TAR HEEL STAFF MEETING 7:00 P. 31. ALUMNI BUILDING GO TO CHURCH TODAY COMPLETE PROGRASIS OF CHURCHES ON PAGE 2 CHAPEL HILL, N. C SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1929 NUMBER 33 V. aroima Ktu ousrhish T 55T VULUMfi AAA V 111 od Over I OO TO Mortherji Papers Continue To Feature Carnegie Probe; Carolina Is Not Implicated ' .-' ' -0 Fetzer and Collins Declare University Involved Very Little In Accusations of Professionalism; Interest Wanes In Southern Colleges. o Interest in the Carnegie investigation of college athletics is rapidly dying down on the Carolina campus and throughout the South, as it becomes clear that Carolina is implicated not at all and most other southern colleges very , little in the dishonest practices denounced by the Carnegie investigators. "It doesn't concern us," is thet attitude University athletic of ficials are taking toward the in vestigation. Students have al most stopped talking about it, and the Raleigh Times was the only North Carolina paper in which references to the scandal could be found yesterday. Featured in North Protests by college officials and additional scandal from the offices of the Carnegie founda tion are still being featured in Northern papers, however, as the athletic situation in many northern colleges is involved very deeply in commercializa tion, i "I don't see why the Carnegie people have given out this in formation before their investiga tion is finished," said Coach Rob ' ert A. Fetzer, director of ath letics, when questioned yester day. , "To. me it; seems ; half baked, but I can't see how it will harm the University. "The investigators came down here some time ago," he contin ued, "and we cooperated with them in every way we could. They haven't said anything det rimental to the University as far as I can see. In fact they men tion North Carolina only once. Criticisms Unwarranted "The newspapers said the di rector of athletics here had tak en over duties the director of physical education should right fully have. As a matter of fact, we really have no department of physical education ; if the ath letic association is trying to take its place, that should have brought us favorable comment instead of criticism." Professor Robert D. W. Con nor, a member of the faculty committee on athletics, declined to say anything about the Car negie investigation. "It doesn't involve us and the less said about it the better," he re marked. The other member of the fac ulty athletic committee, Profes sor Herman G. Bailey, could not be reached yesterday. Presi . dent Chase continued to hold the silence he has maintained since the nreliminary announcement of the report was made public. with other coaches throughout the nation, head foot ball Coach C. C. Collins was too busy in connection with yes terday's football game to bother with the Carnegie investigation DR. STUHLMAN ATTENDS WASHINGTON EXERCISES Dr. and Mrs. Otto Stuhlman left yesterday for Washing ton, D. C., to attend the presen tation of the grain of radium to Madame Currie. -This is to be a very great occasion and Dr. Stuhlman will represent the national research council. Dy. and Mrs. Stuhlman are expected back in Chapel Hill on Monday. Football Scores North Carolina 38 - V. P. 1.13 Virginia 32 - St. Johns 0 Mich. State "40- N. C. State 6 Tulane 20 - Ga. Tech 14 Florida 18 - Georgia 6 Yale 21 - Army 14 Wake Forest 6 - Davidson V. M. I. 11 - Maryland 6 Alabama 35 - Sewanee 7 Tennessee 33 - W. andL.0 Notre Dame 7 - Carnegie 0 Villanova 58 - Duke 12 0 ENGINEERS ARE B ACK FROM TOUR Senior Electrical Engineers Visit Charlotte, Badin, and Norwood. The senior class in electrical engineering and three profes sors of the department return ed Friday night from a two day trip during which they attended the meeting of the North Caro lina branch of the American In stitute of Electrical Engineers held at Charlotte and made in spections of several electrical developments in the state. The entire class attended the meetings of the Institute Wed nesday evening and Thursday. After the regular inspection of the Mountain Island Hydro electric Station and the River- bend Steam Plant, Which was a part of the program of the In stitute's meeting, the group made inspection trips of the Car olina Light and Power Com pany's station at Norwood and the plant of the Aluminum Com pany of America at Badin. Members of the class report that during their entire trip they were treated with the ut most courtesy by officials of the companies which they visited. TVia inspection of the two Duke Power Company projects at mountain Island and River bend were made as a part of the program of the regular state meeting. The Riverbend Steam Plant was recently completed and is now the largest steam plant for the making of electri city in the South. The ultimate capacity of the plant is four times its present capacity. On the way back from Char lotte, the group stopped at the Norwood Station of the Carolina Light and Power Company at Norwood, a few miles from Al bemarle. One member of the nartv reported that a novel fea ture of this development is that the generating units instead of being covered as in most plants are exposed on the back of the dam. ' The class plans to attend the next meeting of the North Caro lina branch of the A. I. E. wt,,vt 4 n he held in Raleigh next spring. Statistics on North Caroliira-W P. L Game N.a v. P. L Yards gained thru line 185 42 Yards gained around end 31 3 Passes attempted 10 32. Passes completed 7 9 Passes intercepted by other team 2 6 Yardage on passes .117 215 Penalties: 65 15 Average distance punts 39 38 Yardage on returning other team's punts 27 20 First" downs 17 9 New University Library Stimulates Development Of Special Collections Southern Historical and State Rural Social-Economics Col lections are Being Built Up. By J. P. Huskins The dedication of the Univer sity of North Carolina's new Li brary, with its enlarged housing capacity and greater facilities, asures increased activity in the building up of two important book collections the North Car olina and the. Rural Social- Economics collections. V The modern trend in educa tional practice-shows that - the day of the large private library is passing. Fewer, and fewer men are able to purchase the swiftly growing number of pub lications in their fields. It is-the practice nowadays for. the uni versities to gather for common -I I All use ail important dooks oi tne past and present related to a particular field. It is in this fashion that the North Carolina and the Rural Social-Economics collections have grown up. The North Carolina Collection For the past twenty-five years the University has been actively engaged in the building up of the North Carolina collection. At present this assortment of historical material represents some 40,000 volumes. The movement proper had its beginning with the. completion of (Continued on page two) 'Protective Tariff Great Benefit Editor's note: This article was written by an undergrad uate in an effort to refute the arguments of E. J. Woodhouse, University professor of govern ment, who denounced the protec tive tariff in Thursday's issue of this newspaper. (By a Pennsylvania Republican) The "protective tariff" is by no means the greatest curse that has ever been inflicted upon the people of the United States, it is on the contrary a positive ben efit. It protects our laborers and their standard of living from the competition of the more poorly paid laborers of foreign coun tries. It is very easy to sit in a chair and theorize about evils of a certain system, but I venture to state that if Professor Wood house had to earn his living in a steel mill, he would feel very different about a system which saves him from the terrible con ditions that surround a foreign Local Negro Beats Up White Man Who Insulted His Mule 'You can't kid a nigger about his mule' is an old axiom of the South. But evidently Clyde Wheat did noti know it or chose to disregard it, and as a result he is suffering from a much bat tered and bruised head. It all started when Wheat, local white man, began to guy Harvey. Williams, about his whis kers. Wheat was drunk and Williams was sick, so the negro chose to ignore the remarks. But Wheat met his Waterloo when he asked Williams who owned - - the mule he was driving. "Ain't none of yoh business," Williams retorted verbally, and as that did not seem sufficient he leaped off his wagon and crowned the too verbose Wheat with a lump of coal from a most handy coal bin nearby. The affray took' place in front of the police station while the minions of the law were at the football game yesterday. Dep uty Sheriff Hearn happened to be in the office, and promptly ar rested the men. They were later released on a $100 bond until court Monday in order that Wheat might get aid for his head. Is Hailed As To U. S. Workers laborer even in such forward looking countries as Germany and Belgium. The writer has first-hand knowledge of a report made by the general superintendent of the largest steel mill (privately owned) in Pittsburgh about the conditions prevalent among the working classes in Germany to day. In no way do they enjoy the many advantages enjoyed by the American working man, those advantages which are guaranteed to him by the "pro tective tariff." Even in the most up-to-date mills they are not provided with places to drink. While the American mill-worker is provided with unlimited quan tities of ice-water, the German has to send out to buy some beer in order to quench his thirst, and mill workers get thirsty often. Accordingly many have to go withous a drink all day. It is very difficult to buy gasolin.e in (Continued on page three) Tar Heels Score Almost At Will As Entire I earn Displays Brilliant Form Tar Heel Meeting Tonight In Alumni The Tar Heel staff will hold its regular weekly meeting in the basement of Alumni Building tonight at 7:00 o'clock. AH members of the staff are expected to be pres ent unless excused by the edi tor. 60 HOUR WEEK DENOUNCED BY FRANK GRAHAM University Professor Makes Im promptu Talk ; Deplores Night Work for Women. "The 60 hour week is a dis grace to the commonwealth of North Carolina," declared Frank Graham in an address before a social gathering at the Presby terian church Friday evening. "And this state is one of the few civilized places in the world which permits it. it is a re flection upon the sincerity of our religion," he continued, "that three countries allow night work for women China, Turkey and the United States." In outline, Mr. Graham's talk was as follows : (1) As mem bers of Christian churches we need a new sense of social res ponsibility in the present indus trial situation. . (2) Our social adjustment lags far behind our mechanical advance. (3) We need to study social and industrial history, as writ ten into the records of the past 150 years, in order that we may be intelligent in making social adjustment. (4) Concretely, we need in North Carolina to : reduce the 60 hour week, abolish night work for women and eliminate the fourth great clause in the Child Labor act. , This is the substance of talks that Mr. Graham has been mak ing all over this state for the last four years. At the conclusion of his talk Mr. Graham invited students to join in the session of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service, which plans to take up this subject at its next meeting. In addition to Mr. Graham's impromptu address, the program of the evening, which was en tirely informal, consisted of a rendering of English, Spanish, and Philippine music by Alfredo Nazareno,.a native Filipino who is taking work here at the Uni versity, and the singing of folk songs oy an oi xne guests, wno professed the ability to carry a tune. Parson Moss and Noah Goodrick were hosts. PEEK NOT TO SPEAK AT UNIVERSITY THIS FALL Efforts to obtain F, W. Peek, prominent consulting electrical engineer, to speak before the University student branch of the A. I. E. E. this fall have had to be abandoned because Chapel Hill is not on his itinerary this fall. . 16-14 Defeat at Hands of Gob blers Last Year Is Avenged By Decisive Win. Sweeping over the Gobblers of V. P. I., a Tar Heel attack, battered down to the merest show of resistance last Saturday, rose again to its old might on Kenan field yesterday afternoon to swamp the Virginians under an avalanche of passes and line attacks by the score of 38-13. The orange wave of Carolina brushed aside" the thrusts of the Gobblers and surged down the field, smothering the V. P. I. of fense to tally touchdown after touchdown almost at will. The spectacle of a mighty football team placed opposite a better-than-average eleven revealed to 8,000 fans sparkling exhibitions of good football throughout the contest. Held scoreless for the entire first quarter, the Carolina at tack moved across the V. P. I. goal line four times in the sec ond Quarter to score a total of 26 points. The V. P. I. defense was powerless before the ter rific onslaughts of the deter mined Tar Heels. Time after time in the first half the V. P. I. line held the Carolina backs to- six or . seven yards for three downs, only to see a surprising overhead attack carry the ball far down the field. Five passes accounted for 92 yards and were istrumental in all four touchdowns during the first half. The second quarter opened with Carolina in possession of the ball on the V. P. I. 12 yard line. The V. P. I. defense stiff ened and two tries through the line brought the ball back to the 18 yard line. A short pass, Magner to Parsley, returned the ball to V. -P. I.'s six yard line. Surprising the V. P. I. defense with another pass over the goal line, Magner hurled the ball to Nash for the first touchdown. The quarter was only two min utes old. : . The eveness of the first quar ter had disappeared. V: P. I.'s line began to feel the effect of the persistent battering by the veteran Tar Heel offense. The famed Notre Dame off tackle play opened wide holes in the opposing line for the Tar Heel backs. Underneath it all was the sting of the loss to Georgia last week, spurring the team to a display of strength seldom seen on Kenan field. The sparse crowd began to perk up. Here was big time football. A series of line bucks and timely passes completed the rout of the Gobbler eleven. The sec ond touchdown followed a pass for twenty yards to the three yard line. Spaulding bucked through .the line for the neces sary yards. At this point Coach Collins substituted an entirely new team. Still dazed by the force of the Carolina attack, the Vir ginia eleven allowed two more touchdowns to cross their goal line via the long pass route. A forty yard pass, Ward to Brown, accounted for the third marker of the quarter. Following a (Continued o page three)

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