Report Circulation Complaints 8:30-9:30 A. M. TAR HEEL OFFICE SOPHOMORE SMOKER 9 O'CLOCK TONIGHT SWAIN HALL i " 1 1 jlfb 1 1 JJR 1,-Hl n il ft r' 1 i ; VAT TTHTP VWiriTT "mm ' Y1U CHAPEL HILL, N. O, Y.M.C.A. Lists Many Features For This Year's Attractions Dr. Seerley, Mr. Barnett, Mr. Gray, and Other Noted Men To Appear Here. A very interesting program has been planned by the Y for the coming year which will in clude some of the besf speakers ever to be heard on a college campus. This program will begin Oc tober 8 when the campus will have the pleasure of hearing Dr. F. N. Seerley of Springfield, Mass., who will give several talks on the subject of "Rational Sex Life." Mr Seerley will be gin his program with a short talk in chapel and will end with a mass meeting that night at Memorial hall at 7:30. He has also promised to meet all students desiring personal or group interviews at any time during the afternoon. The second speaker on the pro gram will be Eugene E. Bar nett of Shanghai, China, ' who will be here on October 13 and 14 and will speak on "The For eign Situation in China." He will begin his program with a sermon in one of the local churches at 11 o'clock Sunday morning to all students. He will speak again Monday morning in chapel and will close his pro- j gram with an address to a joint session of the three Y cabinets on Monday night. Throughout his stay here, Mr. Barnett will be availably for interviews to all students desiring to talk with him. Mr. Barnett, who is an alum nus of the University, has for the past 20 years been in charge of the Y work in China among the universities and colleges, and during the late Chinese revolu tions he remained at Ms post and counciled daily with govern ment officials, besides attending to his duties with the college life" of China. The Y office is at present mak ing a special effort to bring to the campus one of the most out standing cotton-mill men in the south who will address the stu dent body on "The Present In dustrial Situation in North Car olina." The name and the date of this'speaker will be announced later. On November 6, 7 and 8 the students will hear Mr. A. Her (Continued on page four) SOPHOMORES TQ SMOKE TONIGHT Y Quartet Will Perform at First Class Smoker. President Ben Aycock of the sophomore class anounces that the annual sophomore smoker will he held tonierht at- 9:00 o'clock in Swain hall. The occa sion will be used for the election of a class treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the failure of John Green, who was elected last spring, toreturn to the University this year. The Y quartet, composed of Steve Lynch, Jr., J. E. Miller, J. C. Connolly, and Wofford Humphreys, will render a num ber of vocal selections during the program. The principal speaker of the occasion will be Mr. R. B. House, executive sec retary of the university. Re freshments will be served at the conclusion of the program. President Aycock urges that all members of the class be present. Rushing: Limited To Frat House Friday - The Inter-Fraternity Coun cil wishes to call the atten tion of all fraternity men and freshmen to section 3 of the by-laws whiah state that all rushing for the first two days,Friday and Saturday, is strictly limited to the fra ternity houses. TICKETS ON SALE ' FOR PLAYMAKERS Seven Productions to. Be Given This Year; Possibly Eighth By Advanced Members. Season tickets for the Caro lina Playmakers' productions will go on sale today, according to an announcement by Hubert Heffner, associate director of the organization. The price of the season ticket will be $1.50, and the sale will be limited to nine hundred tickets. The price of individual performances will be $1. The season's program calls for seven productions, with the probability of the addition of an eighth attraction in the form of a. studio presentation by ad vanced members of the Play makers. This performance will be open only to holders of sea son tickets. Tickets will be on saleat" the Book Exchange, the Student Supply Store, or they may be procured from special representatives on- the campus. The season's program .follows : October 24, 25, 26: Original Folk Plays. November 2 : Henry L. South- wick, Shakespearan Actor. November 7, 8, 9 : "Job's Kin- folks" (3 acts) by Loretto Car roll Bailey. January 30, 31, February 1: A Modern American Comedy. March 6; 7, 8: Original Folk Plays. - April 4, 5: Performance by a Visiting Company. May 16, 17: Forest Theatre Production. Debate Squad to Meet The first meeting of the de bate squad will take place to night at 7:30 in 201 Murphey. All men who are interested in any phase of forensic activity are requested to be present. As was the case last year, all intercollegiate debaters will be chosen from the squad. ' At the same time the debate class will also be formed. One half course academic credit will be given for fulfilling the re quirements of the class.' Negro Bootlegger Caught. Earl Oldham, negro, was ar rested Tuesday afternoon for the illegal possession of liquor by Deputy Sheriff G. A. Hearn in the negro section of Chapel Hill. Oldhanl had been under suspect by the police- for some time, and was chased Saturday night by Sheriff . Hearn but eluded capture. He was placed in the local iail in default of $100 bond. The British are now beginning to experience the maintenance and repair cost of that Pales tine mandate The Indianapolis Sun. Bullock Explains Rules to Freshmen In, the form of an announce ment Wednesday morning Dean Bradshaw urged all men inter ested in M. C. A. work to buy their tickets for the forth coming banquet to be held in the Methodist Church Friday night. Bullock took a few minutes to the interf rater nity council, was then introduced by Dean Brad shaw. Bulluck took a few minutes to explain in detail the rules of the rushing seasons this year. He especially emphasized the desir ability of each man doing all that he could to help enforce the rules. He continued by telling that rushing is being done this year according to a hew plan, and will naturally require the earnest cooperation of each indi vidual in insuring the success of the plafns. He also asked that each man upon receiving an in vitation to visit a particular fra ternity, house regard that as a duty and make a special effort to comply with the offer of the invitation. The failure to do so automatically, bars the offender from ever becoming a member of any fraternity while at the University. He completed his talk by it 1 i warning tnose persons in tne process of being rushed to dis regard fraternity propaganda and to discriminate between two or more bids with equal unpre judiced and reasonable pro cedure. Dean Bradshaw followed Mr. Bullock's instructive talk by ad vising that no man feel hurt or left out because he does not re ceive a fraternity bid. All men cannot be fraternity leaders, and all campus leaders are not fraternity men. It is very es sential that tljis be kept in mind at all times. Judge Winston Says Mass Production Is Motto of Moderns Decrying the passing of the days, of individuality, Judge Robert W. Winston urged the senior class at its first smoker in Swain hall Tuesday night to cooperate in all their ventures. "We are living in an age of mass production, and we must keep abreast of the times," the Judge said. Following the talk by Judge Winston, officers of the class out lined the program for the com ing year. An orchestra and re freshments enlivened the eve ning. Bob Graham was elected stu dent councilman for the senior class to succeed Bill Chandler who failed to return to school. Graham defeated J. C. Williams by a. few votes. Harry Galland was eliminated on the first bal lot. Carter to Speak To Engineer Students Mr. R. D. Carter, toll engi neer of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in Ven ezuela, will speak to the students in the engineering school to night at 7:30 in room 319, Phil lips hall. Mr. Carter will dis cuss the subject of "Foreign Service." There is no question about th'e Hoovercrats "staying in the party but there is argument about which party. The Dallas News. ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 Police Warning' Against Drinking . Chief Lloyd of thetChapel Hill i police force, in a statement to the press yesterday,1 issued a warning to. the students of the University relative to the foot ball game Saturday afternoon. "Drinking and ungentlemanly conduct has been at a minimum so far this quarter," Chief Lloyd stated in an interview with a representative of the Tar Reel, "and it is to the advantage of the students that such a condi tion remain. The Chapel Hill police force wishes to cooperate in every way to aid the -students,, of, the University; but'Hrlnking arid unruly- conduct on ; f the the streets of the town will not be tolerated. "Realizing that college -students are naturally possessed with a great amount of bois terousness, we try to give the benefit of the doubt, to -e in dent in every instance Bat youthful good spirits are - ly different from intoxic .. a. The town will be filled with v eral thousand out of town peop! - the roHrr af Chapel Hill will have their hands full restraining these people." Chief Lloyd also said that the police department only wanted the cooperation of the students during the football game, and the police would do the rest. ..r . Research Institute r Collects Material Of Social Sciences Zl anicipaP KJovernment" Crime," 'and Human Geography Figure Prom inently in Study. In view of the fact, that in formation from the University institute for research" ill social science will figure prominently in future issues of the new Daily Tar Heel, Dr. Katharine Jocher, assistant director of the depart ment, has prepared the follow ing information for publication in this paper: In' July, 1924, the institute for research in social science was or ganized at the University of North Carolina for the purpose of making detailed studies in the social sciences arising chiefly out of state and regional conditions-. A long term research program was worked out based upon cer tain major fields with a number of concrete, detailed studies in each field. These major fields of investigation include county and municipal government, so cial institutions, crime and crim inal justice, taxation, social-in dustrial relations, collection of historical source materials,, so cial history, the Negro, folk backgrounds, the southern co operatives, ana numan geog raphy. The board of governors of the institute consists of President H. W. Chase as chairman and the following representatives of the several social sciences: Profes sor E. C. Branson, Dean D. D. Carroll, Professor R. D. W. Con nor, Professor Frank P. Gra ham, Dr. J. G. deR. Hamilton, Dr. A. M. Jordan, Dr. Howard W. Odum, Dr. J. F. Royster, Dr. M. R. Trabue, Dr. L. R. Wilson. The present staff includes Dr. Howard W. Odum, director ; Dr.. Katharine Jocher, assistant di rector; Professor Ernest R. Groves and Dr. T. J. Woofter, Jr., research professors; Dr; Roy ,M. Brown, Dr. Clarence Heer, Miss Harriet L. Herring, Dr. Guion Griffis Johnson, Dr. Guy B.' Johnson, Dr. Rupert B. Continued on page four) Dr.Otto Stuhlman Students Work Football Tickets The ticket exchange office will be open in the lobby of the Y.M.C.A. building today and tomorrow for the purpose of exchanging student ticket coupons for tickets for the Wake Forest game Saturday. All students must make the exchange during these days as no exchanges will be made after Friday. The office will be open from 10 A. 31. to 5 P. Mon both days. TAYLOR SOCIETY GETS UNDER WAY Burnett Manbeck, Whitton, and Nash Officers of Com merce Group. First steps toward the begin ning of activities by the Univer ty of North Carolina student 9 h of the Taylor society, in ternational organization for the promotion of the science of busi ness management, were taken at a meeting of the officers and the advisor of the branch held Tues day evening. At this meeting it was decid ed that during this year the so ciety would meet once a month,. and that after the organization meeting to be held about October 15, the meetings would be given I over to addresses by men prom inent m the field of business management and administra tion. The University of North Caro lina branch of the Taylor soci ety was organized" during " the first part "of the spring quarter last year and held a series of meetings which culminated in a final meeting at which Harlow S. Person, managing director of the society, delivered an address on "The Origin, Development, and Influence of Scientific Man agement." . Officers of the society as elect ed last spring are W. C. Bur nett, president; Bill Manbeck, vice-president; Beaumert Whit ton, secretary; and Strudwick Nash, treasurer. Professor G. TSchwenning of the school of commerce is the advisor of the local society. Law School Opens Official opening of the law school will be held at 10:30 o'clock this morning in the law building. Although new stu dents have attended classes for the' past three days, all mem bers of the faculty will be intro duced to them for the first time. R. B. House, secretary to the president, will welcome the stu dents to the University. Fol lowing the welcoming address Waddell Gholson, president ot the law school association, will introduce the faculty. The pro gram will be short and visitors are invited. Frosh To Visit Frats Mr. Francis Bradshaw, dean of students, announces that fra ternity invitations will be de livered to the freshmen this af ternoon and tonight, asking the freshmen to call at the frater nity houses ' during the pre scribed hours on Friday and Saturday. The invitations were delayed because of the difficulty in securing the local addresses of the freshmen. NUMBER 6 Says German More Than Heels Gives Information about Ger man Conditions in Germany During Conversation Tues day; Air Traveling Popular On Continent. Students at the University of North Carolina who think they are overburdened with work and whose professors require much more scholastic activity than is necessary should certain ly thank their lucky stars that " they are not attending a Ger man university. Such was the impression giv en by Dr. Otto Stuhlman, Jr., in the course of a rambling conver sation Tuesday in which he made many interesting remarks about conditions in Germany, France, Belgium and England, as he ob served them during the past summer. Probably one of the most curi ous things that Dr. Stuhlman described was his' asking, for Dutch cheese while in Holland. He called for the cheese by name, and when the waiter shook his head and said that he had never heard of it, the pro fessor from North Carolina showed the shape of the article to be round by a movement -of his hands and then told the wait er that the article he wanted was red. The waiter suddenly caught the meaning. The most astounding part came when the waiter replied that the common red spherical cheese which comes ffrom Holland is made only for export and it not used at all in the country where it is made. v "Flying , is quite common," saloT DrT Stuhlman. "The price offare by air is roughly twice that of a first-class ticket by rail and water. At one of the larg est airports, airplanes were ar riving and departing with the regularity of railroad trains, and the funny part of it was that there was apparently no inter est in these many comings and (Continued on page four) Playmakers Select Comedies for Tour "Magnolia's Man," a moun tain comedy by Gertrude Wil son Coffin, and an - unnamed domestic comedy of young mar ried people, by Catherine Nolan, were the plays selected at the author's reading Tuesday night at the Playmakers Theatre to be produced for the Playmakers' northern tour, November 15 to 30. To these two new plays will be added "The No 'Count Boy," a negro comedy by Paul Green, written some years ago but never produced by the Play makers. "The Devil's Doll," a witch play , by Mary Margaret Russell, and "Pegleg Scuttergold or the Pirate's Thirteenth Bride," a burlesque of North Carolina pi rate days by Frank S. Howell, were chosen to be reserved for later production. "The Devil's Doll" received high praise from the audience, who were asked to vote on the readings. The play committee making the selections for the tour consisted of Profes sors Gregory Paine, J. C. Lyons, Russel Potter, Rev. A. S. Law rence, and Miss Margaret Vale. Tryouts for these plays will be held in the Playmakers Thea tre on Monday, September 30, at 4:30. Copies of the plays can be obtained at the main desk of the library after Sep tember 27. The tryouts are open to all, including freshmen. i

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