i 1 ur" " .- , ... Page Fi-, r c i i i 4 MS? I s - i 3 tr c 1. s 3 Page Your 110th Anniversary Local Chi Psi's Host N ational Convention More than 125 active members and alumni of 36 chapters of Chi Psi social fraternity are expected to arrive here on September 5 to participate in the four-day na tional convention, which will commemorate the 110th anniver sary of the fraternity. Serving as hosts for the con vention, which will have its head quarters in the Carolina Inn, will the Alpha Sigma chapter of Chi Psi. Chancellor Robert B. House will be guest speaker for the opening session, when the dele gates convene for luncheon at the Carolina Inn on Wednesday, Sep tember 5. On Wednesday evening dinner will be served in the dining room of the Morehead Planetarium. The dining room of the Mono gram Club has been reserved for the convention members for luncheon on Thursday. Southern-style barbecue, pit cooked in the Alpha Sigma yard, will be featured at Thursday night's outdoor supper at the Chi Psi lodge. The delegates will have dinner at the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh on Friday night. ' ci takes Dt - oUt- s-t OR , ,hite . v-,f en large" are re"u ,rri- j.He fast f n;ctures, th! outdoor Per. cars 0f the . oR reSau;s low-cost V r 5 !!t7" CAMERA ONLYS29 5 FLASH UNIT EXT&A $4.08 FOISTER'S CAMERA STORE, INC. in ii " 1 1 in ii ii ii ) ii t f ? X . box camera. , tUl v"- 1 N. C. PREMIUM ATLANTIC CASE BEER' $3.15 In lots of iwo, plus lax, plus bottle deposit Last time at Ihis low rale Gel your vacation supply now RATHSKELLER Phone 2273S Down Amber Alley 111 T-'-f St' GOING HOME? .r..'.-, 1 -v Kf , t - n r If I y Ljs Before You Leave, ; If jkA't Treat Your Car J , C" to a Complete Servicing and . jjt'f GULFLEX LUBRICATION I ;; , ' i O Pick-up and Delivery Service I J V Phone 2-437 ' " ,t h'f - Prompt, Courteous Service ' I jj : Reeves GULF ', i f Service Station ' s - . jlj A formal banquet at the Caro lina Inn on Saturday night will highlight the closing session of the convention.. Awarding of the Thayer trophy, which is presented annually to the chapte which has made the most progress and improvement, will be made at the banquet by H. Seger Slifer, national secretary-treasurer from Ann Arbor, Mich. Slifer will also announce the winner of the Goodbody Scho larship, which is given annually to the chapter having the most outstanding scholastic record. Chi Psi fraternity was founded at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., on May 21, 1841, and now has 36 active chapters. The Alpha Sigma chapter was founded at Carolina on November 16, 1855, and was the third fra ternity to be established on cam pus. Linn Garibaldi, president of the Alpha Sigma alumni, is assist ing the local chapter in making convention arrangements. Officers of the University chap ter are President Lew Chapman, Union, N. J.; Vice-President Ken Barton, Union, N. J.; Secretary Karl Hill, Charlotte; and Treasur er Tommy Steed of Raleigh. Moffitts Are Hard Workers "Spends more time in the hos pital than out of it," might sound like the description of a hypo- "ai-. ;;'-t" fits the husband of University Dietitian Hilda Moffitt. A hale and hearty young man, Bill Mof fitt. as Director of Hospital Re lations, is Hospital Saving Asso- ciation's liason representative with Tar Heel hospitals. And in a state a slarge as N. C, with the number of hospitals increas ing by leaps and bounds, Bill has to travel fast to keep up with all of them. "Bill is on the go about half the time," reports Mrs. Moffitt. "This absentee husbandism is bad enough during the week but why do all new hospitals have to hold their formal openings on Sunday?" To which Bill restorts, "You're home almost as seldom as I am. AROUND CAMPUS By MARY NELL BODDIE x'he 28th of August brings sum mer school, a few college careers, and this column to an end, but first we bring you the final round up of campus capers. Mclver Hall residents and dates held a watermelon party on the back lawn of the dormitory last Wednesday night. Midnight snacks will be served residents of Alderman and Spen cer Hall on Sunday and Monday, when the coeds: take a "break" from their exam study. Anna Beeson of Greensboro, a former W. C. student who will; enroll at Carolina this fall," now wears the white cross of Sigma! Chi Buddy Toler. Representing the Tar Heels at Morehead last weekend were the Delta Psi's, who were guests of brother Clyde Stallings. Walter Allen of Asheville, will be honored at a stag farewell party this weekend, when brother PiKA's entertain. Phi Delt weddings numbered two last Saturday. Harry Buch anan of Hendersonville wed Ann Johnson of Spartanburg, S. C. Married 'in Hickory were Bill McCo'rd and Tri-Delt Dottie Clemmer. Betty Lou Worthington, an ADPi and rising senior from Ay den, leaves today for Fort Lau derdale, Fla., and a week's vaca tion, which is being paid for by the Greenville Chamber of Com merce. The expense-free trip was awarded to Betty Lou when she won the title of Miss Tobacco Harvest Festival in a recent con test. Teas, luncheons, a dance, and a deep-sea fishing trip are only a few of the courtesies which are to be shown her by the Fort Anyway, I'm always glad to have J,' j L work and travel a couple of hun dred miles with me for a hospital opening." Fact is, the Moffitts are both hard workers and are on a pretty equal basis when it comes to job demands. They were married in June, 1947. Hilda, a native of Elkin and graduate of WCUNC, has been keeping an eye on kitchen doings at Lenoir Hall, the Carolina Inn and the Monogram Club since September, 1947. , Bill, who was born in Greensboro, still lacks three hours credit of having his BA from Carolina and plans to achieve his sheepskin some day if he can stay out of hospitals long enough. He started to work for North Carolina's Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan in 1949. PARKVUE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Greensboro Road THURSDAY "Tomahawk" Van Heflin-Yvonne DeCarlo FRIDAY-SATURDAY Barbara Stanwyck Wendell Corey Walter Huston in "The Furies" SUNDAY-MONDAY Half Angel Ml in Technicolor Loretta Young-Joseph Cotten TUESDAY Cartoon Carnival 2 hours of your favorite car toons and comedies on our giant screen. WEDNESDAY 'ON THE RIVIEHA" THE TAR Lauderdale Chamber of Com merce. Beta Richard Sanders of Can ton, Ohio and Chi Omega Betty Byrnes of Charlotte are planning for wedding bells on August 31. Deke Branson Hobbs of Chapel Hill will be host to his fraternity on Saturday night. Leaving for a visit with Uncle Sam is Deke Marsden de Rosset of Fayette ville. Something new in the way of serenades was heard by residents of Alderman Hall and the Pi Phi house last Monday night, when a trio of George ?, Sammy ?, and Bubber ? entertained the coeds with-an after-hours musical ses sion. PiKA Lee Griffin has pinned June Pickens of Asheboro. With the news that ' Bermuda shorts are here to stay and may even reach ; the Carolina scene, Phi Delt Bob Page was the first to respond by going on a reduc ing diet. ETHEL ARRYMO ANGELA WITH LANS BURY MiK J" S mm w i ifmtfa ttr 5 car- - FRIDAY-SATURDAY A Umdy girl-a man on the run and 72 reckless hours that grip you with the impact qf unleashed emotions! WALLACE FORD SELENA ROYLE and BOBBY 3 BY HYATT Based on i novel by Sam Ross Screenplay by Guy Endore Produced by Bob Released thru United Artists SUNDAY Ezio Pinza-Janet Leigh in - . "Strictly Dishonorable" .MONDAY-TUESDAY Paul Douglas-Joan Bennett-Linda Darnell . jn HEEL. Again we- extend' sympathies and this , time to Sigma Chi Bill Rue, who is extremely horizontal in the infirmary.-It seems he mistook a, jellyfish for a water lily while -at Virginia Beach-last weekend.-;-"': z' :-: -; Brothers of Pi Lam journeyed to Wrightsville: Beach last week end for a visit with Bill Kingoff. KD will be ready and waiting to welcome the '51 rushees when the interior decorators finish putting the professional touches to their ; new house on Franklin St. Stan Goodman of Norfolk," '51 grad and varsity baseball player, and Dorothy Jean Chinan of Nor folk are planning to wed in No vember. It seems our Dean of Students Fred Weaver has received a new sort of fame. His name is now listed under the vegetable section on the Monogram Club dining room menu. The new delicacy is called 'Harvard Beets, Weaver.' The reason? Beets us! A semi-formal dance was held by residents of Kenan Hall on August 10 as their main social of the session. A breakfast was held on the first Sunday of the session TODAY ONLY a O .i,.,. ... HOUSE OF MYSTERY I STARRING MAURICE KEENAN IVY JOHN GARFIELD SHELLEY WINTERS A ROBERTS PRODUCTION rU Robert and a similar one will be held this Sunday to complete the dormitory's social activities. That's about it for the summer of '51 folks, but it surely has been . Thanks for eyeing! . DORMS CLOSED University dormitories will be closed on August 30. two days after examinations, and will re main closed until September 13. about a week before fall quar ter classes begin. AM tF I . X- fffff t m m . illllHIIlT Customers' Comer Do you do all your shop ping at A&P? If not, why not? Each department in your A&P strives to give you the best values and the best service. If there is anything we can do to improve a parti cular department in your store, we want to know about it. Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. California Cuban Size 54s Avocados ? Nice Size Lemons --- B'resh Tender String Beans - - 2 For Lb. Lbs. California Siz 36s Cantaloupes 23( Yellow Onions Lb 6c Potatoes Red Bliss - - Lb 6c Fresh Limes 2 ;t 29c Dressed & Drawn Lb. 1 LB. Pkg. Chuck Roast Choice , . Besf Lb. Porterhouse Steak . CBeei Lb. Sirloin Steaks Fat Back Ni se Streaked Meat Cooked Ham Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Fillet of Perch -of Haddock Lb H & G Whiting Lb. -u 6 Lbs. average Fryers Wilson I'.orn King Sliced 57c 49c looses u 49c Cracker Jacks P&G Soap Silver Dust 3 pkg 13c 3 Bars 23c pR 32c Angelus Marshmallowt Woodbury Soap Swan Soap SS.19e B" 9c ' a 9c I - Real Gold Lotion Mild JergensSoap Swan Soap SC1fi Bar QC 2 3U Crisco Sweetheart Soap Personal Ivory Soap s- 99c b 9c 3 Bats -gc .. . Blu White Dah Flakes Dog Food p& 31c -nt 83c Pkg gc 15q Several years ago the American Council on Education sponsored a survey of departments quali fied to give the Ph.D. degree. It found more such departments here than in any other university south, of Baltimore and east of the Mississippi River. In two surveys by the United States Navy for the location of one of its Pre Flight training schools, both sur veys adjudged the University as the most desirable place in the south and in the east. Jib 63 Enjoy yourself . . . it's simpler than you think, with the help of A&P's many labor-saving foods: We've every thing you need to breeze through breakfast, make light work of lunch, serve supper In seconds. And all these wonderful wife-savers are priced to give overworked budgets a rest, too. Take home plenty . . . then take it easy! Tuna Fish - - 's?33c Tomatoes p; 2 2 29c Packer's Label Grapefruit Juiee 1 8c Perfect Strike Chum Salmon - - - - 45c Phillips Bea n$ With Franks. Ca $)g Tomato J UlCe tabby's Can 1 Corn Flakes Sunnyfield Pkg!" 1 Hw Fruit Cocktail ap Ni 39c lona Cocoa PkLgb- 23c Swift Jewel 3ciS 83c Cranberry Sauce i 16c?? 18c A&P Peas n3 27c Niblets Brand Corn 17c Green Giant Peas 19c A&P Grape Juice I2i 21c Margarine : 23c AScP's Own S-lb. n i- UeXO Vegetable Shortening Can Corned Beef Hash Armour 40c Chili Con Carne b?X . 37c Corned Beef Armour 45c Chopped Ha m Armour's Can 57e 25c 15c 25c otted ieats -i5c Sausage Treet Mild 8 O'CLOCK COFFI l-lb. Bag 77c Ann Page Salad Dressing 31c Peanut Butter pe l 33c Crabapple Jelly pne 21c M U Sta rd Ann Page 6Jar 9 C Mayonnaise Ann page 3cc Grape Jelly 3 23c Strawberry p"nes 41c Ann Page With Pork & Tomato Sauce 9 73c $1.24 $1.17 21c 35c $1.19 36c 40c 18c IS AH prices in this ad Serving the entire Southern re, gion and to some extent the r.t tion, too, is the University's fhrr' Institute for Research in Soc:V Science. Chief purpose of the I stitute is to encourage and sti, ulate research in the social -! ences and to serve as a trains center for research and for tea.-r. ers. The Institute was founded -n 1924 by Dr. Howard W. Odu noted sociologist, and is now d;. rected by Dr. Gordon Blacks" & r- - a 21c - - - 51c and Mellow 3 lb. Bag li guaranteed through Sat.. Aug 25th . . ,. .in- The Guy Who Came Back"