'The Library, u.ir.c. City, : PLAYMAKER PERFORMANCE T6NIGHT v j.i i v - n GRAIL DANCE TONIGHT BYNUM GYMNASIUM TOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 6; 1929 NUMBER 68 STUDENTS WILL PICK THEIR OWN ENTERTAINMENT Townspeople and Students to Check Their Choice and Re turn to Dean Hibberd. ooker s Proposed Plan Of Government To Be Discussed Tuesday Ni; SAYS METHOD OF ADVERTISING I S ht DOUBLY HARMFUL In making plans for next year's "Student Entertainment Committee Program, Dean Hibbard, head of the Committee, has asked that the stu dents and townspeople express their opinion on possible 1 attractions that can be secured, so that an intelligent -estimate can be made as to what the students really want. "The Committee can make no promises to engage the attractions .receiving the majority of votes," said Dean Hibbard," "but it will be defin itely guided by such recommenda tions." "The question of balancing the pro- rgram among musical, dramatic, and lecture attractions and again bal .ancing the program for each quarter presents difficulties of a varied na ture. However, the Committee does sincerely ask the recommendations of interested subscribers to the Enter tainment Program." The Entertainment Committee re quests interested people to check the following list of possible attractions -and send' them in to Mr. Hibbard by April 15: -Drama 1- The New York Theatre Guild Jtepertory Company (65 players) in: O'Neill's "Marco Millions" Jonson's "Volpone" or Capek's "R. U. R." ' 2. The Ben Greet Players (London 'Company) in: "Hamlet' "Everyman" "Twelfth Night" '3. Tony Sarg's Marionettes. - 4. The Play of Robin and Marion A Mediaeval Folk-Comedy Opera. Lecture 5. Lorado Taft "Masterpieces of .Sculpture" 6. W. H. Burnham "Stained Glass -r-Mediaeval and Modern" V 7. V. L. Granville "Dramatic In terludes" (Costume Recital) 8. Peggy Wood "From Musical Comedy to Shakespeare" 1 9. Lowell Thomas "With Lawrence in Arabia and Allenby in Palestine " 10. Will or Wallace Irwin Humor 11. Clarence Darrow ''Crime" or -"Voltaire". 12. Hans Weiner Dance Artist is Fllerv Walter "Around the "World on a Wooden Leg" 14. Carl Sandburg "American Mis. cellany" - 15. William McGovern "Secrets of .Amazonian Jungles" (Illustrated) 16. Padraic Colum "Story Tell- Will Be Thrashed Out in Joint Meeting of Di and Phi With Speaker Graham of State Legislature Presiding. Tuesday night the Dialectic Sen ate and the Philanthropic Assembly will meet in joint session to discuss the plan offered by J. M. Booker for reorganizing student government at the ' University of North Carolina. The meeting will be hehjl in the Phi Hall beginning at approximately 7:30 with Speaker' Graham, of the North Carolina legislature, presiding. The purpose of this article is to explain the accompanying resolutions without expressing any opinions on the subject of the plan." Due to the fact that the new proposal has been a topic of great discussion on the campus for several weeks Dr. Booker suggests that it would be wise to clip the accompanying resolutions out of this paper and bring them to the meeting. This suggestion is calcu lated to eliminate much needless dis cussion of mere technicalities. It will be noticed that the original proposal has been thrown into two proposals framed as two separate resolutions the -first, that a bi-cameral system of government supplant the present council system; and the Rppnnd. that the Dialectic Senate and the two chambers of the proposed bi camerar system. For the purpose of a quick joining of the issues and a consequent speed ing up of the debate the preambles of the resolutions, which contain the arguments in brief, have been cast in the form of inverted syllogisms with the points of attack exposed. Thus the premises of the first "Whereas," the conclusion of the first syllogism, i it in are indicated oy tne Decause clauses. These clauses, of course, should focus the attack if the pre siding officer of the evening keeps the debaters on the issues offered and postpones all new issues until the old ones are disposed of. Continued on page four) Original Plan of Government Has Been Revised to Consti tute Two Separate Proposals; Di and Phi May Undergo Changes. Makes Statement in Discussion Of National Advertising Before Debate Class. Professor Garfield, of the depart ment of Economics, addressed the de bate class Thursday night on the Resolution I: Whereas a system oi query which is to be used in the corn- government modeled upon that of ing Carolina-Virginia radio debate: our Country would induce more of "Resolved, That national advertising our students to vote more thoughtfully as it is now practiced is both socially upon the questions that arise out of and economically harmful." self-government than does the pres- Due to the fact that this was the ent Council system, because the f irst discussion of this proposition large number of elected representa- Professor Garfield attempted to give tives that take the field for or against the class a broad understanding of any given question disseminates that the scope of the question rather than question more widely than a small to develop either side to a logical con body of Councillors can disseminate elusion. This task will probably be it; and because the responsibility of undertaken at the next meeting of the representatives to small groups of class. constituents brings a heavier pres- In'order to clearly differentiate be sure to bear upon these representa- tween the various methods of adver tives to explain and defend their ... -p nrA a v,Q pOSl lOIlS Upon any glV6Il qUeS n, l -i cpvprnl f-mpc nf flvprtkinor Tnflf- than ri aqc t ho nrirl lir rHeif'i hnfflH nnH I I AArtonTinr TnQr thnii to art finAvmAno 1 waste connected with the advertising business. The speaker maintained that in many cases the amount of money spent in advertising an article is much greater, than the actual cost of manufacturing that article. He also contended that unusually large expenditures for manufacturing are usually made at the expense of the quality of the goods advertised. Pro fessor Garfield cited as a proof of Large Number of Votes Cast Thursday; Brown 'To Edit Yaekety Yack Tar Heel Staff To Hold Meeting Saturday Night There will be an important, meet ing of the Tar Heel staff tonight at 7:00 o'clock in the Tar Heel office in the basement of Alumni building. At this time the beats will be re-assigned and the new personnel of the staff announced. All men interested in promotion must be present. GLENN HOLDER. GIRLS OUTNUMBER BOYS IN DEBATES Fair Sex in Slight Majority in First Preliminaries of Hi School Tilts. Spirited Contest Waged for Seats on P. U. Board; Parker, Dungan and Dunn Are Vic torious; Greene to Head Seniors. therefore vague and attenuated" re sponsibility of Councillors to the whole student body;' And whereas practice in the sys tern of national government under which our students are to live would prepare them better for citizenship than does a Council system alien to our national ideals; Therefore be it resolved that the members of the Di Senate and the PVii A acorn Klv m-oeonT An rrn nn touati! . ,f it- j. this statement the case of McKay tire n ., , . . j , . chains an example of a very highly Council system of student government now m operation with a - system modeled on that of "bur Country, in its main outlines as follows: 1. An Executive consisting of a President and a Vice-President elected from the Senior Class by the Student Body voting as a whole, and of such aids in the form of a Cabinet or of Commit tees as time and experience de velop the need for; 2. A legislative arm consist ing of ' an upper chamber, com posed of not more than fifty (Continued on page four) Valuable Book Collection Is Given to University Library s- Foundation for the Study of Origin and Development of Book Established by Children of John Wesley and Anna Hodgins Hanes as Memorial To Parents. ino-" "Cnntemnorarv Poetry" or "Lit- erarv Reminiscences" - ' ine esiaDusiuneni, i a couawuu wi 17. Bertrand Russell "Outlook for rare and valuable dooks m xne ljiDrary Civilization" 01 tne university qx xnoi;i.u vaiunua 18. Vachel Lindsay Troubadour was announced tonight by u. a. m. 19. Ernest Rhys "London Writers Hanes of Winston-Salem in an infor- of Today and Yesterday" mal address to the Graduate iud oi 90 Baker. G. P. ''How the Amen- the University, it is to De Known s can Drama can Contribute to Ameri- the "Hanes Foundation for the Study can Progress." of the Origin and Development oi xne 21 E D. Martin 'What is an Book," and has been estaDiisnea Dy Educated Person" the children of John wesiey and Anna 22. Carveth Wells "My Six Years Hodgin Hanes as a memorial to their parents. The foundation is based upon an initial gift of $30,000 and will be de veloped along appropriate lines by Dr. L., R. Wilson, librarian of the Uni versity, Dr. J. F. Royster, dean of the Graduate School, W. T. Couch, assis tant director of the University Press, in the Malay Jungles" (Continued on page four) SENIORS WILL STAGE DANCE Mary D. Wright Tilt To Be Monday Night Medal Will Be Presented to the Best Speaker on Winning Side. The annual Mary D, Wright Memorial Debate between the two campus literary societies will be held Monday night in Gerrard Hall at approximately 7:30. The query to be debated is: "Resolved, That the Volstead Act should be modified." E. H. Whitley and Mayne Al bright, of the Phi, will uphold the affirmative side of the argu ment; Calvin Graves and B. C. Moore, of the Di, will present the negative end of the affair. The Mary D. Wright medal is always presented to the best speaker of the winning side. Many Other Gala Affair Will Be and Dr. Frederic M. Hanes, of Win - . Ut ston-Salem. Staged JNext weeK-una; Many Girls Expected. - The donors of the foundation are Mrs. Robert Lassiter, of Charlotte; Alex S. Hanes, recently acting chair man of the North Carolina Highway Commission ; Frederic M. Hanes, a James G. Hanes, former mayor of Winston week-end Salem and president of the Hanes The annual senior ball will be on Triday night, April 19, in the gymna- mi i 111 Afnviol an A sium. ine dance jr physician of Winston-Salem; only seniors will be admitted to the a r of , rfloor. The dance comes on a Mills CnTYirianv: Maior Ro of several other dances. The rau . will stage one of tiien Whovta B.nk'-id Trust Company, and tne ineta and member of the recent General As tertam with tneir annua "r fnr Uembly; John' Wesley Hanes of C. D. umwB Vx.- ;7i:,via Barney and Company, bankers and tne aitair. a large.cxuwu - .f brokers of New York City; Mrs. Thur- .are expected to be present at tnese , Chatham of Winston.Saiem .social events. Bl . Ud Ralph P. Hanes, president of the ine ngure wm u - .u Dye and Finishing Company, Carr, the retiring president of the 1 TT Ml V onmoflH VA " senior ciass. xie wm w oootvu j Walter Snear " This gift isthefirsttobeannounc mC , ,a r,A ance will ed in connection with the new Univer be announced to the seniors at their sity Library building to be opened smoker which will be held in Swain this summer, xne umvei u ttii nrAaATT rxrht. Anril 17. to be able to announce a number of Print c.h will sneak to the similar gifts and endowments for the senior, at. this time, (Continued on page four) What the Collection Contains advertised article which is really of only mediocre quality. 'This question of national adver tising is so closely bound up with the process of acquiring a living in many cases that its harmful aspects are often overlooked," declared the speak -er. None the less, he contended -that there is some very strong evidence to the effect that national advertis ing is both socially and economically harmful. Professor Garfield was of the opinion that the harmful aspects of national advertising are more evi dent, however, in the social world than in the economic world. Order of Grail Will Stage Dance Tonight The Order of the Grail will open their spring social program tonight with a dance in the gymnasium. Alex Mendenhall's Tar Heel Boys will fur nish the music. The dance will be gin at nine o'clock and will close at midnight. Tickets will go on sale at eight in the back of the gymna sium. . Shenk to Address Lutheran Students The Student Lutheran Club will meet in Gerard hall at 11:00 o'clock tomorrow morning to hear the Rev. E. A. Shenk of Greensboro deliver a sermon on a post Easter subject as yet unannounced. Sunday school will be taught at ten o'clock the same morning by one of the professors. The fair sex will be in slight ma jority when the 800-odd school de baters entered in this year's North Carolina High School Debating Con test -engage in the first preliminaries to be held throughout the State Fri day night, April 5. Of the slightly more than 200 schools entered, 189 have reported their representatives' names. These show 398 girls and 358 boys, it was revealed today by E. R. Rankin, in charge of high school relations for the University Extension Division, which sponsors the contest jointly with the-Di and Phi Literary Socie ties of the University. Twenty-one schools, it is interesting to note, - will be represented by teams composed wholly of girls. Fifteen schools will be representated wholly-by boys.- The other teams will be mixed. The teams will debate throughout the State on Friday night in triangles and pairs, and teams winning both affirmative and negative debates will meet in the finals here at the University April 18 and 19 for the Aycock Memorial Cup and the State championship. The subject of this year's debate is the World Court, and to timeliness of of subject is attributed much of the increase in participation and interest in the contest this year. A total of 195 schools took part in the contest last year. Several Appointments In Chem Department Eleven assistant professors and three teaching fellows have been ap pointed and placed on the faculty list of the Chemistry department for next year, according to Dr. J. M. . Bell, head of the Chemistry department. Out of about fifty applicants the following men were chosen as assis tant professors: W. J. Mattox, D. R. Ergle, H. A. Ljung, S. M. Martin, J. B. Gallant, R. F. Abernethy. J. G. Augenstein, A. B. Couch, E. S. Gil reath, A. E. Hughes and T. L. King. W. W. Williams, D. W. Weaver, and Haywood Parker, Jr., were appointed as teaching fellows. Disproving that they were uninter ested in campus elections, the student body went to the polls Thursday from nine to six o'clock and piled up 1251 votes, the third largest that has ever been cast in a campus election, and this despite the fact that instead of the usual thirty offices only nine remained to be voted upon because of a scarcity of candidates for the other 21 offices. Ed. Hamer, one of two candidates for the position of treasurer of the Y. M. C. A. led the ballot with 882 votes the highest number obtained by any candidate during the course of the election. He was opposed by Wade Gholston who secured 163 votes. Red Green was victorious over Bob Zealy opponent for the presi dency of the senior class by a vote of 152 to 110. The most spirited competition for the offices was in the selection of three men to compose the member ship of the Publications Union Board for next year. Five men ran for of fice resulting in the choice of Clyde Dunn, " of Kinston who secured 690 votes; J. E. Dungan of Chapel Hill, who came second with fifteen less, or 675 votes and B. Moore Parker who ran third with a vote of 641. Harry Galland with five votes less than his nearest competitor came fourth, while Joe Jones the other candidate cornered 467 votes. Another point of contention was the election of an editor for the Yaek ety Yack. Travis Brown, however showed enough strength to win a ma jority of the total votes cast on the first ballot, he count was as follows: Brown 599; Linwood Harrell 320; and Bob Hovis 210. The Debate Council composed of two men elected from the student body at large will be made up of Mayne Albright and Bill Speight. The vote on this office was; Mayne Albright 718; Bill Speight 650; and John Wilkinson 470. Jimmie Williams ran away from John Lang, his opponent for the pres idency of the Y. M. C. A. to the tune of 802 votes to 420. One week earlier Ed Hudgins, re tiring president of the student body and chairman of the elections com mittee, announced the automatic se lecion of a list of twenty-one officers because of the fact that all candidates for the offices except those automati cally chosen refrained from running. They are as follows. President student body, Ray Far- (Continued on last page) SOPH'S DANCE 0PENSEAS0N Second Year Men Staged Elabor ate Affair in Bynum Gym Last Night. Highsmith Gives , Talk to Whitehead Medical Society Barristers Elect Officers; Gholson to Head Association Dr. J -F. Hifrbsrmtlv T.wvmiSf The Law bchool Association, com- surereon and head of the HiVhsmith posed of all the students in the Uni- Hospital at Fayetteville, delivered an versity Law school, met in tne urst address on "Life Extension" before vear room at chapel period on wri the Whitehead Medical Societv in day APr" 5 and held election oi oi rnMwoii Woii loc Co,r iicers lor the next scnooi year, xne nmg. In his talk he traced the progress of medical science from early times to the present, and made some pre dictions as to the type of medicine tary-treasurer of the third year clas3 meeting was presided over by Phil Whitley, present president of the as sociation. Andy Mcintosh was elected secre- that will be practiced in the future. to fill the unexpired term of Miss Susie Sharp, who graduated at the end of the last semester. He be- Debate Council to Meet Mondav NlVrit C0TneS' ex offici' secretary-treasurer lVI.ee L lUUIlUdy IN lgni of the Law School Association for the Taylor Bledsoe, retiring president of the Debate Council, announces that there will be a meeting of all old and new members of the Council Mon day night in 210 Murphey Hall at 7:30. In addition to several matters of present importance there are certain problems to be solved regarding next year's program which as yet is indefinite. remainder of the yeajr. In a hotly contested election George McDaniel defeated Skinny Wallace for the position of representative on the Student Council from the Law school. , John Lewis proposed a new plan for the election of the officers of the association. In the past it has been the custom, for the officers of the third year class to also act as the of ficers of the association, thus leav ing it in the hands of the third year men to elect all the officers of the as sociation except the Student Council representative. Under the plan pro posed by Lewis and adopted by the as sociation all of the officers will be elected by the entire student body of the Law school. The president is to be a member of the third year class and the secretary-treasurer a mem ber of the second year class. Vice- president and Student Council repre sentative may be from any of the three classes, but it has long been the policy that the Student Councilman shall be a member of the third year class. Waddell Gholson defeated Odell Sapp for the presidency of the asso ciation; Charlie Rouse defeated June Crumpler for the office of Vice-presi dent; and A. T. Ward defeated L. G. Giles for secretary-treasurer. ; The count was close in the vote for all of the offices. These men will go into office at the beginning of the next school year. ., Last night the sophomore class held its annual dance in Bynum Gymna sium form nine until one. This dance opened the social season for the spring quarter. The Grail will give the first of its four dances tonight. Following the Grail affair dances will follow in close order every week-end. The figure at the sophomore affah; was led by Bill Carbine assisted by Pete Wyrick, president of the class, and Jimmie Hudson, president of the rising junior class. Others in the. figure included the dance committee, composed of Will Yarborough as chairman, Malcolm v Seawell, and Evan Vaughn, all officers of the class, all former -officers of the class, and all officers elected for the coming year. The gym was decorated with class colors mingled 1 with Carolina colors. Shortly after intermission a no-break dance was held for off icers and the incoming officers of the class. Confetti was showered on the ancerf " and paper hats were distributed fol lowing the figure. Jack Wardlaw's Orchestra furnish ed music for the occasion, rendering several select numbers during the course of the dance. - Members of the faculty and their wives were chaperones for the occasion.