Jordan Makes Second Team All-American lie Tar Andrew Spurs UNC's Victory Over NC State TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1945 PAGE THREE Tommy Andrew Pitches Win Over tate is MnHH , CAROLINA CHATTER - ' By - CARROLL POPLIN 'o Giye Carolina First Loop Victory s I I : 1 Softball Clubs Shape Up For Tourney Play Two Months Left Before Loop Ends A survey of the Intramural Softball The third award of the Foy Roberson, Jr., medal'could have made no better selection than it did in honoring Jim Jordan, high-scoring member of the Southern conference White Phantoms. x Jordan, a lanky 19-year-old Naval : : T- ROTC student from Chester, W. Va., I thanks to Hugh Fullerton, Jr. Socko pacea tne White Phantoms all season a Carolinian who. for obvious rea- u was second high scorer m the sons, prefers to remain anonymous, conierence with 245 points. He was sent this one: "Mavbe John L. Lewis the outstanding player in the Confer- will call off the coal strike if many enee tournament and was a unani- more miners go to the University of race shows some promising action m mous choice for a forward berth on J North Carolina to Dlav football for au tne fur leagues before the final the all-conference team 1 fnrl Snawlw TfcQ To. ttq1c. outcome of the races are decided. The I wm. . -a. I1V M CJL llC'O TW 111 I The selection of Jordan was not loaded, come cold weather. Wonder ieaS has two months to play yet, but a general indication of the various strengths of the teams is apparent. In A league, behind the hurling of left-handed Tony Jones, the Phi Kap pa Sigs should come through in one of. the top positions. Bud Stanback, Paul Ludwig, Dave Smith, and Don Anderson provide the hitting punch to put the Phi Kaps right up in the race. Phi Delta Theta, with its revamped lineup looks like it has hit the come back trail to provide some keen com- M B cEver Will Coach VPI ackfield This Season based solely on his athletic ability, if he means the coal bins won't be out also on his leadership, moral and loaded or that there's an under- TOO TY1 TIlOTf 1 , 4.- 1 . . . qualities snowea to a high degree by Lt. Foy Roberson, Jr., in whose memory the Award is presented by his parents. Dr. Foy Koberson is a prominent Durham surgeon and long-time member of the Athletic Council a . - An outstanding player on the Carolina cage team for three years, tired as athletic director and Lieutenant Roberson lost his life in Olsen moves into Saint's job." December of 1941, while on air patrol Crocker Gets Praise ground movement to give Snavely some material?". Another scoop, so to speak, from Fullerton: "What's this story that Lt. (j.g.) Tippy Dye, now at the North Carolina Pre-Flight School, is all set to become Ohio State basket ball coach when L. W. St. John re- Ole duty in the Pacific. He was a. member Claude Crocker is making quite a Petition. The Phi Delts beat Steele of the 1940 class and entered the name for himself around the Brook- Army Air Corps shortly after his lyn Dodgers training camp as Branch graduation. Rickey waxed lyrical about the bis- The award was first made in 1943 right-hander and former mound star to George McCachren, who captained I for the Tar Heels. "Great body con- that year's team. Last year the medal trol, fine fast ball, perfect delivery, was won by Jack Fitch, whose first oh, what a prospect," sang Branch year's performance on the court out fit merited the award. Jordan was voted by his teammates as the recipient of the gold medal at a dinner given to the ' White Phan toms by the Athletic Association. Hugh Fullerton Says This columnist ran across an item which might be of local interest, Clyde King, another former Caro lina moundster is slated to be the Dodgers' third top pitcher this season. Last year King was one of the bright est rookie stars in the National League . . . Barney Poole, Ail-Ameri can end for the Naval Academy and flankman for Carolina in 1943, is in volved in the football draft. Runners Prepping For Opener With Georgia Tech Saturday Time trials will be the order of the day today and tomorrow for Coach Dane Ranson's track squad as the sea son opener track meet with Georgia Tech draws ever nearer. The. event is slated for Atlanta Saturday after noon. The trackmen turned out some 30 strong both Saturday and Sunday for week-end workouts in lieu of the meet with the strong Tech cinder crew. It will be one of the toughest meets of the season, for the Georgia lads have several of the champion ship men from last year's team. Squad Working Hard x Coach Ranson is working his squad hard this week, after getting his first real look at it in the practice meet with Pre-Flight last week. The prob lem this week will be finding the right men to fill the 18-man team antici pated for the Tech trip. Several of the boys showed up well in the meet with the Cloudbusters and are practi cally sure of the trip, but the majority of the team to tackle" the Engineers will have to be .chosen through the time trials today and tomorrow. It will be an increased burden on the track candidates this week, for by a wide margin, and with the addi tion of Bill Voris and several others, they should be pretty potent. Zeta Psi is never to be counted out of the running. They have a fair ball club with potential hitting strength but a slightly weak fielding team. Med School No. 1 has the players to be in the running, but they are at a disadvantage due to the lack of their students' time. Steele Dorm, the oth er team in A league, was outclassed so far in the year, but if Dave Sobel, Dick Twinning, and a few of their oth er sluggers can start hitting the ball consistently, they could , start rolling. Ferrell Potts is the team manager. Smith Marines Tops League B has a pretty even divi sion of strength among the top three teams. The Smith Marines have about the best set-up, at this time, with Sig ma Chi showing strength at times. Med School No. 2 can be counted on for .some stiff competition, and those three teams may go on beating each other all season. 4 ATO was hampered by the loss of According to a recent announcement by W. L. (Monk) Younger, athletic director of Virginia Tech, Gene Mc Ever, head coach at Carolina last year, will tutor the VPI backfield this season. McEver, who is a former star back from Tennessee, is on leave of absence from Davidson College, where he has been coach since 1932. He will as sist his brother, MacCauley McEver, acting head coach. Head Coach Jim my Kitts is on leave as an officer in the Navy. S. D. Tilson will continue -as line coach. The coaching staff of McEver, Mc Ever and (Tilson will begin work with the 17-year-olds who will enter col lege at the beginning of the summer quarter July 2 in preparation for the Gobblers' eight-game 1945 schedule. VPI was not represented in the 1943 or 1944 seasons and therefore will have no returning lettermen to build a team around. The Tech schedule includes seven Southern . conference at Virginia Tech July 1 of this year. foes, of which Carolina is one. He was replaced here bv Coach Carl to Raleizh to clash with N. C. Stat Mc&ver, who reported to Carolina Snavely former Carolina coach who in their second Iood eneaeement. Coach lasi; juiy i to begin work on the 1944 returns after several years as head UNC grid club, will begin his duties mentor at Cornell. -) - . - ! - , -j v, k ? - . S - ' u iv:-:-;-:-:-:-:?: , ftiifTnit . " - ,, McEVER Tar Heels Hit Hard To Gain 14-3 Slaughter Bob,Fahey Swats Homer In Triumph The Tar Heels started off their 1945 diamond season with a bang last Sat urday afternoon by handing State Col lege a 14-3 thrashing behind the su perb pitching of Tommy Andrew, to give Carolina her initial Ration Lea gue victory. Despite the loss of two of the team's first stringers, the Hearnmen jumped to an early lead in the opening stanza and coasted to an easy victory along with the aid of seven errors that proved the stumbling block for the Red Terrors. Allen Elger, hard slugging left fielder missed the opening tussle due to an injured arm, but will probably be back into the line-up when the Tar Heels invade Durham for a couple of tilts with the Roanoke outfit of the Piedmont League before journeying Hearn also lost his second baseman George Thompson who is ineligible. v After State had slipped across one tally in the opening frame, the Tar Heels came back in their half of the initial inning to grab the lead by scor ing four markers. Jack Brasington, filling in at second base, obtained the first of his three walks to start the. Approximately 20 men reported to Coach Willis Casey for spring practice ball rolling. Colonis was safe on an Monday at Bowman Gray pool. Casey was quite pleased with the turn-out error and both runners advanced on ana predicts a successful season ahead if all those eligible are able to be back, a miscue by the pitcher. The next two Ben Ward, Snooky Proctor, 20 Swimmers Report To Casey As Dolphins Launch Practice Bill Ward, and Jack Zimmerman, stars of this year's undefeated team, headed the list of 10 lettermen reporting, Tom Schemman, 17-year-old fresh man from New York City, headed the list of new candidates, and gives promise of developing into a good distance man. Pointing With Pride Members of the team were point ing with pride to th,e fact that the Bob Fahey and Earl Elliot to the var- Bainbridge, Md., Navy team won the sity hardball team, and Duke Wilder I National A.A.U. Championships this and Bud Sahdlin to the tennis team. The KA's are in the same boat as ATO, and they will have a fight to see who can stay out of the cellar. Sigma Nn and PiKA should have most of the working out will have-to some keen competition in C league be done earlier in the day so the trials with Hillel coming in for some con- can be held during the regular run ning period. However, the most of the week will more than likely be given over to hard conditioning work for the big meet Saturday. Jordan Lands Berth On Second Team In Helms All-American Jim Jordan, star forward on the University of North Carolina's Southern conference basketball championship team, has been hon ored with a second team berth on the All-American basketball team selected by the Helms Athletic Foundation, one of the leading au thorities on the sport. Jordan is 'the first University star to be honored by the Helms Foundation since George Glamack was selected on its first All-American team in 1940 and 1941, and was placed on its all-time All American team. This honor comes right on the heels of the Foy Roberson, Jr., Me morial Award, which was voted Jordan by teammates at a dinner given the conference champions at the Carolina Inn Thursday night. Phi Kappa Sigma Members Edge Out Pledges in Tilt The members of the Phi Kappa Sie-ma fraternity edged out the sideration. Sigma Nu has a good out field, and pretty good hitting, with a pretty well rounded but not exception al team. PiKA has a strong pitcher in Dick Adams, and one of the best catch ers in the league in Larry Herrera. With Tom Wicker, Lew Mendler, and Gene Wilhite leading the hitters, PiKA could field a strong contender. past week-end, because the Tar Heels handed the Commodores of Bain bridge their only loss when they de feated them for the Southern cham pionship at Tarboro last summer. On a basis of this, the team cer tainly deserves to be rated as one of the greatest the South has ever pro duced. The Bainbridge team boasted such' champions as Adolph Kiefer, Olympic backstroke champion, and holder of all world records in this event. Walter Ris, National A.A.U. sprint champion; Ted Hobert, Na tional Prep School champion; Roger I.. . , 1 T CI -1 !. J pledges in a challenge duel Sunday the leaaers, ana jerry ocnwarw aim afternoon by the score of 7-6. Larry Probstein provide a fielding nu- It was a nip-and-tuck battle all the cleus to put a threat into most of the way, as the members slipped across clubs. The Corsairs, although erratic ; ha Inst, half of the seventh at times, can play good Dan. iney a. uiuj "v i ,i -l . , , a-far fhf nlpdes camp hark might come through with a surprise - Alhman. National They play sloppy ball in the infield L, , , T j i 1 - :Li AV.,.. V. I ' at limes, out mi" wuuu8" w waiian phamnioT,. .11 r il 1.1.1. J I cop the league n mey seme uown. George Breslau is pitching his Hillel team to some pretty close games with Intramural Schedule Med ' ' -fir TKc ' rior. mi ' (( win on the leaders. ZBT has been get ting some tough breaks, but they don't look strong enough to put up a fight for the lead. League D provides the most evenly divided, and best all around competi tion in the circuit. Vance Dorm stands head and shoulders above most of the teams playing ball. With John Miller, Ed Gaither, Bob Curran, Bob Paxton, and Walt Bjorseth, as the murderous row, and Connelly and Bethelstretch as the battery, Vance is pretty hard to beat. The Vance The Red Terrors of State will in- coaching staff of Dinsmoor and Lemly vade Emerson Field for a second meet- I comes in for some praise too in their ing with the Carolina Pre-Flight to- handling of the team, in piling up such and knotted the score in their half of the sixth. Ben Ward drove in- the deciding run for the winners as he connected with one of 'Tony Jones' fast pitches and drove a hard liner into left field which Hunter fumbled and the win ning Tun , crossed the plate. Pre-Flight and State Play Here Tomorrow morrow afternoon. State handed the Cloudbusters a setback in their previous encounter last week. The Pre-Flight won a double-header from Camp Butner over the week-end. CLASSIFIED Advertisements must be paid for in advance and turned in at the. Tab Heel, business office. 209 Graham Memorial, bv 1 o'clock the day preceding publication. Fifty cents ($.60) each insertion. LOST Chi Omega sorority pin. If found, please return to Brent Wood- r a x ri son,wouy dpencer, ana receive reward. big scores. Kappa Sigma and Med School seem about the same caliber, and will fight it out for second place. The Two Brews are an up and down team, play ing in spurts of good ball handling, and bad. Delta Sigma:; Pi has good Ditching from Fred Calligan, and should give the second place club a race. ,v Phi Gamma Delta is far from out with two good pitchers, and a well rounded team. Beta Theta Pi is the hard luck team of the circuit. In the basketball league, they lost several games, by one or two points, and in softball, they have dropped two of their four games by one run. Tuesday, April 10, 5:45 Alexander 1 Steele vs. School No. 1. Alexander 2 Sigma Nu vs. Cor sairs. Intramural 1 ZBT vs. SAE. Intramural 2 Vance vs. Sigma Pi. Intramural 3 Med School No. 3 vs Kappa Sigma. Intramural 4 Sigma Chi vs. ATO Wednesday, April 11, 5:45 . Alexander l Kappa bigma vs Delta Sigma Pi. Alexander 2 Vance vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Intramural, 1 Bainbridge Aces vs. Smith Raiders. Intramural 2 Phi Kappa Sigma. vs Phi Delta Theta. . Intramural 3 Sigma Nu vs. Hillel House. Intramural 4 Zeta Psi vs. Steele. Thursday, April 12, 5:45 - Alexander 1 Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Med School No. I. . Alexander 2 ZBT vs. Corsairs. Intramural 1 Sigma Chi vs. Bain bridge Aces. Intramural 2 SAE vs. Hillel House. - Intramural 3 Beta vs. Phi Gamma Delta. . Intramural 4 Med School No. 3 vs. Delta Sigma Pi. Friday, April 13 . No games scheduled. Patronize Tar Heel advertisers. Netters Facing Final Workouts Before Contest Carolina batters were put out, but John Gregory teed off with a double in to right field which brought in two runs. Gregory later scored when Zientek was safe on an error. Zientek crossed the plate after Mussack, of State fumbled Chappell's grounder. Frazier singled, but Andrew flied out Coach John Kenfield will put the to end &e big inning. final touches on his tennis team this Fahey Homers week, as the netters prepare for their Still not satisfied with the lead, initial match of the season when they Carolina came back in the second stan- travel to Williamsburg this Saturday za to score three runs as the results to face William and Mary. of Bob Fahey 's three-run homer which The racauetmen are without usuai was a hard wallop over the centerfield- strong experience, but Kenfield expects to field a team equal to that of last year. Cliff Tuttle is destined to be the num ber one racquet handler for the Tar Heels. Tuttle, who holds a discharge, played under Kenfield when Carolina sported some of the best tennis out fits in the country. Also Duke Wilder tias a tight grip on the second slot. Wilder advanced to the finals of the inter squad tourney but was beaten by Tuttle in three sets. Other tennis players scrapping for a position on the Carolina team are Mac Davis, Roy Rowe, Larry Prob stein, Ed Baity, Vernon Cartner, Duke Wilder and Johnny May. The Durham High School tennis squad will come to the Carolina courts today ta meet the second six men of the Tar Heel squad this afternoon. Schoolboy Tourney Dates Are Revealed Delta By C.E.Mcintosh er's head. State managed to slip across anoth er run in the third on Wood's sharp single, followed by a base hit by Rich kus. Their final score came in the sixth when Wilson tripled into right and came home on a wild throw by the catcher. The Tar Heels added five runs in the fifth inning as Chappell pounded a double and Frazier sacrificed him to third. Andrew singled over third to score Chappell, Brasington was hand ed a free pass and Colonis was safe on an error by Gibson. Muellen's, re placing Elger in left, received a walk to load the bases. Brasington scored on a wild pitch and the other two run ners crossed the plate when Gregory singled. Two more runs were tallied in the eighth, on singles by Brasington and Fahey and an error, which put the game on ice for the Tar Heels. This setback gives State an even record in Ration League competition with one win and one loss. The Red Terrors previously downed the Pre Flight School. Gregory, Fahey and Brasington were the big guns for Carolina in the run away fracas, while Wilson and David C. E. Mcintosh, Acting Secretary of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association, announced today paced the State hitters. that dates have been set for the an nual State High School golf, track and tennis championship meets in the early part of May. The track meet will be held on Fet- zer Field at the University in Chapel Hill on Saturday, May 5. It will be under the supervision of Henry House of the University Physical Education Department. The golf meet will be held at the High Point Country Club May 10 and 11' under the management of A. J. Simeon, Director of Athletics of the High Point High School. The tennis tournament will be held on the courts of the Richard J. Rey nolds High School, Winston-Salem, on May 10 and 11, under the management of C. R. Joyner, principal. In these meets the schools are not limited to Conference designations, such as Class A, B or C, and any eli gible high school may compete, 'pro vided it has its contestants approved in Secretary Mcintosh's office by April 28. In order for this to be done, en trance blanks should be sent in by April 11. T come in ana see our bathing suits both one- and two - piece. Very attractive jer sey, prints, and satins. Also very sheer hosiery. ernHaana s DEPT. STORE t s r c e r y .0 ie ie Z ye 10 as - ijo

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