Z1 .'" frf "JOB'S KINFOLKS" 8:30 TONIGHT PLAYMAKERS THEATRE DR. HERBERT GRAY 10:30 TODAY GERRARD HALL PLH r VOLUME XXXVHI HALL lU Or. Gray Speaks On Men's GIVE READING And Women's Relationships i - , , ti Modern World Needs Readjust Techmcal Director of Play- ment of Sex Life; Companion- maKers w shir f mmi t, oi u Start When Youth Is in Teens; CHAPEL HILL, N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 NUMBER 43 makers "Journey's End." Elmer Hall, technical director of the Carolina Playmakers, will trive a reading of R. C. Sheriff's Tlav. "Journey's End," Sunday night at 8:30 at the Playmaker theatre. This is the second of a series Petting and Flirting ire De tracting; Great Marriage Is Affinity of Mind, Spirit and Body. Dr. Herbert Gray "What the modern world needs above all other things is a readjustment of its sex life." . i - of readings given annually oy declared Dr. A. Herbert Gray, the Playmakers. The first was well known British minister and a reading or bnaKespeare s statesman m an address last "Taming-of the Shrew" by Pro- night in Gerrard hall. f essor Frederick Koch. The subiect of the TWiisfc. Mr. Hall stated that due to the man's talk was "Men's and Vo- length of the play he originally men's Relationships," and every meant to cut it, but that he had phase of that all-important sub- decided that to secure a proper ject was scholarly and scien interpretation it would be nec- tifically dealt with by Dr. Gray. essary to read the entire play. Sex pr0perly managed leads "Journey's End" has attract- to the growth, and enrichment ed wide attention. It was at 0f human life," he declared, "and first intenlded for an amateur to the enrichment of personal- production, v dul cnucs wu ities. hailed it as a great play. Until Dr. Gray is out of patience it was written no one nau, M cugtom Qf tellmg cording to many critics, Vmy children fictitious tales regard Local High School Kakes Hiah Scores In Statewide Test Carolina Playmakers Present Job9s .Kinf oiks5 expressed the late war "In contrast to the bawdmess ing birth, declaring that there of 'What Price Glory , Mr. Hall children if told the facts would . J. ,j I aii vnmr o siaieu, i be embarrassed, lie intimated sents the war trom a gentleman b that a child is a moSt apt pu. standpoint. - . , pil who demands accurate facts. mi Hi. Z il nHanri r . me puDiic . . tu Z "Truth makes for freedom," the reading. Dr. AHerbert Gray, promin ent minister and leader in the British Labor party, addressed three audiences in Chapel Hill vesterdav. He snoke to a mass Imeet.ine- in 'Gerrard hall last o night pn "Men's and Women's Relationships." Dr. Gray will speak again today in chapel. What's Happening TEACHERS ATTEND RALEIGH MEETING TODAY 10 :30 a. m. Dr. Gray speaks at chapel period in Gerrard hall. 4 :00 p. m. Carolina-Duke cross country meet for varsity and freshman teams at Kenan stadium. 7:30 p. m. Spanish meeting in the Episcopal parish house. 8 :30 p. m. Playmaker perform ance of "Job's Kinf oiks." I- 8 :30 p. m Lecture by Dr. Her bert Gray in Gerrard hall. SATURDAY r he said, "and it is only man's perversion of truth that makes it bad. "The first experience of . a Tfco nnrth central district youin in sex cumem iac iccuo, . meeting of the North Carolina1 said the" speaker, "when young vJ 'Anrint.inn. which people are mutually attracted to will meet at Raleigh today, will each other and friendships are .hv several members formed. These companionships of the training school- depart- are of great importance to the 4. v,Q 0p-hnnl nf education, growing boy and girl. A youth nn.: ni,Qff nf hiffh school should therefore resolve to go o spbnol teachers about and get the best out ot throughout this district will also these companionships and throw v ,w.-hv most of the his whole self into them. uc aiitnuvu 7 j ... . ii teachers of Chapel Hill High. "if petting and flirting is the nf all the ese earlv com- representatives in the . Baleigh panionships, then the experience 8 : 0 p m -Paker district will be -held this morn- is detracting, cut n me uug x J ing and tonight, while meetings pe0ple share social and religious Carolina. mets Gamecocks at of the various departments ui me as wen, men i Columbia. S..U. the association will be held this and helpful. afternoon at two o'clock. i believe if there is a change Among the University's rep- f6r the better, that it is up to resentatives, . Professor M. R. the young people themselves to Trabue, of the school of educa- estabiish the new standards, tion, will deliver a lecture to the they must be sincere and grammar grade teachers on the straight-forward. topic, "Characteristics of Sue- "Belief and practice in the im- i t l : r.raTnmar . f 4-v,aaa ijir1v rela- Schools." Professor Giduz has onshi wiu only'lead to the , man w 1 author m a been asked by the president ot conditions 0f great marriage," wrtn aany w the Modern Languages see on decl d the speaker in introdue- M1 of the state association to act as . his last point. very mucn mrolina chairman for the formation of ..Nothing is so important as University of North Carolina , , ... .j. -u;a vipnart- ' - i. Tt. pnTinot be even though he had been nere a local section 01 a great - - - , ip f ment in the Raleigh district, and merely physical, any more than hardly 12 hours at the time of -ii, i v,a nroraniza- un morplv intellectual, the interview. , win De engageu i" n can , , i xi i. n dnrine theUof Tnnmaffe is the affinity Dr. 'Gray declared that of all .4.i Li! crM'rif and body. Uv.e colleeres and universities m Other members of the tram- When genuine -fove leads to America that he has visited, the ing school department of the marriage and passes on University has tne most Scores for the Chapel Hill high school m all subjects are far I above' the. average for the state, results of a state wide test made public Thursday re peat. In all of the eight sub jects! tested by the educational authorities of the state, the lo cal high school was far. above the average for the state. The greatest increment is shown in in. The state average is on ly 911 while thft, average for the Chapel Hill high school is 20.5. With the publication of the results of the survey the system of teaching employed in the high school here was disclosed. Six seniors in the school of educa tion give part time instruction service in the local school. In return for this privilege, in structors in the school of edu cation give free service to the faculty of the school. Speaking of. . the practice, E. R. Mosher, of the school of edu cation in the university said: "Patrons of the local school may rest assured that the interests of their children are properly safeguarded. The results of the 1929 high school senior; examin ation indicate that the general trend of instruction in the Chap el Hill high school instead of be ing lower is. higher than the state standard- in every depart ment." Subjects tested are as fol lows English- forms, reading and literature, reading, his torical, American history, Latin, French, mathematics, and gen eral science. SOME REASONS WHY MARINE BAND HAS BECOME SO FAMOUS Three Act Version of Loretto' Carroll Bailey's Play To Be Given Again Tonight and. Saturday. ? Sousa Conducted Organization Twelve Years. for History Department Meets In Saunders . At the regular departmental meeting of the history depart ment yesterday evening, S. B. Barnes read a paper on the sub ject, "Franco-Italian Relations." Dr. H. M. Wagstaff led the dis piissirvn after the reading. The meeting was held at 7 :30 o'clock in 304 Saunders halL : : 4- A Typical Habit Of American Youth Is C6urtesy Says Dr. A. Herbert Gray In Interview Dr. A. Herbert Gray of Lon- idon, eminent clergyman, states- Hany people seem to wonder why the United States Marine Band, which is coming here Nov. 14, is so famous. Take a glance j at some of these statistics and you'll say, "No wonder the Ma rine Band is so famous and so good!" The United States Ma rine Band carries on all its tours over 2,000 pounds of instru ments and music. . There are 50 members in the band on all trips ; each of these men average 18 years of service with the band. Since all its members are en listed, the Marine Band has to practice two hours every day in the year except Sundays. Captain Branson has been a member of the band since he j - was 17 years old. In the 129 years of its exis tence the band has had only nine leaders. The drummer, Wilbur Kieffer, has been drumming for over 25 years. The baggage of the band in travel consists of 42 trunks; a special baggage car accompanies the band on all trips. Mrs. Coolidge, hvan article on "Social. Life at the White House," in a recent issue of the American Magazine, pays high tribute to the Marine fiand as the' chief item in the success of any program at the White House. 1 The Marine Band has played at the inauguration of every United States president from Thomas Jefferson to Herbert Hoover. The Marine Band was lead by Sousa for 12 years. 36,000 people attended the Marine Band concert recently in Kansas City. , In each city where? the band has played on this ', tour, the Mayor has declared an official Marine Band Day, and the city's main street was draped in Unit ed States flags. . In its present tour the Band is covering 18 cities in 13 dif- The tour will re- Last night the Carolina Play makers presented" Loretto Car roll Bailey's three-act play,, "Job's Kinf oiks," at the Play- maker theatre. The perform ance will be repeated tonight and Saturday night. "Job's Kinf oiks" is a story of the struggle in the lives of a. family of mill-workers living in the piedmont section of North Carolina. The play brings in. the reaction of three generations of these mountain people who seek vainly to adjust themselves to a closely organized society, in of activities engaged m oy American college students is arnazinff to a visitor from a for-jferent states. - ----- ,i . . . eign country. One of the most quire nine weeks. iVni Tiahi nf the American The cities that the Marine JJii I , . college youth is courtesy. If and as on its present tour, m Ma nf nrnmot- order, are as follows: tUUl IVUjr KJ jt i i , j ing higher ideals, the younger niiadeipma, uieyeiano, uranu ,.on i VnpnHpH tn an alti- Rapids, Chicago, St. Louis, Kan tude of social relations such as sas City, Oklahoma City, Fort which there are the "poor peo ple" and "the rich that's got say- so over the poor." Then there is the conflict of the older gen eration who seek to solve the problem, and the younger gen eration who give up trying to find an answer, and seek to es cape. Of the author, Loretto Carroll Bailey, Professor . Koch says, "Her first play, 'The Deserter,' written m her senior year at the Richard Reynolds high school (Winston-Salem) was a play about the mill people dealing with the problem of heredity. It won first prize in the state dra matic tournament at Chapel Hill in 1925, and received honorable mention in the National Little Theatre tournament in New York in the same year, InWm- ston-Salem are some of the model mills of the state. There are no separate schools for the mill children, and from her childhood Loretto Bailey has known inti- mately the lives of the workers at the spindles. "'Job's Kinf oiks' was first written in the University play writing course in 1927. The first draft was a failure, but all who heard it at the author's reading were impressed with the vivid ness of the characterization. Encouraged to go on with it, the author worked all the next night, and appeared the follow ing morning with an entirely new play which retained only one character from her original Continued on last page) ing school department oi true marriage ana pa - university uao " V T r rW British camnaign which school of education who to great maf se, the latter wj. ful U f has c ; present at this meeting anu as sist at the work are Professors Farrar, King, Gwynn, Munch, and Preston. M. R. TRABUE TOATTEND insist that the, natural ana noi- and adequate equippm ui uy- ti. s ,nv aorp is nareiii- ifA onvwhere m me wunu, ui. 10 mairesuiLuiiiiw&-. xuuii ..- , a KVipre iS no parentage, j)r Gray, DUL tne gicit- lerroicu ' there is.. u saia xji. l- . . , , : . ,.n . ltof c11,1-pf, R. TRABUE TO ATTEND the union is not perfect. est problem they have to contend g0od deal of time to that subject pf Roseboro, N. C, i EDUCATIONAL MEETING then tne t an gtandarda A new attitude should be and with a case of the mv Prof essor M. R. Trabue, direc- Unselfish level- , . . standard this Unmanitv is to progress and hap- tor of educational research m .at which piness is to be promoted," he the school of education, who attained in a few asserted. "If . sex was under bill speak at the districT hpr wiU ci0Se his It tikes several centuries stood and properly anaiea n N a ' is aiso iaid Up mg of the North Carolina -auu- eon. A""h this evening develop a standard able to most of the degrading ideals oi w . tin 4ccftni0Hr, t. Raleigh to- senes of .talks nere una to develop I. OOOQQ rrti k obliterated wlin a Lom' oouuaum; - , , , oHflresses the montinjr ontltoin all tests. Amencair uigu- tne " . . day, will leave immed.atelyf- when he addresse 9 work- Sf '"-Ltions of learning are Dr.. Gray is the author of sev- ter the oinmment 01 xm meeuns .1 cl t.t ...i mtS hnnVs nn soci nuJZl ::J:;;" meeting of council at 8:30 S Charles O. Matthews, junior, Engineering Students Inspect Planes at Raleigh Air Field Five students in the engineer ing school and N. P. Bailey, in structor in aeronautics and ma chine design, visited the Raleigh field of the Curtis flying field has never been attained before. Worth, Texas, San Antonio, Tex-'Wednesday for the purpose of ,,, , axr . . as, Houson, Texas, New Orleans, inspecting the construction de- GWat? Savannah, Ga., Columbia, S. C, tails of planes there, ter by profession, he finds time q rhar. Chanel OTn,in iTiaTiected seVen ' to act as statesman. In the last xT Ti,.Vih.. fi.- mil, lNUixuitt., yet., . tiiM j-vxiy xypes 01 pianes cit iiv. mbnd, Va. ' Curtis Robin, a Challenger Rob in, two Cessna cabin monoplanes, a ' Gypsy Moth (an English plane) , a Curtis Fledgling (a dual control traimng ship), a Commandaire and a Doyle Ori ole. While at the field, they also inspected steel and wooden pro pellers and several types of en gines. The re-doping and cover ing of wings was observed as well as the methods of traimng flying students. While there are no trips planned for the immediate fu ture Mr. Bailey stated that the group of aeronautical students would probably visit the field again when it was discussing en gines in the aeronautical courses. Infirmary List Howard H. Simpson, senior, is confined mumps. Miss E. Gertrude Jones, grad uate, of Eccles,,West Virginia, is suffering from a severe cold. P. Gardner Lee, sophomore, B. U. Whitehead, junior, of Wnndville. N. C.. is also conhned er insuiuuuu- , V . v , , oor-inl rela- vvoodvme, in. comparatively young in contest eral noted books so Ml U mum . . wvion ATielun His nooks nave re- meeting to attend a meeting ox ers' : colleges. When tionship. His books have re- v,A j.? i ,Ufofl nr visit-1 : a8 whmnfiQ vvim . . - . i . j A;iiiotiAn m I flf -afraid preachy - e y other country. England. xxuuue i at might encourage Gray, said that the number for some years, will be neia eM, Bedford Times. I Continued on last page) ANew York, on saiuruuy.

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