"The Library, University of ri Carolina, Chapel. Hill, II. c. 1 P7TT i T7V ID. Hie iraldli JdHlLldDM Baseball Today Heels vs. W. & L. Emerson. Field 6. Playmaker Performance Friday and Saturday Nights Playmaker Theatre VOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929 NUMBER G7 SPECIAL WORK IS GIVEN Y OFFICERS AT CONFERENCE Specifically Planned to Help Men Become Effective Lead ers in the Work. The Student Young Men's Chris tian Association is a fellowship of all those persons on the campus, stu dents and faculty, who are vitally in terested in the Christian enterprise. The success or failure of this enter prise depends largely upon the train ing of the officers of the Association. To become an effective leader in this voluntary, student, : Christian under taking, at least the following three conditions are essential, in addition to willingness to accept ' responsibility: 1. Knowledge of the sources and meaning of the religion of Jesus. 2. Knowledge of the basic founda tions underlying this religion. 3. Familiarity with the processes for the releasing of dynamic Chris- . tian personalities, ' and development of skills in analyzing the needs of a campus and organizing forces to meet those needs. The Presidents' Training School fourth .season, June 6-July 17 is specifically planned to b.elp Associa tion officers become" effective leaders. Courses Specially designed courses to meet the need of Student Association Presi dents are provided. They include "The Life and Teachings of Jesus," with attention to the technique of organizing and conducting classes on a campus-wide basis; a course on the "Basic Principles of the Christian Religion," and" a period each day to consider "The Task of an Association President." The faculty will include Dr. W. D. Weatherford, President of the Y. M. C. A. Graduate School; Dr. Thornburfr Workman, of Vanderbilt University School of Religion; Mr. O R. Magill and Mr. C. B. Loomis, of the National Council Student Division Staff. Conditions of Enrollment To enroll in this school: 1. A student must have completed at least sophomore college work. . 2. He must , be specially related to thp volunteer Christian Association Continued on page four) PLAYMAKERS TO GIVE PROGRAM To Present Three Plays Friday and Saturday Nights before Leaving on Western Tour. ' The Carolina Playmakers will pre sent their final folk play bill of the year before the home audience here at the University on Friday and Saturday nights. It will be their last home appear ance except the annual outdoor pro duction in the Forest Theatre which will come this year in May. The fa mous University group is to leave here April 15 for a two-week tour of Western North Carolina ana lennes In this final home folk play bill, which will be given in the Playmaker TTntrp at 8:30 o'clock each night, they will present three one-act folk plays, according to the usual custom. The plays are t'Companion-JViaxe mag pie," by Helen Dortch, of Chapel Hill; "nio-Water." bv Loretto Carroll d;w t HKanl Hill: and "The Lie," by Wilkerson O'Connell, who came to the Playmakers this year from Cornell University. Helen Dortch, the author; Walter Spearman, of Charlotte; John W. Wessell, of Wilmington; Tom Bad ger, of Fayetteville; and Penelope Alexander, of Charlotte, are to -play the five roles in "Companion-Mate Maggie," which is said to be an all negro comedy. The roles in "Black Water", will be filled by George Ehrhart, of Jackson; Loretto Carroll Bailey, the author; Nettina Strobach, of Yakima, Wash.; and Lois Warden, of Louisville, Ky. The seven parts ' in "The Lie," which is a drama of Revolutionary 'days, will be taken by Elizabeth Far rar, of Chapel Hill; Howard Bailey, of Chapel Hill; Whitner pissell and Laurence Miller, of New York City; Peter Henderson, of J ersey City, N. J. ; C. M. Edson, of Florida; and Marvin Hunter, of Hunter sville. Well Let's Go i-- . ft" N "use- r & 4' i ' '4 . r , 1 l tudents Go to Polls Today and Vote On Men to Mil Nine Campus Positions Dean Bradsha w Says Few Can Lose by Going to Blue Ridge The Grice Memorial Spring of ice-cold mineral water which is a some what unique attraction on the lawn in front of the hotel, and which provides a convenient retreat for promenading couples. The littles structure which affords shelter to the spring's visitors is of quite artistic design. The bell to be seen on the peak of the roof serves to sound the hours of the day. House Endorses Blue Ridge Gamp as Being Good Investment -$ VACATIONS IDEAL AT BLUE RIDGE Offer the Best in Rest, Recrea tion and Inspiration; 50,000 Guests in 16 Summers. Fifty thousand people have been guests at Blue Ridge in the sixteen summers it has been open. It was originally planned for conferences of college men and women, who met there under the auspices of the stu dent Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. But these boys and girls told their parents and these began coming to this wonderful spot in the mountains. In order to meet the needs of these mature people who came for rest and inspiration, seventy rooms with pri vate bath were added, and these are now taxed to capacity most of the summer by those who find here an ideal fellowship in the midst of the glories of the rugged mountains and the quiet of the woods and streams. Our next step was to add a boys camp where parents who had boys might feel that they had the advan tage of the finest leadership, the best food, and the most stimulating, surroundings. - Then Asheville Hall was built where college students who wanted might live and study in the Y. M. C. A. Graduate School summer quarter. Fifty colleges are represented in our student body each summer. So, the whole family, Mother, Dad, college boys and girls and younger boys, is provided for. There is also a wonderful playground and kinder garten for little children. Everybody plays at Blue Ridge, whether they be three or ninety. For those who are robust there is swim ming, boating, mountain climbing, tennis, golf, horse back riding, volley hall, baseball, basketball and for those who like less strenuous exer cise, there are wonderful shady paths on the lake, auto trips, etc. Blue Ridge is open from June 4th to September 1st. The, conferences do not fill all the space, so that any col lege man may invite his . parents to be there during the conference period or later. For the first time this summer there will be a special dining room where meals will be served for longer hours, so that people who are resting may sleep 4ater, or may have later meals in the evening. The rates in Lee Hall and the cottages are the same for others as for the. students in the conferences. For information, write the Executive Secretary of the Blue Ridge Association, Y. M. C. A. Graduate School, Nashville, Tenn. Experience at Y School Is Un matched for Inspiration Ac: cording to University Execu tive Secretary. stu By R. B. HOUSE My "first experience" with a dent conference in the mountains was in the summer of 1911. I was at that time a rising senior in old Warrenton high school and was at the conference by reason of having been chosen treasurer of the school Y. M. C. A. W. A. Graham, one of the teachers in the school was an ardent conference fan and always carried the whole cabinet and several other students to each conference. The conferences at that time were held at Montreat, 1 the assembly grounds of the Presbyterian church, though the Blue Ridge grounds had already been secured. One of the featureSOf the 1911 conferencejwas a hike to Blue Ridge to see the plans under - way for Robert E. Lee Hall and to climb High Top and go around the ridge to Brown's pasture. I have always been grateful for this wholesome ten-day. stay, in the mountains.! It was my first exper ience of the kind and I still think that a trip to the mountains for eastern Carolinians like myself is one of the strong attractions of the conference - daily climbs to nearby peaks and the longer hikes to Graybeard and Mitchell gave me many pictures to enjoy all the years that have follow ed.. John R. Mott, . Robert E. Speer, O. E. Brown and Raines of Berea were some of the conference leaders. Per haps I was exceptionally impression able, but their leadership seemed to me to be of the mountain-peak type al so. At any rate it was a fine introduc tion to the leaders and the students in southern college life in 1911. I returned to the conference for1 the first time in 1928, this , time housed in the splendid Blue Ridge buildings. It was luxurious to' have a room with private bath in contrast to the old, tent that sheltered me in 1911. But the mountains were there unchanged, and again it seemed . to me that the quiet, steady, influence of the mountains was the chief bene fit of the experience. For after all leaders may do their best and this conference had fine leaders, but the lasting result ' of the experience is what happens in the man himself. And again I am grateful for a fine human experience. It seems to me that 'college students are getting finer all the time. Certainly there seemed to be evidence of this as I remembered 1911 and observed and participated in 1928. And my chief suggestion to Carolina mtn is that the mountains and college men of the South are worth the time and money the conference will require. Joe Jones Still In Race fot the P. U. Board Today , The Tar Heel regrets to state that due to a misunderstanding with the' Elections Committee that it was erronously stated in Satur day's issue that Joe Jones had de clined a nomination to run for next year's Publications Union Board tendered him by the retir ing Publications Union Board. The error has been corrected, and his name will appear on the ballot this morning. OUTLINES NEW ACTIVITIES FOR PHI ASSEMBLY New President Would Explain University's Honor System To State High Schools. Only Extremely Apathetic Per son Would Be Uninfluenced By Camp Program Offered to College Students. ' By F. F. BRADSHAW To give ten days to a thoughtful study of ones own interests, abilities, and: needs and their , relationship to the work of the world is in itself a wholesome experience. To do this in company with scores of other col lege students from the south and un der the leadership of interested stu dents of life and education from the country at large is a still richer op portunity. And to mingle this ser ious thinking with mountain climbs ing, swimming, sports, and pleasant Hottest Part of Election Will Be Centered around Editorship Of Yackety Yack; Booth Will Be Located in Front of Y. The campus will go to the polls to day to vote on men to fill nine cam pus positions. The one booth in front of the Y will be open from nine o'clock in the morning until six o'clock at night. Chief interest in today's political battle are the contests over the edi torship of the Yackety Yack, there being three men running for the honor Travis Brown, Bob Hovis, and Linwood Harrell; and for the presidency of the senior class which will be hotly fought for by Red Greene and Bob Zealy. Another point at which there will be some smart skirmishing will be the battle over positions on the P. U.; the organization that supervises all the publications. Five men have Speaking before the Philanthropic Assembly in his inaugural address Tuesday night, June Crumpler, re cently elected Speaker of the Assem bly, outlined a program of the or ganization's contemplated activities and plead for more interest and vi tality in its procedure.. ' Two ' of the major suggestions made by Speaker Crumpler were to remodel the society's constitution and to-spread and explain -the University honor system throughout the high schools of the state. The existing form of the constitution, having re mained in practically the same state as it was at the Phi's organization, is in need of renovation to make it applicable to 'present- day conditions. The second suggestion, to send stu dents to! the high schools of the state to expound the honor system in use here, would call for those trained in public speaking, and would also de velop" latent talents in others that hitherto have gone unnoticed. The program, Speaker Crumpler believes, would be of tpreat value to the Uni versity in that it would give high school students a knowledge of the system before coming here. The remainder of Tuesday night's meeting was given over to the reso lution that men ; skilled in business affairs are better able to carry on the affairs of the nation than are law- yers. The affirmative . contingent was lead by Representative Speight; and the negative by Representative Wilkinson. The discussion waxed Continued on page four) loafing together and stage the whole affair in the exhilarating scenery of been nominated bv the retiring Pub- 1 1 J 1 . - , c muuauims, ciouas, origni; sun, ana lotions Union to run for the three places. In the rising senior class Harry Galland and B. Moore Parker have been chosen to run, while Joe Jones and Clyde Dunn will compete in the rising junior class and J. E. Dungan in the rising sophomore class. The Elections Committee states that there will be one rising senior and one ris'ing junior, while the third member of the board, called the representative at large, can come from any of the three classes. - There will be a three-cornered race for positions on the Debate Council. Beverly Moore, the fourth candidate, has with drawn from the race. Mayne Albright, Bill , Speight and John Wilkinson will run for two offices. Jimmie Williams and John Lang are going to make their duel for the presidency of the Y. M.. C. A. in teresting. This office, no matter how apathetic the student body is over the majority of campus offices is al ways a bone of contention. Sam Gholson and Ed Hamer are competing for the treasurers position with the Y. DUNGAN TO HEAD SOPHJTCABINET Friendship Council Becomes Sophomore Cabinet by Elec . tion of New Officers. clean crisp air to do all these at once is to attend the Blue Ridge "Y" conference. To the purposeful student who knows what he is about and where he is headed, the conference proce dure offers a much needed "thinking-things-over" time. To the stu dent hesitating between alternative careers or ethical attitudes the con ference may furnish time for the consecutive reflection and- discussion to a satisfying solution of "his prob lem. - S. To one who feels little stir of in terest or purpose, who is more or less bored and adrift, the conference ac tivities and companionships may mean the contagion of vision and en thusiasm which will awaken the mo tives , underlying satisfying achieve ment. All this may sound like the too-enthusiastic prospective of a salesman. Undoubtedly to some students of all types the conference experience might be boring and profitless. Oth ers have in the past had experiences of the sort described above. One who has never attended and feels attract ed by such written descriptions as contained in the Tar Heel, would do well to talk' things over with some one on the campus who. went to "Blue Ridge in 1928. The Cercle Francais Will Hold Meeting The Cercle Francais will hold its regular meeting Friday, April 5, at 7:30 in the Social room of the Epis copal Parish house. A program' con sisting of a talk, singing, and playing of games is being planned. Dr. Harry W. J Chase will be the chief speaker at a meeting and ban quet of the Gaston County alumni club on April 23. Dr. Freeman to Deliver Final Sermon at June Commencement -? Bingham Memorial Debate To Be Held At Commencement Tuesday night both the Di Senate and Phi Assembly decided to hold the Bingham Memorial Debate at com mencement this year. .JThis contest between, the two campus literary so cieties was not held last year due to the death of Colonel Bingham who sponsored the contest. The debate, however, is being continued' by a relative of Colonel Bingham and will be held this year at commencement. ' This contest is limited to members of the junior class. All men who are interested in the matter should get in touch with the officials of their respective literary societies NOTICE The students in the engineering school and visitors are invited to at tend the illustrated lecture of Frank P. McKibben, consulting engineer to the General Electric company, to morrow morning at 11 o'clock in the lecture room of Phillips Hall. Mr. McKibben will discuss the "Pro cesses of Welding of Steel Buildings" and will use illustrations. Rev. Dr. James Freeman, Bishop Of Washington, to Preach June 9; Sir Esme Howard to Give Address. Rev. Dr. James Freeman, noted Episcopalian clergyman arid Bishop of Washington, will . deliver the bac calaureate sermon at this year's Com mencement exercises at the Univer sity of North Carolina, it was an nounced today at the office of Presi dent Harry W. Chase. Sir Esme Howard, British Ambas sador to the United States, had pre viously accepted the invitation; the University to deliver the baccalaure ate address on Commencement Day proper. Both men are widely known as speakers, and the University folk are highly pleased at their selection. The commencement exercises will begin this year with Class Day exercises on Friday, June 7, and continue through Monday, June 10. Bishop Freeman is a native of New York, was educated in the .public schools, and was for fifteen years with the legal and accounting departments of big railway companies. He took his theological , course informally Continued on page four) J. E. Dungan was unanimously elected to become president of the Sophomore Y. M. C. A. cabinet of 1929-30 by the Freshman Friendship' Council, meeting in " the Y building last Monday night. , ' Dungan has served the Y as a member of two deputation teams, going to Wilmington and Pittsboro, as editor of The Carolina Handbook, and as treasurer of the Friendship Council.- F. M. James of Wilmington, who has served this year as chairman of the Council discussion committee, and who made the - deputation trip to Wilmington, was elected vice-president. . J. D. McNairy of Greensboro and Craig Wall of Wadesboro who have both been active in Y work were named as secretary and treasurer of the Sophomore Cabinet. The Council voted unanimously to create a new office to be called the critic, . whose job will be to correct the parliamentary procedure of the group chairman of the speakers com mittee. To fill this newly created position the Council chose: Bill Bliss. Following the election of officers John Lahg spoke on questions of per sonal religion. Sophomore Dance The annual Sophomore dance will be held tomorrow night in the gym nasium from nine until one. Jack Wardlaw's Orchestra will furnish the music. Admission will be $1.00 to all sophomores. Couples will be ad mitted free. NOTICE To sons of employees (living or deceased) of the Pennsylvania Rail road company: There is some in formation at 204 South Building which will probably be of interest to you.