VEDITOSIALSr The Ram Sees Dr. Friederich ' Barefoot NEWS: Carolina Workshop Green Room Opens Photographer Joe Serving Civilian and Military Students at UNC VOLUME LIII SW Business and Circulation: 841 CHAPEL HILL, N. C TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1945 Editorial: F-3141. New: F-JUS. F-J147 NUMBER SW 60 '' - . jjjfia'-" UTF AND O Go MH1M ' A Column of Campos News Notes ... Briefed for the Busy Today: - Seniors will show off their painted toenails today with the annual bare foot day in progress. At 6:45 the YWCA cabinet will meet. ' ' The polls will be open from 9 to 5 for all seniors to vote for senior class superlatives. ' B. L. Ullman will deliver the final - Humanities Division lecture in Ger rard hall at 8:30 o'clock. His subject is "Post-Mortem Adventures of Livy." At the Carolina: "Molly and Me," with Monty Woolley and Gracie Fields. At the Pick: "Once. Upon a Honey moon," with Gary Cooper and Ginger Sogers, . Wednesday; - There will be a parade of all the Seniors through the campus Mat 8 o'clock. There will be an informal dance in the Y court immediately af ter the parade. The YMCA cabinet will meet at 7:15. - . -:. The Carolina Workshop will begin at 8:30 pan. in the Playmakers thea tre, featuring works of all the art de partments dramatic, radio and dance. At 9 o'clock the Di Senate will hold its regular meeting on third floor Old West. '' ' At the Carolina: "A' Song to Re member," with Paul Muni and Merle Oberon. , At the Pick : "Best Foot Forward" with Lucille Ball and Harry James. Thursday: Members of the. Senior class will vote on superlatives in Gerrard Hall at 7 p.m. ' ' ' " . The regular Bridge tournament will be held in Graham Memorial at 7:30. The Carolina Workshop Festival wU . continue at 9 oVock in Person Hall -with the StueiitAreiUt an come to a climax with presentation- of the creative writing . program and a re ception. ' " ' " : At the Carolina : "A Song to Re member," with Paul Muni and Merle Oberon. ; ' At the Pick:" 'The Palm Beach Story," with Claudette Colbert and Joel McCrea. Friday: ' ' ... J.. The Chapel Hiil Elementary School will hold its Music day program at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium. The Seniors will hold their formal banquet in the Carolina Inn at 6 o'clock. Mary " Stringfieid will present the final Piano Recital of the year' in Hill Hall at 8 p.m. The Senior Dance (informal) will be held in -the Woman's Gym at 9 p.m. At the Carolina: "Salome, Where She Danced," with Yvonne DeCarlo and Rod Cameron. At the Pick: "The Docks of New York," with the East Side Kids. Photographer Denker Wanted ToShoot Japs, But Navy Said He Must Do Shooting Here By W. H. Hipps, Jr. Joe Al Denker, professional pho tographer for the past five yearsnow stationed in the naval V-12 unit here at the University of North Carolina, has an extremely low opinion of celebrities in general. "Many of them are pretty 'Fakish'," he frankly states. He ought to. know, for among the famous personages whom he has pho tographed are Dorothy f, Thompson, Jinx Falkenberg, Gene Krupa and Harry James. Explaining further, Joe says, "You see, photographers generally see all the so-called 'glamour boys and girls stripped of all their glitter and make up. After a personage sweats for several hours under hot lights and his make-up begins to run and smear and his temper becomes mean, then you really begin to see him as the scheming, grafting crafty, cheap little fake that he is." Joe nominates Dorothy Thompson as the worst of the bunch Jmx Falkenberg as the best celebrity with which to work. ; Joe was born ,in .Ynktn, Sou Dakota, on September 14, 19. Twelve years later he was living m Dpnver. Colorado, when the candid Paul Fleming Will Perform Here Monday ; SEC To Sponsor Magic Program Dr. J. P. Harland, chairman of the Student Entertainment Committee, ha3 announced that the SEC will present Paul Fleming, distinguished magician, in an "Evening of Magic" Monday night in Memorial Hall at 8:30 o'clock. With Dr. Fleming will appear his wife, Mrs. Paul Fleming,, and his brother, Walker Fleming. During the two-hour course of the "Evening of Magic," Dr. Fleming will use three-fourths of a ton of equip ment. He will perform, sleight-of-hand tricks, create illusions and perform feats of mind-reading and pseudo spiritualism, , Mr. Fleming's demon strations in spiritualism and mind reading are wholly unrelated to "spirits" or super-normal mental pow ers. Quite apart from genuine mind reading arid spiritualism, the fact re mains that much that is fraudulent is being exhibited today under the guise of . psychical phenomena; Mr. Flem ing reproduces some of the best of these manif estations, presenting them after the fashion of the mind reader and spirit-medium, but acknowledging frankly that they are accomplished by perfectly natural means. -East Indian Tricks Mr." Fleming will also perform some East Indian magic feats, among which will be the visible and gradual growth of a rose bush and "The Hindoo Gong." This last trick suggest the possibility of a human being passing invisibly through space. ' ' Mr. Fleming has played to audi ences throughout the United States, at colleges and ; Universities "from coast to coast (he has been here four times) , onthe: "hut"-circuit in France " in 1918 .anjd;.ata PsidenjIUHeception in the White House in 1923. Mr. Fleming has the unusual, dis tinction of appearing twice in "Who's Who In America," As Paul Fleming Gemmill, economist and Paul Fleming, magician. He has r written several books on economics and is professor of Economics at the University of Penn sylvania. He received his A.B. at Swarthmore and his Ph.D. at Penn sylvania. He is member of three honor societies. The American Hardware Manufac turers wrote Mr. Fleming, after his performance before their 1939 con vention: ". . . in all these (40) years, no single entertainment has received more general approbation than that accorded your Evening of Magic . . . Every phase of your presentation ... fascinated your audience." Dr. Arthur E. Bestor, director, Chautauqua Institution, N. Y., said: "It is a great achievement to handle magic so successfully before such a large audience (four thousand) as ours. covered. In fact, the disease gets worse as time marches on. While in Polytechnic high school in Long Beach, Calif., his present home, he was chief photographer for the Caerulea, the annual there, colum nist, staff photographer, and adver tising manager of Poly Hi Life, the student newspaper. He instituted the policy of using pictures of local stu dents in the paper's ads. This was one of the first student newspapers in the country to do so. At this time he also did some "film strips," a series of still pictures which tell a story, to advertise the Red Cross. While filming one of these strips, "Film Aid to First Aid," he caused quite a sensation. He needed a scene of an accident with a lot of people in it, so his father volunteered to be the "victim." Lying out on the highway with his face covered with "blood," his father drew quite a crowd. ' About this time he did some adver tising shots for the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce and some por trait work in his own studio. Following his graduation from high school in 1942, he took a short course in the Art Center Photography School in Hollywoody Calif. He en tered the Navy in October, 1942, and was assigned to the Pre-Flight School President Walker Sets Frosh Meet Tomorrow The first meeting of the re-organized freshman class was called for tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock in Gerrard Hall by Bill Walker, class president, who was elected last week to climax a two-month battle for the election of freshman officers. Y Opens Doors of Green Room Tomorrow Easy Chairs, Books Are New Additions Improvements have just been made in the Green Room of the YMCA building and it will formally open to morrow to all students to study and browse, announced Carlisle Cashion, who will supervise the opening. Designed to" provide a place of rest and study, the room will contain in addition to YM-YW books, volumes regularly on loan from the library and the magazines formerly kept In the rooms downstairs. These include Life, Time, Motive, and Intercollegian. The Green Room, located on the second floor of the Y, formerly was just a "hangout" for bridge players, but with the new improvements the committee says that the room will be of use to the whole campus. ' ; Comfortable chairs and flowers add to the pleasant atmosphere of the room. Tentative plans have been made to paint and redecorate the room this summer. - Jean Buchanan headed the .com mittee which has made the improve ments, in the Green .Room. . . She was assisted, by Martha Wqrthington, Lib Johnson and Mary . Quinerly. Carlisle Cashion will supervise the opening. "J Jean hasannounced that aft' bridge players accustomed to "haunting" this room will have to move into the down stairs hall in order to insure quiet ness for all those who wish to. study in . the Green Room. The committee has said that if the students demand it the hours that the room is kept open will ' be lengthened. Spanish Exams The Spanish examinations for stu dents desiring to become translators in the censor bureau in Miami, Fla., will be given at 2 o'clock on Friday, June 1, in 207 South building. Any one wishing to take the test is asked to notify the Woman's Vocational Office. Miss Blair, of the Vocational Of fice, appeals again to senior women who have not filled out their , perma nent vocational blanks to attend to this matter at the Vocational Office, 301 South, at once. here where he did publicity shots and was staff photographer for the Cloudbuster, the school newspaper, until he was transferred into the V-12 unit here in July, 1944. Joe was staff photographer on both the Yackety Yack and the Tar Heel, in 1943 and photography editor of the Carolina Magazine in 1943-44. In the latter part of 1944 he set up the first photography department here and was appointed by the Pub lications Union Board its first man ager. "When I first came to Chapel Hill," Joe . recalls, "I was very disappointed in it because at the time I wanted to be fighting Japs. However, since then I've grown to like Chapel Hill pretty well," he hastens to add. He would like to see something come of the photography department and to that end, plans to buy a studio couch, draperies and props soon. He is interested in becoming a radio an nouncer, likes to write and is an ac complished amateur magician. "My interest in magic was one of the reasons I got interested in pho tography," he recalls. "At one time I seriously considered becoming a professional magician and I decided that I could save a lot of money if I See DENKER, page 4. Carolina tartsTwo-DayRiin Tomorrow; local Talent To " Be Featured. Arthur Fink Selected To Head Welfare Work At University Dr. Arthur E. Fink, regarded as one of the most distinguished of the younger social work scholars and executives in the university field, has been appointed Director of the Division of Public Welfare and Socia Work in the University, it was announced today by President Frank P. Graham and Chancellor Robert B. House following his election to the faculty yester day by the Board of Trustees. Dr. Fink succeeds Dr. Roy M. Brown, who has asked to be relieved of ad ministrative work and who recom mended his successor. Dr. Brown has l eached the age of retirement and plans to do special work on a more limited basis. Dr. Fink will build upon the foun dation already made by Dr. Brown and the Chapel Hill program of training for social workers. Broader Basis for Work ..The special contributions of this program, the announcement said, in clude "the setting up of training for social . work, on a broad University basis, the- first pioneer work- in fea turing training for rural social work, the special emphasis upon public wel fare and the broader ideals of re search and coordination between pri vate and public social work. The Uni versity is committed to the develop ment and expansion of this program which is now so much needed in post war North Carolina." . Dr. Fink will come to Chapel Hill in Student Groups T o Discu ss Fhi BmrgM Three student organizations will consider plans this week for the re organization of the Philanthropic As sembly, which along with the Dialec tic Sehate will be 150 years old on June 3. . The Debate Council . will meet in the Grail Room at 7 o'clock Tuesday night, the Dialectic Senate in the Di Chamber in New West at 9 o'clock Wednesday night, and the student legislature in the Phi Chamber at 8 o'clock Thursday night. Each of these organizations at these times will examine proposals to make the Phi . again s,erve the , Carolina stu dents. Student Leaders in Movement Among those student leaders who will work in : connection with the Phi's re-organization are Doug Hunt, Speaker of the Legislature; Bill Crisp, Chairman of the Carolina Political Union; Buddy Glenn, presi dent of the International Relations Club; Nina Guard, president of the Debate Council; Rene Bernard, for mer member of the Legislature and former president of the Dialectic Senate; Charles Fulton, member of the Legislature and Honor Council; Robert Morrison, president . of the Dialectic Senate and Editor of the Tar Heel; James Traynham, member of the Legislature; Bill Hight, As sociate Editor of the Tar Heel; Bill Mackie, Critic of the Dialectic Sen ate; and Banks Mebane, Tar Heel edi torial adviser. Faculty members interested in the Phi include: R. B. House, Chancellor of the University, Albert Coates, di rector of the Institute of Government, and J. L. Godfrey, H. T. Lefler and E. J. Woodhouse, professors. The hall in which the Legislature meets was formerly the Phi's legis lative chamber. At the time of .its See PHI, page 4. Paul Green Joins M-G-M Studio Staff Paul Green, celebrated author, left Chapel Hill this week for the west coast where he will join MGM Studios as writer and adviser. Previously Mr. Green has written or collaborated on several motion pictures in Hollywood including the life of Eddie Rickenbacker and "State Fair" starring the late Will Rogers. Mrs. Green accompanied her hus band to his new post where the three daughters will join their parents in August after attending .. summer camp. Workshop I ' - u - I ' . , -3 S ' i i I ' - , ; K ? ' ' X . f I '- ' - - - , I " " , :-:.-x-:-:-:-:.'-:-::-x-i-:-:-:x' P . ' " t rr '" ' ' i DR. ARTHUR FINK the early summer and bring hiss wife and three children. He will begin im See FINK, page Full Slat? Set For Senior Week TODAY: Barefoot Day. Nominate senior superlatives at "Y," 9 to 5 o'clock. WEDNESDAY: Buy tickets for Saturday's picnic at "Y," 9 to 5 o'clock. Senior Parade at 8 o'clock. Informal dance in "Y" court im mediately after parade. THURSDAY: Nominate senior superlatives ' at class meeting, Gerrard Hall. FRIDAY: Senior banquet (formal), Caro lina Inn, 6:15. Senior recital, Hill Hall 8:00. Formal dance, Woollen Gym, 9 12. SATURDAY: Picnic, Hogan's 'Lake (trucks leaving "Y" court 2-5; leave lake 10-12:30. t. Four Boys Win RadarTraining Navy Names Those Who Passed Tests Carolina students Charles Hayes, Edgar McLean, James Martin, and John Rosa have qualified-for enlist ment in the navy as radio technicians for radar training, according to a re cent announcement to the Tar Heel by Chief Petty Officer George F. Ball of the U. S. Nayy Recruiting Station, Greensboro, N. C. The training course which will be given these men lasts 10 months. First they will take "boot" training, from which they will be sent to a university for a pre-radio course. There they will take mathematics, fundamental electricity, and shop-work. Following this will be advanced training in higher mathematics, elec tricity, radio, the slide-rule, and shop practices. The completion of these courses marks the end of the first half of the mens' training, at which time they are promoted to the rating of third class petty officer with a base pay of $78 per month. After five more months of training in advanced radio and electronics, the men are promoted to the petty officer rating of radio technician, second class, with a monthly base pay of $96. .Festival. Drama, Dance Groups Stage Act Tomorrow Art, Music Close Program Thursday Tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock the Carolina Workshop festival begins in the Playmakers Theatre with a pro gram of entertainment presented by students in radio, drama, and dance From a position of such prominence on campus that it could command the attention of nationally known artists for an entire week, the festival has declined until this year it will consist of almost entirely local talent and last only two days: tomorrow and Thurs day. The program tomorrow night is as follows: Robert Briskey's "The Auto biography of Civilization," a half -hour radio play directed by Peggy Bar gainer. Bob Kohl is engineer and" sound technician. The play will begin the festival in the Playmakers Thea tre at 8:30 o'clock. Plan Experimental Nick Lindsay, James Warren and Kathleen Arnold will play in an ex perimental production without lights or scenery of Ann Osterhout's "Sea son's Greetings." Closing the program, the University Modern Dance club will give a recital of eight numbers. Students Carpline Coker, Byrd Green, Patty Harry, Anne Osterhout and Pat Hughes have done the entire choreography. ' Art ;and -Music will he emphasized in .Thursday night's program which is aafollows: Emily Porter, Pauline Bell, Elizabeth ' ("Beth") .Taylor, If artha Peatross, Monte Howell and Mary Stringfieid will offer original compo sitions in Hill Hall at 8:30. At 9:15 the audience will move to Person Hall where they will see an art exhibit and hear readings of original compositions by members of the cre ative writing class. Drawings and Paintings The art exhibit includes drawing and paintings by students in the art classes this year. Especially fea tured will be a group of mural panels, designed for YMCA buildipg Jjy ad See WORKSHOP, page 4- Ullman Speaks On Livy Tomb Humanities Series To Close Tonight Dr. Berthold Louis Ullman will de liver the final lecture in a series of addresses given by the .Humanities Division of the faculty tonight in Gerrard Hall at 8:30 o'clock. His lecture deals with the myster ious discovery of the purported tomb of Livy, the Roman historian, and the claims made concerning the find ings of so-called "lost books" of Livy's history. For many years Dr. Ullman has spent much time in re search on this subject and has traced down the truth of some of these claims to discovery. Among his many honors, Dr. Ull man is editor of the MacMillan Clas sical series, former president of the American Philological association and author of the book, "Ancient Writing and Its Influence." He was recently re-elected president of the Council of the American Classical league. Dr. Ullman began his present job as head of the English department in 1944. Before this he was a professor of Latin at the University of Chi cago, from which university he holds degrees. He has also served on the faculty of the University of Pitts burgh for 10 years and at the Uni versity of Iowa for six years, in ad dition to his study in Munich in 1906 and in Rome at the American School of Classical Studies for two years. Plans are now underway to hold a similar series of three lectures next fall. Earlier lectures in. the .series were delivered by Dr. Raymond Adams and Dr. Hardin Craig, both of the English department. camera bug bit him. He has never re- I

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