TAR HEEL MEETING 7:00 TONIGHT j ALUMNI BUILDING TAR HEEL MEETING 7:00 TONIGHT ALUMNI BUILDING "VOLUME XXXVIII n s , f,. m k m If II Iff ""i nUni ! I ( , i i t 7 o Garners Purvey Iep " CHAIinJ NUMBER30 T "TTT nITTA AT If I H ? lTI IB I If UTIf I : H 1 1 ! . TTT siwT Iff Af5 m a Statement That Coach Has As sumed Duties of Physical Education Director Due to ,e- r ' 99 jTllaCUiiccp uyiu President Chase COPY BULLETIN 23 IS RECEIVED HERE With the receipt at the" Uni versity of the full Carnegie re port on college athletics last week instead of in December as the newspapers had previously announced, President Chase yes terday issued his first statement on the report. "A misconception is respon sible for the statement that the head coach has assumed the au thority of the director of physi cal education," said Dr. Chase's statement in part. "This is not the correct state of affairs here. "Since Carolina is largely a self-selp institution," President Chase continued, "many students work their way through. No preference, however, is shown toj athletes in the distribution of self-help opportunities, scholar ships, or loan funds." Dr. Chase said the University would rather risk an occasional in j ustice than exclude athletes entirely from scholarships, loan funds, and the ' like. ' Dr. 5 Chase has only glanced over the bulletin, which' has raised many problems about the presenstate of college athletics in America. It contains so" much - matter that more leisurely read inc is neeessarv to digest it thoroughly. Only two copies of the report have arrived at the University: - one is Dr. Chase's private copy, and the other will be placed in the education' library Monday. Many students -who Have ex pressed a desire to read the re port will be able to obtain it there. A copy of the bulletin mav be obtained, free of charge, from the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York. lr I rl LAW SCHOOL HAS FOUR'ASSISTANTS Anderson. Hovle. Parker, and Smith Selected as Legal Research Helper's. DR. GRAY WEL ELWER THREE LECTURES1ERE Noted Clergyman and States man Will Begin Serieti of Talks Wednesday. Collins Uses Many Men lar Heels . Trample tate's W olf pack '32 A s Dr. Harry W. Chase, presi dent of the U niversity, issued his first statement yesterday since the publication of the Car negie Survey Report on Inter collegiate Athletics. Dr. v Chase declared that he saw no reason for discriminating against a man because he was an athlete in the awarding of scholarships. In line with an ambitious pro- rrnm nf lpcal rp.sparr.h. the law Rftlmnl ndav annmmppd the an- Ur. A. MerDert uray, onuwi nmnmoTif nf fmir sninripH stii- clersTvman ana statesman, wm rtmt rpsparrli assistants to the arrive here : irom AireensDoro faculty. . Wednesday, November. 6 to de- rri, WQ eft o rp liver a series ot lectures, ut. I . , - J K Hin ttti t a. John Anderson, Walter Hoyle, y 4" V T TI P PorW r,r1 A fC Smith. Will De tne guest oi uie X tii Each is to devote twelve hours a Carolina mn. week, on salary, to the work of Dr. Gray will begin his pro- assistiVe- the facultv in re- gram Wednesday night aw:$u fipn4i nrniPrts. - by leading a faculty ana graa- r rf - i . l.H Mr. Anderson has been assign- uate seminar m I5ingnam nan. . I mi- : i nil -m am hora v i v, -fioi nf nrnnrsu of the faculty who are inter- XWX.-WWXXV iii ' - -. , . XT..' tions. Mr. Hoyle has been as- estea, wnetner m tu Hiimprt-to Professor Van Hecke scnooi or not. Dr. Gray will speaK again in chapel Thursday morning at 10 :30. Then at 7:30 that night he will speak to a joint meet inff of all the Y cabinets, at which time the board of direc tors of the Y will be present. At 8 :30 p. m. he will speak to a mass meeting in Gerrard hall for work in connection with the restatement of contracts. Mr. Parker is to assist Miss Lucile Elliott, law librarian, and Mr. Smith, the student editor-in-chief of the North Carolina Law Review, is to assist Profes sor Wettach: the faculty editor- in.p'hipf in the supervision Ot 111 m : , A. Regular Staff Meet ! The regular meeting of the Tar Heel editorial staff and reporters will be held tonight at 7 o'clock in Alumni build ing. All members of the staff are expected to attend unless excused by the editor. New men who wish to try out for the staff are expect ed to attend this meeting as no further try-outs will be held this fall. Raleigh Team Outclassed From Beginning; Carolina Line Holds to Keep. State From Scoring. X RELEASES Ml -.H PRESS JOHNSONS BOOK Author Previously Collaborated With Howard W. Odum In Negro Folk-Lore Works. a- the student editorial staff of the on the subject of Men s and publication. N. C. T6 Beautify The Davis Highway $1,600 To Be Spent; Red and White Crepe Myrtle Trees To Be Planted. Traders In This Village Escaped Losses In Panic in chapel. The Chapel -Hill citizens who trade in stocks most of them, anvwav suffered no serious loss in the recent panic. They liffious workers council at 6:30 Women's Relationships." At 10:30 a. m. Friday morn ing Dr. Gray will speak again Then at 1 p. m. he will attend a faculty luncheon fTUTon in Viis honor.- He wiU gl . . close his program by a talk to the monthly meeting of the re- John Henry," a new book by Prof. Guy B. Johnson, who pre viously collaborated with Prof. Howard W. Odum m "The Negro' and His Songs" and "Negro Workaday Songs," is now ready for release by the University of North "Carolina Press. - ' For some time Prof essor John son has been engaged in tracking Nash and Ericlison i Feature With Runs The North Carolina State Wolf pack slunk back to its lair yesterday humbled and beaten by a strong Tar Heel eleven, 32-0, before 8,000 spectators. Their claws rendered impotent by a charging line, State fell be fore a bewildering attack by one of the largest scores in the 36 years of competition. But once during the entire contest did the Tech men threaten the Carolina goal. The great Tech team of 1927, Which defeated Carolina 19-6, and the fighting team of ; last ; year, which held a favored Tar Heel eleven to a 6-6 tie, was not in evidenpe on the field of bat tle today.' Line plays were smothered before well under way, and passes were, KnocKeq down or intercepted. : 5 The. mixture of straight foot ball and a deceptive passing at tack was too much for State. Where a line play failed to gain a pass netted the necessary I p. m. Plans are noW underway for the expenditure of the lbuu fund recently authorized by the state division of the Daughters of the Confederacy for the beau- tification of the North Carolina section of the ' Jefferson Davis highway, it was . announced here today by Mrs. John H. Ander son of Chapel Hill, state direc tor of the highway. The Jefferson Davis highway passes from the National Capi tal through the most beautiful 1 and historic sections of this , . L, nn to the racuic jjr. Ajnase s staxemeut m .iuu A is as follows: coast, states traver sed by "The bulletin of the Carnegie this road have recently been -t T iWe athletics vieing with each other m beauti- has now been distributed. From tying the highway, a hastv reading of its nearly The North Carolina division foL hundrt pages, the follow- of the United Wters, of h ing facts stand out. First, the Confederacy plans to make the later Associated Press dispatches section of the joad that jas were correct in stating that the JSd University of North Carolina is most beautiful and ren0 university oi u., 0f the country. It is mentioned orUy f e ' aTm to plant red and white is commended for the iorm y .M )nll!, the its athletic control and for the crepe W"-, keeping of its athletic recoras way the sec- mi j-iz-r TManA in r.ii iuclu - and accounts, 'ine uuiu -r. , road adi0ining their tion states that the head coach ban of Toad ad o. g seems to have assumed an au- prop" , . ... . mid f bpautification of the large granite markers placed at the boundaries, ot tne sute. got out of the market while the prices were still fairly high. Very few of them are traders Lesrion Arranges in 'the Wall Street sense of that TV) Present Play word. That is, they do not op- On; November 10 erate on margin. They buy, out- ;, ; . right, stocks that they think are The Chapel Hill post of the o-nnd and hold them primarily American Legion has arranged for investment ; but sometimes, to present the famous moving when they read m the newspa- picture, play, ;The boui oi pers that stock prices have had France," Sunday afternoon and a big rise, they sell out and reap evening, November 10, at the a good profit: Carolina Theatre m connection ThP stock of the Cities Ser- with. the celebration of Armis- Ux,Vo PnTymnnv. which has beenltice Day. There will be no ad- bnno-bt. extensively in this sec- mission charge, but there win . . - i . -1 1 tinn lare-elv because it has been be a free-will ottering ior tne marketed actively through its benefit of the fund which the subsidiary, the Durham Public Legion post uses for the reiiei Service Company, experienced 0f the disabled World War vet one, of the worst declines in erans. Wall Street last week and this The presentation of the pic- week. It dropped from 68 to 22 ture is made by the--coopera-. in about- fifteen days, most of tion 0f e. Carrington Smith, the drop- coming between iabi manager'' of the Carolina, . with Thursday and -last Tuesday. But the officers of the post. A many Chapel Hill owners haacommittee 0f Legionnaires called sold out on the rise. One mer- n Mr. Smith and asked for chant here sold his holdings at the of the theatre to present 66, two points from the peaK. a benefit performance the 10th. .... ! "1 Will put Uie uimuc jvut Prof. Myer Will bpeaR disposai and try -to get you any TO oopnumuic jauiHti picture you want, ne iepucu. r . After a discussion they aeciaea Prof. H. D. .Myer of the soci- . WQT. Hrnnia which the is now drawing large crowds in New York. Continued on last page) Dr. Wilson Bleets Carnegie Library aiAWA -It VAir well as to the improvement Group in New York e gmaller markers along the . . i c down a negro legend the legend UrorHs WIiph a tiass threw the of John Henry, the Paul Bun- line off guard a quick thrust yan ot tne soutn, tne natural trough the. middle or a concert man" who died "with his ham- ed drive off tackle made it first mer'm his hand." Was he man down with ten to go. ., A ' - - " 11.. I . ' or x myth r xso one reauy Thirty-three players, three knows. Did he actually win a ii tpamsl were used by Coach race with a steam drill while Inimir ru-n n win tbp. frav. - - XX tlvlk VV"i"W w mf - driving steel in Big Ben Tunnel? Every possible substitute on the . Maybe. y sidelines saw some service dur- Whether John Henry lived or ng the afternoon. No combina- whether he was simply the tion was favored over any other, Negro's fabrication of the super- and all relentlessly pushed the human hero, the legends about ball into Tech territory, with a nim iMKe iascixianxi icawxiis, setoacK nere ana xnere, uiiaii arid the ballads that have add to the string of markers, sprung up "about him are some second string eleven started of the richest in Negro' lore. the contest. After an exchange "John Henry is, I suppose," of punts Carolina took the ball says Professor Johnson, "the in midfield. A pass Maus to Negro's greatest folk character. Nash carried the ball to the 17 f His fame is sung m every nooK yard line. Maus snot anotner and corner of the United btates bullet-like heave to lirown ior where Negroes live, sung often- the first touchdown. est by wanderers and laborers State received the kickotf on who could tell three times as their own 34 yard line. The much about John Henry as they Carolina line stiffened and State could about Booker T. Washing- was forced to punt. Nash re- ton." v ceived the kick on his own 40 Aside from the popular inter- yard line and side-stepped est, Professor Johnson had a through the entire State team special interest in finding f or a touchdown. The long run whether there is any basis ml Was one of the prettiest broken- (Continued or page three) keeping -rk- t T? W son. univer- nignwaj sity librarian, has gone w licv df other states York to attend . - meeting of tto withJPcyo advisory group of college u- to historic spots thru Sans of the Carnegie Corpor- nng t P atln. . ,.... ,iin!i was the first Dr. Wilson is playmg an , m- V"" manent jnark- creasingly important part m the state to place P and library activities of the South. ers along her J He as receAtly ; elected, pre it w the pto of dent of the North rnf ederacy to make this brary association for, the th rd of the t time. He has also serveu tne the highway. term as president of the South- entirewbonofttie.:; eastern, Library astu which he was nlncv denartment ' will speak Monday night at 7:15 to sophomore i capmet. J rpv. Alfred S. Lawrence, state Prof . Myer will be the secona . n ag well of a series oi oi .. ers on- the sopnomore p memorial service for the year. ,w Prof. t. , Q f imit9 talk . i- XI. . 3 Ha. aim j.aiciv m. Mosher oi me tuuwuuu , hnwn on partment, the first of the senes - - - of speakers, spoke last which will be timed n6t to con flict with the church services, Robert B. House is expected to welcome the crowd and say few words about the post's pur- fact for the legends that have snrung up about John Henry. What was Ms relation to John Hardy ? In his research in this 'tWa' TTniversitv Dro- eonr line nTnflSRfid more eVl- ' iU-UAX dence about this Paul Bunyan of 4 :dO-b :00 bunaay the South and more versions of rich balladry than have before been brought together. T marvel," writes Professor Johnson, "that some new JNe groes with an artistic bent do B. Y. P. U. Drive x Iq in SS mi. wbo snme iiuuuaw ... . ,nr,mp.nt orator enrinir a comu . . - - t Avflirriv 1 a in for the -raauauuii - "Reeinning with today the B Y. P. U. will begin an extensive pose in presenting the play. will run through next week m- , fnrv residents are eluding Sunday, November 10: reQUested by Dean Bradshaw to Tonight will be co-ed night at see that no football is' played on the Methodist Epworth league, tne lawn arounu uie u v ftn ducted All students are asked to co rne vlvklhul win wv, wu i j j. - entirely by the co-eds of the operate with the presidents m TTr,irQifv looxing alter ine wwu. What's Happening afternoon of the tea at Darish house Episcopal church. 7:00 p.m. Meeting of the en tire staff of the Daily Tar Heel in the basement of the Alumni building. not exploit the wealth of John 7:00 p.m. All students wish- Henrv lore. Here is material for an epic poem, for a play, for an onera. for a Negro symphony. "Ma vhp th ere was no J ohn Henry," concludes the author. ing to try. out for the staff of the Daily Tar Heel should meet with the entire staff in the basement of the Alumni building. I . . i "One can easily doubt it.- But 7:30 p.m. Meeting ot the dusi- there is a vivid, . fascinating, j ness stau oi me .y iai tragic legend about, him which Heel, basement ot tne Aiumni Negro folk have kept alive and building. -have cherished for more than MONDAY J ' ; half a century and in so doing 7:30 p.m. Kehearsal oi tne W bave f kihed the culture community chorus m uerrara of America. . And so, wi "; ; his lineage in reality dispu , his grave un marked, Johr Henry's spirit goes marchin 1 cn, hall. ' ' ; TIXESDAY 8:00 p.m. Meeting of the Philo logical club in Smith building. ." Chars el exercises will be held ti. vrill return Hon- 11870. day.

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