Library. " V- ( IJnivbrcity 0? j;orth cn,,. JUNIOR SMOKER FRIDAY NIGHT SWAIN IJALL 9 P. M. 1 . ill r. . . i ( v & 1 UP WELCOME NEWSPAPER MEN VOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 NUMBER 42 JFifth. Annual Ne wsp aper v t , Institute Gets JJnd&rway President Harry W. Chase De livers Address of Welcome Followed By Congressman Al bert Johnson as Chief Speaker Of. the Opening Session; Newspaper Folk 1 to Attend Barbecue Tonight. - , - - . -a. The fifth vNorth Carolina News paper Institute' got under way here Tuesday night with a record number in attendance. Headquarters for the gathering are at the 'Carolina Inn,al though many of those in attendance are staviner in the dormitories and in homes in Chapel Hil. ' - The first session was held last night at the Carolina Inn. President J Harry W. Chase delivered the address of welcome. Congressman Albert T -1- ' j r t' t ' 1 1. ' donnsoH, ecuior ana puDiisner, was tne principal speaker of the opening ses sion. He is from the state of Wash ington, is a descendant of the Johnson who came from Scotland and settled in "the Cape Fear section of North Carolina in the 17th century. He was born at Springfield, 111., but grew up jn Hiawatha, Kansas, where came a reporter oh a, St. Joseph, Mo., paper, moving thence to engage in newspaper work" in St. Louis, . New Haven, -and Washington, D. C. He was news editor of the "Tacoma Daily News.". Mr. Johnson was for a time editor of the "Seattle Morning Times, and in 1906 established him self at Hoquiam, Washington, as publisher of the "Hoquiam Daily Washingtonian" which he stillowns. Plenty of Entertainment - In the place of the usual Thurs day night banquet there will be a bar becue at the Country Club, with plenty of old-time negro vocal and instru mental ' music and other entertain ment features. After the barbecue the newspaper folk will go into ses sion again, and later they,, will go to a showingMjf a special feature picture at the Carolina Theatre. , There will be a business session this morning in the Carolina Inn ballroom. At two o'clock this afternoon Wade Phillips, director of the Department of Conservation and Development, will speak on "A Conservation Policy for North Carolina.' This will be follow ed with a discussion of "Newspaper Consolidation and Valuation" by W. E Page.' At 4:30 o'clock, Cleveland Baber of the "Asheville Citizen" will speak on "Mechanics and typo graphy." . Bradshaw Addresses Greensboro Lions Tells of the Many Problems Arising from Industrial Development. Tar Heel Staff s ToMeet Tonight There wilt be an important meet ing of all reporters ' of the Tar Heel staff in the Tar Heel office tonight at 7 o'clock. Every mem ber is urged to be present as some important business will come up before the meeting. , GERMAN CLUB HAS FIVE DANCES ON fINTERPRObRAM Joe Nesbit's Pennsylvanians to Furnish Music; To Take Place February; 8 and 9. The climax of the Winter Quarter's social season will be reached with the German" Club's Midwinter - dances Friday and Saturday, February 8th and ; 9th. Until last year the ' mid year dances were held shortly:, after Easter, but with, spring holiday" re placing Easter holiday, the German Club inaugurated the plan of h6lding Midwinter dances early in February. According to Announcements made by the German Club, the same plan will be followed next month that was used during the Thanksgiving, affair. This means .that there will be five dances altogether, one Friday after noonj one Friday evening,' a morning dance Saturday, an afternoon dance that day, and then the final ball that "... night. ; : : The German Club has been un usually successful in securing ' . Joe Nesbit's Pennsylvanians for this set of dances," This orchestra has been recording "fot Columbia Records for quite a whileand are bringing an ex cellent reputation to the University. As was the case during -the Fall Dances, the Gym will be used. Plans have been made f,or decorations. Members of the club, who have not paid their dues for the February dances are requested to pay Bill Marshall, secretary and treasurer of the club, at the Sigma Nu house. ' , - ; : - '- Junior Smoker to Be Friday Night Third Year Men Will Elect Dance Leaders and Class Marshals. Lee B.- Weathers V - l : Lee B. "Weathers, editor of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, and president of the North Carolina Press Associa tion, yhb presided at the opening of thef Fifth Annual Newspaper Institute which opened here Tuesday night. HITS OUR CRAZE FOR JAZZ MUSIC Sir Ernest Fowles, Noted Brit ish Musician, .Says American Tastes for Music Need to Be Improved Urges Return to Classics and Masters. Oiase Recommends Salary -Increase for : Faculty; Goes ; Before ApprOpriatioia.s' ; to sk f or Raise in Budget Committee v Dean Francis F. Bradshaw spoke at the luncheon,meeting of the Lions Club in Greensboro at the King Cotton Hotel yesterday "at noon. v , , "Youth and the New South" was the subject of Mr. Bradshaw's address in which he told of the problems aris ing from industrial development and ' the influx of the cultural stream of national life ' into the South. Mr. Bradshaw, who has been intensely in terested in the part .that; education is playing in this movement, main tained that steps must be taken in the near future toward strengthening the present educational program or else there would be grave consequences. Dance leaders for the Junior Prom and Junior Class marshals wil be elected at the Junior" smoker in Swain Hall, tomorrow night at nine o'clock, it was announced, by President Ray Farris yesterday. . ' - Music will be furnished by two or chestras' and the usual smoker menu will be served. .After the -smoker the entire class will be the guests' of Manager E. C. Smith of the Carolina Theatre t a special midnight show. The perform ance will be an "exclusively Junior Class affair, and 'none except the members of the class wlil be admitr ted to the show. : Alpha Lambda Tau announces -the pledging of Alex Mendenhall, Greens boro, andH. M. Gilbert, Darlington, S. C. '-r v;...'- - FreshMan Friendship Council Broadens Its Field of Activity The Freshman Friendship Coun cil is effecting a complete re-' organization. Seeking to broaden its field of activity the original purpose of. the body is undergo- ing a change. Intended as a so cial organization, to cement, the ties of friendship among the members of each entering class, the group now intends to exert itself by its energy and its in fluence toward making life at the. University more comfortable, hap pier, and less costly. . A membership drive lasting a month will be commenced Mon day night, terminating, very probably, with a banquet. A committee making a survey of campus life with the purpose of recommending future activity for the Council. The program tentatively out- lined for the next month includes a discussion Monday night on the V proposed daiy Tar Heel, at which iime Walter Spearman will speak on behalf of the daily, R. B. House will speak the same evening.- February' 4, , Mayor Zeb Council" has been invited to ex plain the reason for such a dras tic "bumming" campaign as has been inaugurated, after which a general discussion will be held. February If the Duke University Freshman organization has been invited to join the Carolina Freshmen in an oyster fry. Feb ruary 1 8 a banquet Jias s . ... been planned., ' . The same set of officers elected last fall will be retained for the new organization. They are: Clarence Phoenix, president; Glen Mock, vice-presideWi A. B. Gup ton, secretary; and J. E. Dungan, treasurer. The organization will . meet each Monday night at seven fifteen on the first floor of the Y. "You have a great work to, do in music in," this country," an English man told an American' audience in a lecture here at the University Tues day night on musical history. v ) " You've got to raise your standards of musical taste all the ,way through. It is not enough to have musical power. You must have taste. ' "You are. crazed for modern music. Get back to the classics. Know your Bach, your Handel, your Beethoven, your Mozart, your Haydn, and all the other masters.' Get a foundation d understand music, and then it will be a great message to you." Xhe Englishman who made these pertinent oDsetfvations had Deen mi this country three weeks. He was rib less personage than Sir Ernest Fowles, fellow of the Royal Academy tf Musicians 'and one of Britain's most outstanding musicians. He. spoke uncter the auspices of the Student-Entertainment Committee on o-myx; view ui -. muaitiu History" and- at' once delighted and charmed a rather large audience of students, faculty members, and towns people. Playing selections i from time to time to illustrate his lecture, Mr. Fow les .took upmusioal history with the Stone Age and traced 'it down to present times. i Concluding his story, Mr. Fowles pointed out that music has its roots in the beginning of history, that music in antiquity filled the same purpose with man even if he had not the means of expressing it, that it is a great, great language. He made his plea for the classics and urged: "Measure this great art and its development riot by the puny standards of our own day but by the magnificence " of its appeal through 5,000 year's." He closed his leqture with a piano selection of one of Beethoven's great works. . ' Alexander Explains , Plan of Financing Daily Paper to Frosh Tells Them to Study Plan so They ' Will Know How to Vote Feb. 7. Takes Look Into Future In An nual Report to Board of Trus tees; , Shows Importance of Setting up System of Retiring Allowances for University ' Professors. ? That the level of faculty salaries be increased, . that a system of re tiring allowances for the faculty-be set up, ; and that a flexible fund be established for rewarding individual achievement, were among the recom mendations made to the University Board of Trustees at their winter meeting here today by President Harry W. Chase in his annual report. Taking a look at the future, Dr. Chase urged that some immediate step be taken toward increasing- the level of faculty salaries. " 1 "Institutions which disregard gen eral standards .in such matters do so to their own deep disadvantage, I know that v members of -your Board with whom I , have repeatedly' dis cussed - this matter agree with this position. Our situation in this re spect becomes more difficult year by year , and it is my earnest hope that with your active support no further delay in securing some measure of relief may be experienced. ": We need in addition a flexible fund for re warding distinctive . achievement. Of this I have alread spoken to you, and jrou have agreed f in principle With a general increase in salary levels and with the possibility- of in dividual rewards for distinguished achievement we - Can face the future with more security. : " y "A second measure of-" importance ti'Vii-.Ji onnMrm: -Uto (Qfillfv Tins tn do with the setting-up of a system ofl retiring" allowances. On this point tour Board has never taken definite action. I think it should take such action'. TVIen who spend their lives in In a chapel talk Tuesday, explain ing the four plans that have Jbeen suggested for financing the daily Tar Heel, Marion Alexander business manager joi the now tri-weekly, urged all the Freshmen to consider the four plans that have been isuggested and to decide which of them is the most prac tical so that he will be ready to cast his preferential ballot in the referen dum which will be- held February 7. In introducing Alexander, Mr. Brad shaw said that it is very important that the Freshman know all about these plans, for in any campus-wide referendum the Freshmen cast about half of the ballots. Unless the Fresh men thoroughly understand the issues involved, serious results are liable to follow. for the holding of able men." Pointing out that : great progress had been made during the past de cade iri meeting the ,materiaj needs of the University, Dr. Chase ; said that the most important new, struc tures needed are a gymnasium and physical education building, a build ing making more adequate provision for the Medical School, the comple tion of' ihe Graham Memorial Build ing, and a' proper laboratory school for the School of Education. SENIORS ELECT SUPERLATIVES : : -:-: ,. -" ; Fourth Year Men. Also Select Faculty Members for the 1929 Annual. W: E. Page Wmmmmmm 4 S , , ' f - : . W. E. Page (above), president of the R. W. Page Corporation, owners of a chain of newspapers, will ad dress the Newspaper Institute in seS' sion here ' this afternoon. v His topic will be "Newspaper Consolidation and Valuation!." DAILY TAR HEEL . FAVORED BY PHI Recent Proposal Passed Bjr Stu - dent Activities Committee Is Favored' By Assembly By , Overwhelming Majority. The Phi - Assembly held its regular meeting Tuesday night, January 22. After the meeting was opened by Speaker -Ray-the entire session was taken up with the' discussion of the following question: Resolved that the . , , . . . i Phi go on record as favoring the pro- rigm, xo expeci mat in men: um age provision will be made for them.; The existence of such retiring allowances in institutions is the strong argument Attends Large Alumni 'Meeting In Raleigh Tuesday; Gives Detailed Report of .Univer sity's Needs; Five New Mem bers Placed on Executive Committee. The first Senior Smoker of the year was held at Swain hall, Monday night, January ,21. , After the. meeting was opened, Buck Carr;1 President of the Senior class, introduced1 Linwood Harrell, of the Yackety Yack staff, ' who explain ed the plan for the Senior class to aid the Yackety Yack in selecting 10 faculty members ( for this year's faculty ' section. These men were voted on by secret ballot andthe fol lowing were selected: Professor Frank Graham; Dr. R. D. W. Connor; Drl J. C. Lyons; Professor, E. L. Mackie; Dr. E. W. Zimmerman ; . Dr. G. T. Schwening ; Professor K. C, Frazier ; Professor R. A. .McPheters ; Dean Hibbard; and Dean Carrol, f V Following; Mac Gray's talk on preserving the beauty of the campus, Bowman Gray, chairman of the com mittee on memorials, suggested that the Senior class leave as its memorial cherry trees from Dr. Chase's home ttT'the dormitories on the street run nine by the, arboretum. The recom mendation was accepted by the class. 1 . v Senior Superlatives ; ; The election of superlatives, class day officers, and dance leaders were next in order.' In selecting ihe super latives, the following were elected: most popular co-ed, Emily McLellan; prettiest, 7 Margaret . Broadus ; i most flirtatious, Francis McAllister; most dramatic, Lois Warden; best all roun boy, Henry Satterfield; bejt athlete, Henrv Satterfield: best writer, Joe K (Continued n pag four) posal of changing the tri-weekly Tar Heel to a daily paper. The resolu tion passed the Assembly with an overwhelming majority. v Speaker Ray opened fire on the resolution saying, "that the proposal of a daily Tar Heel is unnecessary, unwise, and will prove burdensome because its history has not justified such an expansion." Representative Harrell came to the rescue of the proposal for a daily Tar Heel by saying, "that the Tar Heel has grown to the point that a daily was a necessity." He further stated that there wouid be no increase in the publication fee, and explained the four ways of vfinancing the daily as proposed by the student-activities committee. Representative Carr urged every man to support the resolution, because it was one, of the wisest steps ever taken toward better activities, and would do much in giving the Univer- sity" publicity! .' . s . The Phi and Di will have a joint meeting Tuesday .night, February 5,. when the Di will be guest of the Phi. This meeting will be entirely devoted to the discussion of a daily Tar , Heel. It has been only one generation from horse-shed to seven-stofy ga rage. Boston Herald. The largest annual meeting of the trustees of the University ever held was presided over by Governor Gard ner in his office at Raleigh last Tues day. There were eighty-one mem bers present. At this meeting it was decided that President Harry W. Chase and five members of the board should appear before the joint appropriations com mittee of the General Assembly Wed nesday afternoon to, seek ah increase in the amount allotted them in the budget for the next two years. - ' Dr. Chase made his formal report stating the needs of the University in detail, "fle had asked the budget com mission for $100,000 for permanent improvements for the next year; but had received only $264,000. Last year the University was granted $1,200,000 for permanent improvements. Main tenance funds requested for the next fiscal year .totaled $1,098,000, the; amount granted being $842,000. A year ago the maintenance fund was $880,000. ' Five new members were plaeed tipQn ;he executive committee . of the board at Tuesday's meeting. These men, each having a term of three years, are A. B. Andrews and Josephus Daniels of Raleigh, Hay wood Parker of Asheville, Judge N. A. Tqwnsend of Dunn,r and "Z. V. Wal ser of Lexington. ' , , W. Frank Taylor of Goldsboro and Aleck A. Shuford of Hickory were ap pointed to the visiting - committee. This is a committee of six whose duty ! it is , to visit the . University . every spring to make an inspection. On recommendation of the execu tive committee, the trustees voted their approval of the employment of Daniel L. Grant for a' year as finan cial aent and director of the Alumni Loyalty Fund, with his expenses to be paid put of the fund. V Dr. Chase recommended, among other things, that the level of faculty salaries be increased, ' that: a system of retiring .allowances for the faculty be set up, and that a flexible fund be established for rewarding individual achievement. ' - 1 Y Deputation Team to r Take Three Day Trip The University Y. M. C. A. Deputa tion team will leave here 'on January 31 for a three day trip to Wilmington where they will put on a program for the Wilmington Hi-Y Club. - Three speakers will make the trip and will make talks in -behalf of Y. M. C. A. work, "Mac Gray, President of the University, Y. M. C. A., Aubrey Perkins, acting Secretary, and J. E. Dungan. r The team will carry a quartet com posed of John Miler, T. E. Marshall, W. F. Humphreys, and J. C. Connolly. Fraternity pictures will be made up to and through Saturday Jan uary 26. No more iunior -nicrtures win be made. - - ' Students to Select One Plan Of Financing Daily Tar Heel A few students are under a de- cided misapprehension concerning the proposed daily Tar Heel. In some occult manner they have formed , the idea that establish ment of the student paper on a daily basis would mean placing in operation all four of the methods of financing the paper appearing on the : student' ballot, as outlined in the last issue of the Tar Heel. . This is entirely false. k One of the following plans of financing ' the daily will be 'adopted. ; 1. Combination of the Carolina Magazine into a semi-monthly literary supplement to the daily Tar Heel. ; 2. Abolition of the Buccaneer. 3. Simplification of the Yackety Yack. ::.:Sy : 4. Reapportionment of all stu dent publications fees with utili zation of the surplus now in the Publications Union treasury to meet a probable vdeficit. Establishment of the Daily Tar Heel will open adoption, of only one of these methods of financing, and student fees will not be in creased in any case. If the Yaclf ety Yack is simplified, the Buc caneer and Magazine will continue just as they are. Conversely, if the Magazine is combined into a supplement to the Tar Heel, jio change will be made iri the Yack ety. Yack" or the Buccaneer, and if the Buccaneer is abolished the ' other two publications will remain just as they are. The four plans of financing will be voted on in order of prefer en The voter will indicate his ' first, second, third and fourth choice on the ballot. First choice will count four units, second choice- three, third choice , two, and fourth choice one. The plan that re-, ceives the highest number of units wiU be put into operation.