Diamond Squad At Durham Today Cindermen Meet Virginia Saturday lue SLIP eei PAGE THREE TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1945 Play Camp BmtoeF arolima Basebaler nn J Favored Blue Devils For 2nd Win ifajfik- ream-1 urns nac Sports anson's Crew Slated toJMeet Virginia Next A rejunevated Tar Heel track team, led by Don Clayton, came from behind Saturday afternoon in Fetzer stadium to turn back favored Duke university, 72-59, in a hard-fought, nip and tuck meet. The win marked Carolina's second triumph of the season. Carolina's other victory of the sea son is over Cherry Point, by an over whelming score, but the clash with The arch rival Blue Devils Saturday was an entirely different story. The lead jumped back and forth all through the meet. v? ' Duke made a clean sweep of the dashes, getting all three places in the 100 and 220-yard dashes, but Carolina countered in the 440-yard run to take all three spots in that field. The locals also won the two mile completely and the mile relay. Bobby Dodson, running the 440 for the first time, romped home for first place in 51.4, and also placed in the half mile. The lanky outstanding Tar Heel middle distance man was a mem ber of the winning mile relay team as well. Bynum Hunter, who came in second in the quarter mile, was anchor man for Carolina in the relay, and he finished four feet ahead of the Duke man for an easy UNC win. Forrest Leathers, star Carolina miler, ran first ahead of favored Dib ble, of Duke, in 4:35 to give Carolina another first,' and the fleet Marine finished in a tie with Doug Erath and Whitey Holden of Carolina in the two mile. Clayton, the star of the day for the local cindermen, took first in the low hurdles and high jump, and placed in the broad jump and discus throw. Begnaud came through with a surprise first place for the Tar Heels in the pole vault, and Fred Bauer bested the potent Duke field event men to take first rung in the javelin throw. The triumph was both a physical and moral win for the Carolina crew, which has suffered from a considerable bit of hard luck all year. Coach Dale Ranson will take his tracksters to Virginia next Saturday to meet the Cavaliers and return here June 2 fot the annual AAU meet. The summary: 100: Larue, Duke; Robinson, Duke, Aumen, Duke. 10. - 220: Larue, Duke; Robinson, Duke; Aumen, Duke. 22.5. 440: Dodson, Carolina; Hunter, Carolina; Hester, Carolina. 51.4. j Practice Grid Game Saturday Ends UNC Spring Work-outs A full sixty-minute practice game, held between two evenly divided teams selected from the North Carolina squad, will be held at 2 o'clock next Saturday afternoon as a climax to the six weeks of spring grid drills at the University. ' The game will be open to students, alumni, and other supporters of the team but not to representatives of other colleges. It will give alumni and backers their first chance to see what Coach Snavely has accomplished with the Tar Heel squad since he returned to the University. The coaches will endeavor to put two teams on the field that are as -nearly equal as possible. Coach Snavely has not decided yet just how he will divide the men. Officials for the contest will be obtained from among the officers of The monogram Club, represented by President Jack Davies, has obtained a nominal admission fee of fifty cents the Navy Pre-Flight School here. LEGISLATURE (Continued from first page) shall be for party officers and candi dates for the purpose of explaining the rules for the "conduct and con trol of elections as set forth in this bill" This meeting being compul sory absence excuses and penalties for unexcused absences are stated. The ! other meeting, which shall be held before the spring election, is for all students. At this meeting all can didates shall be introduced and the major candidates shall make short talks. Tar Heels Add New Grid Opponents On 1945 Slate Under the tutelage of Carl Snavely, who returned to Chapel Hill after nine years at Cornell, the Carolina football team will play a hard nine-game schedule next fall. Announced today by Athletic Director R. A. Fetzer, the schedule, complete except for one game, reveals that Pennsylvania will re turn to the Carolina schedule after : an absence of one year. The Tar Heels met the Quakers in 1939 and 1943, but they did not play lasjt year. The other two new opponents who were not on Carolina's 1944 card are Tennessee and- Virginia Tech. Three Bowl Teams The Tar Heels, who will wind up spring practice with an exhibition game Saturday, will play three 1945 bowl teams-Duke, the Sugar Bowl champions, and Tennessee and Geor gia , Tech, which played in the Rose and Orange bowls, respectively. Two Southeastern conference teams, m , A m -n u George Tech and Tennessee, will be m " -l. 2. . i tt-11 o il, met, Tech at Chapel Hill, September . ' . , . . . m tt i . I 29, in the Tar Heels" opening game j and the Vols at Knoxville, November 3. The Tar Heels will have four home games Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, Virginia, and one other contest yet to be scheduled. The schedule: Sept. 29 Georgia Tech; Oct. 6 Virginia Tech at Roa noke; 13 Pennsylvania at Philadel phia; 20 Home game to be sched uled; 27 open; Nov. 3 Tennessee in Knoxville; 10 William and Mary at Norfolk; 17 Wake Forest at Chapel Hill; 24 Duke at Durham; Dec. 1 Virginia at Chapel Hill. 880 : Dibble, Duke, Turner, Caroliria ; Dodson, Carolina. 2:03.5. Mile: Leathers, Carolina; Spear man, Duke; Dibble, Duke. 4:35. Two-mile: Tie between Leathers, Holden, and Erath, all of Carolina. 10:36.5. High hurdles: Nordin, Duke; Man gum, Carolina; Lineweaver, Carolina. 15.5V Low hurdles: Clayton, Carolina; Nordin, Duke; Lineweaver, Carolina. 25.3. High jump: Clayton, Carolina; second tie between Rosa, Carolina, and Nordin, Duke. 5 ft 9JA in. Pole vault: Begnaud, Carolina; Cur ry, Duke; Standis, Duke. 11 ft. 6 in. Shot put: Irwin, Duke; Love, Duke; Robinson, Duke. 42 ft. 54 in. Javelin: Bauer, Carolina; Palumbo, Duke, Mullin, Duke. 180 ft. Broad jump: Mangum, Carolina; Larue, Duke; Clayton, Carolina. 21 ft. 5 in. permission to sponsor the game, and will be charged. The proceeds will go into the fund for the Monogram Club, which has. just been reorganized with in the last two weeks. JURORS says: "A SONG TO REMEMBER is the most thrillingly different picture I've ever seen ... a' glorious new standard in motion' picture entertainment." And that's the verdict ',' of the other jurors- KATE SMITH FRITZ KREISllF RITA HAYW0KTH IRENE DUNNE JAMES MONTGOMERY HAG6 GINGER R0SESS BENNY 60CD3AM E9WASD G. ROSIKSCtt Al J01S3H BOB RIPLEY ABBOTT ft C0STE110 j abo Columbia's f2 ong to litcmemDKr in TECHNICOLOR ,f r Coming Soon CAROLINA .1 i i t X- mi A s Wmn Tonnic Ff mf C ItM. MI . A Vfllltl7 AfW.atKW Gets Underway Today With Three Matches The intramural tennis tournament will get underway today with the pros pects of a close battle between at least five teams in sight. Med School No. 1 and the Smith Raiders are seed ed one and two in the tournament, but several other teams appear to have a good chance to walk off with the tour nament. The matches will consist of three singles and two doubles events, . , , . , , with all matches being played on the 7.1 v clav courts at 5:00 o clock. clay courts at 5:00 o'clock . Tuesday Owen Hall -Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Wednesday Vance Dorm vs. Phi Kappa Sigma. Thursday Zeta Psi vs. Phi Gam ma' Delta. Softball Schedule TUESDAY, MAY 155:30 P.M. Alexander No. 1 Kappa Sigma vs. Two Brews; Alexander No. 2 Beta vs. Med School No. 3. - Intramural No. 1 Vance vs. Delta Sigma Pi; Intramural No. 2 Steele vs. Phi Kappa Sigma; Intramural No. 3 Zeta Psi vs. Med School No. 1; In tramural No. 4 Bainbridge Aces vs. Smith Raiders. WEDNESDAY, MAY 165:30 P.M. Alexander No. 1 Kappa Sigma vs. Delta Sigma Pi; Alexander No. 2 Phi Gamma Delta vs. Two Brews. Intramural No. 1 Steele vs. Phi Delta Theta; Intramural No. 2 Med School No. 2 vs. Smith Raiders; In tramural No. 3 ATO vs. Bainbridge Aces; Intramural No. 4 Pi Kappa Alpha vs. SAE. THURSDAY, MAY 175:30 P.M. Alexander No. 1 Delta Sigma Pi vs. Two Brews; Alexander No. 2 Kappa Sigma vs. Med School No. 3. Intramural No. 1 Steele vs. Med School No. 1; Intramural No. 2 Med School No. 2 vs. Bainbridge Aces; In tramural No. 3 Hillel House vs. Cor sairs; Intramural No. 4 To be ar ranged. HOW THEY STAND Carolina . 5 1 .833 Duke 4 1 .800 State 6 6 .500 Pre-Flight 0 7 .000 Now Playing WALTER CREIIIIAII DOLORES MORAN HOAGY CARMICriAtL Also COLOR CARTOON Wednesday Stan Laurel Oliver Nothing But Trouble- Fighting Lady" Carolina Tops DukeCourtmen By 7-2 Margin The Carolina varsity tennis team beat their arch rivals from Duke Uni versity, 7-2, to win the first of their two matches this year. In a drizzling rain which persisted all afternoon, the Tar Heels won five singles and two doubles matches, to swamp the Devils last Saturday. Playing in the number two slot for Carolina, Duke Wilder won an endur ance match from Duke's Bob Norris, 7-9, 8-6, 10-8, in the most thrilling match of the afternoon. Wilder came from behind several times to finally de feat his man. Mac Davis defeated Kelly of Duke, 6-2 and 8-6 to cop the no. three singles match. Ed Baity of UNC won the number four singles match over Green of Duke, 6-4, 6-3. Billy Weathers and Roy Rowe, also of Carolina, beat Raines and Wyeth, 6-2, 6-1, and 7-5, 6-4, respective ly to finish out the singles matches. The only Carolina man to go down to defeat was Cliff Tuttle, playing number one man, who lost to Chuck Tichenor, 6-4, 6-0. In the doubles, the Tarheels lost the first match with Tuttle and Weathers bowing to Duke's Tichenor and Norris, 6-3, 6-0. Carolina came back strong to cop the last two doubles matches, with Anderson and Baity winning, 6-4, 4-6, 7-5, and Wilder and Davis winning by default. DANCE BILL (Continued from first page) North Carolina in regard to dance ex penditures is hereby declared null and void. ARTICLE II, Section 1. This bill shall become effective immediately up on its passage. 25 Must Vote If more than 25 percent of the stu dent body votes, and if there is a ma jority vote for the bill, it will be en acted and become law in spite of an adverse decision by the legislature. Of the more than 500 signers to this petition, over 350 were service men stationed on campus. Excitement on this issue goes back to 1942 when the Legislature passed a bill prohibiting expenditures for any one dance to exceed $400 and limiting expenditures for any one set of dances to $750. Since7 that time, two bills have been introduced which have been purposely designed to defeat that bill and as many times the challengers have been defeated. FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS This year's most daring man-woman storyi HUMPHREY BOGART in LAUREH BACALL 7 Hardy Thursday "The ivn-.VirwfryW""1 111 l'iMi''tflWlfl ' Ration League Leaders M eet Greensboro Friday The Ration league leading Carolina Tar Heel baseball team, after a week-end 10-2 triumph over Ft. Bragg, will journey to Durham this afternoon to meet Camp Butner in the first of three games on deck for this week. On Friday Coach Hearn will take" his crew to Greensboro to battle the Overseas Replacement Depot nine there. It is not definite yet,' byt the game is expected to be played under the lights. This tilt with Greensboro ORD will be probably Carolina's toughest of the season, for the sol dier club sports two former major leaguers Lee Gamble, of the Cin cinnati Reds, and Jim Casticrlia, of the Philadelphia Athletics and sev eral other top-flight performers. Pre-Flight and Carolina will square away here on Emerson field Saturday in another Ration loop skirmish in the finale on the week's slate. This will be the third game of the season between the UNC and Cloudbuster teams. Carolina is on top of the league and Pre-Flight rests on the bottom. Duke's Blue pevils are just one- half game behind the locals in the loop standings, and the hard-hitting Dukesters are threatening to over take the Tar Heels. Carolina leads with a five and one record, and Duke follows with a four and one score. State is third with a six and six count. The UNC lads and Duke are slated to lock horns for the first time a week from tomorrow. In the encounter with Ft Bragg Saturday, Coach Hearn's charges made up for the close loss to the soldiers last Monday at Ft. Bragg. Carolina, paced both at the bat and Coeds Lose Match To Duke Girls 5-1 The Carolina coed tennis team drop ped their match with the Duke girls 5-1, last Saturday afternoon. Joyce Fowler was the only Carolina girl to win her match. Playing the number three singles, Miss Fowler beat Susan Amshary of Duke, 6-4, 6-3, to save the Tar Heels from complete whitewash ing. In the other matches, Jean Rockey beat Jane Wideman, 6-0, 6-4, Elizabeth Campbell, 6-1, 6-4, Marjorie Foy beat Christian, 6-3 6-2, Sophie Su Powell beat Emma Lee Rhyne, 6-1, 4-6, 6-1, and Pat Kelly beat Dot Rhyne, 7-5, 8-6, to give Duke the match. The money you give for the Ameri can Cancer Society will be well used. PICE-THEATRE playing IT PUTS YOU IN THE BEST OF SPIRITSI WEDNESDAY GENE TIERNEY DON AMECHE LAIRD CREGAR CHARLES COBURN in THURSDAY FRIDAY Cary Grant Laraine Day in on the mound by rookie Tommy An drew, scored three times before the Bragg nine was able to push across a tally. The visitors finally scored once in the fourth inning, but in their half of the frame, Carolina opened up with all it had and pushed across five runs on seven hits and an error on the shortstop. Outfielder Bob Fahey, potent slug ger, got things going with a hard triple, and doubles by Al Chappell and Zeke Zientek, and singles by Andrew, Red Hughes and Jack Brasington completed the work. Rollo Frazier reached first by error. It was the same Fahey in the second inning that broke the scoring ice with a hard hit home run. The local baseballers added two more runs in the eighth inning in the one-sided tussle to end the scoring. Hits went 12-7 in favor of Carolina, and the Tar Heels were led at bat by Andrew with three singles, Fahey with a homer and a triple, and Tom my Thompson with two singles. J toys:" A SONO tO REM EM B CI: It th most thrnilngfy different picture I've tvtr seen . . : a glorious new standard In motion' picture ntortatnmont J Audlhat'sthi'verdUt. ' Jof the. other jurors Tate smith fiitz kieisiii AKX SIKATKA HIKE DUNNE JAMES M0NT60HEIY flAGG CIXZIZ KCCEy KENNY GQCS2UN E3WAK3 6. KCSIKSCN Al JCUCN tot tiriEY Alton ft comiia Colvmbkfi, (f) Song to liicmcmDe: Jln TECHNICOLOR Conung CAROLINA "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" f I 1 7t f