The V t CLASS NOMINATIONS .TONIGHT 7:30 I I mil 0? NCIV Toy v VV - ri3 Yy v. 6 rl CAMPUS NOMINATIONS FRIDAY MORNING MEMORIAL HALL 10:30 VOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C THURSDAYMARCH 28, 1929 NUMBER 64 to' -4 Campus Officers To Be Nominated In Memorial Hall Friday Classes Will Meet Tonight to Nominate Men;, Election Will Be Held on April 4; Much Interest Beings Shown by Stu dent Body. Dr. Chase The annual political battle of the year will be staged during the period of the week beginning today and ending April - 4. Tonight zealous friends of '"likely" and "brilliant" campus leaders will extol the indi vidual merits of the respective can didates. The class that is rising sen ior will meet in Gerrard Hall at 7:30; the rising junior class will meet at the same time in the assembly hall in Murphey Building; and the rising sophomore class will gather in the assembly hall in the Law building. The Campus Elections Committee chose upon tonight for the nomina tion of the class officers because of the fact that Friday is Good Friday, and a considerable number of stu dents will be leaving the Hill on that date. In addition to the nominating of candidates who will compete for the class offices, there will be some six teen other campus positions to . be filled, which will be nominated at Chapel period .tomorrow morning. Men will be nominated for the presi dency of the student body, the four offices of the Y; M. C. A., the presi dency and vice-presidency of the Athletic Association, 'the editorships of the publications, the memberships of the Publications Union Board, and chief cheer, leader. The election of officers will fall on TWrtav. Aoril 4. There will be two polls to speed . up the voting. A persons, whose last names commence with letters from A through L will cast their ballots in Memorial Hall T,na all mse nersons ' whose last names commence with letters from M through the rest of the alphabet will vote at a polling place outside the V; M. C. A. Building. Voting will begin at nine o'clock the morning of April 4 and will continue at both Places until six o'clock that evening. The Australian Secret ballot will be employed in the election, the pro visions of which will be strictly en- . -Fnrred bv members of the Campus "Elections Committee under the lead- t,; ,vf "Rmdcnns. chairman of CLSllip v-1- - o ' the group. The staff of the Tar Heel will meet tonight to nominate a candidate to run for the editorship of that pub nAoirm TVie 'Publications Union Board will nominate, candidates to run for positions on the Board next year, as usual. I. x- "x JBMmi mm miming mi llimiiniaBwiww-v:-:-: -.-.-.- mmw wihw .mr-awo Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase (above) who decided to remain at the Univer sity when he declined an offer recent ly tendered him by the Social Science Research Council. BINGHAM HALL IS OPENED FOR USE Plan to Levy Fee on Students Who Take Over Three Courses At the next regular meeting of the University faculty the question of charging students a fixed price for all Subjects taken - during, a quarter above the minimum three will be taken up. According to reports of the plan to be con sidered, $4 will be charged for half courses and $8 for whole courses. It is understood, however, that in those curricula which require courses in excess of three a quar ter for the degree no special fee beyond that now assessed will be charged. If this plan is passed by the fac ulty it will be passed on to the University trustees for considera tion. The schools which will be affected by this proposal, if passed, will be The College of Liberal Arts, the School of Commerce, -the School of Education and the School of Applied Science. Mile. Gina Pinnera Franklin Girl Heads N. C. C. W. Students :-:-:-x-:-:vw:-x-x:'::::-:-:-:-: . :::?;x x:yi;-v--i ';fe: . :-x-::-:-:-: x : m HIP r -;. 4 Miss Betty Sloan, of Franklin, has been elected by student ballots at North Carolina College as president of the student government associa- Universitv School of Commerce tion for the next year. Miss Polly Moves Into Its Handsome New Quarters. ENGINEERS GO ON OBSERVATION TRIP Visit Seats of Many Large In dustries in State; Will Be come Annual Affair. Seniors in the course in Industrial Management at the University of ttorth Carolina have just completed an interesting series of visits to se lected industries of the state. , Under the direction of Prof. G. T. Schwen ning, who offers the course in Indus trial Management, the class made in- snection trips to the toliowing in dustrial -plants: Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company at Durham, Irwin Cotton Mills at West Durham, Kiver- c,Ma rtton Mills at Danville, Va., Vick Chemical Company at Greens Bingham Hall, named for the Bing ham family of North Carolina, pro minent educators, was informally opened yesterday . when the school of Commerce of the State university oc cupied its new home for the first time The building has just been completed, Dean Dudley D. Carroll and mem bers of the staff of instruction of the school of Commerce occupied their of fices and began class work in the new building, and all were highly pleased with this realization of a long-felt need for a home of their own. Since its organization in 1919 the school of Commerce has occupied rooms in Saunders Hall. The new building, said to be one of the best constructed on the campus, houses the administrative offices of the school of Commerce and the class rooms and laboratories of the depart ments of economics and commerce. It is three stories in height, and be sides has 13 class rooms, four labora tory rooms, 20 conference and seminar rooms, one auditorium seating 250, and a mimeographing room. It" is situated on the Southern end of the campus just below Murphy Hall and next to the University's new library. Work was begun last June. Cost of construction was $160,000. The school of Commerce now has 560 students, and, besides these, many students from other schools of the University take courses offered in economics and commerce. Student Noticie Denson, of Tarboro, was made vice president, Miss Mary Jane Wharton, Greensboro, was chosen secretary and Miss Betty E. Sloan, of Garden City, N. Y., was named treasurer. In the same general election, Miss Mattie Moore Taylor? of Enfield, was made editor of the Carolinian student weekly newspaper. Miss Betty Gaut, of Martelle, Tenn., was elected editor of the Coraddi, the college magazine. Miss Dorothy Edwards, of Wilming ton, was elected editor of the Pine Needles, the college annual. For chief marshal, the most sought honor in the annual election, Miss Christie Maynard was named. Mile. Gina Pinnera, French-English-Italian soprano, will appear in Me morial Hall next Monday night at eight-thirty in a song recital. Her name is one of the few that has become famous in an overcrowded field during the past few years. Her concert in Carnegie Hall, during February of last year, finally won for her the fame she had been working for for a decade or more; Classes Nominate Officers Tonight D. E. Hudgins, Jr., retiring presi dent of the student body, urges all students to take part in the nomi nating caucuses that will meet to night for the purpose of nominat ing men to run for class offices. The rising senior class will meet in Gerrard Hall; the rising juniors in the assembly hall in Murphey Building; and the rising sopho mores in the assembly hall of the Law Building. CONNOR HISTORY VALUABLE WORK Besides Historical, Portion Five- Volume Set Has Much Bio graphical Material. Water and Profanity Ripple Fluently as 30,000 Gallons of Water Flood Grimes Dorm ? Tar Heel Staff To Meet Tonight Walter Spearman, editor of the Tar Heel announces a meeting of the entire editorial staff called for seven o'clock tonight in the Tar Heel office for the purpose of nominating an official candidate for the office of editorship of the Daily Tar Heel to be inaugurated next fall. The Business Manager of the Uni versity announced yesterday after noon that all fees for the spring quarter must positively be paid with in five days after registration. This date is April 1. Extension of time will be given only to those persons who can prove that it is absolutely necessary. Un less all persons registered in the University either pay these fees or arrange for their payment by April Rev. E. C. Rozzelle To Represent Rotary Club At National Meeting At a meeting of the local Rotary Club, Wednesday night, Rev. E. C. Rozelle, pastor of the Methodist church, was chosen to represent the club at the national convention to be held in Texas sometime in May. The club since its organization has been very active in the local affairs of the town, and great interest is be ing shown in the work. It was this Dorm Occupants Undergo Many Hardships During Past Few Days in Form of Water and Robberies. W and the Tomlinson Chair Manu- U, they will be immediately dropped L &t schwjl enabling the SLUiwiius iiuiii an lucunveuieiii, ins tance to procure a hot lunch in the school building. Civil Engineers To Hold Meeting rvvmnanv at High Jfomt. In every case the class was given a most cordial reception by the manage ment. The observation tours were a regu lar part of the class instruction. They re taken during the latter part ox the course after the students had con sidered the theoretical aspects of in dustrial management problems, btu dents were assigned topics, such as d lavout of the plant, -hnfcal conveyor systems, light- welding in steel structures centers, shown. iLlgt All VWHU1WV6J ' etc., upon which they wrote reports after each visit. Thus is was possible to compare theory with actual con ditions and practices, State College Students Use Australian Ballot The Australian ballot system of i voting was inaugurated at North The William eCain chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers will meet tonight at 7:30 in 206 Phil lips hall. Mr. Frank Adams will ex plain the construction over the Green Carolina State College last Tuesday River Gorge, and a moving picture when students went to the polls m which illustrates the methods of arc their annual primary to nominate will be candidates for student body offices in the April 17 elections. The system of voting included pri Dean Bradshaw announced yester- vate desks in the Y. M. C. A. with the dav that chapel exercises will be re- balloting in charge of a registrar, sumed next Monday, April 1. judges, and a sheriff. In all the annals of crime and mis hap at Carolina there is no record of any building's being so great a victim of ill fortune as was Grimes dormi tory during the recent spring holi days. It was broken into, robbed, and flooded. Woebegone Grimes has about recovered from her plight, but part of the case is still shrouded in mys tery. ' ' The flood came Thursday night, and Uncle Louis, the venerable jani tor, declares that it was the biggest mess he has ever seen during his long years of service at the Univer sity. When he arrived at work Fri day morning the floor of his private living room, located in the basement of Grimes, was deeply submerged. Uncle Louis followed the trickling and seeping rivulets to the first floor, found that flooded, and in amazement discovered that the water was coming from yet higher. He waded up the stairs to the second floor where the water stood ankle-deep in the ridor and every room. It was upon the second floor that Uncle Louis and his fellow-janitor, Pope, heard someone yelling for help and upon opening the door of the room whence the cries came they found the disconsolate occupant .seated high and dry upon his bed, while profanity and water rippled fluently about the room. The boy shouted that his res cuers had arrived just in time to save him from getting his. feet wet, want ed to know what in thunder had hap pened, and swore that his rugs, shoes. suitcases and everything else on the floor were ruined. Uncle Louis lugubriously explained (Continued on. page four) cor UNIVERSITY GLAD CHASE WILL STAY Chapel Hill Folks and Students Are Joyful Over His Declina tion of Tempting Proposition; Third Offer In Past Few Years. In a recent statement issued by Dr. H. W. Chase, president of the University, he has definitely decided o remain at the University by de clining the offer recently tendered him some time ago by the Social Science Research Council, which car ries with it a salary of $20,000, which is nearly twice the amount that he receives at present, as well as raveling expenses and a liberal re tiring allowance. Close observers in Chapel Hill view the situation as one in which the president turned down a high salaried and comparatively easy position for one that will continue to require his best efforts along lines of manage ment, tact, and policy. Persons at tending the University and resident in Chapel Hill realize the importance that the legislatures and the influ ence of changing "governors have upon the institution. They know that the University being mostly sup ported by the state, its welfare is very apt to be at the mercy of what- ever political tneories regaroing economy or its management as are current in the political world of the state. Dr. Chase has always striven to prove the . distinct advantages oi higher education as the creation of an asset rather than an expense. Uni versity and college leaders through out the entire' state have been very greatly encouraged by Dr. Chase's decision to stay. He is still a young man with liberal ideas, and the Uni versity is congratulating itself upon being able to hold the interest and the service of such a leader. This off er is the third of such po sitions of larger trust and salary that have been offered President Chase during the past few years, the other two being the presidencies of the Universities of Oregon, and the City of Cincinnatti. In writing of Prof. R. D. W. Connor's new five-volume History of North Carolina, A. B. Moore, profes sor of history at the University of Alabama, says that Professor Connor has done the people of his state an inestimable service, and, incidently has made a very valuable, contribu tion to the history of : the- United States. Parts of Prof. Moore's review the new history are as follows: "I have examined with much inter est Prof. R. D. W. Connor's History of North Carolina. Professor Connor has a wonderful theme, and he has developed it in a way that will satisfy the critical . requirements of the hist orical craft and at the same time the public demand for a readable and en- ertaining narrative. "Professor Connor has written a charming account of the people of the great commonwealth of North Caro lina. The story is rich and it is richly told. The style is lucid and lively, and the color and vivacity are supplied by frequent and apt quota tions from a great variety of con-H' wmporary source raauenai. as vni nects , ifn essay OI nlgn I -1 ' so. - - U. D. C. OFFERS $1,000 PRIZE Will Be Given for Best Essay Written on Some Phase of Southern History. For the purpose of encouraging re search in the history of the South, particularly in the Confederate period, the U. D. C. is offering the Mrs. Simon Barruch prizellof $1,000 in a competitioalinxi7 under graduate andlfi jljsffts.' of the United'Sjiiffi have i been43inl?f" : Jlls'ehrhstitu-: yeark peruses (Jonnor s interesting pages one sees the life processes of the peo ple of North Carolina, and what more should one expect? "Political history has been given due attention new facts being intro duced and old ones presented in new lights but the most striking fea tures are the discussions of the social and economic life of the people. No where, as far as I know, have these subjects received ample treatment. No class of people and no aspect of the life of the people has been slight ed.. Here one finds truly a history of the people and of their every con cern and activity. And the all-pervading and complicated story is told with refreshing candor and commend able impartiality." Prof. Moore declares that "when the history of each of our states has been written as Prof. Connor has written the history of North Carolina, then we may know the history of our states and then some scholar gifted with historical and literary imagina tion may write a true and stirring story of our nation." The book3 are in modern library style, handsomely bound, well illus trated. and a comprehensive index makes them valuable for reference libraries throughout the country, merit in V-ieicTof southern history, preferably in or near the period of the Confederacy, or bearing on the courses that led to the war between the States. Any phase of life or policy may be treated. Essays must-be in scholarly form and must be based, partly at least, upon the use of source material. Im portant statements should be accom panied with citations of the sources from which the data have been taken, and a bibliography should be append ed. The essay should not consist of less than 10,000 words, and thev should be much longer. The judging committee will consider effectiveness of research, originality of thought, ac curacy of statement, and excellence of style. The competition will end May 1, 1929, and all essays must be in the hands of Chairman Miss. Arthur H. Jenkins, Rivermont Avenue, Lynch burg, Va., by that time. The BwaTd will be announced the following Nov ember. If the essay is to be returned postage should be enclosed. Twilight time, the misty hour be tween daylight and darkness, is con sidered by autoists the most difficult and dangerous time of the 24 for driving. J