r ' Ths Tar He-el Tuesday, fJay 21, 1374 savvey Elliott :4 I h n (TV:;l n n fzy p 5.: (5 iL LUiii 1DS (i anndls9 LzzaU u U Ml I 15 It's easy to be uneasy about Badlands because Terrence Malick has written and directed it in a style one could call American Naive, and the genre is new. Without precedent or cinematic reference, the film unfolds as an ingenuous How I Spent My Summer Vacation and remains so firmly rocte-d in its straightforward naivete thit an audience, unaccustomed to this point of view, is often caught wandering if the laughs are intentional. Ladlands is essentially a tale of romance and murder, in that order, told by an adolescent South Dakota girl in the mid 1950's. She narrates, and co-stars in, her little short story, but she doesn't tell it as melodrama at all. Her narration is filled with the fake grandeur and false poetry one would expect. She talks about destiny and serene days, and every line sounds as hollow and artificial as it probably would be, coming from h:r. Holly calls Kit the most trigger-happy person I'd ever met. Well, he was that. She was out in the front yard one day, twirling her baton, when Kit walked up and asked her if she wanted to go for a ride. Their meeting didn't have the sexual implications of Bonnie and Clyde's. Taking a ride was just better than twirling a baton. Their odyssey of casual, even apathetic, murder is told by Holly in a detached, simple manner. She never questions why she stays with the eccentric Kit, and the whole experience just makes her feel kinda blah, like when you're sitting there and "all the water's run out of the bathtub. Her similes are positively childlike, and her reactions are consistent. For Malick is consistent, too. Badlands is his first film, and a fully realized one. It's most obvious with the actors, who comprehend the naive style right from the start and do their best to make the audience comfortable with it. Martin Sheen doesn't play Kit as James Dean, but he still allows the comparison to assert itself where it will. We see him as Holly does, which is as it in Chooso from 200-300 varieties of imported Cl domestic O "1 O S O We're open 10-6 Men. -Sat. Ic headouariers -, r n . c- j At; mtnn st, t( -J . - , , no o 4,y KJ 1 1 i THE CHEESE SHOP LOWER LEVEL O UNIVERSITY SQUARE f 'AJ M jn i? ---- yZf Just a remindsr that THE CLEAN MACHINE Bicycls Shop is in ! its third year of existence astha Chapel Hill-Carrboro area's first 1 ccrious bicycle shop. We have a staff of full-time experienced personnel who are ready to serve your cycling needs. Our new rental workshop area is open for your convenience. We invite you to come to Carrboro and compare. HO W. Main, Carrboro o 967-5104 ' ' A 0 ) v 1 - v 1 i I f Enjoy Cc-Cofo. Th2 cft drink for psp!2 foe'tirj for tKs fun thin in ;f; - 0LTh:rn CerC!j Catkin iCoT- ' should be: a hellbent delinquent, guileless and attractive even to the end. Sissy Spacek is frecklefaced Holly, the unsophisticated observer who is not so much gullible as merely game, in a primitive way. But it is the look of the film which does as much as Holly's narration to involve us in the unique style of Badlands. .Malick subordinates the quick cut to the more formalized fade, and subconsciously, we think Holly might be reading from her diary. The photography, credited to three newcomers, often suffuses a John Ford composition with a Maxfield Parrish color, and the result is stunning. (The Parrish influence extends to the poster outside the theatre; and Spacek even has Parrish-gold hair!) Malick likes to shoot a desolate landscape with a single object interrupting the space. My favorite was a shot of a painted-primitive billboard against the too-true-blue skies. Even his musical gamble of substituting Erik Satie for the easier rock and roll pays off. It would-be a pity to dismiss Badlands as a peculiar piece. It's not a film to excite as much as to intrigue and, in a very uncomplicated way, to entertain. . sur.ir.iER SUBLET 3 Bedroom, fully furnished A Frame with AC, etc. Lake Side with swimming, fishing, boating. Rent $280month. 967-4011 by Harvey Elliott Badlands See review on this page. (Through Thursday at the Plaza I.) Blazing Saddles This Mel Brooks film is fitfully hilarious, but as Brooks gets broader and broader, the hilarity becomes deadened by too much of a good thing. It gets off .to a spectacular start with Frankie Laine and a bullwhip singing the title song while big, fat, Fifties credits appear on the screen. And the first scene, with a character actor you'll remember from Paper Moon and a black chain gang, is the funniest in the entire film. Madeleine Kahn and Harvey Korman steal what's left of the movie, but Mel Brooks' mugging is embarrassing. (Through Thursday, if not longer, at the Plaza 2.) Fiddler on the RooJ a big, epic transfer of Broadway's penultimate ethnic musical to the screen. In general, it opens up nicely in its Yugoslavian locales and provides an exuberant sweep to many scenes. Some of the musical numbers are cincmatically exciting (Miracles of Miracles and Sunrise, Sunset come immediately to mind, as well as the lesser-known Chaveleh), and others just seem to go on and on. It was all filmed through a stocking, and that's why it looks so golden. Leonard Frey, Rosalind Harris and Neva Small are excellent. (Last day today, at the Varsity.) Jeremiah Johnson Even Robert Red ford's carefully programmed charisma couldn't distinguish this outdoor adventure story when it was released almost two years ago, but in these glorious Gatsby days, never Man against - it's the same RCA psrsonal n M H f diagonal j 2 Col. Tone Art Model ATC31 Bright, clear, crisp pictures. Solid state components in many areas. "Click" position tuning for all 70 UHF channels. Antennas included for both VHF and UHF. P""l UdLbljiJ Excellent selectivity. VHF tuner features 4 circuits instead of 3 to provide better separation of strong stations and other unwanted signals in metropolitan areas. fr 70-oosition solid state UHF tuner features separate "click" position XJj and chamel number identification for each channel. let a sleeping Redford lie. nature, man against Indians old story filmed in a lot of wilderness by Sydney Pollack. The screenplay is partly written by John Milius, a macho cult figure. (Through Thursday, at the Carolina.) On the Waterfront This Elia Kazan classic might not have the impact now that it had back in 1954, when American moviegoers were primed for Brando, the Method and screen naturalism, but it's one of the few films which can be said to epitomize a decade of movie history. Critics have commented that Kazan's mannered hysteria dates very quickly, but the film contains Marlon Brando's electrifying performance and is worth seeing. An interesting historical note: it has been called Kazan's justification for appearing as a friendly witness during the McCarthy hearings. The Brando character, you see, agonizes over informing. (Thursday, 8:30, Carolina Union free flick.) One Day in the Life oj Ivan Deniso vich a somber and visually faithful rendering of Solzhenitsyn's story of one man's day-to-day survival in a Siberian labor camp. The camp was recreated 200 miles north of Oslo, from sketches by a former inmate, and the cast and crew underwent many of the same hardships and deprivations as Ivan himself. Tom Courtenay practically starved himself during the filming. And the experience is cinematically captured by cinematographer Sven Nykvist, who is responsible for at least half of Ingmar Bergman's renown, and who finally won an Oscar this year for Cries and Whispers. (Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Gross Chemistry Auditorium, Duke.) The Trojan Women Katherinc Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave, Genevieve Bujold and Irene Papas enact Euri pedes, and the results weren't exactly pleasing to everybody. Pauline Kael, however, wrote that director Michael Cacoyannis (Elektra. Zorha the Greek) tries to make the movie impressive and botches it. but I think one would have to be maybe a little foolish' to let aesthetic scruples about the movie's mediocrity as cinema deprive one of seeing The Trojan Women with a cast that one could never hope to see on the stage. Enough said. (Tonight, 8:30, Carolina Union free flick.) The Way We Were Robert Redford's best acting to date; maybe it's because he plays a character to whom everything came too easy. At any rate, theStrcisand-Rcdford chemistry works here to produce an involving enjoyable romantic drama as long as it sticks to Streisand and Redford. Everybody else, however, turns to caricature, and, with the exception of a few scenes (notably Redford and Bradford Dillman in a sailboat), everything seems like filler in a story about Those Two. It shouldn't have turned out that way. (Through Thursday, at Plaza 3.) Welcome to Arrow Beach Laurence Harvey's last film. He directed and starred in it, and Variety calls it inept and distasteful ... a lame-brained tale of cannibalism. It seems Harvey developed a taste for human flesh during the Korean War. (Starts Wednesday, at the Varsity.) SIT" neais Dorpourn Eastgate TV And Appliance Eastgate Shopping Center Q-3n.i?nn Mon.-FrL I 9:30-6:00 Sat. 1 University Squaro DOWNTOWN jm m J tr - L Celebrate Summer With Our Great Selection of Short Dresses, Sun-Back Halter Dresses, Pants, Shorts, and A Complete Selection of Tennis Apparel White there check out our sandals at WEAL'S SHOES I Iniunrcitv Qmnrn fUnvt fn f3rrtnil!n Tnwnrfi Recycle The Tar Heel it fmS!M Large Selection: Izod" ShirtsTennis Sweaters LADIES o o o o o o o "Izod" "Haymaker" Blouses Skirts Shirts Dresses o Par 3 o Range o Miniature (500) 9-9 P.M. Jo jo o- o m Lighted 9-9 P.M. "Fun For Entire Family" OOOOOOOOUUUUQOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I O o o j3 Li liiB COW Durham Blvd. 409-9650 8 s r.v 2) D-'E"S S E R D C E A-(CCES30(aSDE BE Jeyinet o Corso o FaCcoirD o Fee jus o Liberia SeCiirse o Star o AtaDa o HjiceflSa Keqiroa CAROLINA Best prices znd largest selection of bicycles in Trirr.e crea. Complete and rcssoinbly priced service on all bilce repairs. 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