A student .newspaper, published by students for students. If you find fault with this paper, you can correct that fault by reporting for a staff as signment any Thursday or Sunday night. VOLUME LIII SW "Format TMT-Trril' 7iJ1 Campus SAorfs Rushees All boys who want to pledge a.fra , ternity are requested to report at the office of the dean of men in South Building on Tuesday afternoon be tween the hours of 3 and 5. There is a pledge fee of $1, payable at that time. Announcement Legislature will not meet on Thurs day night as formerly scheduled. We Missed These Chancellor R. B. House announces the following promotions which were omitted in last week's announcement: Earl A. Slocum, to professor; J. L. Godfrey, to associate professor; and Harold E. Klontz, from part-time to full-time instructor. Chi Delta Phi The membership drive will be com pleted at 11 a. m. Wednesday. All manuscripts, prose and poetry should be submitted to Oliver A. Burns, 218 Mclver Hall. A party will be held for the girls in Horace Williams Lounge of Graham Memorial Friday at 4:30. It is hoped that Betty Smith, author of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," will be speaker for the occasion. , Town Girl News Fafi Halsey and Bebe McGee, for mer Chapel Hill girls who are living in the dormitories, have been asked to become honorary members of Town Girls Association. . Alumni News Sgt. William Sloan Moody, class of '33, is serving with the 29th Replace ment Depot near Manila, where he is handling "recoverees" - civilian in ternees of Jap prisons and liberated allied prisoners of war who are being processed for speedy return to their homelands. Experienced The ADPI's new. house-mother, Mrs. Robert Wallace Spartenburg, was hostess at Rollins in Winter Park, Fla., before coming to Caro lina. yisitors Visiting the Chi Psi lodge over the week-end were two alumni brothers: First Lieutenant Henry Cooper, who has just returned from the China-Burma-India theatre of war, where he served with the 20th Air Force; and former First Lieutenant Vincent. Mc Dowell, who has just returned from the South Pacific. Math Instructor Promoted Dr. Vinton A. Hoyle, associate pro fessor of mathematics now absent on leave in military service, has been promoted from the rank of Lieuten ant (s.g.), to Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy. At present, Lt. Commander Hoyle is stationed at the the Naval Pre-Flight School in Athens, Ga. He is soon to report to Annapolis. Music-Minded By Carl Worsley Guitar players languished about ,the campus. From 'neath boudoir windows floated up the plaintive tones of a clear tenor. Well, perhaps that wasn't just the case, but at any rate, in 1903 UNC saw the need for organization of those under, the spell of the guitar, mandolin, banjo craze -of the day, and so Charles T. Woollen, genial comptroller of the Greater University, was selected as head of 'the Band. -Besides a Glee Club and a mostly stringed orchestra, the University 33and had its beginning at this time in the nucleus of six strong-winded -men whose main purpose was to snap up the cheering at the games and, -of course, they were not adverse to -winning the smiles of the girls at the big Spring baseball game with Vir ginia in Greensboro when all of "WCUNC and Greensboro College tturned out to cheer for us. ioiu Of Vets Get Officers' Club As Pre-Flight Moves Out Navy Hall Will Be Turned Over To Monogram Club As Home Of Athletic, Military Records With liquidation of the Carolina Pre-Flight School scheduled to be completed immediately, Chancellor R. B. House has announced plans for two of the buildings used by the Navy here. The officer's club on the Raleigh road just below Woollen gymnasium will be given over to the University Veterans Association, to be operated by them under University regulations. The clubhouse will be headquarters for the veterans and will serve as a meeting place and social center for them and their guests. Navy Hall will be preserved as the home of athletic and military records of Pre-Flight cadets and staff mem bers. It was built by the Navy as a social and reception center for cadets and has, housed offices of the school's public relations department. Chancellor House has appointed the Monogram Club as guardian of Navy Hall. The building will remain a spe cial glace where cadets will always be given a welcome when they return to Chapel Hill. The Monogram Club will use Navy Hall as its headquarters and meeting place. ' . Wearers of the school letters have been asked to conduct Navy Hall as a social and educational center, not only for all Carolina students, but for all members of the Chapel Hill commun ity. To Follow Sunday Supper Meeting Dr. Kenneth Foreman, professor of philosophy and Bible at Davidson Col lege, has been scheduled by the Coun cil for Religion in Life to speak at Hill Hall next Sunday, at 8 p.m. His subject is "One World or None." The CRIL has organized a commun ity supper to be held before the speech, for the purpose of allowing members of the various student reli gious groups to get acquainted. The supper is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Bap tist church, with members of the stu dent groups as well as students at large urged to attend. Tickets for this interfaith supper will be on sale at the YMCA this week. Dr. Foreman's speech is the first in a series of talks planned by the CRIL for this school year. Future speakers will discuss such topics as religion and education, religion and labor, and reli gion and rural life the whole series ii, in short, religion and life. : The answer to the question, "Just what is the CRIL?" can be done best by, quoting from Gen. MacArthur's speech at the Japanese surrender: "Military alliance, balances of power, League of Nations all in turn failed. We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and See CRIL, page U. Created UNC Looking to that cold measure of value, statistics, we find that the band was a big success its first year, for the next year it added, over 100 per cent to its membership (now 13) and courageously flaunted itself in a full page picture in the Yackety Yackl And why not? Besides the fun had at playing at school "breakins" near Chapel " Hill, the boys had mo ments of grandeur as when at the commencement at 1911, they "gave in fine style the University Hymn, with the congregation rising and sing ing ; In 1914, Director Woollen surrend ered thebaton to L. R. Sides, and again in 1925 the baton changed hands and T. Smith McCorkle stepped on the stand. Through the next eight years the band became an ever-increasingly important school activity. In '28, they got their first uniforms blue blazers. " The boys furnished their own white ducks to Serving Civilian and Military Students at UNC CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1945 U JIM WU vUOLMMM it TTTT A TTT)f H-H 138 Coeds Pledge As Sororities List Girls Who Joined Following is a complete list of the 138 girls pledged to the five sororities on campus following rushing which ended Sunday, September 23: Pi Beta Phi Florence Andrews, Mary Margaret Bach, Chris Bruch, Ann Brundage, Betsy London Cordon, Ann Cutts Jane Divers, Caroiyn Earl, Siby Goerch,- Ella Frances Halsey, Mary Bright Jernigan, Bettie Kendrick, Jean Killey, Nancy Laird, Betty Lacy, Joan Lawler, Carolyn Long, Bil Lloyd, Terrellita Maverick, Marilyn Meeks, Frances Miller, Joan Miller, Molly Mitchell, Helen Morrison, Ann Murphy, Ann Robinson, Ann Rogers, Sarah Tillett, Evelyn Tindel, Frances Welch, Ann Wiedeman. Alpha Gamma Delta Barbara Brinson, Emily Chapell, Jayne Childs, Rosemary Cleveland, Elsie Mc. Cushman, Frances Golden, Audrey Green, Carolyn Hall, Marjorie Heitman, Marie ' Howes,"' Robin Lear, Sarah Pinkston, Glen Tucker. Delta Delta Delta Jacqueline Blunt, Mary Jo Cain, Luzette Callum, Catherine Garlen, Jeanne Driscoll, Betty Greve, Bobby Jean Hardy, Patricia Hole, Janet Johnston, Barbara Lynn, Fay Maples, Eugenia Nash, Jane Peete, Alice Rob erson, Dorothy Swain, Virginia Swain, Ruth Tompkins, Nancy Waugh, Mary Anne White, Elise Wishar. Alpha Delta Pi Mary Lib Bivens, Babs Bixler, Mary Britt, Edith Lee Burgess, Jane Car- rington, Peggy Cates, Bettie Cheat ham, Dorothy Dashiell, Mildred Derieux, Carolyn Disbro, Penny Dur ham, Kethryn Freeman, Ruth Gee Gay, Janet Jolly, Frances Law, Ann Martin, Margaret Martin, Ruth Min- ton, Joan Miller, Marion Parker, Vir ginia Peel, Joyce Speisseger, Carolyn Storm, Evelyn Shields, Margaret Jean Taylor, Anne Trimble, Florrie Trimble, Herndon Vaughan, Caroline Warren, Jean White, Virginia Wil son, Katharine Norvell. Chi Omega Frances Avera, Mona Bensel, Jane Bentley, Jean Boyle, Maggie Brown, I Helen Burwell, Jeanette Chichester,) Harriet Clarke, Jane Curtis Betsy j Dallas, Helen D. Davis, Anne Dickin son, Frances Drennon, Jane Ellen Gilson, Mary Tom Gilman, Mary Harris, Gene Heafner, Marie Holman, Gwen Highes, Jean Huske, B. Belle Jeffers, Ann Jones, Katherine Lane, See PLEDGES, page U. Band In 1903 absorb the mud oft, fateful football fields, and their luxuriant musician's hair was uncovered. Slocum Arrives In the fall of '33, our present di rector, Earl A. Slocum, came to us from Greensboro. At that time the only school-owned instruments were a few large horns and a bass drum, to which was added the unusual com bination of a piccolo and a glocken spiel. With these as tools, the band forged ahead to be awarded colorful .uniforms by the Athletic Association. New basses, baritones and bassoons were added as the joint gift of the Music and Athletic Departments. The band had increased in size to 115 pieces prior to the war's beginning in 1941. This fall the band is rapidly being molded into shape by its director. "This year, not only -will there be a drum major but also two attractive See MUSIC-MINDED, page h. Triad Ball Scheduled For Saturday Night . The entire campus will be invit ed to the big Triad Ball to be held . on Saturday night, October 13, in Woollen gymnasium, according to Tom Green, Marine member of the committee in charge of the affair. .Sponsored by ROTC, V-12 and Ma rine units here, the ball promises to be one of the highlights of the year's social program. Music will be by the 336th Air Service Forces band from Camp Butner. All members of the band were professional musicians . in civilian life, and the leader was formerly a member of Paul White man's orchestra. A featured vocal ist will sing. The dance will be semi-formal and will last from 9 until 12 o'clock. There (will be no admis sion charge, and hat check service will be free. The committee direct ing the event has planned a floor show to be staged during inter mission. . , Invitations will be sent to a num ber of faculty members, to Navy and Marine officers here and to each dormitory on campus. First Coed Hour This Afternoon; Hill Hall Is Site The year's first Coed Hour will be held Tuesday, afternoon at 5 o'clock hv Hill Hall. Sponsored by the Coed Senate, the program is compulsory for all women students. Doors to Hill Hall will close prompt ly at 5:10 o'clock, and any coed com ing in later will be counted absent. The program is designed to give coeds, especially those here for the first time this year, information on certain special services they get at Carolina. Speakers will be Dr. E. McG. Hedgpeth, head of the infirmary; Miss Geraldine Foster, assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Miss Kathryn Cook, vocational adviser to women. i Oh entering Hill Hall, coeds will check with their respective house presidents and sorority house man agers. a auure to do tnis ana tnus will be counted absent. All absent be marked present will mean the coed will go before a board and will be pun shed if the absence' is unexcused. The Coed Senate in its meeting Tues day night, September 25, authorized this week's Coed Hour program. Oth er major business discussed that night concerned, local mail boxes in all wo men's residence houses. The Senate passed a bill giving $93 to the YWCA for this purpose. It was pointed out that local mail cannot be put into boxes in the halls now, since these are owned by the United States government and may be used only by U. S. postmen. Open lo cal mail boxes would save time and money for . campus organizations. Mail could be put up more quickly, and campus groups would not have to pay postage on local mail. Di Bill Seeks End Of Carolina' Frats Dialectic Senators and visitors will debate a bill which proposes the abolition of fraternities when the Di convenes Wednesday night at 9 o'clock in Gerrard Hall instead of in the Senate hall on the third floor of New West. This topic of current interest is expected to arouse a great deal of discussion from fraternity men and independents. All students inter ested are invited to attend and take' an active part in the discussion. The Dialectic Senate met at 9:30 instead of the usual hour 'Wednesday night and a discussion of . the ramifications of the pro posed Wagner-Murray-Dingle bilL an embodiment of a number, of pro visions for national good health through federal taxation. it j9 Reyeale fli. 7TTT U First New Political Group Since 1943 Sets 'Principle' As Basis, Repudiates 'Deals' An unexpected bombshell exploded on the Carolina political scene yesterday when formation of a third party was announced in a statement addressed to "every student on the campus," and signed by twenty-nine members of the student body. A spokes man for the group said it will wel come anyone who wishes to join and who will pledge to uphold "the prin ciples on which the party is founded." Included in the list of signers are the President" and Vice-President of the student body, the Speaker of the Student Legislature, the President of the Senior Class, the President of the Interfraternity Council, the President of the Interdormitory Council, the Editor of the Carolina Mag, the Speaker of the Coed Senate, and the Managing Editor of the Tar Heel. The new organization is to be known as the "United Carolina Party." In the opening declaration its found ers described it as a "party of prin ciple" which will "have no truck with political deals" and which would rather lose with the support of those who will fight for a better student government IN office and OUT, than win with the support of those who don't give a damn." The statement ended with the statement "Either the campus wakes up or student govern ment folds up!" The immediate effect that the Unit ed Carolina Party will have on the roles of the University and Student parties in campus politics could not yet be ascertained. It was pointed out that the new group has prominent representatives of both the older parties in its ranks as well as a number of students who had not be- ore been affiliated with any political organization; but just how deep the cleavage is in S. P. and U. P. circles is still unknown. Just how represen tative a group the signers constitute was considered another moot point, and it was felt in some quarters that as much as a week may elapse before the Carolina Party's relative strength becomes more apparent. Further details of the U. C. P.'s or ganization are promised for the near future, but it was revealed that no groups will be represented in the party as groups, and that a "conven tion" system to . make nominations and write platforms is envisaged. It was considered probable that a ticket will be placed in the November elec tions by the U. C. P., though no an nouncement to this effect has been issued. More speculation included a story that a party "conference" will be held during the week. A partial text of the statement is sued by the twenty-eight founders of the new party follows: Issued Statement "This is a statement of fact. It is made after much thought, much hesi tation, but above all it is made with See CAROLINA PARTY, page U. Old Well Symbolizes UNC By Jo Pugh The Old Well, a distinctive feature of Carolina tradition, has been a sym bol of the University to alumni and students for more than two centuries. Before transformed from the simple edifice of square shafts of rough wood to the present graceful structure, it served as a staunch servant to Caro lina for 132 years. It was used by the students then as n; is now as a meeting place tor stu dents and visitors. Back then it was the only source of water on the cam pus. All students used one dipper. Water was drawn from the well and heated over a wood fire between Old East and Old West for Saturday night baths. Among other purposes of the well, Zebulon Vance mentions one'in a story he told of a new temperance society formed while he was a student here. A student, on being pursued by a col lege official, hurled a forbidden flask, which was only half empty, into the well as he sped by. Mocking the hy Organization of a third political group, "United Carolina Party was revealed to the student body today. Prominent members of the two older parties are sponsoring the new organization. NUMBER SW S3 - " THIPA Sponsors New Radio Forum On Public Affairs The Tar Heel Institute of Public Affairs announced Sunday that it would sponsor the "Student Forum on Public Affairs" over the radio be ginning November 4. This will be the first sustained student roundtable in the history of the University. Director Buddy Glenn said he had concluded negotiations with Jack Hunkins, program director of radio station WBBB, for that station to carry the program each Sunday after noon from 2 to 2:30. The program will consist of two students and Moderator Glenn discussing some question of current interest. Ray Sylvester has joined the staff of the Institute as radio director to coordinate this activity. He will work with Elmo Roberds, assistant institute director, to promote the program. Station WBBB is located in Bur lington, and its coverage extends over most of central and eastern North Carolina and southern Virginia. The program will originate at the local studio and will be piped to Burling ton. All students, including coeds, will be eligible to participate in the forum. They will be selected on the basis of their vocal capacities and knowledge of the problem being discussed. No attempt will be made to obtain ex perts but every participant will be expected to know the subject being discussed. Sylvester is compiling a list of students for the broadcasts. Any student interested in participat ing is urged to see him to discuss the matter. The purpose of the forum is two fold. First, to bring students in con tact with the average person on topics of social importance, and, second, to give the students experience in self- expression over the air. . In 1940 the University Radio Studio sponsored some faculty and student roundtables, but they were not sus tained for any length of time. This is Glenn's second venture into the field of radio production. Last year he founded the IRC-sponsored "Carolina Roundtable." Staff Meeting All members of the Tar Heel edi torial staff are asked to meet at Horace Williams lounge in Graham Memorial Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock. pocrisy of temperance societies, Vance claimed that the temperance boys al most drank the well dry the following day. When Carolina re-opened after the Civil War, students used the Old Well once more for bull-sessions, dates and confabs. Commencement programs were held in the open space in front of the well. A vain attempt was made in 1893 to supply the dorimtories with water by pumping it from the well by steam into large tanks in the attic of South building, where it was to be distri buted to other buildings. When Edwin Alderman became president in '96, he resolved to beau tify the old well, which had served the University for so many years. The old structure was transfigured into the present semblance of the famous Temple of Love in France. Silhouetted clearly against the dark with its graceful columns, the well is a long-remembered symbol of Carolina to students, alumni and visitors.

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