Pr.j2 Tito T H TAR HEEL h . K7Y-' ST . -chosen in an election control! twr n x cL,np n .nr : iri , , - wut VL t,erej fell0VVSive the rW . . - . i N-r V-l i kZ-v iwlii gxoup, xney lose girls a chance vi tuese parts, -ana a snouia ii&e to express my sincere . . i . - I - - . i w rirn rrra . - jt a i . . - . "T. uttsauine aesiraie,- is tnanjcs to a consistent benefactor. 7 i i Sntadsy, January 19, Leading Southern College Tri weekly Newspaper H. J. G. tne value of endorsement by their classmates and ain only the rather questionable honor of political saga-1 Purposeful T?TT TT-Vnt - it J J .1 i .1 jr- wrxitiu uiCLiiuu uoes tne class of Thp t ,,. , 1929 nrpfp. t nni K Publ1 Essay Contest tives? - - f- ..... 3 .iasay jon .superla- should prove of direct interest Published three times weekly durinar the college year, and is the official Hold ittvs of the Union of the University of North Iji the Street arouna, v,napei mil, JN. J. - .Sub scription price, ?2.00 local and 8.00 out of town, for the college year. Offices m the basement of Alumni i Building. - . - . "All people soliciting rides out of Chapel Hill must stand on the curb" I is a perfectly sensible and reason- ble regulation. When any student or Walter Spearman ........... Editor MARTON ATYAMn 7? Tlf ii I bummer ; insists upon standing : Z ; out in the middle of tfcp ct L TrTiTrr-rT k T nnn nmrmiTm I rJo-f rt nHn4. u.if ... I egeS is doubtful. riLiuaxAii irifAxviiuriiN i" i cttuicu anenuon more readilv : Harry Galland :.::..: Assistant Editor he annoys the careful driver and John Mebane ssisfaw Udifor aaners hls safety from the reckless Will Yarborough can be Sports Editor driver, . Reporters M. Broadus , ' Sherman Shore W. C. Dunn J. C. Eagles J. P. Jones W. A. Shelton C. B. McKethan J. C. Williams E. Wilson Gil Pearson B. W average collegiate Utopia en" foun4 by combining the best features of each student's idea of what a col- lecre shmilr?"VvQ . . . .. FlirttiPr is- ' i -.-,5 6um roiai of the , aSKxng;1or action by college presidents on th. .T TlniKKin a Ivff lllm U ljt i " . dTC :,"l?LW-,:,pan:D,,m 13 idea Pbably be. nil. Dick McGlohon uuv.w ue,.ne attempts to, black ' J"T?QnMiChe11 man the passer-by by inferring: ."If K. C. Ramsay you don,t step and give me a ride, E- YgY11 JOu11 feave to run over my dead body " E. Denning and then I'll sue you' for man- J. D. McNairy slaughter!" . - WhlttOn ' mt' ,. .' . . ." ' xne nesuits oi such a policy are in evitably, the estrangement of ordln- arily amiable- Chapel Hill amateur i i . uu anvers frpm , their ; bumming clientele, a series of accidents and near-accidents, pnd now police in terf erence and the arrest of some fif street-besieging men. ' ' leaving. This is cndebatable : we can i Tm m - r i i ..... 0 - v . w - WVU VVUM acc 1U However, we want it 1 my laundry package this week when Anen someone suggests, 1- found two towels returned to me .Let s .say hello, and hold this char- instead of the one I had handed in heretic cordiality." It came, too, at a time when I was T believe iihat the bond lies further hard up for the wherewithal towip to back than in ,benous-mmded college student, after all, hello is only a word, more no every laundry which returns two "C vunLebt, as announced in the news or less meanins-less when uttered con- for one. . Probably the manager is columns of the Tap TTm-- sciouslv as a maoT rfTT a ! trvinar to make amends for addiner -uu, io uucu i . . . : j i . , - I ' A- A A I -. . A 1 A 1 - . 11 A" A xccexiLiy 10 nis DUtton. collection, ua the other hand, of course, we must admit' that the laundry will ifrom now on receive' two fees instead of one, every time thev new towel is handed in. with the old. Don't mis understand me, either the extra towel does not belong to somebody else, sent to me by mistake. No sir' In fact, I recognized it. I sent it in, and so should know it when it comes back, neatly ripped up the ; center two towels where' only. one grew be fore ! Pleasa thank the Laundry for me; I'm afraid to go down and do it myself. My control isn't what it used to be. , Sincerely, - ' II. J. G. to all college classes from 1926 to Wha not iyiU- 1 he purpose is "to 'find ont not a -reformer, nor do I first-hand what. irinH . usually have suggestions for the bet- so reads the ordinance passed by dents won!,. 7.1 stu- ter comportment of my fellow man. the city fathers hark in n'-Pii TiiZ-i, .... , s ' ana to en- 1 offeB no remedy. I merely see some ; ' ... . courage thinking and writm ahnnf thing slinnino- whicn wif I - .. w W standards of academic life.". . see going, and I cannot see sufficient Whether or not the nfoc x. strength to hold it back in a super- any real fTo x jr "i-t xnat s an 1 mean: that bonhommie Granted that an makes the hellos, not vice vetsa. sett ?Jotnts By H. J. Galland J. J. SLADE, JR. WILL SPEAK TO RONDTHALER v., ,uC ui tne contest lies in its encouragement of student thinking t iueui wnicft' causes a college student to think about his own par- BUSINESS DEPARTMENT ' Executive Staff B. M. Parker' Asst. Btts. Mgr. H. N. Patterson Collection Mgr. Gradon Pendergraph Circulation Mgr. T. R. Karriker........: .....Asst. Col Mgr. SlYS STUDENTS ARB BEING ,;f -j-''-. FLEECED To the Editor: ' 1 - The" University justly needs strin gent, and hardfast rules in the exe- Advertising Staff Leonard L.ewis - . , Milton Cohen teen persistent nonj aiia: .. . oiuney jsricK inU, Ben Avcock TT. .Ta Kermit Wheary , V ; : Jim Harris Saturday, January 19, 1929 PARAGRAPHICS H. Jameson TT n it n i mi ,i xi. ivierreii me tnree do ars fine u i, ..""- uicse atuuc-xiLs may nave hit their pocket books hard and the session in court may, possibly, have- hit their pride a bit; but it was certainly worth while to Chapel Hill and to the student body "To speak or not to speak," seems as a whole if it puts a stop to cer- to be the question these days. Is Iain 01 the present bumming methods. t.VlP rlfi rJf1ifin-n ill all n: o . , k.uvuuuu "CXIU a UiCaSlIlLT III ml y-M . a rnrP? vx.uj From the Baby ' , Vanity Fair Bictnres nrp nnw v tq I Tr. wasn't -trt i . . .. . - - " " T cA j Ji""g ago mat .we quested for the Yackety Yack and were hearing loud huzzas and great we understand that this year it will Predictions for the Co-Ed Basketball not be Mr. Zeigf ield . who suffers a Team. And now, alas, in these dull nervous breakdown from the strain drear days of winter, we hear no more of selecting the most beautiful. ' of Fisher bodies, and cussing, and sH Mary's. .The bovs r i 0.. rr,1 . . . ..... ' I - VITO KVm, xne latest addition to the Buccaneer For manv AenAa . : ' . . " .university 1S smau gray cat. now was mn cioi . 1 uwi,i v i 1 1 1 viiiinir mon i in its gen- safely lodged in the editor's f oom. with a gesture magnificent To the Editor: After reading Mr. Rondthaler's. un intentionally humorous letter, in perusing which I spent a far more amusing minute than did its anthnr in comnosinsr it! T finrl that -"f ho ' deal with one of the more serious of campus thinkers. Mr. Rondthaler, I ticular institution is of value- ToolrWtni t?-? at stake' of t.n a Tf ,T Vlat ! ' pre honor of his b-s-v, xi.ctu.a college be- Aima Mater have been shIIipH Ktt cause it is near home, because Cousin facetious pens', and' that only bv the Cution of its peculiar joint functions ,ui womtr is there, or because its "1"10,-x.1""uai,e utterance of verbal y xcn uasu tu me yuum greetmgs4can that honor be Vpstnypr? ux 1'ne iana ana taking in of Bravo, Mr. Rondthaler! I commend coin' whether it be from the coffers your zeal, if not your sense of hnmn-H 01 tne wealthy or from the sweat of f 4 " I T t . . .. . ' However, it is neither mv intAnHnr, in? DF0W- it matters not of what . -.7 va.4. Vllil 1 nor desire to -prolong this highly rank-a student is representative, he ridiculous "Hello" rleha tp T,Q is suMect . to the same outpouring- of1 . ...-j-"v- 1, 1. . . . original editorial was not without its uge ana tne same draining of germ of sense although its imnnrt Cdan' er.naps such practices are was of distinctly a minor nature. Mr. JUst' Granting that they are, I wish SladeV reply was, in mv onininn py' to Present a grievance with the hope cellent, although it is to be regretted that ifc can be corrected, that he dropped his highly entertain- l. have Deen refused a Toom in the ing. burlesque to enter upon a more U"-iversity dormitories for the winter serious vein. TTip cit quarter unless full navment nf rpnt - uivutiiivii , was 1 - -v flnSPf! 1 Mr Slo Jn l,n J1 L. J' 11 . 1 , IS made for t.TlP PTTHto onniJ rJf Kl, j 1 , w - . uiouc uau xiau tne iast f"iuu ueen a prosti-i word, and an extrempW ipiiti wmi,er ana spring quarters. I exnert tution of the Open Forum columns of word 5 was in my opinion, for 1 . to graduate at tne end of the "winter this paper. These columns, originally like the dolescenUy indignant . Mr. quarter and consequently I will not intended for the .discussion of campus kH.' r Mrv Slade's problems and affairs and for the ex- A " SUPenr Variety nression nf cr, tamc AVA1- ftonamaier's vjjiuiuxi on tnese histonV m-, uii aji a. 1 1 i v u non . i . 1 11 ' -w, iatciy mrnea into , waves. the llaer on hie-h." Tt i nn a vehicle for the conveyal of subtle to quarrel with him that I write this, insults and for the hurling of jests my feelinSs towards the gentle at various members of the student 11 anythin& h bellicose. The body. - f " even tenor of my nature was ruffled - 1' -by a' mild surprise, a slightly critical There can be no doubt of the fact curiosity as to precisely what sort of that recently the . Open Forum has bemS Mr- Rondthaler must be in or been more entertaining tban n C11 1 der to f orth such Printed inani X team won yie championship back m '25.., When we go to col-, lege because we think it is best suited to our purpose and what is more to the point know-what our purpose is then we are on the .proper road to better and more useful colleges and universities. H. J. G. Concerning Open Forums ' Some Do and Some Don't A very good emergency laboratm-,' in elementary psychology might W. heen set up yesterday in the Rerit. wai a uiute. auii .s were Demg given out there, and the line of boys waiti to hear the fatal news was, as uun! very optimistic. : Broad ' smiles and pleasant wisecracks were the order of the day. The faces grew percepl tibly more serious as they neared the books and the news, and then changed abruptly . when sentence ' had been passed. Some smiled, some looked sorrowful, and some looked stunned We are still looking stunned. But then, here's a new quarter beginning and we can all try once again to Make "A" While the Sun Shines. Trnth, If Not Poetry There are those , among us who will mournfully subscribe to the following post-Christmas Lament for the Woman Vacation - over, back again Back unto the daily grind. Now to fool with weighty books. Instead of with your .. little mind. x Don't Send Flowers ; Considering the interest aroused bv the story of the blo-o-ody body found on the floor of the- Tar Heel office and the success of "Ten Nights in a Barroom" 'as presented: by the Plav- makers, the, staff of the college joinal is considering presenting a little drama entitled, "The Face on the Tar Heel Floor." : : Disgust As Is Winter football practise being in the offing, we are reminded of the Carolina player who practised faith fully all - last season but was never called into action by -Coach Collins. He : came into his room one Saturday night after a game" limping slightly. his roommate eagerly asked him if In fact, it hB Wr, . . ties- 1 feIt the pale passion of the - v,v. jiiicu wiLii annnr i : oLieiiusL have need of the room after that date. We honor and cherish our Carolina traditions, but just because it is a ir, -rrri,!, v L ociiemtj to - couect room viiiv,ix Ilc veiuaiiv .... 1 -i- -i ii . - - -.n KAr T4- Ior wo.guarters at one time there IltJ nda Deen nurt m the game. "Hell is not a reasonable : excuse for not no" the player said, "I felloff the making an exception in some cases. bench-" . - I think that this is one of the "gross- Joe Student Issues, Warnings est'1-of -all the injustices that are be- (After the Columbia Spectator) fng performed on the student body. To Milady: ims practice is worse than robbery; good for a month while your it is a plain case of graft. The Re publican Party has made itself fam ous during the last two administra tions; I . suggest that the TTnivprsitAr w .. I ' XWAA I I OlllLJ.L III VV I V II I r 1 I J" Tn QnQllflAW 4- Kather a new symbol for piracy-but erosity, young ladies were al loWp A as mufr wit and cleverness as ;the porarilv his tP.dins MUr S ntinue to follow in its footsteps, at 5no doubt inspiratiorkl for the editor, (upon presentation of p-nnH rA humorous columnsrbf the Tar' Heel, and to revel in the discovprv nf east lon? enough to make some tax r . - - " VVsr7--.:: . ' .-'I-x x , . . ' IntelliffPnt. , new and .fflrinnjlr tt (rooin rent) refunds Since thP strnn, ov, " ' mK m a few of I , WA; tx,e suaent ... , " 77' V, v . DOdy have given ample proof of their I quietly examine be- cleverness and have evinced an ant t ' rSC?e - - cviuueu in, apt- . Let llS simnncp rtaf T T, J ness for brilliant writing through Let us suppose that I have smeared means of the Open Forum. Mr. Rondthaler on a convenient e-las arm of Chapel UiJ. ,.. ' . . .. Hill liw h JL a'. .-X. . , L"c wurws 01 wlsaom bating around j . .. ' the campus and from the lins of ?otp ores and such fines, upon those col- of the professors 0" .1 buyers who stm insist upon a,Wed t0 akend but ZlZ . UUu in wie xmaaie 01 the U xi. ... 1 i.uuuuo, . luu't; was mere are several stTonf , who have 'been "fleeced"' of their hard-earned cash in this unjust man ner. There should be a remedy. rKED boyfriend's bright phiz is Submerged in thick yolumes pro- : ductive of quizzes ; cI'm swearing off primroses just for that space 'Cause I hate to get. bounced right out on my face. So just powder your nose, I'll be seeing you, Kid, When the last D is clinched and the last duty's did. ; 1 .: tt'tt " , 1 - 1 I o7ir?il O Tl rl T- r Trt A J - " t m $ i 1 " oitam j? VVP fin nAr nKiAnf iv. I avc UCVUWJU mVSeiT tO 171- . street, perhaps the passing motorist team, comnospd f .' , of thP.p x xu sPectin his tendencies. First of all, DavidSOIl Stllflpnf TrrHi x , , . 1 - piay oas- ---- --rw, lu uieir ciever- wp nn.ti.o w-r , . ' 'KJ .. iCoa uusLrucxions and ketball r TTjlTrn-i--r ... 1 - " ""Piiwuiems x nera Like Tar Heel ' a True more curb service. t ness. It seems singularly appropriate that a. Mr. Fowlcs is to speak on the subject "A Bird's-Eye View of Musical History." - : we notice a neculiarlv Bio-nifiy.oTi -pox nr: : 1 . , However, the aim of these col- It is to be feared that, at some rtriJ VVOTKing tO UllllOrm team was rounded . up and umns is not primarily to entertain. 01 his unenlightened youth, Mr. Rond- J- heir' CoIleOP RnnH ! 1 J . - . I... .. . ' XI. 1 J..H . i . .. " iiayeu. a reporter for; the Tar DUt rather to set f prth definite and Ieu vlctlm to that peculiarly xieel, m this case a co-ed. p-avp th constructive ideas and fminW a t f- iiij 'em the on Judging by the number, of stags at the co-ed dance , last night, " our feminine students must have extreme- rmportant teams lmed up. But they v ly long lists of available' men on the Wre- cominS oh, yes, they were string. While there's stag, there's Cming! hope ! ; , - And what have we heard this year Long reams of talk (emotion causes Senior - : . , us to mix the metaphor) abnnt. thp Superlatives , "Tar Heel Championship; Quint." ,r . , T&e girls? , Of course not Rufe Monday msrht at a -mppt; e t, . , not ituie : i.:I," 7 "!. lackners en; ,The:Tin: Can is in "" a "u ux superlatives will xctcis to a waiting public. Yes, it was campus affairs. Neither .do we oh true they played in bloomers. Yes, Ject to slanderous remarks and vague it was true that a little cuss word insults as long as they do not ap or. so was heard now and thep. No, Pear in the columns of the Tar no major games had been nlavpH nnr Heel. ij; " V- , . , 1 ----v " -W1" use. every afternoon, for boxing be voted upon; he members of theLtf,, , S' honorable classof 1929 will record -V x ana sometimes .. . - win. record m(joor tennis. All mpn' i-n. n,. their opinions as to the outstanding men and women of their particular class. ' ' tennis. All men's sports. The poor girls are left out in the cold, and JON. pernicious habit of which manv according to reports from rQ young men were once victims, that S0IV the U.N.C. Band is not thp nnW of having participated in a high school grouP of collegiate music-makers in debate. Many of his sentences are thB state to be pleading for new uni- ntlirifnllT ivnwinx forms. Pni cmnm..! ' 1 -...j..xj, ncmimstcm, ui ? gangling ai weeKs a move- adolescents with forensic leanings. menf has been on foot at the Pres The picture presents itself of a tow, byteVian institution for clothino- ti,n headed youth, distressingly conscious ColleSe. Band. of his hands, giving voice to one of Jt seems that the Wildcats have : Open Forum j J .' 0 iu yiic ux - v- uuuiaus nave a f or ho k,.cx , Mr. .Eondthalers,,wn. phrases. In ry vPlausible" plan for. raising the studentsh I . thSe date,eS!" hooray, Kid; I've passed they're under my belt, . The Math and the Latin, rrencn and the Celt; I've gathered my D's and I'm off , for a tear, - And rn piay with he primroses with nary a swear. So powder your nose, Kid, and pull your belt tight I've passed all my quizzes I'll you tonight! Here's How For the benefit of those s who wish to atte tnri rrViX v..x i uuc nave an aversion sec some- nobody raises a single, plaintive voice in their behalf. Not even, ftp riri0 T L 1 ' , - . V -co. Ci w ciass 01 ivzs which themselves. ' The Tar Heel points we nave oeen led to suppose was also an accusing finger-at this state of af iiunuxctuie-neia its meeting for the fairs. Girls are a part of the life of election 01 superlatives. Most of that this university. Let them he given ciSs went to &wam Hall each - with a full share in its activities," sports, l,rc mtcuuuu 01 expressing his hon- and pleasures. If the rumor that the est, personal opinion as to the super- girls are to play next Friday -night lative 'man or woman in each field is true, then let us turn out and sup of student life. Unfortunately, how- port them. V , ever, a large enough and powerful The Tar Heel is in favor of Bas enough group of seniors had met ketball for Ladies. Besides; the staff' prior to the class meeting and had wishes to ascertain the truth of the already decided just which, senior statement that the , . V t 'umm aic should be handed out a slice of the i-Z J XI. iujjcuauvc yus, ana tne ciass as a whole didn't have a chance at the pie cutting. 4 A majority of the men so honored were no doubt worthy of that honor; but when senior superlatives are dressing on the partial raiment plan. By all means, let us have more bas ketball among the co-eds, and give them the use of the Gym or Tin Can when they wish it. The girls are timid, fperhaps, about asking for the Gym. And the boys keep on using it. SLADE EXPLAINS To the Editor: My would-be humorous lPtt.Pr x uuay s I AR HEEL was indppH in tended to be slightly frivolous and therefore, not to be takentoo spy-. ously. It was written . to counteract somewhat the -effect (on me) of the last sentence of an editorial which appeared in last Saturday's ' paper sentence in which werettributed many suntle things to a casual hello, i At t.VlP rtelr r. 'v; "x witn mv -iicnce 1 must say some more, sin several of my friends have dis with me verbally and Mr. Rond thaler's letter in Thursday's paper reuses me of using good roads as an argument, against Jielloing.' Feel ing that there is.. behind the littlp wrangling something fundamental (as far as t.hpca T - deavor more serious. , Here is' the point: Whereas there used to be a cordial, spirit here at one time not too far past, it is fast disappearing; . not because we have forgotten to say hello,. but because the rural South is becoming infprtp with the 20th century fever of move ment and unrest. Other ,thin,r, happening. The geniality whiVh wac v - UU says, "It is a distinct recoraition of class is to conduct a drive in wa;i0 the individual personality rather than to co"ect the allotted amount which the mob." Come, come, Mr. Rond- 1S proximately fifty cents per stu thaler. A good long rest will one dent- rt is also possible that the tw 1 . - ' . ; 1 !! t - - -- up your wnoie system. It is ta be - l W1U e asKed to contribute feared that the author has permitted thing.' ,. v- ; ; ' -his phrase to .run awav with his Captain Elkins of thp r0 1 . ... " t j- , Jav iiirst 1 n 1 waa om4-a1 1 . 1 meaning. I-forbear to inquire as to aand has already- done mGch work r,X n " T irom ner neck by the the connotation of, the words "rec- toward the project and has smcceedod inTt 1Jec.erInber wind- Then, accord ognition of the mob." a rnnrHtiriTi in collecting: 195.50 tWv s to a Mercer scribe, a e-allant. m!,lp 1 ' - . vvuwiutva . w viu ouurr'pa Ant I -. n 1 3 T 1. - - u w !n,V,fl,. If. T 1 . ... -e 1q X..J x , . ilsMU me """"""ici ucpiures, at tne j "-mucui, uuuy. to going stag and standing around waiting for a chance cut-in, we add the following anecdote which may Prove of use. It seems that a young lady at George; Washington Univer- SltV WAS njDQviVn. !. -n . the Davidson I wo, 4Tx , . siik scarf, and it " I ouaLcnea irom her 'Hello." poorly It might at l . - ciass presi- the impression that I am nn nf 0 behalf of our aIIp cordial disposition, i This applies es- arisoned band members! pecially to Mr. Rondthaler. Should I least give the various have the good fortune to meet the dents something to do latter worthy while wending my way ' " ' ''" about the campus, let me assure him ColleirintA "Rno-lJoU that-I will conduct myself in. a man- ,. . ' "r" rier befitting the serious and progres- ' A V trip around the University n sive conceptions that he has formed southern California rmln. x l- x .. . I ..x . - " JilliSi-: as w wuau is correct, upon perceiv- uul some expressions. TTpt v . - ins him miT mra0 m,it -. ji-.t.x I wrifVi ;xi .. ... tre tjrco wm iu) uuuot gieam "; wicr a detimtinn with a welcoming light, my lips will be used: become animate, drawn upwards and May, I borrow your frame for tv backwards, -and revealing, as in the Juggle? Way to ask v.v.v. V4. jtiuimiiciiu aroiinian, a I generous expanse of dental work. I Let's have at it TTspH Nor will Mr. Rondthaler " be , disan- to start anything '. ; pointed in hearing me uttpr. wit.K Q Expired ovpr it r.x. ...-a. " I - u XCIHII.fJ'J Tl annn. tratr lnsmimonM x-l i - ,. mron o,..xl; . aouI c tofj w.uii!., W1C ciicxry . greeting j wung, and limbs in shinnin ee to ix results in the campaign placed- s in he was cap- the reward he did up A t . - same time insisting on the universal Perhaps some such plan would nro. Up lcn lt was blown to auce desired results in tiQ laurel wreath was I hope that no one . will carry away now being waged on our camous In K upon the brow of the hero, but a . - z i 1 1 t -ftsifei4r j . . 1 w uaa 111 rinj niiT -i.,.x . ready that he so longs to hear. D. M. WILSEY. THANKS FOR THE TOWEL To the Editor: Through the columns of your paper, nice job Describes a a.. ing coed. &wiv- . A fircf :x:.. Y cul""n More emnhatiV and means:the girl is;Perfect P -Just fresh. out-Means. none left. Have one-Expression disA Los Angeles Times as pleased with TPrPltrii . V1 -tended to him bhS S3-6 : h you ST tPPCn t0 see on the June Fishery Worses running away with a co-ed, or Professor Jones asks the shp , , yU a estion which she doesn't know, but which you do, Saat;rrha More Progress rr mtto of-the Tar fomPtn EverriJPward and Onward," or something hke tW i. , hv t - again upneid Ane latest evidpn.Q x. , thp u to 00 wath the series , of Alumni tx... Penodxcal ly presented . The height of the coUars wot, u;. xi . . alumr-i 1. "r tne eminent uumm as shown i v. . thpm i . . - " e pictures ot " ":a Dy inch. What must we do in 100 . ' man .wins the nt,- " , 1. . election presidential