V A I' ' f 1 Hi .1 li a .i 17 "II WELCOME ALUMNI viz vf, FAREWELL SENIORS VOLUME XXXVII CHAPEL HILL, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1929 NUMBER 91 Class Day Begins in Prayer At Gerrard Hall and Ends With Banquet at Carolina Inn Class Day Exercises Will Be Held under Davie Poplar This Morning. To-day is Class Day and will be de voted entirely to the final class festi vities of the seniors. - . Exercises begin -. this morning at 9:30 with senior prayers in Gerrard Hall, conducted by. Rev .A. S. Law rence. At ten o'clock a. m. the Senior Class will gather under Davie Poplar for Class Day Exercises, which will con sist of the reading of the class poem by W. D. Perry, the will and last testament by G. Vernon Cowper, the class history by H. J. Fox, class statistics by Harry Weatherly, and the prophecy by Lincoln Kesler. At 2 p. m. members of the gradua tion class will meet at Memorial Hall for rehearsal. All members of" the class are urged to be present, since this is the only chance for them, to become acquainted with the procedure at commencement Monday. President Chase will give a recep tion for the seniors arid their guests at his home between 5: 30" and 6:30 in the afternoon. This will be followed by the Senior Banquet at 7:00 o'clock at the Carolina Inn. An attractive feature of this banquet will be a talk by Francis D. Winston. The final event of the day will be the Bingham Debate in Gerrard Hall at 8:30 p. m. Officers oi -the benior Class are: Charles A. Carr, president; .John M, Henderson, vice-president; -McLean B, Leath, secretary; J. C. Price, treasur er; and H. E. Cox, student councilman BINGHAM DEBATE TO BE TONIGHT Medal) to Be Awarded to Best Speaker on Both Di and . Phi Teams. . A traditional rivalry will be con tinued tonight when representatives of the Di Senate and the Phi Assembly meet in Gerrard Hall at 8:30 to de bate the query "Resolved, That the United States should join the World Court." J. C. Williams and Garland Mc Pherson, of the Di, will uphold the affirmative end of the question while E. H. Whitley and G. P. Carr, of the Phi. will v resent the case of the negative. The Bingham Memorial Debate is the annual commencement debate be' tween the two campus literary so cieties. Until his recent death the de bate was sponsored by Colonel Bing ham, a noted Tar Heel Now the con test is sponsored by relatives of his in his honor. The Bingham medals are given for excellence in debate." Two will be awarded tonight: one to the bes speaker of the winning team and the other to the best speaker of the los ing team. Both medals are of equal I value. Competition for the awards is always keen, and the debate tonight is not expected to prove exception to the rule. The entire debate will last approxi mately an hour and one half. -Each of the four speakers will be allowed twenty minutes, not more than sixteen of which shall be taken up in his con structive speech and not more than six of which shall be taken up in his rebuttal. . . ' . . Senior President , 7 '7 7 . 77; 7 '-;;. ;: ;.' : The 134th Annual Commencement University of North Carolina June 7-10, 1929 FRIDAY, JUNE 7 CLASS DAY 9:30 A. M. Senior Prayers in Gerrard Hall. 10:00 A. M. Senior Class Exercises under Davie Poplar. 2:00 P. M. Commencement Practice. ' 5 :30-6:30 P.' M. President's Reception to Seniors and their Guests. ; . V 7:00 P. M. Senior Banquet, Carolina Inn. 8:30 P. M. Bingham Debate, Gerrard Hall. 10:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. C. A. Carr, Jr., of Norfolk, Virginia, as president of the class of 1929, will preside at the Class Day exercises this morning under Davie Poplar and at the senior banquet tonight at the Carolina Inn. 7 SATURDAY, JUNE 8 ALUMNI DAY General Meeting, Gerrard Hall. Alumni Luncheon, Swain Hall. 3:30 P. M. - Meeting Medical Alumni, f Med. Building. 4:30 P. M. Band Concert, Davie Poplar. 5:00 P. M. Induction of '29 into Alumni Body. 6:00-8:00 P.M. Reunion Class Suppers. 8:30 P. M. President's Reception and Alumni Ball, Swain Hall. SUNDAY, JUNE 9 BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, Memorial Hall, by Bishop James E. Freeman, Washington, D. C. Glee Club' Concert, Memorial Hall. Band Concert, Davie Poplar. Vesper Service under Davie Poplar. Rev. W. D. Moss. 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 7:30 P. M. -COMMENCEMENT DAY ALUMNI TO RO OM IN CAMPUS DORMS 10:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 3:00'P. M. MONDAY, JUNE 10- Academic Procession forms at Alumni Building. Commencement Exercises in Memorial Hall. Ad dress by Sir Esme Howard, the British Ambassador. Luncheon for Trustees and Official Guests of the University, Ball Room, Carolina Inn. Meeting of "the Board of Trustees in Graham Memorial. Nationally KnoWn Speakers And Largest Senior Glass on Record Feature Commencement -3 U. N. C. President I Fourteen Clares Return to Hill for Reunion; Saturday Set Aside for Alumni Day. S s'- I li MwamaaakmBMiMr ...u-u m mm wjwuuvw ? The program .for the University's one hundred and thirty-fourth com mencement is being centered aboutthe week-end of June 7-10. Activities be gin today with Class Day Exercises and last through Monday, when the diplomas will be handed to approxi mately three hundred and thirtyfour seniors. Great interest has been aroused in the 1929 commencement program due to the fact that the University has secured two speakers of national re putation and wide experience to de liver the priricipal addresses. The baccalaureate sermon on Sunday will be preached by the Reverend Dr. James E. Freeman, Bishop of Wash ington, noted Episcopal clergyman. On Mondav the commencement ad dress will be delivered, in Memorial Hall by Sir Esme Howard, British ambassador to the United States, a ' President Harry , W. Chase will hold veteran diplomat who has been in the his annual reception for all members service for fifty years. of the senior Class and their guests at Alumni have already begun to ar- the president's home on Franklin rive in Chapel Hill. Three genera- Street this afternoon. All Members of Each Reuning Class Will Be Grouped Together. SENIORS TO BE CHASES' GUESTS NEW BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS SURPRISE RETURNED ALUMNI The University has set aside four dormitories on the campus to accomo date the alumni ; who are returning to the Hill for Commencement. Alumni will be placed in these dor- Transf ormalion of South Cam mitories so that the members of each class will be together and will also be near members of other reuning classes with whom they were in college. In the first section of Old West will be the Classes of '79, '80, '81, '82, and '83. In the middle section will be members of '99 and 00. The Classes of '02 and '04 will occupy the last pus and Erection of New Li brary Most Striking Changes. section of the building. The first section of Old East has been set aside for alumni from mixed classes. The Classes of '18 and '19 will occupy the middle section of this building and '20 and '21 the last sec tion. Returning alumni each year find changes about the campus which strike the note of incongruity and give them a feeling of strangeness. . This year there are fully as many changes since last commencement as usual. The so-called "triangle" of dormi tories has been made into a second quadrangle with the completion of I or Everett dormitory, and the other three dormitories of that group have been given the names of Lewis, Gra- i Steele dormitory is for mixed alumni ham, and Aycock. and Grimes for the members of the By far the most spectacular addi Baby Class'28. tion to the campus is the new Library, Assignments to rooms will be made finished this spring, which faces at Alumni Information Headquarters South Building and closes one end of in the lobby of the Y. M. C. A. The a new court. Down in the same sec University supplies bed linen, towels, tion of the campus is the new com- and porter and maid service for all merce building, Bingham Hall, facing alumni. DOWNTOWN STORES DISPLAY ANCIENT ATHLETIC PRIZES Historic Footballs and Team Pictures of Former Days Adorn Windows. BIAKE RECOVERS CAR AND GETS $50 REWARD John D. Blake, University police man, -has been presented a Carolina Motor Club reward of $50 for the re covery of William Way's car and 'the apprehension of the thief. He is the first officer in this section to win one of these rewards. Senior Rehearsal Commencement rehearsal will be held this afternoon at two o'clock at Memorial Hall. All seniors are expected to be present. The deans of the various schools and Dr. C. S. Mangum, chief fac ulty marshal, as well as the stu dent marshals will attend the rehearsal. Venable Hail of Chemistry. The railroad track, which last year ex tended through the campus to the quadrangle, has been removed as far back as Memorial Hall; and the un sightly space between South and the Library is fast being made presentable by the work of the Grounds depart ment under the supervision of Dr Coker. " ' The new road to Raleigh, running through the South campus between the new Library and the Stadium, has been completed and reduces the dis tance from Chapel Hill to Raleigh to The original football used back in 1892 when Carolina beat Trinity to thirty miles. tVlft tllTIO vf An rt 0 n?f ni.Qo rf iTorc-UiT track, football, and baseball teams of Graham Memorial sti11 stas un 25 years ago, and scores of athletic fini?hed as il did at last commence trophies and historic balls are on dis- ment, although the main downstairs play this week m the windows of room has been comnleted and is t.r Chapel Hill stores , , , . - ... rpi. ' J!.-l. J ow iU1 mrewuga uuxiug LUIS the special interest of returning alumni that they may see themselves as they once were seen.. Already crowds have gathered before the win dows and curiously examined the rec ords of an athletic past. The Student Supply Store, formerly week. FACULTY MAKEUP President Gives Reception fori fJrnrliinfino Place nf TTi n-m-vw.m ir iW UTrtn . VKVKS '-i Hfl MiK ' Home This Afternoon. FOR COMING YEAR This afternoon-from 5:30 to 6:30 President and Mrs. Harry W. Chase Jo, . wm enienam lor xne seniors at an Weaver," Daffgett, McPheeters informal reception at the president's a n4i,w, uo; PAcSCnnc home on Franklin Street 13. at University. The president's reception has for some years been a traditional part of hundreds of alumni expected to re- tions of graduates from the old- timers of '79 down to the members of the Baby Class, '28 are reuning this year. Fourteen classes in all are scheduled to come back for commence ment. They are the tlasses of '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, '99, '00, '02, '0i, '18, '19, '20, '21' and '28. It is interesting to, note that this reunion will bring to gether again classes which have been away from the Hill one, ten, twenty five, and fifty years. Today is Class Day. Examinations are over and the seniors rule the cam pus. : Festivities begin with the Presi dent's reception for the seniors and their guests. ; Tomorrow is Alumni Day. The new . . . ,. , the regular commencement program vcai uavv: uccu uiauc. vuw i , . , . , , i , , , . o - appointments and promotions will " r,. J M. in their honor replete with en meiribers "of the" senior"claSs and to their families orother guests who are present for the graduation exercises. In the receiving line this afternoon not be.announced until after the meet ing of the Board of Trustees. Paul John Weaver, head of the Uni versity Music department, has resign- turn to the Hill with the fourteen re uning classes "will find the day set tertainment, Beginning Friday the alumni register will be kept open at the Y. M. C. A. throughout the week end, and alumni will sign it as they ed his position here to become head of hesides president and Mrs. Chase will come n- In order that everyone may Know, wno is nere xor commencement the Music department at Cornell, k. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. House, Dean where he will also be professor of the and Mrs Addison Hibbard, Dean and theory and history of music. Parker H. Daggett, who has been head of the Electrical Engineering de partment of the University since 1918, is leaving Chapel Hill to accept the deanship of the college of engineering at Rutgers University. Professor Daggett was well known on the cam pus for his connection with the Wigue and Masque musical comedies, having written the music for several revues. Robert A. McPheeters. assistant professor of-Business law and one of Change Having Been Approved Mrs. Francis Bradshaw, Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Wilson, Jr., and Mrs. Marvin H. Stacy. FIRST ISSUE OF DAILY TAR HEEL MAKES ITS BOW By Students, Daily Paper Appears. he ten men selected by the senior class as the most popular professors, as resigned his position here to join the Wachbvia Bank and' Trust Com- The most significant change m pany in Winston-Salem. publications at the University in Other professors and, instructors many years was the decision to con- who will not be back next year are : vert the tri-weekly Tar Heel into a rH. G. Duncan, sociology: H. F. Hunt, dailv paper, the first issue of which pathology; A. T. Cutler, economics; appears today. James Webb, education; T. B. Smiley, Proposals for this plan were sub english; C. C. : Crittendon, H. T. mitted to the Student Activities Corn- Shanks, J. W. Patton, and W. D. mittee earl v in the winter with several i " ' . and where to find friends a large di rectory will be erected on the front of Gerrard Hall, and names will be posted as fast as they can be obtained. The main features of tomorrow will be a general alumni meeting in the (Continued on page two) Student Committee Gets Entertainers On Year's Program Dean Addison Hibbard, chairman of the Student Entertainment Commit tee, has announced a well-balanced, and wholly attractive program for next year. The schedule of entertain ments is as follows: Oct. 16, Jsadora Duncan Dancers. Early in November, Gros Marion ettes. - December 3, Lecture by Bertrand Russell. Middle of January, Ben Greet, Players. Late in January, Lecture by Wil- REPLICA OF FIRST STEAM ENGINE IN AMERICA VISITS CHAPEIi HILL known as Foister has a good col- Best Friend of Charleston" Is Reborn One3 kundred Years after lection oj. oxrigmat xuouumia uwu.m Fntnmie THiss Rim and Mw TVo!, ? Advertisement. momentous games of many years ago, The oldest one bears the date of 1592 and the inscription N.C: 40 Trinity 0. A 1900 ball says N.C. 55 Ga. 0; and coming up to date is one with N.C. 6 Va. 0 and the year 1919. In this display there are also the pictures of the 1903 football team and the 1900 and 1901 baseball teams. In Jack Lipman's window mounted individual pictures of Brandon, history ; R. C. Blackwell and methods to choose from. After Ham Beebe A. 1. Curlee, mathematics; Mrs. Knrnno-Vi rnn si deration bv a committee Lnt.P in Fhrnarv.' Pfirformance hv VAyMe.. a, - Catherine Gilbert, philosophy; M. W. appointed by Ed Hudgins, president Ratan Devi. Trawick, physics; M. L. Radoff, 0f the student body, it was decided to May, Concert by the Cincinnati Or French; J. A. Bender, pharmaceutics; SUDmit the four proposed plans of chestra. C. D. Burt, anatomy; W. M. Mebane, financing the paper to a preferential May 19th, 20th, and 21st, Lectures chemistry; Alfred G. White, econo- vote of the student body. ' by Lorado Taft. The committee which worked out the April, Helen Pugh. detailed plan was made up of Glenn The past year was the first during Holder, chairman, Walter Spearman, which the new plan voted by the stu- .Tnhn Marshall. Jerrv Slade. Joe Mit- dents went into ett ect. ine program chell, George Ehrhart, Marion Alex ander, John Mebane, J. M. Lear and O. J. Coffin. Four different ways of obtaining a daily Tar Heel were submitted to the student body on February 7. The mics; M. G C. E. Cauthen, history; and I Little, extension teaching. furnished a wide variety of entertain ment and the success of the features attested by the tremendous was ! crowds which they drew. On the pro gram for the past year were: Sher wood Anderson, Paul Whiteman's Or chestra, Richard Halliburton, Count By W. H. TARBOROUGir Pictures of the early days of train travel in North Carolina . became a realty Wednesday morning when "Best Friend," replica of the first steam locomotive built in America for are actual use, visited Chapel Hill. Bring- the ing with it memories of the days when 1925 state football champions, 1926 railroad travel was" a novelty and Southern Conference Basketball when the entire populace of a com champs, 1927 state baseball champs, munity turned out to see a train, the 1928 state football champs, and the reproduction brought here consisted of 1929 state basketball titleholders. the locomotive, the service car, and (Continued on last page) two coaches iitst: proviaea ior lae. mu von Luckner, E. H. Sothern, tne secona ior . - T-u umna I'inera, xvuiuiy Duuanoouu, Quartet, and Ernest of the Yackety Yack, "The Best Friend of Charleston" abolition of the Carolina Buccaneer, nw . ' - . . . I.. ... ' T ' Xl If. nni n I was built in the West Point Foundry tne tnira ior comDimng uie juu Fowles in New York City for the South Caro lina Canal and Railroad Company in November 1830. The original loco motive weighed four tons and was nearly fourteen feet in length. It was built at a time when Charleston's commerce was at a low with the Tar Heel and issuing a j literary supplement every two weeks, and the fourth for a reapportionment of all student publication fees by the Publications Union Board. Results of the balloting showed the ebb. The students heartily m iavor oi a aany that ritv Daner: 666 votes were cast for the chamber of Commerce of decided that the construction of a daily and only 148 against it. The, railroad was the best -means of im- plan for ' combining the Magazine, proving- conditions. Thus it was proved to be the favorite method, and (Continued on vaae two) will be followed next year. Band Notice There will be a rehearsal of the Commencement Band this morning, June 7, at 9 A, M. AH members of the Band are expected to re port promptly. No men will be excused.

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