Addition Is Made To doachfng Staff Intramural Slate Continues Today Me TUESDAY, JUL? 177 1945 ' PAGE THREE with Football Pushing Summer is distinctly not on ball is slowly but surely beginning pages of the nation. And the bring you this and that from everywhere on that potent subject football:;5 ' First of all, Carolina got a shot in the arm over the week-end as Coach Carl Snayely announced that Charley jamerson, of .Memphis, Tenn., .State Teachers college had been obtained ,lj serye as assistant coach this season, Also 'Stretch'. Howell, one of the V-i2 athletic specialists, is giving a hand Chief Gill, who was transferred to Sah Diego last week. Wake Forest, headed again by Pea head. Walker, produced its 1945 card Saturday, jand; it is really a test for. Walker's Deacons. Included , are Army, Tennessee,, Duke, Carolina and Pre-Flight. . . . The, Demon Deacs. were i t -. , - - . t Georgias,s ate , for, some rea- son this year. . .Maybe the 14-7 victory by, Wake Forest last year, had some- thmg to do with it. We see that Mac and Gene McEver, tutors of the Caro lina footballers last year, have been working the VPI lads since July 2. They are using the 'T' there now from what we gather; " According 'to an associated press story released this past week-end, the Duke-Navy encounter slated for Dur ham.' October 6 will be the highlight of inter-sectional football in this part of the country. The Dukes have played the Middies before several times, but this is the. first trip down south to, Dur-r ham made by the Naval academy "as far as we know. Duke's stadium is scheduled to be crowded to the hilt again November 24 for the Duke-Carolina clash. This same associated Press release , states Jamerson New Assistant Coach Coach Carl Snavely, Tar Heel grid mentor, announced that Charley Jamerson has, beeni named as a new assistant coach here. Jamerson comes to Carolina: from; Memphis' (Tenn.'J State Teachers College,' where he was head coach, nd , wherej Snavely re ported, he- has . done; : an excellent job. The', new. . addition to the Tcbaching staff win come, here on a, wartime ar rangemepti; that; isVhe has: been given a leave i absence" by , Memphis with the stipulation , that he .will return to that institution ; jwhen it ; resumes in tercollegiate play after 1 the war. f Snavely has' known' Jamerson for jm i 1 . DID ALL WMF S?rm$ ( .. gp f bu 'WARBONDsx STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES FELT GOODS JEWELRY Greeting Cards for AH Occasions LEDBETTER-PICKARD Irwin Smallwood Way Into News the way out yet, but bid man foot to push himself onto tfce sports Tar Heel being no exception, we . ,: ... . that the Blue. Devil-Tar Heel battle will top the games within the realms of Tar Heelia, which is the case every year. :. i The Carolina lads, led so ably by Coach Snavely, have Pennsyl- vania on the top of their intersectional list; although' encounters with Georgia Tech and Tennessee are included. The been" hard at the grind for a week now, are about ready to be joined by, the regulars for. the summer drills; It is expected that the newcomers, who in clude several good prospects, will be able to have a light scrimmage by the end of the week, but nothing is def inite. 1 The regular candidates will " J.T 1 J j f sure jom me iaus nuw pracucing lour times wefik b the end ;)f the month. Coach Snavely and his .assistants Murphey, Reed, Jamerson and How- ella laboring, hard witn thepoten, tial men of gridiron here at the Hill, and if work has anything , to , do with it, and it does, Carolina will have a team this season that will be no push ever, even for "the strongest of foes. Watch Coach Willis Casey's swim mers this week-end. The Blue Dol phins have some good lads and lassies ready to go, and if we don't miss our guess, Carolina will come back from Tarboro with a National title or two. .-,. . A summer practice for the re turning Tar Heel baseballers was talked of last , week, but. no definite plans have been forthcoming yet. . . . Former photo great at Carolina, Hugh Morton, is back from the Pacific. ; niany years, and said that the latter had visited him "several times while he was ; head coach at Cornell, and consequently; is familiar, ; with his style of football. " r Before assuming duties at Memphis State ; Teachers, where, he succeeded Allen ' Mclteen when the latter-named went tc Mississippi State, Jamerson piled up "an impressive record as head coach in a Memphis high school. Jamerson played college; ball under George McClaren, who was one of the big ; guiis on Pop Warner's cracker jack i Pitt aggregations in the .years just preceding the first World War. Cross Country Men Begin Working Out ""Several old members 'of the Caro lina cross country team have begun workouts on their own in lieu"of the onrushing season, according to Coach Dale Ransoh, and regular drills will be started as soon as possible. The season is slated to get under way toward the middle part of Sep tember, but no schedule has been re leased as ytet. Something like three or four lettermen are all that are re turning, for Coach Ranson to work with, but it is hoped that a few new men expected to report will work into good runners. GriddersJBegin Of Practice Forty New Lads ' Continue To Work As approximately forty iTar Heel gridsters swing into their -, second week of practice, T the workouts will become ; increasingly more towards competitive ; nature, Coach ' Carl Snavely reported yesterday. The first week of practice was spent mainly in drilling, the new men in fundamentals and familiarizing them with the sys tem Snayely employs, and it is ex pected that these stiff er workouts will have the squad ready for scrim mage by the latter part of the week. Although the majority of men now practicing are new to Carolina, there are some who have been shifted from their - former position to one where the Tar Heel mentor feels they may do the team more good. Simms, who played center during spring practice, has been switched to a left tackle post. Because Simms showed up so well in previous work outs, Snavely said he would rather try him' at tackle, due to - the fact that he has had little offensive ex perience as . a center. Szafrayn, who was groomed as an end during spring practice, has likewise been shifted to tackle, a position he had , formerly played at Ambridge High, one of the top teams ? in western . Pennsylvania. Rogers, who proved himself a top- notch defensive player in backing up the line earlier in the year,' has been moved from fullback to center, , and is working out in that position at present.: Stowers, who had been con verted to a tailback during the later spring sessions, -is continuing: at that post in these : early summer prac7 tices, and Crutchfield, who was shift ed from: guard to fullback near the end of spring practice, is likewise at' tending these earlier, sessions in an attempt to gain - more experience at his new job. ' The entire squad will be called to practice in about a week to join those already at work. These summer work outs will continue until , about the middle of August, following which there will be a; short lay-off of a week or so before, swinging into the heavy fall practices r in preparation for the opening- tilt with Georgia Tech. Pre-Flights To Meet Ft. Bragg Wednesday Week-end games having been called off due to heavy rain, the Carolina Pre-Flight baseball team, strength ened by the presence of three former Tar Heel men, will travel to Fayette ville Wednesday for a game with the Ft. Bragg personnel center. No starting hurler has been named for the tussle, but it is expected that either Ken Olsen, of the Pre-Flight School, or Chuck Hayne, a Marine V-12er who is playing with the Bust ers, will be on the hill. It is a possi bility that Max 'Lanier, former great of the St. Louis Cardinals, will op pose the Pre-Flighters, but again this is not definite. FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS Try our cakes, buns, Deliciously tasteful o Second Week THE HILL BAKERY You will surely come back for more. TatMwSwimMeetA ttmciima More Than 15 Southern Teams y y , ' ' ; ' ' - N - ' ' " ? :: :fi::y:::x $ -m-S" :-.'y . . , .- ' ' J t & I, vT--x :--'-vic,--. '.v:-:-. , . .v.-,-:- . :v-"-v--v. If .' : : -vt Coach Willis Casey, shown above with Prince Nufer, former lassie swimming star, here at Carolina, takes his Blue Dolphins to Tarboro this week-end for the National Junior and Open swimming champion ships. Casey, young undergrad mentor here at UNC, is in his second season as head of the Tar Heel swimmers. (Tar Heel Photo.) ntra-Mural In Second Day Of Play . . 1 . Games Will Be Continued Through Thursday; 22 Teams Are Entered Carolina's summer intramural Softball schedule was slated to get underway yesterday afternoon with a full card on deck, but results of the play were not available as the Tar Heel went to press. Games will be continued today, Wednesday and Thursday, and will be played on the same days nextf week, according to Walt James, intra mural head here at Carolina. Plans for the 1945 season were for mulated a week from yesterday as James met with all the intramural managers in a general assembly. At the meeting, which was attended well, the rules and regulations for, the on coming season were discussed. Entries in the tourney were not accepted after last Thursday. The league this term will be in ac tion for six weeks and there will be a playoff in five loops., There are six teams in each bracket. Games will be played twice a .week by each team, 12 being in action four days a week. All tilts will be seven-inning affairs. Game time for the four days of play a week will be 5:30 o'clock, and it is very important that teams be ready to go at that time. An auto matic forfeit will be in order if a team fails to show up for a game. According to James, sof tball will be followed as soon as possible by ten nis, swimming, speed ball, horseshoes and nine pong. It is not decided at just what time these other sports will begin, but announcements will be -forthcoming as soon as information is available. For the past week or so, a good many of the teams planning to enter the tournament have been hard at the work of getting their players in readiness for the season. A great deal CLASSIFIED LOST One copy of Menninger's "Love Against Hate." Finder please return to Bill Poteat, YMCA. WILL THE PERSON who mistaken ly took my notebook out of Gra ham Memorial Thursday night please return it to Buddy Glenn, 1 Vance, or to YMCA Office. Thanks. donuts and pastry. sweets at low cost. Schedule of enthusiasm is accompanying the tourney, and all of the fraternity teams will be allowed to have four outside men , playing on their squads. Intramural Schedule Tuesday, July 17: Alexander No. 1 Med. School vs. .Two Brews; Alexander No. 2 SAE vs. Leath ernecks; Intramural No. 1 Phi Gam vs. Sigma Chi; Intramural No. 2 Phi Delta Theta vs. Smith, Wednesday, July 18 : Alexander No. 1 Co. 3 NROTC vs. Med. School; Alexander No. 2 lingers vs. SAE; Intramural No. 1 Co. 2 vs. Staff; Intramural No. 3 Steele vs. Two Brews; Intramural No. 4 Sigma Nu vs. Leathernecks. Thursday, July 19: Alexander No. 1 Co. 1 NROTC vs. Kappa Alpha; Alexander No. 2 Zeta Psi vsw Smith; Intramural No. 1 VVP vs. Sigma Chi; Intramural No. 2 Phi Delta Theta vs. Beta. Games called off because of rain will be played next week, accord ing to an announcement by Walt James. Henry simply can't do a .1, i ji i - I. . I . i . i j in ' m in n ISix Tar Heel Blue Dolphins To Enter Event Locals Have Chance To Cop Three Titles By Dick Seaver The National Junior and Open AAU Swimming Championships to be held at Tarboro July 21-22 have at tracted 'more than fifteen of the South's outstanding swimming teams and between 150 and 200 of its top swimmers. ' -Besides the Carolina Blue Dolphins, the following aggregations are also entered in the meet: Bainbridge Naval Team; Ambassador Swimming Club, Washington, D. C; Duke university; Norfolk ' Naval Training Station: Camp' Lejeune Marine base; Cherry Point Marine base; Shoreham Swim dub,' Washington, D.-C; Charlotte YMCA; Greensboro YMCA; Rich mond, Va YMCA; Goldsboro Swim ming club; Tarboro Civic Swimming club; Wilson City , Team; Myrtle Beach, A.A.B.; Atlanta, Ga. Swim ming association; Birmingham, Ala., Swimming club. According to Carolina Coach Willis Casey, the six Blue Dolphin entries have a good opportunity to carry away the three National Junior Titles at stake. The first of these titles, the Men's National Junior 300 meter med ley, relay will be threatened by the Carolina combination of Bo Jenkins (backstroke), Dick Twining (breast stroke) and Ben Ward (freestyle). This trio in practice have been timed at 3:28.6, almost four seconds under the present American record of 3 :32.4. The second title at stake is the Men's National Junior 300 meter indi vidual medley. The record for this event is 4:11.8, set in 1934 by Adolph Kiefer, Olympic champion and holder of all world records in this event. Both Blue Dolphin entries, Dick Twining and Jack Zimmerman have shown up exceptionally well in present workouts, and Twining was timed at 4:07.3, four and a half seconds under this mark. . Frances Kenney, Carolina coed, is expected to be right up in there in the Women's' National. Junior. 408 meter championship. The record for this even is 5:58.3, and Miss Kenney" . has been timed in practice at 6:03.1, onsiderably under the 6:08 time which won this event last year. Also entered in the meet for Caro lina are Snooky Proctor, who will swim the distance freestyle and backstroke, Mike Morrow, who will see action in the sprint f reestyles, and Ethel Laugh lin, a Carolina coed who is the south ern sprint champion in the women's 100 meter championship. The annual Carolina AAU junior swimming championships will follow on the heels of the Tarboro event in a week's time, the High Point contest having been set for July 28 and 29. Events to be held in High Point are the junior national 400 meter free style for men; the 50 meter national junior freestyle meet for men and. the junior national 150 meter indivi dual medley for women. Coach Casey will take his crew to High point for the above mentioned contest which is being sponsored by the Mercury Athletic club and the High Point parks commission. Xl:?:y;: I thing without his slide rule."

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