PEP MEETING TONIGHT 6:40 O'clock MEMORIAL HALL PEP -MEETING TONIGHT 6:40 O'clock MEMORIAL HALL f j S Z I iK; !; i i f.-- ( I AN . .- p f VSS' - VOLUME XXXVIII T::r77 7T- NUMBER 17 U iiT T. f -v -w-v el ' M ' If w.u . juarge - On Rational B Dean of Springfield Y College Says "Petting Is a Natural Step toward Securing a Mate." (By K. C. Ramsay) "By 'rational sex life I mean the scientific, the true, and the balanced sex life," said Dr. F. 'M. Seerley, well-known author ity of sex education, in his ad dress in Memorial hall last night. Dr. Seerley spoke twice yester day, at the chapel exercises and at 7 :30 o'clock last night. In his address at chapel exer cises Dr. Seerley said to the freshmen; "I am glad to meet you so early in your college car reer, for you have not yet de cided what is to be your concep tion of God, of life, and 'of your future. It makes a great, deal of difference what you think. That's the reason I'm here lec turing on. sex. That's the rea son, for a University. It's to help you answer for yourself the hundreds of thousands of ques tions that come to you daily con cerning your sex life." Dr. Seerley outlined the three steps in forming a personality and pointed out the relation of these steps to the thinking pro cess. He stated that the build ing material must be gathered first, then the organization must be brought about, and finally one must live the things he has gathered together and .organ ized. T'At 'the evening lecture Dr. Seerley used blackboard illustra tions in tracing the development of sex anatomy from childhood upward. He showed how the l relations Jbetween boys and girls developed from childhood through various steps. The- first social contacts be tween girls and boys occur in early childhood when they play together in the birthday parties and other similar forms of en tertainment. From this stage they progress to dances. Dr. Seerley was asked his opinion concerning dancing and he said "It is. a most natural way for boys and girls to mix in a rather intimate way and cannot pos sibly be subjected to criticism." From dancing the girls , and boys of today evolve to petting and the speaker was on the opin ion that this is a most natural step for one to take in searching for a mate. He said that the large amount of petting being done today as compared with that of past generations should be attributed-to the automobile and other means of being alone together. ' v s The courting ' stage follows petting and approaches a more intimate relationship between sexes, and the final stage before marriage is of course engage ment. Engagement brings about the most individual relationships before marriage' and Is the final step to take in being definitely sure that a certain boy and girl will be suitably mated. Dr. Seerley pointed out that the largest percentage of un happy marriages is caused by a misunderstanding of sexual rela tionships and that these misun derstandings can be attributed to not following the natural evo lution of social relationships as . outlined above. V During his stay here Dr. Seer ley was asked his opinion con cerning the present generation. He replied, "The modern gen eration is more frank than any . (Continued on page three) A iuaie .ces Life No Holiday Friday In a brief interview Tuesday afternoon the University regis trar, Dr. T. J. Wilson, declared that the . campus rumor of a holiday on Friday is entirely unfounded. Dr. Wilson says that no such information has reached him through the admin istrative offices. As the students have it, a holiday was to be given on that date for the apparent purpose of allowing Carolina supporters to attend the Georgia Tech game in Atlanta on that day. In an ticipation of the suspension of classes many; students had planned to accompany the Tar Heel team on the southern trip and to participate in the festiv ities surrounding the contest, which is possibly the most in teresting and important of the season's schedule. Consequently the entire student body was elated over the prospect of the holiday. Other grounds for support of the rumored announcement were found in the fact that Saturday is to be Founder's day at the University. In view of these facts, Dr. Wilson's statement will doubtless be a surprise to those who were depending on the holiday to relieve them of class work in order to attend the Georgia game. ' , .. DR. H. S. DYER GIVES COURSES IN VOICE Proving his theory that any one can sing who wants to, Dr. H. S. Dyer, director of the de partment of music, is giving j voice classes which are open to any student in the University, even though he has no more talent ihan the suppressed de sire to express himself in song. Every day, except Wednes day, studenfs, who range all the way from freshmen to post graduates, meet in Person hall and learn what Dr. Dyer! calls the simple and natural process of singing. There are four classes a day, which have an en rollment of from thirty to sixty men each. Every college in the Univer sity is represented in the classes. Some of the members have studied at Harvard, Yale, Amherst, or New York Univer- sity, while otners nave never sung at all; not even to the ex tent oi having taken part m their college song. All that is necessary to join one of these classes is a good ear for music, the desire to sing, and a good physique. Dr. Dyer says that not only can the student "learn to sing in a few easy les Sons" ; but also the group train i i j "i ing provides a . tremenaous training in self-confidence and stage presence. DR. KEOGH TO SPEAK AT LIBRARY OPENING Dr. Andrew Keogh, librarian of Yale university and president of the American library associ ation, will make the dedicatory address' .'at the University of North Carolina -Southern Con f erence to be held at Chapel Hil October 19-22, when the Unr versitv's new $625,000 library building will be formally opened Miss 'Sarah C. N. Bogle will also be present at the conference A WORD OF Friday the Carolina football squad tackles the hardest team scheduled this year. A victory over Tech means a lot toward gaining the Heels a place near the top in Conference ratings. A lot has been written, especially by Atlanta sport au thorities, about the Carolina team. They say we' have the best team in the south up here this year. One writer says that Carolina will beat Tech. - All reports coming from out of Atlanta sound somewhat like the same ones written two years ago before the Georgia Tech contest. Georgia had a team making a bid for national honors. Tech was only mediocre. Enough hot air was writ ten about Georgia to float the Athens team over the Atlanta stadium. The game ended with Tech on top by two touch downs. There may be a lesson in that. , ... It is also well to remember that in recent years teams have found it hard to beat Tech in Atlanta. The Yellow Jackets just play better football when at home. The TAR HEEL believes that Carolina should win. But any team carrying the power Tech does is going to be hard to beat. Nothing short of great playing will turn the trick. Carolina is capable of winning. But the game will not be won until the final whistle sounds. We do not believe in sentiment in football. But every Carolina man is expecting a victory Friday. If Carolina plays the football of which it is capable, Carolina will win. CABINETS SELECT NEW COMMITTEES Freshman Council, Sophomore, Junior-Senior Cabinets Hold Important Meetings. The three Y cabinets met Monday night at the Y. M. C. A. at 7:15. In the: freshman council, Alex Webb, president, started the program off with the reading of the devotional; this was followed by a few sentence prayers. The roll was then "called and the minutes were read and approved. Aubrey Perkins, freshman secretary of the Y, made a few announcements and then gave some of the plans for the coming year. At the suggestion oi Mr. Perkins, President Webb ap pointed three temporary com mittees After taking up a lit tle business the meeting closed with a word of prayer. The joint meeting of the jun ior-senior cabinet and the soph omore cabinet was opened with short devotional service. Mr. Comer, general secretary of the Y, then announced that Eugene Barnett, former student of the University, would be the guest of the Y next Sunday and Mon day, and would deliver two ser mons at the Methodist church. Mr. Comer also said that Mr. Barnett would speak to the stu dents on Monday. . i University Women Offer Scholarship Mrs. U. T. Holmes presided over the meeting oi the local chapter of . American associa tion of University women yes terday afternoon at Spencer, hall. The session was devoted to organization of plans for the year's work. It was decided to hold the meetings at 7 :30 every t other Tuesday evening this year. A survey of Latin America will constitute the program for the year. Dr. Pearson will deliver the first address of the series at the next regular meeting. A scholarship equivalent to $100 will be awarded bv the chapter in accordance with a custom established by the local chapter several years ago. Mrs. Holmes is president of the chap ter, Mrs. G. T. Schwenning is treasurer and Mrs. P. C. Farrar treasurer. , Mrs. Inez Stacy, dean of women, has resumed her duties after a short vacation. WARNING CAROLINA CO-EDS TOUR CONTINENT 3 Prospective French Teachers cSpend Summer in Europe. Three ' North Carolina co-eds were among the 17 students who toured Europe last summer with the foreign study tour conduct ed by the University extension division, according to the report made to the faculty committee on foreign study last Monday night. The three girls, Katherine McCallie, Emily M. McClelland and Catherine Groves, spent July and August, studying and sight-seeing -in France, Switzer land, Germany, Holland, Bel gium and England under the -direction of Professor J. C. Lyons. v Besides seeing many famous European museums, monuments and castles, the girls visited Waterloo and the Jungfrau mountain in the Swiss Alps. The rocks where . the Loreiei were said to lure voyagers on the Rhine to their death, and the ruined towers from which rob ber barons sallied forth to mur der travelers who had managed to escape the Lorelei were also in the itinerary. - While at Grenoble the stu dents, who are all prospective French teachers, took language courses at the University there. Credit was given for these courses by the University and by Adelphi college, Brooklyn, from which several of the stu dents on the tour came. EXTENSION DIVISION GIVES LECTURE COURSE North- Carolina dentists- in five cities will hear a course of lectures to be given .next week by Dr. ' L. D. Sayres of the Northwestern University dental school, Chicago. "Bridgework" will be the sub ject of the lectures and of i series of clinics which Dr. Sayres will also conduct. The entire program is under the supervi sion of the University extension in cooperation with the North Carolina dental society. Dr. Sayres' lectures are the eighth in a "series of ten courses being offered this year by the extension division and the den tal society. About, 145 North Carolina dentists are taking the courses which are being held in Kinston. Raleigh, Greensboro Winston-Salem and Charlotte. Final Period Of Rushing Gets Underway With Fraternities Using High Pressure Method, Pep. Meeting Tonight The final voting in the elec tion of cheerleader resulted in the victory of Jack Barrett; sophomore, over his oppon ent, Howard Henry. The election was close, Barrett se curing 291 votes, while Henry took 361. Barrett announces that there will be a pep meeting at 6:40 o'clock tonight as the team leaves at 7:00. COMMUNITY CHOIR HOLDS REHEARSAL Plans for FaU Quarter Discussed At Meeting; .105 .Singers Re port for Chorus. With an attendance of - 105 singers, the Chapel Mill com munity chorus held its first re hearsal at Gerrard hall Monday evening, me chorus is made up of faculty members, students and townspeople. It was organ ized by a committee of which George H. Lawrence of the Uni versity faculty is chairman, and is jointly. sponsored by the com munity club and the University school of music. Harold S. Dyer, head of the school, is di rector of the choral group and Mrs. A. S. Wheeler panist. is accom- As yet the chorus has no def inite organization. It is the in tention of the leaders to perfect an organization later when it shall be determined what form its administrative system shall take. In view of the large attend ance at the premier rehearsal, he success of the chorus is prac tically assured. However, the chairman of the organization committee urges that every one who is interested in the organ ization attend the next practice ori'Monday at 7:30 in the same hall. The University glee club will also lend its support to the venture. Over thirty of the num ber were on hand Monday eve ning to assure the bass and tenor sections adequate material. The tentative program of the chorus includes two recitals during the scholastic year and the possible presentation of sev eral programs at various Uni versity functions. In accordance with this program it is prob able that the chorus will appear at the joint meeting of the Chapel Hill churches which will be held on October 20 during home-coming week. Several numbers were rehearsed Monday night in preparation for this event which will doubtless mark the first public presentation of the chorus. , It was the original plan of the chorus to otter ttanaeis "Messiah" as the first produc tion. Since copies ot this ora torio have not arrived it will be necessary to delay the prepara tion of the number. ' However, the famous composition will be given on or about December 20, the date set by the committee An afternoon program is being planned to cooperate with the customary reading of the carols by Professor Koch of the Play makers. This will be another of the features of the pre-holiday spason. In addition to the chorus and a number of soloists an orchestra of about thirty pieces will be employed in the performance. Tension on Campus Heightens As Peripd of Silence Nears; Rushing Ends Tuesday. After about two weeks of in tensive rushing the Greeks are gradually stepping into their stride and competition is pick ing up. In spite of the new rushing rules' tendency to lessen the strain on both upper and lower classmen, tension on the cam pus is being heightened by the keen competition wrhich has arisen between the fraternities. In place of the . easy flowing rushing season of past years there is now a more organized "man hunt" going on. Previous to this year "rushing" became intensive only in the last day or so before the "period of silence" but the "period of silence" of 1929 will probably bring tor a close the most intensive and strenuous rushing season seen so far at U. N. C. For twelve days now the freshmen have been praised, pampered, and pumped in order to get them in a receptive frame of mind for the "wool gatherers." J. The fact that rushing is lim ited to seven hours a day and that freshmen are forced to leave the houses at 9 o'clock is the only consolation for the seven hours of strain. Nearly all of the frosh have been filled with so much frater nity lore that Baird himself would be put to shame. The Who's Who of . the" campus has been raised by about four or five hundred names The best fraternity always begins with "Us." And Baird's Manual is always wrong unless it puts "Us" at the head of the list. Although the freshmen wTere given a chance,to get themselves adjusted to the University cam pus and the upper classmen be came readjusted before the "fire works" started, the new method of rushing does not seem to re lieve the general strain upon the campus. Freshmen are by now settling down to a choice between one or two fraternities. Their likes and dislikes have eliminated many and at last the choice has narrowed down to a chosen few. The last two days of rushing will probably decide most of these freshmen and as usual this will cause the last two days to be filled with extra rushing for the freshmen. . There will be a few freshmen that will be under the embar rassing strain of making up their minds in the two days of silence as the larger part of these "prospective neophytes" will have come to a definite con clusion by the last night of rush ing. Some have already made up their minds. All through this rushing sea son the inter-f ratrenity council has urged that the freshmen keep "open minds" until the "period of silence" when they can look at the facts without be ing stirred up by the flattery. Wigue and Masque To Meet Thursday The Wigue and Masque will hold its first meeting of the year Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in Person 'hall, pack Kirkpatrick, secretary of the organization, requests that every member be present, for at this meeting the constitution of the group will be discussed.

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