. Out-Stater has DEFENDING DAVID CARROLL sertion had best change his plea to insanity. one virtue. When he puts his foot down he covers a hell of a lot of territory.. For instance, he made the statement that Governor Alfred E. Smith has Papers report that Mayor Jimmy Walker is having "the1 time of, his Ufa" in New Orleans. And what did the New' York preacher say about Peen unaDle . a Dm through tne Jimmy's abstinence some weeks back? New York Legislature for the last iour years, uut-otater wouia, nave Writes youngs Whitener, son of to go back little more than a week Wheelhorse Mike, from S. C. to his ago, if he reads the public prints, to mother, "Don't worry, mother. I'm find that Governor Smith carried a all right." But no report comes as to bill through both the Senate and the how -Lowden's campaign is doing in j lower house in less than two days, se the Palmetto state. ... curing unanimous votes m each case. And the bill was one which gave to George Washington, reputed father J investigators appointed by the .' Gov- of this country, had nothing on the ernor unusual power and liberty of young chap, along lines of frankness action in any investigation decided up- and self-respect who read in the Good on by the Governor, Book this aphorism, "God loves those who love themselves." Editor of Tar Heel: sidered hazardous by his staunchest supporters. If Smith were only a Catholic or a wet, his chances of being nominated and elected would be considerably brighter, but being both his chances are practically nullified. The dries and the anti-Catholics will be only too glad to unite in a potent force that will contribute largely to his de- State's to denounce a quality of a man, that would be an asset to our coun try, rather than a liability, were he to be elected? " ; "A SMITHIST." It seems very clear to me that Mr. f . Buxley Williams was kicking - Mr. will dissension occur as a Smith David Carroll more than he was Al candidacy is being advanced? Line duties Monday. Peacock Accepts Position With A. P. Bill Peacock, class of '27, has re cently accepted a position with the Associated Press and will assume his: Smith, I don't know but that he did it without thought, or maybe because he wanted people to know that he had heard that Al Smith had intended running for President, and that he was a Catholic. No, Mr. Carroll is not a Catholic, although his name was used by a up third party factions. Line up. HENRY ROANE. LET 'EM KNOW ABOUT POLITICS Editor of Tar Heel: It has, been my pleasure to visit in tions. XTvrh fnmitTin fvr the nast week. Catholic family. There are Probably Everywhere I have seen unusual signs of progress, of course. But it seems to me that more important than all of North Carolina's good roads and quite a few Catholics named Williams Mr. Carroll happens to be an Epis copalian. But why let religion inter- R. fere with politics? We want ."today 'to wholesome industries is its inquiring nave tne man in me omce who js must, NOTHING BUT PRAISE Out-Stater might also inform him self on the Constitutional amendments adopted and rej'ected in the state elec tions in New York last fall. And when he says that Governor Smith draws his support from the slums of the world's largest city, I'd The Tar Heel basketball team that entrains, for Atlanta tonight to com pete in the eighth annual southern like to ask him just what percentage conierence DasKetoan tournament oe- of the cjty 0f New York is given over serves nothing but praise for its splen- to the slums he has read about. And did record made during this season. since when have the greatest metro- With a string of unbroken victories poiitan dailies become confused with 'over all teams in the state, the ly-1 the slums? mg rnantoms may iook lorwaru to a Governor Smith has. almost with degree of success With expectancy and out quaiification, the support of the witn reasonable assurance. New York Times, whose conservatism It is to-be regretted that two of and integrity is unquestioned; the the mainstays, Bill Dodderer and Carr World, a paper politically independent Purser, suffered injuries in the Wake and fearless in its' attack on corrup Forest game Monday evening which tion in either party; The New York may keep them from participating in Sun, which is staunchly Republican; the tourney. The campus and the Tar the New York Telegram and the whole Heel symTathize with these two stars Scripps-Howard chain, which recent- and hopefully expect them to be in ly announced that it would support the line-up of the Tar Heels before Herbert Hoover and Alfred E. Smith, fints is written of the annual gath- in the order named ; the Evening enng m Atlanta. World and any number of lesser met- In the six times that Carolina has ropolitan dailies, exclusive of Hearst contested in the tournament an envi- papers, possibly. able record has been made that is Consider that the majority of the worthy of the highest commendation, people in New York State are Prot In addition to four conference cham-1 estants. This State has elected Gov- pionships, the. University of North ernor - Smith four times, once when Carolina basketball team has won a the state voted overwhelmingly Re- familiar with the duties of the office, and who, at the same time has the ability to carry on these duties. May I ask: What other Democrat is more fitted for these duties than Alfred E. Smith? " He has held the office of Gov ernor of the state of New York, a spirit. The people of this state are on the qui vive, I- think, more than are j the inhabitants of any other portion of the South. They do not let their pride run to conceit; they are not self- j satisfied. 1 Perhaps you wonder why I elect I you my confidant of these observa R. ClARKfv Dentist , " - Office over Bank of Chapel Hill PHONE 385 V, . j j tt i j. 4. I state witn a popuiawuu eqi to tuau H Th aTlswer ia that the nres of any two of our Southern Sea-Coast Lnt attitude of your paper toward states. JNot only aid ne merely gov ern the state, but he governed it in a most efficient and commendable way. His motto at that time was, "Prog- To Of Pacifists Carolina ress. national politics, as reported " in to day's papers, is one of the most im pressive examples of enlightenment that I have ever seen. I wish to enmmend vou on vour urogram of in- As to the Pope's ruling the United -x. different sneakers to advocate States, or even trying to, I beg to candidacies for the presidency. I differ strongly with Mr. Williams. lize that there is strong prejudice The people of our country would nev- against races and religions in the er consent to tne dictation oi tne South; hence I admire the systemat Jfope. They would tnrow ivir. jsmitn out of the office far faster than they did Andrew Johnson, of Reconstruc tion times. To be true, "Politics and Catholi cism do not mix," and I dare say that they never will. Mr.'; Smith did not let his religion interfere with his gov ernorship of New York, and it is reas onably safe to believe that he will not do it in this case. Then, too, Al Smith might be a Yankee, but when one takes it into consideration that our present, and late Presidents are both Yankees (north of the Mason-Dixo'h line) , that argument would not ,very well be an argument. . American principles do not want to give the Protestants the full power of government. Did our f oref athers not settle this country for religious equal ity and freedom? Are we going to act directly against those principles? I dare say that no true son of America ic method which you are adopting of j having new thought introduced in i your community. Surely sons and daughters of men so eminent as those produced by the early South cannot always look upon only one side of questions. - 7 At any rate, if students in the state institutions attack problems as you have met this important one, our ed ucational system may survive the crit icism which now assails it from all sides. I suggest that you make a special issue of the "wetness" of Gov ernor SmithJ Or perhaps the indrn vidual honesty of Senator Reed, as opposed to non-personal, party Tule. Make them think! 1 A LOVER OF THE SOUTH. If you're really dead set a gainst fighting, you'll see the wisdom of adequate personal in surance. - Few. wars are more bitterly waged than against dependency .. in. advanced age. alk it over with "Cy." Cy Thompson's Carolina Agency "YOUR t Life Insurance PILOT" Aw Those who wish to tryout for the Alab ama-North Carolina debate on the Smith question will meet tonight! in 202 Murphey Hall at 7:30 p. m. Professor W. E. Caldwell is to speak. Pilot Life Insurance Company GREENSBORO, N. C. PICKWICK THEATRE 'Almost a Part of Carolina" Shows 2:00, 3:45, :4, 8:30 THURSDAY and FRIDAY LON CHANEY in "THE BIG CITYW with Betty Compson Marieline Day James Murray Comedy Chaney's Greatest Thriller Admission 14 ad 2ic i Mr. .Peacock was formerly connect ed with the Alumni Review in the capacity of business manager. While ! a student here, he was assistant ed-1 itor of the Yackety Yack, and also connected with other campus publica- YOUR FRATERNITY z X I- You are, of course, proud of your fraternity and your fraternity house. Has your house manager j failed to attend to your in- surance this year? This is - something that should never m be neglected. It isn't fair to' you nor your alumni. . 9 I It is our business to insure j you and your group against f loss by FIRE. i i Our representative A 111 will I j gladly call on you and dis j cuss this vital question. I Service Insurance Acfpnrv Inr MacRae Bldg. Phone 5721 j

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