The Liqrar-, Cx ), FRESHMAN ELECTION 9-6 TODAY POLES IN FRONT OF Y t i i I - - I TiTi: FRESHMAN .ELECTION 9-6 TODAY POLLS IN FRONT OF Y VOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1929 NUMBER 38 MAMA DIRECTORS MAKE DATE FOR SPRING FESTIVAL More Than Fifty Dramatic Di rectors Gather at Hill for Dis cussion of Mutual Problems. "Directors of dramatics from all .over the state, more than fifty of them, came together here Saturday for mutual discussion of. their prob lems, ; concrete criticism of a set of plays put on for their benefit, and a little celebrating on the side. When they left, each was convinc ed that this year's annual Conference of the University Bureau of Commu nity Drama , for' Dramatic Directors had been the best and most valuable ever held.'; ' Professor, 'Frederick H. Koch, di rector of the Carolina Playmakers and the- Bureau of Community Dra ma, sounded the keynote of the meet ing, in -his brief word of welcome. "The idea of a people's theatre is a matter for all the schools and com munities . in the state and not just one group. It is a state-wide work and you are a part of it." The directors took up the .spirit, and the meeting was characterized by the splendid interest of all attending as- illustrated in the wide participa tion in discussion of directorial prob lems and solutons. Important announcements were made concerning this year's Spring Dramatic Festival of the Carolina Dramatic Association. The date has been set for May 3 and 4. Prelimi naries will be played in-March and April. ' Closing date of registration is February 15. Miss Nettina Stro bach, state representative, will meet with directors to set places for pre liminaries in the high school groups, but there will be no state divisions in the community and college con tests this year. - ---V 'A-,- STUDENTS ATTEND MUGURALRTTES Several Schools Gave Holidays And Special Trains Carried Students to Raleigh.. The University of North Carolina was well represented both by members of "the student body and the faculty at the Inaugural Ceremonies in Ra leigh last Friday. Scattered through out the audience and upon the stage were to be seen these representatives who had journeyed over to witness O. Max Gardener succeed Angus W. McLean to the governor's chair. The ceremonies for the day began with a huge parade down Fayette ville street from the Capitol. Lead ing this march were the Senators from the various districts in the state; i closely following these notables were ( the members of the House of Repre sentatives. Various military organi zations accompanied by the bands pro vided color and music for the proces sion. Student units representing the schools of North Carolina were from Oak Ridge and State College Follow ing these military units came Gover nor McLean accompanied by Gov. Elect Gardner. As these dignitaries filed their way to the platform, a crowded State Auditorium greeted them with tre mendous applause. Also upon the stage were Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Chase of the University of North Carolina The newly elected state officers were then sworn in. Gov. McLean presented Gov. Gardner to the As sembly. In a sound and well deliver ed address Gov Gordner stated the principle upon which he will work during the coming year. Time and again these statements were greeted with applause from the audience. Seated in the right gallery were hundreds of students representing the hieh schools of Guilford county. A special train had brought these boys and girls to the Capitol City. At eight o'clock that night the Governor's Mansion was thrown open to the public in the form of a recep tion in the honor of Governor Gard ner. It has been estimated that three thousand men, women, and children filed down the receiving line before eleven o'clock. Directly following the reception came the Visitor's BalL Hundreds of . couDles both young and' old crowded into the ballroom of the Sir Walter N. C. C. W. Superlatives J t i I r t if x S- f v : X S I - 7 5 Fre snmen-' W JMect Class Officers To da v " ' - - ' ' $ : - -;: ' - - Above are the superlative types among the girls at N. C. C. W. They are : No. 1, Miss Clara Guinard, of Lincolnton, versatility; No. 2, Miss Lillian Wortham, of Wilmington, grace; No. 3, Miss Rosalie Jacobi, of Wil mington, wisdom; No. 4, Miss Louise Dannenbaum, of Wilmington, culture; No. 5, Miss Dorothy Tipton, of Chadburn, most athletic; No. 6, Miss Betty Sloan, of Franklin, originality; Miss Mary Dela Rankin, of Mount Holly, was chosen the most beautiful, and Miss Elizabeth Hanaman, of AsheviHe, most charming. Pictures of the two latter were not available. ' -- ' . . o vement for :scussed" D K aily .Tar HeeLWill y Activities Committee Hotel to o'clock. enjoy dancing" until one Special Committee Will Make Report on Editorial Responsi bility; History of Publications At the University Will Be Read. The Student Activities Coinmittee will hold its first meeting of the year tonight at 7 o'clock at the Carolina Inn. There will be a general discus sion of several problems that are of particular importance on the campus at present. The chief subject of dis cussion however will be the student publications. ;The Activities committee is compos ed of the president of the student body, the presidents of the classes, the president of the Y. M. C. A-., the edi tors of the student publications, presi dents of the two literary societies, and various student leaders. A number of f acluty members connected with student activities in an advisory capa city will be present. For some time there has been a general agitation on the campus for a daily Tar Heel. The working out of the details of the daily paper will carry with it sweeping changes in all of the student publications. Under the proposed plan the Carolina Maga zine would be abolished and a monthly edition of that publication would ap pear as a literary supplement to the new paper. The daily Tar Heel would be issued six times a week with a Sunday issue instead of a Monday paper. Tonight the Activities committee will consider the whole problem of the present and future of the publica tions. The matter will' be discussed under three heads. A special com mittee has been appointed by the president of the student body to make a report on each of the three phases of the matter. First there will be a report of the committee composed of Will Yar- borough,- chairman, Bill Perry, and Mr. J. M. Lear which was appointed to review the five year period during which the Publications Union has been in existence, with the intention of securing an account of its history and its present financial status. A general discussion of the pro blems of editorial responsibility will be led by a committee composed of .T. fi Adams. Jr.. chairman, John Marshall and Dean Addison Hibbard. The intention in this connection is to formulate some plan that will give the editors of the student publications ample freedom in editing the publica tions and at the same time guarantee to the student body that this freedom will not be abused.- This very delicate question was raised two years ago (Continued on page four) Notorious German Sea Raider , To Lecture Here Friday Night , Count Felix Von Luckner, Ger many's .most noted sea raider during the war and America's most gallant enemy, the man who with an old sailing ship broke a supposedly unbreakable block ade and cruised the high seas for 16 .months to1 sink 500,000 tons of shipping without a single loss of life, the only German combat ant to be officially ; honored by the American Legion, will ap pear before University students here next Friday evening, Jan uary 18, for a lecture on his life and exploits. Count Von Luckner is one of the most romantic figures of the century. His famous forty thousand mile, cruise of de struction to Allied shipping will" probably never be equalled in the annals of war. Count Von Luckner is the only; man who ever rose from deck hand to a position of high trust in the German navy. He has had a varied career of adventure, has been a kitchen boy, deck swabber, . bar-boy, Mexican sol dier, cow boy, porter in the best American hotels, assistant to a Hindu fakir, a Salvation Army recruit, a champion prize fighter. The Count has been received and has lectured in more than 200 American cities. He comes to Chapel Hill under the auspices of the University's Entertainment Committee. POTTER READS TO AUDIENCE LARGE Read "Sweeny Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" by Charles Pitt. Russell Potter was at his very best Sunday when he appeared before the second largest audience that has wit nessed a Playmaker reading this year, to read a melodramatic thriller, "Sweeny Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street," by Clyde Dibin Pitt. Sweeny Todd, dripping with the blood of ten of his murdered victims that he has "polished off" continues his "polishing off" process right up to the bloody end. The barber, who it appears rarely has any legitimate trade, by the means of a mechanical apparatuses able to lower one of his barber chairs into his cellar, there to do away with his unfortunate vic tims, who strangely enough are never a match for the old man. In his ne farious trades of murder and theft, he is assisted by a lovely lady, a bak er of hot meat pies. Occasional but tons and -'hairs are discovered in the pies but the very efficient Scotland men of the days of 1840 were unable to match wits, with the wily Todd, the author leads us to believe. The dolorous reverend that stalks through the major part of the play poking his nose into every scene is a genuine representative of the men tal abstainer and physical ; glutton type that lived , in the period of : the story. ; The frail unhappy heroine who could, no doubt, flush Fleet (Continued on page four) PACKED THEATRE SEES REVELERS - Three Hundred and Fifty Watch Posey, Holmes and Bagby Score as Actors. By J. E. DUNGAN The Playmaker " Twelfth Night, which wasn't really Twelfth Night after all, but Nineteenth Night has come and gone. : We had a good time Saturday from eight o'clock until twelve when some 355 Playmak ers and guests made merry. ' The stellar Tole of the evening was played by Professor Urban T; Holmes who created another amateur tri umph as Sir Toby Belch ;in the kit chen or revel scene of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" However, Hubert Heffner in the same piece was capi tal. J. Willis Posey as the bow-leg ged Prince George, H. D. Meyer the red-headed Captain Slasher, and the inimitable English Bagby, who ran through the whole English language with his grunts and groans in the death scene of "Saint George and the Dragon," put that play across with a genuine snap. It might be further said that the dead dragon rapidly revived upon the announce ment of "cake and ale.'J ' The two dances, a Spanish Pavan and a Joan Anderson, were admir ably carried out, the music enhanc ing them further. ';, i The false note on the program was the second number after the intermis sion entitled "Minuet With Jazz." We just couldn't stretch our imagina (Continued on page four) Plans Underway for Debate Schedule With British Universities The president of the Debate Council announces that plans are underway for scheduling' a pro gram of debates with several British Universities abroad. If the Debate Council is successful in making arrangements for these forensic engagements ,a team of three men will be sent to Eng land at some time r during the Spring of 1930. ; , It is almost certain that these debates can be arranged , through William Cocke, a former presi dent of the student body and at present a Rhodes Scholar at Ox ford University. The schedule will probably in clude the. following schools: Ox ford , University, Cambridge Uni versity, University of Edinburg, and the University of London. If the debates are scheduled the debate squad requirement will be enforced "as in all. other cases. This trip is being planned as a climax to next year's debating program. Professor Frazier To Address Debate Class Will Discuss Hydro-Electric Power from Standpoint of Legal Aspects. Professor K. C. Frazier of the De partment of Government will address the debate class Thursday night in 201 Murpbey at 7:30. Mr. Frazier is very much interested .in the field of international law and will discuss the question of hydro-electric power from a standpoint of its legal as pects. .' : . ' In consideration of the fact that Carolina is to debate both sides of the question Mr. Frazier will discuss the question from a standpoint of its general legal connections rather than attempt to develop either side of the query to the utmost. r, The secretary of the Debate Coun cil announces a schedule comprising six debates all of which will take place during this and the next quar ter. Due to this heavy schedule he desires to increase the debate squad attendance. ."- , Engineering Profs Are Attending Meet Dean G. M. Braune, Messrs. T. F Hickerson and Thorndike Saville, of the School of Engineering, left yes terday for New York where they will attend the- annual session ' of the American Society of Civil Engineers. They will return during the latter part of the week. ' : : - ' Scientific Society Will Hold Meeting The Elisha Mitchell Scientific So ciety will hold its regular meeting to night at 7:30 invPhillips hall.' Papers by H. D. Crockf ord and H. H. Wijlams will be presented at the meeting. Nominations for Positions Took Place in Memorial Hall Yes- , terday; Eleven Men Nom inated to Enter Race for Four Places. The Freshmen were initiated into politics yesterday morning when ele ven men were nominated by their friends to contest over the four class positions to be filled by balloting of the entire class at the Y. M. C. A. , today. . c After an analogy drawn by Dean Francis F. Bradshaw. from a humor ous situation told in connection with the life of Charles M. Schawb, mil lionaire capitalist, and farmer, D. E. Hudgins, Jr., opened nominations for the different offices. ; j ' The men nominating candidates for the presidency were , permitted to name the qualifications that each of the nominated individuals possessed that made him the man to command the votes of the class. Clarence Phoenix, "Shorty" Branch, and Worth McAllister were nominated before the nominating ceased. Tom Badger, William Uzzell and Harry Finch were named to contest for the position of vice-president. "Sonny Graham, and Jack Farris received the nomination of their class to contest for the secretaryship. E. Craig Wall, Horace Pennington and Steven Marsh will run for the position of treasurer. Hudgins cautioned the Freshmen to think well before - casting their ballots, explaining that the election of Freshmen officers had been pur posely postponed to allow the mem bers of the class to become better ac- quainted.with one another. . ' : The polls will open this morning at nine o'clock and will close this after noon jELt six , o'clock. The polling booth will be situated in front of the Y. M. C. A. The Australian system of secret balloting will be used. The three, candidates for the office of President will make short; cam paign speeches in Memorial Hall this morning at Chapel period. An unprecedented vote is expected in the balloting this year due pri marily to the .unusual high attend ance at all previous Freshmen meet ings. Upperclassmen are urging all first year men to take an active in terest in the government of their class. No selection of officers would be representative, unless the majority of the class votes. An appeal will be made in Chapel this morning for a -large vote Carolina Debaters To Meet Virginia The University of North Carolina has . definitely agreed to debate the University of Virginia at Charlottes ville not later than the first of April. ; In all probability the fray will be held, as ,the Tar Heels have long been rivals in the field of forensic activities. Last year Carolina debaters were defeated only once and this time Vir ginia was the conqueror, ii the De bate Council decides to accept the terms offered by Virginia a two-man team will be sent to Charlottesville about the first of, April. Bloody Body on Office Floor at One A. M. Sends Scribes Scurrying By G. H. A real live corpse is terribly try ing on the nerves, especially at one o'clock in the morning. If you don't believe it, ask Walter Spearman and Glenn Holder. They know. When interviewed at the infirmary yesterday morning, where they were recuperating from 4 badly shattered nervous systems, the Tar Heel editor and assistant editor told how it all came about. ' . . Holder, who is pinch-hitting, for George Ehrhart, regular managing editor of the tri-weekiy,. while the latter is away on a short business trip, came into the Tar, Heel office ex tremely early yesterday morning. The lights were turned 'off and he was groping blindly about in search of the lighting switch when his foot came in contact with some soft ob ject. He looked down and discerned in the dim half-light from a nearby campus light a man's body, the head sweltering in a pool of blood. V Man O' War would have turned green with equine envy if he had seen Holder inserting distance . between himself and, the Tar Heel office. . v In front of the Y. Holder found Walter Spearman, whom he had left only a few minutes before; Spearman wasn't at all partial to the idea of having traffic with a dead man with a ghastly busted head at that hour of the morning, but he reluctantly al lowed himself to be persuaded that it was his duty to help investigate. Timidly the two typewriter pounders ventured into the sinister gloom of the newspaper office and fearfully, snapped on the lighting switch. A gruesome spectacle was the body sprawled out upon the Tar , Heel floor. Blood trickled from what ap peared to be a gaping hole in the head and one side of the face was a gory mass of bruises. The gro tesquely doubled-up arms and legs indicated the horrible convulsions . of the dying struggle for breath. Al most instantly, the corpse again had the office all to himself. The frightened two sped to Old (Continued on page four)

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