DEBATE SQUAD MEETING TONIGHT MURPHEY HAUL r GERMAN CLUB MEETING 1:30 FRIDAY GERRARD HALL f y v 1 1 . 6' ; G VOLUME XXXVIII CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 NUMBER 23 PHYSICIANS UNIQUE ilit 1CCIETY Object Is To Assist And Direct Students Traveling in France; Service Is Given Free Of Charge. . Dr. James Bell Bullit, prof es sor of pathology at the Univer sity, received early this month a communication from France which contains information of interest to the students, and es pecially to those who intend to travel or study in France. The letter, sent "by Mrs. Theo dore Hough, a sister-in-law of the late Dr. Whitehead, who was for many. years dean of the medi cal school here, contained an announcement of the opening of the club and clinic, "La Camara derie Francaise," as 16, Rue Boissonade, Paris. "As stated upon the formal announcement card, the aims of, the club are to give information upon courses, studies, researches and to give advice, all gratuitous upon medi cal and other personal matters. But there is much more to the organization than appears on the formal statement. Dr. Hah otte, a French physician of some note, and greatly . interested in young people conceived the idea of establishing a free clinic for foreign students in Paris. He 'also .realized 'that homesickness and financial' worries and other difficulties cause as much unhap piness as ill-health. With this in mind, he advocated, in addi tion to the clinic, a club room . where students would be able iTo gather and meet others and over come the various difficulties that surround them. Other physi cians were interested in the project and the result is "La Camaraderie Francaise." Mrs. Hough, who went to Paris after the death of her husband, who was dean of the medical school at the University of Virginia, became interested in students in Paris, many of whom were lone some, discontented and sick, and without any one to whom they could turn for advice. She helped many forlorn boys and fHrls. sometimes nursing them through periods of sick ness. With the establishment of the "La Camaraderie Francaise," Mrs. Hough served, and is serv ing, as a district nurse for stu dents of all nationalities in Paris. Dr. Hanotte and other physicians in various specialties dve their services whenever f e quired. Neither Mrs. Hough nor the doctors receive any compen sation for their work. Never theless there are expenses m maintaining the clinic and club, and sometimes in even lending financial assistance to impover ished students. ' These necessary expenses are met by Mrs. Hough the French doctors, and many others who have heard of this splendid service, among them the Massachusetts Institute of lech nology. And it is the fond hope of Mrs. Hough someday to see German Club Meeting George Race, President of the German Club, announces that there will be a meeting of the German Club Friday afternoon at 1:30 in Gerrard Hall. At this meeting dance leaders for the Thanksgiving dances will be elected. All members are urged to be present. C 3 ft tfUM sea - C 3 ! f S S 1 E. C. Smith, Manager Carolina Theatre, Offers Two Free Passes For Every New Sub scription ; Marion Alexander In Charge. Tar Heel Reporters Get Passes To Show TO RESUME CHAPEL EXERCISES MONDAY Regular chapel, exercises for the freshmen and; sophomores will be resumed next week. Be cause of -repairs on Memorial hall, chapel will be held in Ger rard hall. As late as 13 years ago Gerrard was used for chap el exercises, the freshman class being seated in the center block downstairs, the sophomore class in the two side blocks, the junior class upstairs on the north side and the senior class upstairs on the south side. At present, how ever, .Gerrard will not seat the entire freshman class. In order to meet this situation half the freshmen will attend two days a week, the other half two days a week, and the sophomore class one day a week. This arrange ment will beV continued until Memorial hali is reopened for general use. Assignment to seats in Ger rard hall will be made during this week. The first chapel ex ercises under the new plans will probably be held next Tuesday, November 5. Certain rearrange ments in seating in Gerrard hall will be made :in the meantime Dr. Sanders Goes To Exercises At Newton Dr. W. B. Sanders, who is connected with the school of public welfare, left yesterday for Newton to attend the district welfare convention. He will speak today on the subject of "Juvenile Courts." Dr Sanders will also be among the speakers at the an nual meeting of the central dis trict welfare association to be held-at Henderson Wednesday, November 6. Others from the University who' will speak at that time are Dr. R. M. Brown of the institute for research in social science and Dr. Harry W. Crane, professor of psychology. The officers of the central dis trict are G. H. Lawrence, presi dent, and Mrs. T. BDavis, sec retary.1 Both are connected with the school of public welfare at the University. " ' Beginning today-a widespread competition to increase the cir-i culation of the Daily Tar Heel will begin, prompted by the cir culation and business depart ments of the Tar Heel and aided by Manager E. Carrington Smith, of the Carolina theatre. For every new subscription turned in to the business depart ment, Manager Smith will give two passes to the show, good either Wednesday or Thursday of next week, when the feature will be one of the finest pictures of the year, "Flight," which is featuring Jack Holt, Lila Lee and Ralph Graves. ' The new subscriptions may be for three months at $1, or for the remainder of the year at $2. In either case, passes valued at 80 cents will be the premium offered as a reward to the can vassers. The -business staff, approxi mating 20 men, will begin work tomorrow. The contest is open to all students, and any num ber of subscriptions may be, turned in. A stand will be placed near the entrance tothe Caro lina, to facilitate the' work of receiving the subscriptions and directing the campaign, which is in charge of Marion Alexan der. : Graduate students, . resi dents of Chapel Hil and resi dents of Carrboro will be reached in the effort to expand the- already' growing subscrip tion list of the Daily Tar Heel. Tickets to the Carolina thea tre have been. awarded to four Tar Heel reporters for efficient work during the past week. George Sheram, Milt Wood, G. M. Cohen and B. H. Whitton re ceived the passes, which are awarded through the courtesy of E. C. Smith, manager of the Carolina. ' The passes are awarded every week on the basis of excellent work in securing special stories, general interest m the news paper, efficiency in covering beats and , making of deadlines. The editor and managing editor announce the recipients of passes at the weekly staff meetings. Changes To Be Made In Absence Reports Magazine Notice There will be a short meet ing of the Carolina, Magazine staff and of all students who wish to contribute during the year to the literary publica tion Friday night at seven o'clock in the Tar Heel and Magazine 1 editorial offices, basement of Alumni building. All members now on the staff are expected to attend, and any others interested in liter ary work are invited to be present. John Mebane Editor Magazine LYNCH TO SPEAK TO WILLIAM CAIN CHAPTER TONIGHT IVRTR iiilil urn UARY-D, V DEBATE QUERY ,- IS -AMOIMCED Forensic Discussion To Be Held In Gerrard Hall December 10; Try-outs Held Soon. New York Engineer To Talk On Com pressed Air Tunnelling. What's Happening "La Camaraderie Francaise so well subsidized . by universities of this country that the wonder-1 ful work of the clinic and cluD will be able to extend itself so as to reach every foreign stu dent in Paris. Mrs. TTnn eh invites the stu dents the University of North Carolina to register with "La Camaraderie Francaise" when they go to Paris. It will put them under no obligation and will probably enable them to find their way around and become acclimated so much easier. 10.:30 a. m. Meeting of all freshmen and sophomores in Gerrard hall to get chapel seat assignments. 7:15 p. m. Meeting of mechan iral enerineering students m Phillips hall for formation of Mechanical Engineering soci ety. v; r; ... i xtt-11 ; . 7 1 K n. m. Meeting 01 Wimam roi r"hnntpr A. o. L. m uatu Phillips hall. 7-15 p. m. Meeting oi siuuun 'chapter A. I. E. E. in Phillips hall.' 7 :30 p. m. Debate squad meets in 201 Murphey. 9:00 p. m. Hallowe'en dance at Roycroft warehouse m Durham. 7 an n.. m. Lutheran student as- ... i 1 ' TT11 TTrn'on sociation noias : nanu w ? social- in Presbyterian social rooms. Engineers To Form Mecham Society A;meeting for the organiza tion of a group of mechanical engineering students which will later petition the American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers for a student branch of the or ganization will be held tonight at 7:15 in Phillips hall. The organization which is to be begun tonight will take the form of a mechanical engineer ing society which will conduct meetings during the remainder of the year. Next-fall or pos sibly next spring the society will petition the national society for a chapter. The American Society of Me chanical Engineers in the na tional organization of mechani cal engineers, and the local stu dent branch, if secured, will have the same relation to the nation al organization as the two stu dent branches of the civil and electrical engineering societies have to their national organizations'. Dr. Wilson Away Dr. Louis R. Wilson, Univer sity librarian, left last Tuesday for New -York City where he will attend a meeting of the ad visory group on college libraries of the Carnegie corporation. He will return to Chapel Hill about next Monday. The action of the undergrad uate faculty on October 25 changes the absence report sys tem from a daily to a weekly basis. The registrar's office ex plains that this does not mean a separate, report for each day of the week, but one report for each section'1 of each class for a five-day period. It is further suggested that such a report would read : John Doe, 10-23, 24, 25, were he absent from, say, French 4, sectiqn 2, these three dayiof . the week October 20-25. Members of the undergraduate faculty will note that no change has been made-in the form of the absence report blanks. Ob servation and trial prove the practicability of the present blank, and, too, ten thousand such forms have recently been made. These have to be used before others are printed. The registrar's office recom mends - that reports, for each week be prepared after the last class on the final class day of each week, which is usually Fri day, and sent directly to the reg istrar's office by ihter-office mail. Such reports should not be placed in the boxes scattered about in the various classroom buildings because they will no longer be collected by special messenger. The regulation as passed by the undergraduate faculty pro vides for the new system's being used immediately. The week of October 28 to November 2 will, therefore, be the first during which this scheme is operative. Please note that this faculty action does not in any way change the former regulation re garding special notices to a stu dent's dean when that student has been absent five, eight, and ten times. The undergraduate deans are able to cooperate with the teaching staff effectively only when these special reports are made promptly. T. J. W1LSOJN, JK., Registrar. John Lynch, a graduate of the University and now junior engi neer of tunnel construction of the city of New York, will speak to the William Cain student branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers at its regu lar meeting to be held tonight in Phillips hall. In addition to the talk by Mr. Lynch there will be student talks by two members of the sen ior class. Mr. Lynch, as junior engineer of tunnel construction for the city ol New York, has had ex perience with compressed air tunnelling and his talk Thursday will deal with this topic. Mr. Lynch graduated from the University in 1928, taking a de gree of B. S. m civil engineer ing. Immediately after' gradu ation he became connected with the engineering work in New York and has remained there. He is visiting Raleigh on a vaca- ion, and makes the trip to Chap el Hill to speak before the sqei ety. According to announcements made Tuesday night by forensic committees of the Di and Phi, the following query will be used in the Mary D. Wright debate: "Resolved, That the Hawley Smoot tariff bill now pending be fore the special session of the seventy-first congress should be passed as introduced." The Di senate team will uphold the nega tive, while the representatives of the Phi assembly will contend for the affirmative. The debate will be held in Ger rard hall on the night of De cember 10. According to cus tom, the Di and Phi will attend in a body. Tryouts will be held in both the Di and Phi some time in the near future." .The exact dates can be learned from officials of the two societies. The Mary D. Wright debate is always held in December. All members who are in good stand ing are eligible to try for the team of their respective society. A reasonable amount of attend ance is included in the term good standing. Infirmary List j A J. P. Harland Will Talk To Engineers The University chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers will meet Thursday evening, October 31, at 7:15 in Phillips .hall, room 206. J. P. Harland, professor - of arche ology, will talk on problems in Greek architecture. The lecture is o be illustrated. Professor Harland has been doing research work in Greece and Egypt. 742 FRESHMEN REPRESENT EIGHTEEN Nathan Brenner 1 Is Baby " Of 1933 Class ' STATES AND EIGHTY-EIGHT COUNTIES B. W. Woodley is connned m the infirmary with the mumps ; I. W. Sachs is in the McPherson hospital with sinus trouble; J. C. Goodwin is also in the hos pital as a result of -a motorcycle accident. ! Education Students Will Meet Friday All students in the school of education who have selected "EVPTirli Pifhpr as a maior or minor and, intend to take Edu cation 71 either this year or next, are asked to meet Hugo Giduz inPeabbdy 23 at chapel period, Friday, November 1. He will discuss the prerequisites and preparation necessary for admis sion to this course. , The average age of the first- year students registered in the various undergraduate" schools and the. college of liberal arts at the University for the fall quarter, 1929-30, is 18 years, 9 months and 14 days. Edward Brenner, chemical engineering student and son of Nathan Bren ner of Hendersonville, is the "baby" of the class of 1933, ac cording to dates of birth as giv en hV the students. He is 14 years old. Seven hundred forty two students fall under the first- year classification. Geographically, the first-year group comes from. 88, of the counties of North Carolina, from 18 states other than North Caro ina, and from China, the Cana Zone, and the District of Colum bia. ' . - . V l Guilford, county leads the North Carolina delegation with a total of 337. Mecklenburg fol lows with 32 and Forsyth is a close third with 29. Buncombe and Wake each have 22 first- year men, and Gaston has 20. New.Hanover with 18, Johnston with 16, Orange and Union with 15; each, and Alamance" and Rowan with 14 each are other leaders. Counties with ten or more, exclusive of those already named, are -Beaufort, - Durham, Halifax, Harnett, Iredell, Moore, Nnsh. Pitt. Rockingham, Land Sampson. New York state leads the out- of-state representation with a total of 36. Virginia, displaces South Carolina, which latter state has of late years followed closely behind New York in num bers registered. The Old Domin ion has 17 first-year students, while the Palmetto state has 15. Other states represented are Massachusetts, Georgia, Penn sylvania, Mississippi, Maryland, Connecticut, California, Ohio, ' ' ' M. 1 t Illinois, Tennessee, AiaDama, Florida, West Virginia and Tex as. The District of Columbia, China, and the Canal Zone also have students enrolled. One hundred seventy-six of the first-year men carry the mark . of paternal pride in their names, " this number bearing "Jr." after their names. Five others complete their signatures With the Roman "HI," while one youngster displays unpar donable satisfaction with pre ceding generations in his family by the use of the rare "IV" after his name. In all departments, schools, and the college in the University the total registration for all classes for the fall quarter, ac cording to figures believed to be accurate, is 2,624. This number is considerably in excess of last year's fall- registration, but is fewer - by - seven than, the peak registration in 1927.

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