Page Two THE DAILY TAR HEEL Friday, June 7, 1929 Ctje Datlp Car jeei The official newspaper of "the Publi cations Union of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Walter SPEARMAN.':'.-;.:.:-...'J?diior John 0. Allison.. .: ... .Mgr.'Edt. Marion Alexander. . . .Bus. r Mgr. Friday, June 7, 1929 PARAGRAPHICS The daily Tar Heel makes its ap pearance sooner than it expected to for the special benefit of seniors and alumni. With the new library so well light ed these nights, seniors and alumni, as well as ordinary students, may be able to take in a little intellectual enlightenment. - Today may be Class. Day for the seniors, but we'll wager that one cause of celebration is that there are no classes today. It would be a wonderful thing if it were as simple for all the members of the graduating class to decide on their vocations as it will be this morning for the class prophet to read out his predictions. The Bingham Debate tonight is of great importance; but of even greater importance to some individuals is the - debate as to who will get diplomas on Monday morning and who will be left by the wayside of graduation.'' Pictures of old athletic teams on display downtown make one wonder whether styles in women's dresses are any stranger things than styles in men's uniforms. . The Daily Tar Heel Makes Its Appearance - Back in February the students of the University approved the plan of a daily Tar Heel by an overwhelming vote. The idea of transforming the thriving tri-weekly into a daily had blown about the campus for some years, always considered as a pleas ing prospect for the future but never quite possible of attainment in the present. But the plan was ' finally worked out, placed before the student body, and approved. The first issues of the daily were expected to appear next fall immedi ately upon the reopening of the Uni versity, but it was decided that the three days of commencement would be an excellent time to introduce the young daily to the great body of alumni and to the departing seniors. i So this, the first issue, we dedicate to those alumni who brought forth the Tar Heel many years ago and to the present seniors who have patiently or sometimes impatiently nead the "South's leading college tri-weekly" for their four years here and after having read it- voted to make it into a daily. , The college year is done, and the majority of students have gone home. Those who remain are the members of the graduating 'class, some three hundred strong, augmented by return ing alumni. So for today, Saturday, and Sunday the Tar Heel, making its daily appearance, will be concerned with all those events of 1 commence ment week which are of particular interest to seniors and to alumni. We submit to you the daily. Time To : ' Wake Up! The amazingly long list of thefts which have occurred in and about the campus during the past two weeks, is enough to make one believe that this is a community utterly devoid of government where each takes what he wants. One theft follows another with almost incredible rapidity, but few, if any, arrests have been made. It appeared that the crime wave which swept over the village several weeks back had died down after a time, but it now flares up worse than ever at the present moment and is on the increase. During examination time, when students were necessarily off their guard about thievery, dormi tory rooms were literally ransacked on such a wholes'ale scale as almost un heard of before. There are few fraternity houses that have not been pillaged. A number of private homes in the village have been also suffer ing losses.. Clothes, money, jewelry, books, everything in sight has been taken. The thieves steal -with absolute im punity. That is one of the biggest reasons why the village and Univer- sity campus are -so heavily infested with thieves. , We suggest that the town authori ties build a hot fire under, the police department! Class Loyalty The Class of 1929 Monday makes its last appearance as an undergraduate class of v the University. But this does not mean that '29 dies with this appearance; '29 will live on as ah alumni class, identified as a unit in the mass of 14,00 living University alumni. Just how well '29 maintains! its class identity in that alumni body will rest chiefly on the officers chosen as permanent alumni class officers.- University alumni are banded to gether in two main ways, the class and the local alumni clubs. Of these the class is perhaps the stronger tie. It represents the natural nucleus around which general university and alumni interests grow. It comprises a rel atively small group of alumni bound together, by memories of a contem poraneous life at the University. Geo graphically the class will become widely scattered, but there will be a class solidity "built upon the ex periences of collegiate associations. The class organization is the great common denominator of those folks who will pass "into the alumni body next Monday. The officers elected by '29 will be entrusted with the job of maintaining the class spirit engendered by four years of living together. Those of ficers will be largely charged with .the problem of making it easy to retain the associations, both personal and with the University, that have result ed from common college careers. Of these officers the secretary is perhaps most important. Unless he moves and is active in promoting the class work, '29 will fade into a background of in activity and stagnation. The indi vidual members of the class may re tain their University-mindedness with out the backing of a class organiza tion, but the effectiveness of '29 as a unit in the general alumni body will be lost if permanent officers are not chosen who will keep alive the spirit and associations of the class. It may not be amiss to point out that the intimate comradeship among members of University classes scatter ed all over the state, and elsewhere, and the helpful loyalty of these groups to Alma Mater, will reach every grade of society and every sec tion of North Carolina, will reach out into the Nation, and form strong forces for developing and preserving the University. Alumni loyalty is not a blind loyal ty to an institution. It is a loyalty to principles of education, to truth, to freedom. Alma Mater is not an end, but a tool in the hands of North Carolina and civilization, to be used for educational progress and intel lectual uplifting. . Class loyalty is a vital unit of this greater loyalty. Its importance must not be overlooked. . ' J. M. S. New University Library . - - . t . ' " - I- u 1 I HANDSOME NEW LIBRARY ON SOUTH LATEST BUILDING ADDITION OPEN TO PUBLIC ''.- - . CAMPUS IS READY ,FOR OCCUPANCY The New Library is now receiving its final touches and the moving of the books from the old building into the new one began yesterday. Alumni returning to Chapel Hill for com mencement will find the building open for inspection. Every night the front columns of the building will be illu minated by a set of powerful . spot lights. There are more than two hundred thousand books to be moved into the New Library. Dr. Louis R. Wilson -has announced that the interval be tween the end of final examinations and the opening of summer school will be used to make the move. It is planned to move the- more im portant sections of the library, includ-ing-the books which will be most in demand, first in order that these may be available at the beginning of the first summer term. Special collec tions, periodicals, museum cases, statues, and the like, will be the last moved. Experts are now working on the new mechanical book conveyor and it is hoped tfiat they , will have completed its installation when Summer School opens. The new building, erected at a cost of $625,000, reaches its completion at a time when it is sorely needed. Every available nook and corner in the old building has long been filled to capa city and it was found necessary to departmentalize hundreds of books and store them in various buildings on the campus. The new building will furnish com modious quarters for all books and collections. Within it there will be ample space for the housing of be tween 450,000 to 500,000 volumes. It will , provide facilities for accomodat ing pne-third of the entire student body at a time. The massive size and great beauty of design of the building make it the most imposing structure now on the University campus. Facing South Building and located approximately midway between that building and Kenan Stadium, it will close the low er end of the court of buildings on the south campus. The Library is built entirely of limestone, and serves as the dominant architectural motive of the group of buildings of which it is a part. Fac ing the north is a handsome Corin thian portico with fluted columns, richly ornamented with stone carvings. Entering from this portico, one comes into a spacious hall finished with Travertine stone walls, ornamented with Doric columns and pilasters. A handsome stairway of Travertine stone, to a low platform and then leads off to right and left into a large delivery room, where the stu dent chills for the books which he de sires. Here will be located the de livery desk, card catalogues, tables, and benches. From the delivery room a door leads into the rotunda, or central reading room, which is to be the most hand some feature of the whole interior. This room is ornamented with hand some columns of dark stone and lighted by a huge circular skylight set into the fifty-foot domed ceiling. To the right v and left are two large reading rooms with ornamental plaster ceilings, and a high wainscot of bookshelves extending all the way around the walls. The third story will be given over wholly .to seminars for consultation and advanced study. The basement will be used by the Library Extension Service. , In addi tion, here will be a number of reserve reading rooms,' staff rooms, and of fices. - - The huge stacks and - bookshelves lie in the rear portion of the building in such a way as to be easily access ible to all parts of the Library. " Graduate Students Are Appointed to Excellent Positions Replica of First Steam Engine In America Visits Chapel Hill (Continued from page one) that the "Best Friend" was construct ed. The road ran from Charleston to Hamburg River, on the Savannah River, opposite Augusta, Ga., being 136 miles in length, at that time the longest continuous railroad in the world. Until" June 17, 1831 the "Best Friend" was in continuous service. On that day a negro helper tied down the safety valve as he was annoyed by the noise of the escaping steam. The boiler exploded, ending the career of the first American made locomotive for American use. But the "Best Friend" is back again. 4 For advertising purposes the Southern Railway, now owner of the old South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company, reproduced the "Best Friend" at its shops in Birmingham for a tour of South Carolina last year. This spring the company put the re plica on the road for a tour of all its lines. The locomotive looks a lot like the old pictures now seen of , the early days of steam locomotion in this coun try. The upright boiler resembles a bottle with its smoke stack pouring forth smoke. The engineer rides at the fore of the locomotive while the fireman is just back of him. The ser vice car carries several barrels of water, for those old engines consume an unlimited quantity of "aqua pura." Just after eleven o'clock the "Best Friend" gathered steam and pulled out. Gone was the last vestage of power of the "old timers." Gone were the memories of the past. Gone was the "Best Friend of Charleston," the last stand of the "old guard." Nationally Known Speakers and Largest Senior Class Feature Commencement (Continued from page one) morning, during which the , Senior Class will be formally inducted into the Alumni Association; the annua alumni luncheon in Swain Hall; and President Chase's reception followed by the Alumni Ball in Swain Hall. At the Alumni Luncheon President Harry W. Chase will speak and Judge Francis D. Winston, veteran legisla tor and member of the Class of '79, will reminisce. Alumni President W. T. Shore will preside. 4 Reunion class suppers will afford an opportunity to talk over the "old days," and the President's reception and Alumni Ball will bring all alumni together. Sunday's program will include Bishop Freeman's baccalaureate ser mon, a concert by the Glee Club, and Parson W. D. Moss' vesper service in the evening. - Alumni, faculty members, and mem bers of the graduating class and their families, will all gather in Memorial Hall Monday morning at eleven o'clock for the final exercises. Gover nor O. Max Gardner will deliver the diplomas for his first time. How About a Round of Golf? There's a Course Just a Mile Out We'll Furnish the Supplies if You Didn't Bring Yours Students' Supply Store Everything in Stationery Your Productive Years Lie Just Ahead It is then you must insure against the non-productive days. PUot Policies Provide Perfect Protection' IHthe pilotH Pilot Life Ins. Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. H. L. Rawlins, Manager Durham Branch Office 110 Mangum St. Fifteen of this year's graduates of the University of North Carolina Graduate School have already secur ed excellent positions for next year. Nine have been placed at different colleges and universities as professors and assistant professors, and six others have accepted positions as instructors.-; , 'z- t The Bureau of Appointments ' for Graduate .Students was successful in securing the positions for each of the students. The list follows: Ralph C. Hon will be at Nebraska Wesieyan University as head of the department of Economics and Busi ness Administration. , ' J. Huggins will be professor of Education in Meredith College next year. ;.' :'.;.; ;" J. T. Penny will be professor of Biology at the University of South Carolina next year. . Mrs. T. T. Walker has been select ed as head of the Science department of Queens College. , Miss Kathryn Wilson has secured the position of head'of the department of Latin at La -Grange College, of Georgia. R. C. Blackwelljwill teach at Fur man" University next year, serving as assistant professor of Mathematics. Henry Rankin, has been appointed assistant-professor of English ia Clemson College. H. T. Shanks will be assistant pro fessor of History ; at Birmingham Southern University. E. P. Willard has secured the po sition of assistant-professor of Clas sics at the Florida State College for Women. Instructors positions have been se cured for the following men: Theodore Burdine, instructor of -Mathematics and Science, Mississippi Delta State Teachers College; James Howell, in structor in English, Sewanee Mili tary Academy; Thomas Madden, in structor in English, . Notre Dame ; Maurice Moore, instructor in English, University of the South; Miss Lou Shine, instructor of English, N. C. C W. ; E. P. Vandiver, instructor in English, Mississippi College. Carolina Debaters Will Meet British In the first debate' of next year the Carolina debaters will meet a team from Cambridge University. The de bate will be held in Chapel Hill. Al though the; query has not yet been learned, arrangements for staging the tilt , are under way. The event will probably occur in the early part of November. The1 Debate Council of the University is in correspondence with Cambridge, and it is thought that the que'ry will be announced to council officials at an early date. For several years now the first de bate of the season at Carolina has been a fray between the Tar Heel forensic artists and representatives of some British University. Welcome to All Our Old Friends Come to See Us While Here ' " , - MacMillan Motor Co., Inc. C-H-E-V-R-O-L-E-T BULLY" MACMILLAN, Mgr., Class of '21 Hotel V W ashington Duke DURHAM, N. C. A Prince of a Host t , :. - ' -. 's - . - ; t - S - i ' I ' - ''' i : :. ' i , 300 ROOMS Excellent Food 300 BATHS Moderate Prices Both Dining Room and Coffee Shop only 20 minutes I ae irom napel Hill. The Hotel Washington Duke is ! ready and anxious at all times to serve Carolina students j and alumni and their host of friends in any way possible, j " ' ' ' ' - , . '-. j M. S. Dlewellyn Lessee and Directing Manager