Friday. Ai"-j:t 2, 1S74 itor 4 r mm 9 7 51 -J cJ 'vi? Aim, 9 " V. Ita Films by Harvey Elliott "For Pete's 5ake"-Darfaara Streisand gets no help from the director or scriptwriters in this thoroughly mediocre movie about a rood, loving housewife who gets involved with the stock market, loan sharks and pruai.iuiion in oraer to raise money tor ner C3i? driver-husband's return to college. She does it e!l tor Pete's sake; as the title song will tell you. the most a woman can hope to love a man and crawl on her knees tor him. The whole thing's very uninspired, though there's a clever subway scene which pays homage to "The French Connection." (At Piaza 3.) "The Lady Eve"-This 1941 comedy is Preston Sturgas "wittiest, wackiest, most brilliantly polished picture, according totilm historian John Springer. Darbara Stanwyck is e temptress, and Henry Fonda a shy, eligible bachelor, but the real distinction in a Sturges film is the writing. His biting, cynical humor was in sharp contrast to the reigning sentimental comedy of Frank Capra, and Andrew Sarris wrote, in 1BS4, "the sheer density of Sturres' dialogue is even more starts ring today than it was at the time. He wrote more funny lines for his bit players than contemporary jokesmiths can write for their leads." (Tonight at 8, Biological Science Auditorium, Duke.) 'Lc'.;ta"-StanIey Kubrick fails to "find a cinematic equivalent for the exuberant, daredevil prose" of Vladimir Nabokov's novel writes D wight f.'.acdonald, who also thinks Kubrick wan frightened by censorship possit ties it was 1S32 and freedom had not yet reached the screen and "the erotic and perverse flavor of the novel has been almost entirely expunged.' "miscast' James Mason is Professor Humbert Humbert; Sue Lyon, Shelley Winters and Peter Sellers are featured. It's "a good movie which might have been much better." (Wednesday at 8, Gross Chemistry Auditorium, Duke.) "f.lan on a Swing"-Joel Gray's first film since "Cabaret" casts him as a clairvoyant W ham mi hi it y u i mi Mt' I i t u hmmm humm U I f i i i ii CAMPUS" our.ER hours: 0 a.m.-5 t , , f 1W r t r X'- U) J t s y a n y til.1 involved in a murder case. Frank Perry directed. Cliff Robertson co-starred, and the reviews were mixed, making "f.'.an on a Swing" one of those "little pictures which quickly disappear for lack of big names and big publicity." (At the Carolina, starts Wednesday.) "My Name is Nobody"-Sergio Leone's stamp is all over this Italian western, though one of his proteges actually directed. Less bloody than the Clint Eastwood predecessors, this one stars Henry Fonda and European favorite Terence Hill in a film "about skepticism and a reluctant alliance between a dubious, aging sharpshooter and a young man" named Nobody, according to Penelope Gilliatt. (At the Carolina, through Tuesday.) "The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat"-Ralph Bakshi, who made the original Fritz everything he was, is missing in this sequel. Most critics have agreed that this animated film is less timely, less inventive and less funny. (At the Varsity, through Tuesday.) "The Teacher"-Jay ("Dennis the Menace") North has grown up and is starring with Angel ("Prime Cut") Tompkins in this cheap, sexploitation film. (At Plaza 2.) "Woodstock"-The way It was in 1969. (At the Carolina, late show, tonight and Saturday.) "Zandy's Bride"-Liv Uiimann has her first good American film role as a headstrong mail-order bride tor Gene Kackman. She is subtle and complete in a film whose scope is a bit too large for the personal story it tells. Nonetheless, it's physically beautiful, and Big Sur looks even better than it did in "The Sandpiper." Jan Troell ("The Emigrants," "The New Land") directed. (At Plaza 1.) Music Black Omnibus 3. Featuring the Edwin Hawkins Singers, Voices of Deliverance, Inner City Repertory Dancers, Dr. Don Shiriey and Cicely Tyson. 3 & 8 p.m. in the Music Gallery. Through Aug. 4 for free. Values to SUIDSUITS H 2 $3 $4 Values to 50.00 DHESSES Value to 12 .CO ii i I Values to 15.00 CHIT TOPS 3 $4 $S Values to 20.00 SLACKS 5-7-$ Values to 90.00 PANT SUITS .!0 $30 'The Style That's IN University Mali & 122 TAR CLASS FOR RENT: One or two bedroom apartments for the summer. Furnished or unfurnished. ACvval! to wall carpeting, drapes, General Electric kitchen. Three swimming pools, lighted tennis courts. As low as $120 per month. Broadmoor Village Apartments, DurhamChapel Hill Boulevard 919)409-2302. UNO TOUR OF THE GREAT CITIES OF RUSSIA AND FINLAND DECEMBER 20-31. TOTAL COST, INCLUDING AIR TRANSPORTATION FROM GREENSBORO, FIRST CLASS ROOMS, AND ALL MEALS: $680.00. OBTAIN INFORMATION IN 201 PEABODY HALL. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 161 STEREOS: As always get great sound at the right price from Ann Shactman; watch for opening of STEREO SOUND, 175 East Franklin (above PJ s), 942-85 SEE CIRCLE TOURS For All i lnWvl tvrMW. rf WvliiWva) 1 W riullltilli W4iw "A."t IwJ by Josephine LtcTwldJy Listen there's somethin' funny goin' on around here. It's nothin' ! can put my finger on. but for some reason I can't git nobody to talk to me. At first. I thought it was somethin' wrong with me. So I changed my deoderant and started usin' that bad-tastin' mouthwash twice a day. That didn't work so I checked for ring-around-the-collar and watched everybody around me real careful-like to make sure they didn't pass out when I took my shoes off. Thing is. I don't wear shoes all that much. None of that stuff did any good so I tried bein' extra friendly. I'd go up to somebody and say, "Hi, my name's Josephine McTwiddy." Well, they'd look me up and down kinda' slow-like and then git a look on their faces like they smelled somethin half rotten and say. "Ta-rif-ick..." 'Bout the worst flop I had was when I tried singin' and bein' friendly on the elevators. .Everybody gits strange on elevators real strange. Some people will look at you, but if you try to look back, they near 'bout git crosseyed from tryin' to look away so fast. Then they try to play like they wasn't lookin' at you in the first place. I've seen 'em act like they was readin some paper they had in their hands when all the time it was upside down and backwards. One feller was readin' a envelope that didn't have nothin on it at all! One kind that rides elevators seems to think them little lights that tell the floor is the best things since light bread they never take their eyes off them lights from the time they git on 'til they git off. Another kind checks real careful-like to see what all everybody has been throwin' on the floor and writin' on the walls. 1 guess that's okay, but fer the life of me I can't git excited about wadded up chewin gum wrappers or what somebody wrote about who done what to who. Maybe you tried talkin' to someone in class like I did when I said to a feller, "Nice day ain't it? Then I seen his bloodshot eyes with the big bags underneath and knew he was gonna say, "Oh, reel-lyT One other big mistake 1 made was tryin to talk to them perfessers. They must 'a learned how to talk along with a lot of doctors I used to try to find out stuff from. Most of em give answers like, "Hnwn m..." or "Uh-huh. or "Hur-rumf." I ain't talkin' about the speel they give when they're teachin what I mean is when you try to LVi 26 .CO Values to 1 5.00 snonis 3 4 5 Values to 25X10 no Values to 18.00 CODY SOUS $4 $7 Values to 20X10 s::mis &4-$o Values to 18.00 SHOCKS $3 4 $5 is at Sharyn Lynn" E. Franklin Si. HE E I FIE Quality local hand crafts: paintings, wail plaques, decoupage handbags, quilts, afghans, ceramics and many other unique items. PJ's Gift Shcppe Willow Park Mall, Chapel Hill-Durham Boulevard. Open 10-6 daily, 1 6 Sunday. THERE'S MONEY IN BROADCAST ADVERTISING! Immediate openings In e4t tor tall aemeuer. Contact WCAR 933-7768 or t42-5335 evenings. DRIVE HOME IN STYLE Spacious 4 Chevy Bel Air V-, automatic transmission . power steering, good engine: needs tront brake relinlng. S20O. Gordon 829-9273. i Reward tor 1971 girl's Hickory High School ring. Lost avri week ago In Student Union. Pieaae can 942-8153. Keep calling. RIDERS NEEDED to help with driving and expense to New York City. Leaving Tueedey , August 6th (more or less). David Katx 929-0097. Bushtn-kal Karate Ctasaes. First month $10 tor anyone beginning In August. 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tues.-Thurs. 111 Merrltt Mill Pd. Near Vlckers Audio. Wanted: Responsible person to operate xerox machine. Flexible hours. Call 919-0170 from 2-5 p.m. M-F. Full or part-time deli man tor International Chel Gourmet Shop. Morning 9:30-1:30 or tuM-ttme 930-S3Q. Monday through Friday. Start appro. August 17 through next April minimum. $2X0 par hour. Pleasant work, congenial staf!, interesting clientele. Call Mrs. Lester, 942-C528 tor immediate interview. STUDENTS Moving and need extra money? Bring us your furniture, clothes, and household items. Don't throw it away, get your money's worth tor your discards. Goad-As-New, 413 W Rosemary St. 929-3233, 929-8259. Male roommate wanted: 12 x 60 mobile Home $S0mo. tncl. utilities Cat! 929-8738 or write 1S3 Nature Trail Park. 4V mites trom campus. Newty termed group needs drummer. Seven piece group playing everything trom Cream to Chicago. Not into own material Call Hal 9-37-2340 or Mike 933-607. ABORTION, BIRTH CONTROL INFO A REFERRAL No FEE. Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. Vasectomy, tubal ligation si so available. Free pregnancy test. Call PCS, Non profli, 232-233-7S15. 1938 Plymouth Fury 323. EtceUent eond'.tion. Air conditioning. Automatic transmiation, good tires, S33-CS31 after 70 p.m. NEED RIDE to OMAHA, Nebr. tor aistefa Aug. 31 welding. Can leave Chapel HUI after S IS tor any point tUwet: Chicago, St. Louis, etc or taki return to Uf.O e?r 91. Willi share drtvtrsg '. Cell John EC3-7184nr 5 p.m., beicfw 15. talk to them about ordinary, everyday things. Once, when 1 was able to git some of the people in my class to talk for a minute, they said most of them perfessers wasn't programmed fer much except what they was teachin and that there was one thing we was never supposed to ask them. And that thing was Why'? Why? Nobody had never asked 'em. Anyway, it shore seems a pity to mz that folks around here won't talk to each other. 1 jist can't figure out what it is that keeps 'em all lookin' so busy and in such a hurry. The only thing that makes people down home act like that is when they eat too many green apples outhouse. and it's a long wav to the Like a real norarv by Tyler Marsh Feature Writer August. Which brings us to final exams for the second summer session. For some, it's about to be a weekend of catching up; for others it's bound to be a weekend of meditation and prayer. Needless to say, the libraries will be the haunt for large numbers of students. But choosing the most suitable library for oneself is crucial to how effectively one works with or against the books. Like their architecture, the Wilson and House libraries are two different entities; therefore, the prospective user ought to consider the merits and disadvantages of each prior to making a commitment of time which might ultimately prove only partially fruitful. Now take the undergraduate library. Some people get off on working in an atmosphere not unlike one of those slick new bank lobbies. But the confines of. House seem to push people together, the result being a series of 'conferences' and the like folks congregating in group discussion. Not exactly what a library is all about. And when it is peaceful, there's the ubiquitous "hum". Whoever said that the humming in the undergrad library is a Contact Lenses Lenses Fitted Duplicated John C. Southern, Optician t ff - n n . f s I on 1 I :g0? KM M -ib W Vial a O Sunglasses O Prescriptions Filled Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 PEN Sat. 9-1:00 942-3254 v121 East Franklin Chapel Hill Wsek of July 2th Pre-Inventory SALE O 6C TADLE All sorts of books that wouldn't sell. Anything left Saturday will bs free. Handome OLD SETS e fet window full, all at very low prices. At least 250 OFF on ell regular stock, including PRINTS. The Old Book Corner 137 A East Rosemary Street Opposite NCNB Plaza Chapel Hill. N.C. 27514 For the first time, The Institute for Paralegal Training is offering a course in Criminal Law. Lawyer's Assistants who graduate from this particular course will be working in District Attorney's offices, Defender Associations, and state and federal offices of the Justice Department, doing challenging, responsible work that will enable them to put their intelligence to some meaning ful use at a good starting salary. The course is thirteen weeks long and celves heavily into all aspects of Criminal Law both the defense and the prosecution all the way from constitutional rights and limitations through post-trial appeal. We think It will be a super course. Requirements for entrance include a Bachelor's Degree i 11 aMeav ft I - " jg i jr.? . ' J J' ' Josephine h'zT viddy (Copyright 1S74 by f.U. Jones) 1 1 7 J manifestation of electro-chemical cerebral activity had his head wedged. It's really the flourescent lighting. And it really does sound sometimes like the din of a monotone chorus of flies. By name alone, the graduate library implies a certain seriousness. The fifty-year-old structure has a distinguishing air about it. Cool marble and plaster as opposed to House's wood and acoustical tile. Warm water out of brass bubblers rather than ice water out of stainless steel. Slight concavities in marble steps instead of wear marks in Herculon close-pile carpeting. The Wilson library offers spaciousness in parts such as the humanities section cn the second floor. The lofty dome, the great chandelier, the two high wide wings all conveying an openness for the mind to meander. Yet in the same building one can find seclusion and confinement amid the grottoes and alleys of the stacks. Wilson offers a kind of intangible comraderie to the student. Perhaps most distinctive is the smell. An odor of old books and new. of newsprint and Xerox copy paper, of plaster and faint mustiness. Like a library. It'll be a while before House picks up the subtleties of being a real library and drops that NCNB facade. THE HUB LTD, We've Reduced Our Remaining Summer Men's Wear Olfi! SUITS DRESS SHIRTS DRESS SLACKS KNIT SHIRTS THIS IS IT... OUR J103 E. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, Shop Mon.-Snt. 9-6 Hi iifcikttsiktflUtti Lai UwJI i J m W m mf IimM Mi h b fk te& S. itkik Ui w and a good college record. As a student at the Institute, you would be spending three months in Philadelphia studying with lawyers who practice in the criminal field. We can't tell you everything about a career as a Lawyer's Assistant here. But we'll forward the appropriate information on request. There's a session starting in the fall, so why not mail the coupon today? jTht Jr.jtUutff for 235So:jth 17tn Street ' Philade lphia, Pa. 191C3 I I'm interested. Send me more informa i tion atout your Criminal Law course. ' Name - . I ! City, Euta, Zip I GradJiti cf. ' Data of Graduation 1 I Grade Point Aarsg I nf9 h & 4 r 235 South 17th Street. Philadelphia F ennsyivama (215) 732-C0 1 2i 2 7 v, j. j. Q end CD C'Ihes Sixty-year-old Josephine McTwiddy writes a weekly humor column for the Georgia State University Signal. Her column is syndicated in several college newspapers on both sides of the Mason Dixon line. The Tar Heel obtained an exclusive telephone interview Wednesday with Marsha Jones, who stole her pen name Josephine McTwiddy from her grandfather's old girlfriend back in Tennessee. Jones, a GSU junior, is a former Army nurse. Tar ' Heel: We understand you recently turned down a job offer as Lt. Gov. Maddox's speechwriter. Why on earth? McTwiddy: I'm scared of that boy and his axe handles. TH: How long did it take you to teach Lester Maddox to ride a bicycle backwards? McT.: Oh, Lester used to ride backwards on a mule, didn't know which end was first. And I guess anything you can do on a mule, it shouldn't be too hard to do on a bicycle. T.H.: Who taught you to spell? McT.: Now I didn't go to the schoolhouse much because I was always out suckerin" tobacco, but the lady schoolteacher there, name of Mi Sue Bell. I have to give her all the credit. T.H.: How did you squander your great granddaddy's fortune? McT.: He only had S28: it didn't take very long at today's prices. T.H.: We understand your behavior at your debutante ball generated a little gossip around town... McT.: I just don't know how you found out about that. People can be right unkind talking about the dirt between your toes, and there was some of them even thought 1 should have shoes on. T.H.: What do you think of Robert Morgan? McT.: I don't know much about your politics, but there's an old saying about dynamite coming in small packages. f""za IT P 1 1 Vj l.' OR! n f Usas y SPORTCOATS BOW TIES SPORT SHIRTS Labi GRAHD FlfJALE SALE t i si 1 1 j Crabtree Valley Mall Raleigh, Shop Mon.-Sat. 10-9:30 m0 hum J Paralegal Training 191C3 err d3

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