DEBATERS WIN OVER MARQUETTE ., 1 - ; Audience Gives Decision; Three University Debaters Uphold Negative End of Argument. Miss Gertrude Vaile The - Tar Heel - debaters continue! their winning streak by defeating the team from Marquette University Monday night in Garrard Hall. The The Carolina debaters, H. II. Hob good, J. C. Harris, and W. W. Speight ,were declared victorious by a vote of the audience. - The audience voted before and af ter the debate and the team which changed the greater number of opin ions was declared winner. - The Tar Heel team upheld the negative side of , the proposition that the public should own and operate the hydro electric power ' plants of the United States, excepting those now under private r control. The Marquette team, composed of Avin Sable, Roy Denefe, and Kenneth Erion, advocat ed public operation and ownership. This was one of the best and most interesting "debates held- at Chapel Hill for quite a space of time. The attendance was larger than lisual at such affairs. Both teams appeared to have adequate knowledge of the question; Although the Carolina team presented better organized ar guments, the Marquette team clearly (Continued on page four) GLEE CLUB MEN ARE NOT FLAMING YOUTHS ON TRIPS Rules in Effect on the Univer sity Campus Are Enforced On Tours. , jBy Donald - Wood The Glee Club of the University of North Carolina travels about as much as any other organization here. JE very quarter there is a long trip of a week or ten days, and sometimes there are several short trips of week ends or one night performances. While the members are away from the Hill, the student body often won ders just what they are doing besides giving concerts. The popular sus picion is voiced in the words of one fellow who said the other day, "Gee, I'd like to go on some, trips with the Glee Club. I hear they have some plenty wild times while they are gone." If any member of the club who par ticipates in the trips is asked about the conduct of the club while gone, he passes off the question with a wink and leaves the questioner as much in the dark about what really goes on as he was before. Conse quently, the purpose of this article is to really explain what really does happen after the club gives its con certs in the various towns and cities that they visit. , In the first place, the rules of the campus go with the club in effect wherever it goes. This applies not only in theory but in actual practice. Discipline is enforced at all times, and it is surprising to know how coopera tive are the members' who are for tunate enough to make the trips, in maintaining order and upholding the morale of the club. ' There is very, very little drinking, if any, done by the members while away on tour. Of course there are times when there is some drinking, but those times1 are very few and far between. There are parties given in practically every town in which the club, makes an ap pearance, and at many of these par ties and dances whiskey ana wine flow freely, even as at every affair of similar nature elsewhere, but it is a safe bet to say that the members of the Glee Club know how to take care of themselves under all conditions, and the club has never been refused a return engagement to a town on ac count of excessive drinking in that place. The rule that the violation of the Volstead Act, as defined by th University Student Council, will re sult in the guilty parties being sent back to the campus immediately and reported to proper authorities is al ways present in the eyes of the club members. ". The club is kept together by a re gulation which prohibits any member from travelling apart or in groups separate from the rest of the club. The members who make the trip must (Continued on page four) . -, e I. v The Philanthropic Assembly con sidereck in its regular Tuesday night meeting, the necessity of birth con trol for the progress of the United States. It voted to go on record as finding no need of governmental inter ference in the prevailing conditions, v Society is paying too much attention to so-called "romantic love" and Representative Lang, contending too little to "married love," says Miss Gertrude Vaile, former president of that the present industrial stiuation it iifliTrif """ CAROLINA MAN IS' KILLED IN PLANE CRASH AT SALEM Reed Latham, S.P.E. Pledge and Freshman Here Last Year, Killed in Twin City. Reed Latham, who was a freshman here last year,, was killed in an air plane crash at . the Miller Municipal Airport Monday afternoon around two o'clock. Latham was a popular stu dent here last year and a pledge of the S. P. E. fraternity. No one knows exactly how the ac cident happened; there were, no eye witnesses to be found. ' Latham was up in his i own plane with Fred O'Brien, a young man about his own age. ' One of the officials of the air port heard a crash and rushed out to find the plane a complete wreck with Latham still in the cockpit and his comrade about twenty feet away.. Latham died shortly after being re moved to the hospital. The wreck of the airplane was Rocked in the han gar to - "await an investigation by a representative of the Federal govern ment. Phi Assembly Men Don't Want Birth Control Measures the National Conference for Social Service, who is spending the year in study and rest here. She is to be one of the speakers at the North Carolina Conference for Social Service which convenes in Raleigh next week. Social Workers Will Meet At Raleigh Next Tuesday $ . . , TWO THOUSAND SEE PLAYMAKERS AT GREENVILLE Three Organizations Will Hold Joint Sessions With North Carolina Social Service Con Three independent, but affiliated organizations are to meet with the North Carolina Conference for Social Service at its seventeenth annual sessions in ' Raleigh next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The organizations are the North Carolina Association of Superinten dents of Public Welfare, the Family Welfare Societies, and the North Carolina Association of Travelers' Aid Societies. Each will have a separate session the morning of the opening day, and members will then join in the pro gram arranged for the Social Service Conference proper. '. The Association of Public Wel fare Superintendents will hold its regular semi-annual session and busi ness meeting at 10:30 o'clock with president A. W. Cline, of Winston Salem, presiding. , Addresses by Mrs. Mary Camp Sprinkle, of the Bureau of County Organization; Dr. Harry W. Crane, of the Bureau of Mental Health and Hygene, State Board of Charities and Public Welfare; and Miss Ger trude Vaile, former President of the National Conference of Social Work, who is now doing special work at the University, will feature the program. The Family Welfare Societies will meet also at 10:30. Miss E. Grace Miller, Executive Secretary, Asso ciated Charities, Asheviiie, who is president of the Societies, will " pre side, and on the program will be an address and discussion led by Miss Josephine Brown, Associate Field Di rector, of the American Association for Organizing Family Social? Work, The group will resume its session in the afternoon following the joint luncheon. v The state association of Travelers' Aid Societies will meet at 11 o'clock, with Mrs. Clarence Hudson, State President, presiding. An address by Rev. S. S. Bost, of Durham, and dis cussion led by Miss Jimie Parker, of the Raleigh; Travelers' Aid Society, will be the high spots on the program. Sessions of the Social Service Con ference proper will get under way Tuesday afternoon and continue through' Thursday afternoon. Fea tured are addresses by Dr. William E. Dndd. head of the Department of History at the University of Chicago and Dr. Karl de Sehweimtz. awyers ana J&ngineers , : Pepped up ;ver : Their -Dances Tomorrow-Niht 4 " C. T. McCormick ::::-::-:: :o:-: ' XvXvXvNv:-:-:-:-:-:-: i : ',::-:-: :-:-:-:-:-:-:v v: r : . JLi Dean Charles T; McCormick of the University Law 1 School, who spoke over station WPTF Monday on 'The Jury System." DEAN M'CORMICK DEFENDS PRESENT JURY SYSTEMS Speaks over Radio from Station WPTF at Raleigh on Desira bility of Jury System. " is caused by over-population, stated that if the uneducated working classes were taught the fundamental princi- pies of birth control, there would be much less unemployment than exists at present., Representative Whitby maintained that if birth control was practiced universally," the illegal means now, used would be practically done away with, and that the infant and maternal mortality rates would be greatly lessened. ' The majority of those taking part in the discussion, however, were of the opinion that in the greater numbe of instances such control is not a necessity, and is contrary to nature. Theatre Guild Entertains Caro- Representatives Hobgood, Green, and linn P!nvAr- Nowcrmnorc: Crumpler were of the belief that un- j , - ' " rtT " Laud Plays. natural devices were harmful both in a mental and moral way. Debate To Be Held In the Near Future vxxccuviiic, o. feu. xv. xue i a i Carolina Playmakers, presenting The MarV D. W Tight their bill of three North Carolina plays, were granted the biggest ova tion here last night that they have received on their present tour, ac cording to Professor Frederick Koch, mentor of the group. s The performance was staged in the auditorium of the Greenville College for Women where more than two Arrangements are being made for holding the Mary D. Wright Debate in the near future. Although the constitutions of the Di and the "Phi state that this inter-society contest thousand persons saw the Tar Heel sha11 be held during the fall quarter contingent perform two plays by Paul Green and one by Mrs. Loretto Car roll Bailey. Immediately - following the show the casts of the plays were enter tained at the Country Club by the local Theatre Guild. The , following is a clipping from the Greenville press: "The Carolina Playmakers, under the able direction of Frederick H. Koch, presented three one-act plays at G. W. C. auditorium last eve ning to a large and appreciative au dience. - "The first, a negro comedy called 'The Man Who Died at Twelve O'Clock,' by a young Carolina play wright of great promise, Paul Green, was - a delightfully amusing picture of each collegiate year, the debate was last quarter postponed indefinite- ly. - A v Dean McCormick of the University Law school, speaking Monday after noon over station WPTF at Raleigh, discussed . the problem of the desir ability of the jury system as a part of the machinery of justice. Addressing his unseen audience, he pointed out the merits and defects of the present system and named the various reme dies which have been suggested- to re lieve the latter. He said in part: ' "In the first place, the critics say that in many cases the jury will be swayed by passion or prejudice rather than by cool reason they say, that in a case involving the liquor laws, the jury is often influenced as much by the community feeling for or against prohibition as by the guilt or innc cence of the man on trial. ' "A second charge which is directed against juries is that they are igno rant and mentally untrained to deal with the difficult problems which are often involved in lawsuits. 7 "A third accusation which is made against the jury is that it is expensive. "Finally, a principal charge which is leveled against the jury system, is that it is unbearably slow. In the first place the jury's ignorance and the openness to prejudice, of which I have spoken, have necessarily caus ed the courts to build up elaborate (Continued on page four) a World's Champion' Denatured Alcohol Drinker" Is Title Which A Chapel Hill Negro Claims "Pink" Guthrie iDrinks Pint of Denatured and Uses Whiskey for a Chaser; Has Drunk So Much Alcohol He Thinks His i Stomach Has Turned Into a Radiator. ' ( o By J. P. HUSKINS Frequenters of Chapel Hill gara ges are surprised on hearing . the same man call for radiator alcohol showing how great a factor religious many times and sometimes in the mid- superstition is in the simple lif e of die of the summer. But their surprise the negro. Hubert Heffner as Janu- is even greater when they are told ary Evans, gave an especially inter esting and worthy interpretation of the gullible old grand-daddy whose granddaughter and the man she that Pink Guthrie, colored, drinks de natured alcohol and gets a kick out of "it. ,.- "S--: Yes, sir," that's his ' weakness Is He planned to wed; were much too clever drinks i$ in all quantities especially for him. - large ones. He drinks pints of de- " 'Job's Kinfolks,' the second play hatured and uses whiskey for a chaser, given, was a remarkable picture of In fact, Pink says that he has drunk the drab, colorless life of the mill so much alcohol that his stomach has workers in industrial sections ' of turned to a radiator. He works on North Carolina. Lorretto ' Carroll the principle that alcohol is still al Bailey, the very youthful author of cohol no matter how much denatured the play, has displayed amazing for the same reason that Bologna is talent and a rare understanding of Bologna no matter how thin it is slic the philosophy of the mill people ed. ' and the many tragic features of their ' Besides getting a kick out of drink every day life. Miss Bailey took the ing denatured alcohol, Guthrie takes part of Old Kizzie, the wise, but sour pride in calling himself the champion old grandmother and. gave a note- denatured alcohol drinker. On be worthy performance. - ing asked how He became champion, Annual Engineering School Dance at Carolina Inn and Lawyers Association Ball at Gym. Two dances wijl be held in Chapel Hill tomorrow ; night by student or ganizations. The Law School Asso ciation will stage a dance in the gym nasium, and the Engineering students will hold their annual ball in the ball room of. the Carolina Inn. The V annual Engineers' dance, : sponsored by the local student chap- -ters of the A.S.C.E. and A.I.E.E.. is to be held from 'nine until one at the Carolina Inn. Plans are " now under way for the decoration of the ball room in an appropriate manner. Special and novel lighting arrange ments will unite with Jack Wardlaw's music in producing a proper terpis chorean , atmosphere. K At a recent meeting of the En gineering School it was recommended by the dance committee that the dance be informal. Since that time, how ever, sufficient financial returns have been guaranteed, and the committee has decided that the dance 'will be formal, as originally planned by the two societies. According to members of the dance committee, enthusiasm for the dance is quite high among the Engineering students, and it is felt that this year's affair will exceed any previous one in affording a good time to the hard working techmen and the girls they are having downfor this and . other social activities of the week-end. They urge that all engineers secure their tickets for the dance before Friday -noon. A guest ticket will be given with each engineer's ticket, and they may be secured from R. H. Hayes, R. M. Sawyer, Joe Holt, Byron Sharpe, or Charlie Waddell. ; - ; r The Law School Association will hold its annual dance in the srvmna- (Continued on page three) CAROLINA CO-EDS NOT FLAPPERS, SAYDISENATORS They Refuse to Open Doors of Senate to Women, However. he explained that Henry Durham, an ardent rival, thoroughly denatured was waimng aown mam street m Hillsboro one day and bumped into a light post. Thinking that he had collided with some person, Henry turned and said, "Excuse me, please.' A few steps farther down the stree Henry bumped into another light post and again said, "Excuse me, please." But , on bumping into a-third post, he turned and said, "Damned if I don't aim to sit down and wait till the crowd gets by!" But the crowd didn't all get by. A policeman found Henry, and now he has a job with the county. This disqualif icationof Henry left Pink a clear title to the champion ship. - But being champion alcohol drink er isnot always easy. There are many legal difficulties involved. For ex ample, Pink was once tried in Hills boro for the consumption of denatured. He pled guilty but argued that he had-violated no prohibition law. The (Continued on page four) -The Dialectic Senate meeting Tuesday night "was featured by heat ed discussions on the proposition that the Dialectic Senate go on 'record as opening its doors for membership to the women of the Universitv. Al- though several senators contended with great vigor that women should be admitted because' of their superior knowledge of certain matters of time ly interest to the senate at large, the resolution was defeated by a sub stantial majority. ; In" defending the resolution Sena tor. McPherson referred to the extra-, ordinary progress of the University during the last six years. He point ed out that it is rather significant that women have been admitted to the University at all times during these six years. The senator was of the opinion that co-eds at the Univer sity at present are not the flapper type, but the type of womanhood which is interested in real education. Senator Dungan called attention to the fact that the proposition of ad mitting women to the Dialectic Senate has been before he senate four times comparatively recently. The sena tor commented on the alleged pecu liar interest which women have in literary matters. . . ' "During the time that I have been a member of the Di Senate I have dis cussed this matter four ; times al ready.' Each time I favored the plan of admitting women to membership in the senate, but now my opinion re garding the matter is entirely chang ed. For the first time I am op posing the idea." Senator Gilreath made these statements in the course of his discussion of the resolution. He ai.uicis.tHi but; piaa in lerms ux me con tention that co-eds are no needed in the Di Senate. Senator Norwood was of the opinion that the resolution should be discussed with even greater vigor, since it had been defeated on previous occasions. The speaker contended that all opposition to - the matter (Continued on page four)