SPECIAL ATLANTA RATES BEFORE 3 O'CLOCK TODAY BOOK EXCHANGE TAR HEEL" SPECIAL 9 O'CLOCK TONIGHT s f VOLUME XXXVIII CHAPEL HILL, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1929 NUMBER IS 1! cKll !! T-TO I0CB WILL GIVE FIRST LECTURE TOMORROW NIGHT Will Show Slides of Dakota Players and Carolina Playmakers. Former Carolina Student To Deliver Series Of Speeches Noted Y. M. C. A. Leader Will Speak Here October 13 and 14 on the Chinese , and Oriental Situation. Professor Frederick Koch will give an illustrated lecture on "Adventures in Playmaking" Friday night at 7:30 in the theatre. A variety of ,stereop tican slides will show phases of Professor Koch's work. Part of these slides are of the original productions of the Da kota Playmakers of the Univer sity of North Dakota -where Pro fessor Koch began playmaker work. Others show the develon- A- ment of the Carolina Playmak ers. The lecture will include photo graphs of productions on the Playmakers' first stage in the auditorium of the Chapel Hill high school. Pictures of produc tions in the present Playmaker theatre, and slides of produc tions in the Forest theatre will also be used. The lecture is open to the public. Dormitory Club Elects Officers Mr. Eugene- E. Barnett, a graduate of the University, and for two years secretary of the Y. M. C. A. here, will be here next Sunday and Monday to-deliver a series of addresses on the subject of, "The Chinese and Oriental Situation Today Poli tically, Religiously and Educa tionally." Because of the con venient location and the size of the auditorium of the Methodist church, the Y. M. C. A. has been given the privilege of using it for Mr. Barnett on Sunday. Mr. Barnett will speak there Sunday morning at 11 :00 and then, again that night at 8:00. He will also speak several times to the stu dents on Monday, and will meet in conferences for all students desiring to see him. Mr. Barnett has for the past 20 years been in charge of the Y work in China among the universities and colleges. Dur ing all the late Chinese revolu tions he remained at his - post, and kept in intimate contact with the government leaders as Special Rates, Arrangements have been made to secure a special rate for the student cheering sec tion for the Tech game Fri day. A limited number of railway tickets, sleeper tick ets, and game tickets will be on sale at the special rate of $17.50 at the Book Ex change for all three. Orders must be given at the Book Exchange before three o'clock today. The occasion of the first meet- wel1 as diPlomats and other for- ing of the Car&liha dormitory sners. club this vear was a e-ond sun- Mr- Barnett was the founder of the Young Men's Christian fJ-A Ji. jjai. cu. JJ uno IdUICo Ul tile Episcopal church at the parish Association in Hangchow, a city house. This first sUDDer-meet- of 800,000, the imperial capital ing is becoming an annual affair durm the splendid days of with 'the .dormitory presidents Marco Polo, and still the seat and managers, as this is "the of a Proince of . 17.000,000 ;Peo-. pie. i nis association nas De- LETTER EXPLAINS NOVEL CREATION Rev. H. G. C. Hallock Writes Dr. Stuhlman of Oriental Ideas Of Earth's Formation. UNIVERSITY GRAB WILL SPEAK AT HISTORICAL MEET Alu ts bti: Itate Funds, lulate iays Chase State Literary and Historical Association- To Meet In Raleigh. '. (ByB. H. Whitton) The man who made the world was something over 7430 miles high when he died, according to the figures given by Chinese teaching of the origin of the world. - ' '' C .This enormous size was figur ed from data contained in a let ter received by Mr. - Otto Stuhl man, Jr., from Rev. H. G. C. Hallock, of Shanghai, China, who wrote to the University pro fessor telling him of a Chinese explanation of the origin of theJ mor,nmg world. This statement of the creation Dr. William Starr Myers, graduate of the University in 1897, ' prof essor of politics in Princeton university since 1918, widely-known lecturer on his torical and political subjects, an ct author of several books, has been secured for the main ad dress for the twenty-ninth an nual session of the state literary and historical association which meets in Raleigh Thursday and Friday, October 31, to November 1. Professor Myers address will be n the evening of Nov. 1. The association program will open Thursday eveningr October 31 with the presidential address by Dr. H. M. Wagstaff, profes sor of history at the University of North Carolina and editor and author of several books on North Carolina ..history. Fol lowing the address there will be a reception to members ana" friends of the association. A program of brief papers on North Carolina and southern tiistory by Miss Adelaide L. Fries of Winston-Salem, Dr. G. G. Johnson of Chapel Hill and Dr. B. B. Kendrick of Greens boro will be presented Friday Team Given Send-Off Last night a mammoth pep meeting was held in front of Swain hall to send the Caro lina team off for the Tech game in Atlanta. The team will arrive in Atlanta early this morning. This afternoon they will work out for the last time "before meeting the powerful Atlanta outfit. At the pep meeting cheers were given for the team and for individuals. Appeal Is a Systematic Effort To Get Alumni Into Habit of . .Giving to University Each Year. The North Carolina folk lore society will hold its annual meet- was obtained during a BibleV1 on Friday afternoon, Novem- Class in which the story of the creation as recorded in Genesis being discussed. The was come the rallying point ot a igreat religious and civic enter prise supported and participated thought came to those attend in by governors, bankers, edu- ing the meeting that the Chinese third successive year it has tak en place. V The main purpose of the meet ing was for the dormitory of- miP;n a nnA wi'ni nmJcators silk merchants, and oth- teachings "could go them one ' " a tw tkta nnA er .leading -men. When Mr. better," and this explanation the piano with consummate skill. The members, getting bet ter acquainted, went into a hud dle over some of the more popu lar songs, and mirth and com radeship held sway. After supper was safely stowed,' R. B. House reminisced through his subject of "Dormi tories as Wuz and Is," as only Mr. House can reminisce. There was a time when practically all of the three hundred students of the University stayed in dormi tories. The senior, with his pipe, his book, and his bedroom i slippers, would take his easy chair in front of his fireplace in his room in Old East and study, while his body,servant prepared Barnett was called to the Na- was given. tional Committee in 1921 he left The impressing things of this a strong organization in Hang- story are that the creator of " the chow, Roused in a modern build- world was born of "the male and ing, generously supported by the lemale principles, xang, and community, and led by a Chinese Yin." This man, Pan-Ku, was a successor in the general secre- short stubby fellow with horns, taryship. who had the remarkable capacity Mr. Barnett was executive of growth which enabled him to secretary of the student division grow six feet a day for the entire of the national committee of period of 18,000 years during China from 1921 to 1923. Dur- which he was engaged in making ing this period he. and his col- the earth. league, T. Z. Koo, were respon- He obtained possession of an sible for the entertainment by axe, and then proceeded to cut the. China movement of the the world out apparently World's Student Christian Fed- nothing. After his work, was eration Conference. T. Z. Koo almost completed, he had to die succeeded him as head of the to finish the job. He died, and student work. his various "features became the Since 1923 Mr. Barnett has physical features of the earth. headed the city division of the The origin of man is explained M. to the entire satisfaction o the C. A.'s of China. This position evolutionists, because this story brings him in intimate touch states that they were once the in- with all parts' of the country. During the past few months he has visited twelve of the eigh- ber 1. The officers of the folk lore society are Mrs. S. Westray Battle of Asheville, president; Mrs. Jbsephus Daniels, Raleigh, Mrs. Maude Minish Sutton, For est City, and Miss Lucy Maria Cobb, Raleigh, vice-presidents, and Frank C. Brown, Durham, secretary-treasurer. Engineer Students Go To Raleigh for Observation Labs Tentative plans for several observation labs to be taken at the Raleigh field of the Curtiss Flying Service by the students of aeronautics in the department of mechanical engineering were announced yesterday. Professor E. G. Hoef e and Mr. N. P. Bailey, members of the engineering faculty, were in Ra leigh Monday evening to attend the formal opening of the Cur tiss Service ground school there, and arrangements for these labs were made at that time. At the Raleigh field, the Cur tiss Service has eight or nine different types of planes, and the trips will be made for the pur pose of observing the types of planes as they are studied in the aeronautics courses. At the opening Monday, Pro fessor Hoeff er and Mr. Bailey spoke briefly of their plans for the University courses in avia tion, and D. Allen Harrell, Uni versity student from Scotland Neck, spoke on the construction of model aeroplanes. Research Group Is- Studying Failure Tobacco Association Since the Tri-State Tobacco Associa- Growers Co-operative tion failed in 1926 members of (Continued on page two) 'JOB'S KINFOLKS' CAST IS SELECTED The, cast for Loretta Carroll his bed and his night-cap. Those were the Oxfordian days of our nationar committee of the Y existence, when tne ncn men hrnne-ht their nesrro body ser vants to school with them. But, one should not romanticise too much about the good, gone days. .,, , -l irt J1- X - - - Consider that tne stuaenx oi ,oon nrnu;tlps anrl bas inter- time had to contend with numer-1 T.-, tviq - .if l V It VU , iiitXXJ JJ-- HIV J OUS noises, aismruances, aim lflqir. . 1P pnntPTTiTinrarv other deterrents from study,! . 1qofi h( haa served Bailey's play "Job's Kinsfolks . I UVilV- I . .i , i 1-111. that are but unusual in ths I nTinllwlT14.iv ns SPT1inr member was selected at a tryout neid m civilized era. One had a per-1 f ... Nationai Christian Coun- the Playmaker theatre last Fri- fect right to ring the college cil and of its executive commit- day night The play will be bell, make speeches at the well, tee which has brought him un- presented m its tnree-act iorm visit, bull, and disturb anyone ugual opportunities with present as an alternate oin onmenay else at will. It would have been ,ior1 nf fhp rhurches and oth- makers northern tour JNovem . .1 ivuuvi yj l , - . nr an insult to ask another 'man to i , organizations of Der 10 10 . vi" -i y- o n i n the country. He has also served as college trustee in Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist msti Der Deutsche Verein will meet tutions. i ..... i -Thursday evening, October 10, Most of Mr. Barnetrs public a 7o r TYi. m Mnrnnev o. crtpninricr lri recent vears nas v v w r-' $ i. ' 1 w fc-z-v o a MV To1l wiMl fpll hripflv nf his Kaon rlnnf in the Chinese lan XTXJL Vll vw is. w yVll vw-w - 7 I . . ovoni Inst summer while Un His main work in China proauction last year. f.oirr fbrniKrh fiP.rmanv. ic w nf trusted counselor and The cast follows: Kizzie, Lq wan-uiife " " " n n:i rr -kja. Qw,-0,ia nnrl Ttalv. His re-hvim nf Chinese leaders, both , tiikl lUiii - 1 AAV " ' 1 , . O! I "I i . ii . Til. i; w;n illnQfT.nprf W in- fl,o c;nHatinn movement ulia ouuudU1' Jauime, ruue nidi ri.o vv 111 k i" j 1 111 niv . , . , . 1 teresting snapshotRfrom the and outside it. What he says - Mteue, .urie. nTiMi rhina trrnws. thereiore. TV1A' 'y axxj t I I II III li . J I t 1 X lUr (Continued on page four) GERMAN CLUB TO MEET Members of the cast were se lected with a view to their tak ing part in both this bill and the alternate program of three one- act plays. Loretta Carroll Bailey has the role of Kizzie, having played this part in the r-. :i 5 journey, luveryone iati"viteu- grows, (Continued on page four) Carl Rogers, Hubert Heffner. the University Institute .for Re search in Social Science have been conducting" a study to de termine the causes of this fail ure. The work was begun with the idea of avoiding mistakes in any future organization, a num ber of which have been encour aged since the receivership of the old association. It is the intention of Dr. T.J. Woofter, research professor in charge of the work, to complete his report of the matter at an early date. For almost three years the process of collecting the material for the final 'ac count has been under way. As yet Dr. Woofter has not a title for the paper, but he has plan ned and announced a definite ar rangement of the topics that will be treated. . . In the beginning, the back ground of southern agricultural life with its problems of negro labor, -tenant farming, and sys tems of finance will be present ed. All of these factors will be shown in their relationship to the failure of the former asso ciation. The second section will present a body of statistics on tobacco production, prices, supply, and demand; in section three, methods of organization will be discussed: in number four, the operation of the asso ciation; and the last division will be devoted to a discussion of the receivership of the old organization. Dr. Woofter was assisted m gathering the data for this study by two other men. The first of these was Mr. Sidney Frissell, a research assistant, who worked throughout 1927. Mr. Frissell seemed particularly adapted to the work by reason of his asso ciation with the co-operative association as editor of its offi cial paper, "The Tri-State To baccp Grower." Inthis capacity he was given access to all the records of the organization, and was thus thoroughly familiar ! with its policies and methods. He -was an ideal man for the study, knowing as he did the mistakes and fallacies of the ad ministration of the association. When Mr. Frissell gave up the study to accept a govern ment position in Washington, the research was continued by another assistant, Mr. C. J. Bradley. Mr. Bradley's work is largely responsible for the mass of statistical information that will be incorporated into the re port. V ' Considering the critical status of the southern agricultural in dustry, the growing sentiment towards a new assdciation, and the statement Concerning farm relief that was recently express ed by the national farm board, this study and report has been consummated at a strategic time. In reference to the declar In making an appeal for pri vate gifts with which to supple ment state appropriations, the University of North Carolina is only doing what every other state university in the country , is doing, with the exception of Wisconsin, President Harry W. Chase told Orange county alum ni and University faculty mem bers at a smoker held here Tues day night. It has been showm conclusive-, ly that private -gifts tend to en courage and stimulate state ap propriations, Dr. Chase said. The University president was explaining the purposes of the appeal recently launched by the Alumni Loyalty fund of the Uni versity. "Such an appeal should not be regarded as an emergency measure," Dr. Chase gaid, but rather as an effort to get the alumni into a systematic habit of putting something aside for the University each year just as they contribute regularly to their lodge or their church." Citing examples of private gifts recently made to state in stitutions in other states, Dr. Chase said that one donor ex'- -1 . i j xi- nr' i . 1 penaea ior tne xvucnigan iaw school ten tynes the amount used for building here in the last ten years. Private gifts made to the University of California" .have amounted to $5,000,000 in the last three years. Every building that was constructed here at the University prior to 1905 was built with private funds. - : The Alumni Loyalty fund is based on the idea that, while the state may supply the essential things, state appropriations should be supplemented with private gifts with which to pro vide excellence in University life. "That was the motivating idea when the fund was started un der the administration of the late Edward K. Graham, and it is the same idea" today," Dr. Chase declared. "The fund should be regarded as the pre sentation of an opportunity rather than of a drive or cam paign." Following Dr. Chase's address the following new officers of the Chapel Hill alumni association were elected : Louis Graves, president; Obie Harmon, vice president, and Herman Baity, secretary. nti'nn bv the farm board, its members announced soon after its organization that their pro gram of farm relief would be rnn rlnp.ted solelv through the agsncy of the co-operative asso (Continued on page two) Miss Isabel Busbee Talks To Garden Club - ; Miss Isabel Busbee, secre tary to the president of State college for a number of years and a noted authority on art and landscape designing, was the principal -speaker at the meet ing, of the Chapel Hill Garden Club held Tuesday afternoon in Davie hall. Miss Busbee re ceived her training in landscape designing, at the Lowthorpe School of Landscape - Architec ture, Gardening and Horticul ture for Women at Groton, Mass., and at North Carolina State college in Raleigh and is an authority especially on an authority on North Carolina horitcultural problems. More than forty members of the club were in attendance at this meeting which was presid ed over by Mrs. H. R. Totten, president. guests are welcome.