PLAYMAKER PRODUCTION 8:30 TONIGHT PLAYMAKER THEATRE PRESBYTERIAN PARTY S:C0 P. Mt SOCIAL ROO'IS i I I t I f7f T f If I w I I I'll ! t ! I J I i J i x S J J fiff . Vol ii n - h s f i I I. - Ji i i yoLUBiExxxyni 7 - i - -- - . CHAPEL HILL, N. C FRIDAY OCTOBER 25, 1929 . NUMBER 31 myersity. '.Authorities Mot y Carnegie iH oiindatioh Graduate Manager Woollen Says That University Gave Investi gators AU Help Possible and if There Is Anything Wrong With Athletics Here Authorities Will Investigate. FULL REPORT HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED Carolina Named As One of 84 Institutions Subsidizing. Ath letes; No Definite Charges Blade Against University. (By Stanley Weinberg) - University athletic officials are taking very calmly yesterday's sensational announcement by the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching, which named North' Carolina, among 84 colleges using reprehensible methods of recruiting and1 sub sidizing varsity athletes. : Charles; T. Woollen took the attitude, that since nothing def initely wrong had been revealed about Carolina, there was noth ing the Carolina authorities need do about the athletic situation. Professor Allan H. V Hobbs, chairman of the faculty commit tee on athletics, also said that athletics at Carolina were pretty clean as far as he knew. Director of Athletics Robert A. Fetzer could not be reached yesterday, as he had left for .Columbians. C. Other members of the coaching staff did not think the announcement said anything that every one had not known before. "Nothing has been made pub lic yet which reflects discredit on North Carolina," said Grad uate Manager Woollen, speaking of the announcement. "The Carnegie report named Carolina among the colleges at which evidence that athletes were subsidized has been found, but it made no specific charges. I know of nothing dishonest at Carolina, although the Carnegie investigators may have found something ; we won't know what they have found, however, until the complete report is made pub lic in December. "Investigators were down here several times about two years ago, and we gave them all the help we could. They may have found that we give scholarships only on the basis of athletic ability; they may have found that we give athletes soft jobs, or use high pressure methods to induce them to come here or even that our alumni give them salaries. "I haven't come across any of that; whether the Carnegie in vestigators have or not will not be evident until their report is made public. Of course, if there is anything nasty in Carolina athletics, the faculty committee, the student authorities, or I will look into it. "Definite charges have been made against New York Univer sity and several other big insti tutions. But they are mostly in the North where there are no conferences or associations en forcing eligibility -rules. Har vard, Yale and Princeton have an agreement among themselves, but in general each college sets up its own requirements. ' "In the South, on-the other hand, there is the. Southern Con ference. Twenty-three schools have got together and made cer-taiir-agreements which we have tried to enforce. Carolina has abided faithfully by these rules. "The rules of 'the Southern Conference, however, vary from (Continued on page four) MERST0G0 ON G(j-0?ERATIVE Group Out On Jobs Now To Re turn to School at . That Time. The second section of junior cooperative students in the school of Engineering will 'go out on their jobs next week, and the first section, which has been working - outside ' since school started, will return to the Uni versity at the same time. Final quizzes for section one on the five weeks' work since school began will be given next week, Monday through Friday, and the students in section two will report for work on Monday, November 4. Twenty men will leave -the University at this time to re place those who have been put since the middle of September. The majority will go to places within the state, but two go as far as Illinois and one will be in Wisconsin. , In the cooperative junior year in the engineering school, the students spend seven weeks in school and then seven weeks en gaged in actual work with some organization. 1 A partial list of the com panies with whom the engineer ingschool has placed co-op stu dents includes the Illinois Bell Telephone company at Chicago, the Catipillar Tractor company at Peoria, 111., the Milwaukee Sewage Commission at Milwau kee, the Southern Railway at Danville and Charlotte, the Duke Power company, the State Highway Commission, the Char lotte Filter Plant, the Tidewater Power company at Wilmington, and the University Consolidated Service Plants, as well as the Chapel Hill Filter Plant. Those students who are going out next week will stay out seven weeks, returning after Christmas. Those who are com ing in and whose places will be filled by the outgoing students, will study at the University until December 23 and will then return to their co-op work. Chi Phi's To Have Tea Dance Saturday First Fraternity Dancevf the Season at Carolina Inn. The CHi Phi fraternity has sent out invitations for a tea dance to be given by its mem bers Saturday immediately pre ceding the Grail dance. The dance will take place in the ball room of the Carolina Inn and will last from six to nine. The Grail will begin at nine. 'Alex Mendenhall and his Tar ; Heel boys have been engaged to fur nish the music. This affair marks the begin ning of the series of dances which the fraternities give throughout the year. The ma jority of these are given on the Hill while some' of the larger and n more elaborate dances 'are held in Durham. These affairs do quite a lot in bettering the feeling between the Greek orders as the list of invitations outside of the mem" bers of the order giving the dance is ordinarily quite large. Disturbed Survev Communications Must Be Signed Several anonymous com munications to the Read ers' "Opinions columns of the Daily Tar Heel have been received by the editor within' the past few days. All contributions to the col umn must be signed by the authors ; hence these anony mous communications have not been published. Psuedonyms will be pub lished with the article or letters, but the editor must be informed of the correct name and address of the writer. Such information will be treated "as strictly confidential. Writers of articles which have been submitted- during the past two days, signing them selves "A Pennsylvania Re publican" and "II Pensor oso" are especially re quested to see the editor . at the Tar Heel office this afternoon, in order that their communications may be published immediately. SALE IS MAW READING TOUR; MAY VISIT HM Author of "The Tree Named John" .Receives Favorable Comments From Reviewers, John B. Sale, who is author of "The Tree Named John," is to make a reading tour of Vir ginia and the Carolinas during the latter part of November. This book, from which the selec tions will be read and about which Mr. Sale will speak, was published by the University Press. Press officials are mak ing an effort to have him appear here on the campus sometime be tween November 11 and 30, the dates of the tour. - About three weeks ago, along with "The American Scholar" by Norman Foerster, "The Tree NamedMohn" was issued. Since that time its success has become more pronounced with each re view. In "Books," a feature section in the New York Herald I Tribune, Hershell Brickell writes of the book : "Amid the vast flood of recent books that deal with some phase of . . . Negroes . . . Mr. Sale's unpretentious col lection of stories from a Missis sippi plantation strikes me at once with its honesty and au thenticity." Mr. Brickell also pays if the supreme compliment of saying that "its dialect is nearly perfect." Another excellent critic, Don ald Davis, in two reviews from Nashville, Tenn., speaks of the realism with which ' Mr. Sale treats his subject matter: "Here is the Negro the people of the South -know best. ... I don't think any author of these times has done anything more con vincing in dealing with the Ne gro." While William Soskin in the New York Post seems to think, since the author appears to be so steeped in the folk-lore and the ' shrewd principles upon which much of Negro supersti tion is based, "that 'The Tree Named John' is likely to give you a far more vivid and authen (Continued on page four) ADAMS EXHIBITS THOREAU'S WORKS AT PARISH HOUSE Collection of More Than 400 Items Placed on Display Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, in the Episcopal church parish house, Dr. Raymond Adams "."of the English department presented one of the most interesting ex hibitions of literary treasures that the University has seen! Dr. Adams has for several years been particularly inter ested in thejife and writings of IJenry David Thoreau, the great American author who lived from 1817 to 1862. Even before writing his doctor's dis sertation on Thoreau, Dr. Adams began collecting Thoreauania until today his collection repre sents one of the finest in the country. More than 400 vari ous items constitute the entire collection, of which only" half was on display. The author of " Walden" has, in recent years, become a much sought for item of the collectors, and first editions of Thoreau's works, such as Dr. Adams has, are valued at prices ranging from thirty to one" hundred, dol lars per volume. The original manuscripts of Thoreau's works are mainly in the J. P. Morgan library in New York and the Huntington Library in Califor nia. An. excellent supply of ma terial lies in the library of v the Middlebury college, Vermont There-has been a great in crease in the ,amount of interest shown in Thoreau and today he is the subject of numerous magazine articles and treatises. Dr. Adams has written several articles on Thoreau f or literary journals and is at present work ing upon the editing of several volumes of his specialty. In his research work, Dr. Adams has had occasion to cor respond and. talk with several living personages who remember Thoreau quite well. Ralplr Wal do Emerson's son and Abbey Hosmer, who are still living in Concord, have afforded Dr. Adams a great wealth of material ,f oy a biography which Henry A. Salt, the greatest liv ing authority' of Thereau, sug gested that he write. Among the many interesting (Continued on page four) -i DR. HENDERSON FETES EDITORS $ -- - - Members of Faculty and Publi cations Heads Attend Dinner Given by Noted Biographer. Dr. Archibald Henderson, author, mathematician, and bi ographer, entertained the heads of the campus publications and several faculty members with a dinner at the Carolina Inn last night. Those present were Dr. H. W. Chase, president? of the University ; Dr. Henderson , Pro fessors Oscar, Coffin and J. M. Lear, faculty members of the Publications Union Board ; Louis Graves, editor of the Chapel Hill Weekly; Maryon Saunders, edi tor of the Alumni Review ; R. W. Madry, director of the Univer sity News Bureau; Glenn Holder, editor of the Tar Heel ; Will Yarborough, managing edit tor of the Tar Heel ; Marion Alexander, business "manager of the Tar Heel; John Mebane, edi tor of the Carolina Magazine, and Cy Edson, editor of the Bucr caneer. FIRST ISSUE LAW REVIEW TO APPEAR DURING DECEMBER The following men have been selected to compose the student board of editors of the Law Re view: Allen K. Smith, editor-in-chief; John H. Anderson and J. A. Chadbourn, assistant editors-in-chief , ' and P. B. Abbott, LeRoy Armstrong, Moore Bry son, A. W. Gholson, Jr., John F. Glenn, Jr., Walter Hoyle, John B Lewis, Charles S. Man gum, Jr., H. B. Parker, Harry Rockwell, Charles F. Rouse, Y. M. Smith, Neil S. Sowers, Thom as W.' Sprinkle, T. A. Uzzell, Lawrence 11. Wallace and J. A. Williams. R. H. Wettach will act as fac ulty editor-in-chief this year. The Law Review is designed to comment on current cases of law and to discuss general prob lems in judicial. administration. In the Review are advanced ideas for proposed changes and modification of law enforcement. In December the first issue will appear. The four issues which are published this -year will together comprise the eighth volume of the North Carolina Law Review. One copy of each issue appearing this year will be sent to each lawyer in the state. LIBRARY CONORS WILSON University Librarian Elected President North Carolina Li brary Association. Dr. Louis R. Wilson, Univer sity librarian, has been honored for the third time as president of the North Carolina Library association. Not .only has he served in this capacity two times before, but he has also served one term as president of the Southeastern Library associa- tion. By virtue of his unusual tal ents for library work and his exceptional business qualities, Dr. Wilson is regarded as one of the most outstanding librarians in the south. . In the thirty years that Dr. Wilson, has served his alma mater he has gained an enviable reputation both in the state and outside the state. He has done much pioneering work. Dr. Wil son was one of the four libra rians who met at Goldsboro in 1904 to organize a statewide li brary association. Through his eff orts the extension .department was organized; this department makes library books available in communities where there are not any public libraries. Back in 1907 Dr. Wilson was instrumental in bringing to Asheville the annual convention of the American Library asso ciation. This is the only time that this association has ever met in any Southeastern state. Approximately 500 librarians from every state in the Union attended this meeting. Dr. Wilson began work with the library when it was in its infancy a collection of less than 30,000 volumes.. He has guided it through a period of 29 years until his lifetime ambi tion a library-that may stand before the public as worthy of the institution it serves has been achieved. ' GROUP laymakei'S ays "The No 'Count Boy," "Magno lia's Man," and "Being Mar ried" To Be Presented Again Tonight and Saturday. The Carolina Playmakers pre sented the first production of their twenty-fourth bill, .com posed of .three original one-act plays, before a large and enthu siastic audience last night at the Playmaker theatre. The bill will be repeated tonight and Saturday night. The plays presented were "The No Count Boy," a negro comedy by Paul Green; "Mag nolia's Man," a comedy by Ger trude Wilson Coffin, and "Being Married," a domestic comedy of young people by Catherine Wil son Nolen. This is the twelfth year the Playmakers have presented their original productions, and each year from the very begin ning they have met with suc cess under the direction of Pro fessor Frederick Koch. The stage work of Elmer Hall, new tecnnicai director oi tne Playmakers, was approved by the audience as adding "much to the success of the production. "The No 'Count Boy" was written some years ago, but has never been produced by the Playmakers. "Magnolia's Man," in which the autnor herself takes a leading part, is a new play, dealing with the efforts of a small town spinster to "get a man." "Being Married" is also a new play. It has to do with a group of young married peo ple who are unwilling to live on the allowance supplied by their wealthy parents.. The casts for the three plays are : "The No 'Count Boy :" Pheelie, Phoebe ..Harding; Enos, her beau, Howard Bailey; The No 'Count Boy, Holmes Bryson ; An Old Negro Woman, Muriel Wolff. "Magnolia's Man:" Mis' Tish, Gertrude Wilson Coffin; Newt Norris, Ted Wilson; Magnolia Starnes, Muriel Wolff ; Bartholo mew M. Burgess, Marvin Hunt er. j "Being Married :" Jim Ried, Milton Wood; Connie, his wife, Elzada Feaster; Pete Burch, Howard Bailey; Dora Farraday, Helen McKay ; Penelope Sears," Anne Melick ; Betty Holmes, Elizabeth Barber; Gertie War ens, Beth Colley. Fred Greer is stage manager for the production and William Day assistant stage manager. What's Happening Today Meeting Dramatic Art section, N. C. C. W., Greensboro. Student coupons exchanged for , V. P. I. tickets, Book Ex change. 4:30 p. m. 103 Bingham Hall. Meeting of the undergraduate faculty. Please note change of meeting place. 8:00 p. m. Presbyterian party, social rooms, Presbyterian ' church. 8 :30 p. m. Three one-act plays, . Playmaker theatre. No chapel until Tuesday. Coming Events V. P. I.-Carolina football game, 2:30 tomorrow, Kenan sta : dium. ' ' s . Chi Phi tea dance, 6 o'clock, to-morrow, Carolina Inn. Meeting Tar Heel staff, 7:00 p. ' 4 in: Sunday. -