T t II JfiT INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL THE COOP - 7:30 TONIGHT INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL THE COOP 7:30 TONIGHT a rr5f j jN1 I j! 1 ) VOLUME XXSVIII CHAPEL HILL, N. C TUESDAY, NOVE5erT2, 1929 t - HALL'S READING IMPRESSES CROWDS Technical Director Playmakers GiTes Interpretation Of "Journey's End." Students To Hear New Football Song At Thanksgiving Classic Wex Malone and Moore Bryson Compose Melody Which - Will Be Featured At Virginia Game. Elmer Hall's brilliant reading of "Journey's End" Sunday eve ning in the Playmaker theatre dramatically impressed the fair sized crowd present with the reason why this "war play," after the deluge of them in the past few years, is breaking all records for attendance and ap proval. ; Mr. Hall, the new technical director for the University's theatre this year, read a host of characterization into the lines. The setting was one that permit-! ted the imagination to run free. Mr. Hall had hung the stage with black drapes. He read from a table on which the only light in the theatre was trained, a sim ple desk light. Accordingly, as the play proceeded, the audience used the black drapes of the stage on which to visualize the dug-out setting in France. The play is largely one of action with the noise of burst ing shells and rifle bullets. Even these noises were pictured in the imaginative minds of the audience. When Mr. Hall turned leaves of the book from which he was reading, the reflected light on the black drapes, flash ing up momentarily, seemed to many like the glare from burst ing shells. The audience saw from the i commendable reading why this nlav has been termed great and 1 not just another war play. The 1 Englishman, Browne,-tne autnor has nut many clever touches m the plot, probably because he wrote from actual happenings. For instance, when the young hero dies from shrapnel wounds, he does not pass away in the arms of his friend as so many war plays show. He died alone and when his friend found him, he felt, rather than said, his emotions. The reading was the second of the term series. No stocking is yet advertised as best in the long run. Arkan sas Gazette. A new Carolina football soner. really the first football song of an original nature that has ever been written for the local uni versity, has been completed by two students and will be intro duced for the first time to the public at the big game with Virginia on Turkey Day. The words will be found, else where on this page. But with out the music, the person read ing them cannot visualize the lively i proportions which the piece assumes under orchestra- ion and vocal chords. When played and sung yesterday af- ernoon by the co-authors, the walls of Person hall resounded with an air that rivalled but did not mimic the strains of the famous "On Wisconsin." The two authors, both law students, roommates, and both from Ashe ville, are Moore Bry son who contributed the words, and Wex Malone who wrote the music. ' The song having already been accepted by the University band, Mr. Malone is proceeding to com plete the orchestration of the melody so that the band can practice it next week. The piece will be introduced to students during the week .when chapel periods are to be given over to the learning of it. It will be sung in chapel periods .regularly until the big Thanksgiving game so that on that day the vicinity of Kenan Memorial stadium may ring with its stirring mel od-ir and significant words. It has been pointed out that whereas other universities and schools have individual and ori ginal football, songs, that so far Carolina university does not Continued on page Jourl (Cut This Out; Save It.) You've got it in yuh, To beat Virginyuh. Go, Carolina, go. Tear thru that line And break up every play. On on to victory, We'll win today. And so, it's fight, fellows, fight, The old Blue and White Above you proudly flows. So, Rush down, Touchdown, Plunge right on through Virginia. ; Carolina, go. Book Is Praised ? .vv.v.-.v.v.-.v.v.v:-; i Armistice Celebration Recalls Unselfishness Of Past Says J. H. Pratt Eight Cases Tried In Recorder's Court JOHN B. SALE'S BOOK IS PRAISED Mid-Term Grades All students whqt received the mark of X or W at Mid term will find their reports posted upon the bulletin board in the Registrar's dff ice. Cn-Ftl's Parse Disillusions Male Students As To Contents (By Frank J. Manheim) Co-ed graduate students have always commanded a great deal of admiration and respect from students. They have been ad mitted to be different from the usual run of girls. Serious, dis daining the many unimportant details that consume so much valuable time, they have been considered to be far above the girl whose thoughts never went beyond clothes, paint and pow der, men et cetera. The use of j "have beens" is wise. For Sat- urday evening, in Sutton's, the I illusions of many students went ( the way of all flesh when Miss j a graduate student in the realms of philos onhv. dronned her leather purse Certainly themes were not ex neoted to fall out of the pocket- hnnv Rnt what the twenty or tViirtv hnvs did Dick up in their wild scramble to aid the fair maid in distress, caused many expressions of surprise. The first article was a gayly bedecked rnmb rATTiitidinff one of old age, for there were more teeth miss ing. And from under the con "ruv" table.. one help- much-creased newspaper clip- nine", whose caption was oecu ..it for only an instant. But tnat was enough. It was called Dr. Paxton's Daily Beauty Hint. WhilA blushing: profusely, and most nrobably on the verge ot - - . . i i tears, the graduate pnnosopny student accepted the five pen nies that had been recouped from the floor. The number and range of oiVl3a KPP.med as if nni"6 they would continue forever. In a few minutes, a vanity case, up- football coupon siaoxv, . --. , . , book, a small lace hanaKerciuex, letters, pictures ot wnat ap peared to be men, stamps, keys and a lonely, dirty dollar m were picked up. - . mi rrr SeemeU ICIUUV xxie noA and as soon as she could dua" . possibly thrust, in tne most u f. j ovprvthing into her bag, she left most hurriedly, call ing out her thanks to xn u v,oiroH h&r In her wno na iiFv haste, she fad Hwforthe "dope" that she was anuwu6 thePtime,of ,je disaster ut naught was aid of it. Who would wish to add .to the mis eries' of the lass? Crime was apparently on the increase in Chapel Hill this past week when eight cases were brought before recorder's court yesterday morning. Hazel Taylor, negress, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon on the person of Sarah Taylor! She was found not guilty. John Lloyd was charged with violating section 4488 of the Public Laws of 1919, and on ac count of his-mentally enfeebled condition was given suspended sentence. ' ; John Alston, Jr., negro, charged with disorderly conduct in a public place, was fined costs of court. Jimmie Cates, negro, charged with assault with a deadly wea pon, a bottle, on the person of John Alston, was fined costs of court. C. B. Black negro, charged with forging the name of Frank James on a check, was bound over to superior court. G. R. Carlisle, white, charged with driving in a reckless and careless manner and doing dam age to an automobile owned by Dr. B. B. Lloyd, was fined $36.35. Reuben Winston, negro, charged with assault on the per son of Bob Jeff Strowd with a pistol and stick, was given sus pended sentence of four months on the road on payment ot costs of court and promise of a year's good behavior. The pistol that Winston used was a toy one that ejected cigarettes. B. C. Black, negro, charged with oassing a worthless check drawn on the Bank of Chapel Hill for the sum of $2.00 to S Berman. was bound over to superior court and released on a bond of $150. John Sharp Williams Says "Tree Named John" Real Contribu tion To Mississippi Literature. As the time draws near for the appearance of John B. Sale, author and interpreter of "The Tree Named John," in a read ing before the Chapel Hill Com munity club on December 2, in terest grows in this man who has produced a book of negro folk literature which is in the opin ion of many a masterpiece. Almost daily numerous: com ments and press reports come to people who are interested in Mr. Sale and his work. Among the most complimentary and in teresting of these are the fol lowing r - - Senator John Sharpr Williams has said of the volume, "I read 'The : Tree Named: John' with keen appreciation. I was a plantation-raised boy myself, and the book brought f back early asso ciations. It is astonishing that I recalled, when I read the book, so many of the old negro super stitions, a number of which I had seemingly forgotten. You may quote me as saying that 'The Tree Named John'" is a real .contribution to Mississippi literature."" And from the far-famed "Sat urday Revew of Literature comes this statement: "A; fas cinating human-interest story, a recreation of the folklore and folk life of a Mississippi plantation." While from the "Commercial Dispatch" of Columbus, Miss., the home town of the author, we learn that "The first pur- nspr of 'The Tree Jnhn' was C. THOUSAND SCHOOL CHILDREN TO HEAR U. S. MARINE BAND County superintendents and school officials are cooperating with Harry F. Comer, secretary of the Y.MC..A., in providing transportation for more than 1,000 school children who are expected to attend the matinee performance 'of the United States Marine Band in Kenan Stadium next Thursday, Novem ber 14. " The problem of transportation is much simplified by the fact that 500 of these children will come from Durham. The oth ers will come from Hillsbpro, Mebane, Bynum, Pittsboro," San- ford, Efland, and other nearby towns. While at the University the Marine Band will give two con certs. The matinee program will take place in Kenan sta dium, the University's beauti ful outdoor forum, at 3:30 Thursday afternoon. Owing to repairs that are be ing made to the roof of Me morial hall, the evening per formance that was to have been held there will be given at 8:30 in the tin can. Formerly known as "the world's largest frigi- daire, University and Town Commem orate Signing of Pact End ing World War. "The Armistice celebrations not only commemorate the sign- ii nnm ia TlrtTTT VlQV. tllC till vail lO xxvy i" ing a heating system insianea that will make it comfortable. Band Now on Nine-Week Tour ing of the paper that ended the World War," said Colonel Jo seph Hyde Pratt at the Armis tice day services yesterday in Gerrard hall, "but they recall the spirit of unselfishness, self-sac rifice and patriotism of all those connected with the events of 1914-1918. Today is a day of reverence for the accomplish ments and the patriotic services achieved during the war. It re calls the thrills of joy and thanksgiving that burst forth when the Armistice was signed 11 years ago today," he went on, and the tumultuous expression of joy that replaced the pent up emotions, the agony of suspense, which were the lot of all engaged in the conflict." Colonel Pratt, former profes sor of geology in the University, one-time state geologist and sec retary of the state highway commission, served in-France as colonel of the 105th Engineers in the 30th Division. His regi ment saw service in Belgium early during the war and took part in both phases of the fam ous Somme offensive. ; Aljer a brief summary of the spirit and activities of the peo ple of the United States, North Carolinians in particular, dur- The itinerary of the band for I ing the World War, he closed his What's Happening this year includes Philadelphia, Cleveland, Grand Rapids, Chi-! cago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Savannah, Columbia, Charlotte, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Nor folk, Richmond, and back to Washington in all, 18 cities in 13 states. Chapel Hill, having only about 6,000 population, is by far the smallest town that the band will visit. It is only by rare good luck that Mr. Comer was able to bring the band to the Univer sity. . Plane Arrives The school of engineering re ceived from the U. S. govern ment last Tuesday a Vought V9 armv pursuit airplane. This plane is virtually the property TTmvprsitv because all WJ. ViXV V - - " 4 Named planes loaned to educational in Bascom Slemp, stitutions are never, recalled by coprptarv to President the government. iWXiixv.x ' . . Lr. , . . . i 3 U nn Mt Stemn heard of xms plane is ro oe useu uy tvt- CoWa -roaHino- at the Uni- mechanical engineering students. 1YXX . UOi o x tv0 - 1 . . , versity of Virginia and at once The only cost to the University vired the publishers for an ad- lor tms piane is xne xreigxit TODAY vancecopy 0 3 :00 p. m. The Chapel Hil Garden club meets in Davie hall. L 330 p. m. Tennis tournamen between Bryan Grant and Ed Yeomans. 5 :00 p. m. The esperanto ciud will meet for the first time m . Y building. 7 :15 p. m. Phi assembly meet- ing at the Phi hall of New East building. 7.15 p. m. Di senate meeting 0 1,0 Di hall of Old West Otl v' building. 7 '0 p. m. The interf raternity council will meet at the Coop. 7 :30 p. ni. Meeting 01 iiiiisna Mitchell scientific society in Phillips hall. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p. m. Moving pictures in Venable hall. ' I packing charges. talk with an appeal to the peo- , pie of this state to renew their allegiance and to cooperate with the government in its present activities and problems, just as Continued on page four) FIRE BREAKS OUT IN RUBBISH DUMP - Fire broke out last night at about 9:15 o'clock, in the rub bish dump at the southeast cor ner of the Intramural Athletic field. The rubbish apparently caught fire or was fired first, and within a few minutes had blazed sufficiently to catch on the edge of the pine forest at the back of the field. Chief Foister and his men re sponded to the alarm, and after an examination of the fire, stood by to see that it did not spread too far or get beyond control. Most of the occupants of the dormitories in the quadrangle and triangle turned out to see the blaze, but quickly lost inter est as a misty rain increased and the fire died down. Except for the pine trees at the back of the rubbish dump, little dam age was done. Esperanto Club To Hold Meeting Today The first meeting of the new Esperanto club will be held this Weil Committee Announces Dr. W. W. Alexander's Lecture Series -o- The Weil Lecture committee .. 1QOO 1nn afternoon at 5 o'clock on the announces a second floor of the Y. The meet- tures lor riaay, axuru ing will be in charge of Dr. Sunday evenings December 6, 7 Metzenthin. na e' Dy "'1 " Vr" x 4.a der. rne suDjeci ior uie wxxuxc Students who are interested aer; . , . - To on1ltll in the new ffj 'J are invitea .o - w , be ..Truth and Fic. ot necessary to take any for- Aout the 01d South, mai courses or xo BU Saturday eve- to gain a knowledge 01 wnal . w . 3 ito I X1XX1K "in tJ j. Esperanto aims . "T The third lecture on Sunday eve- aT?ltCf 7" of SxeUing will be "The Older Values ed at this first meeting of the TO t,, : . group to ascertain the interest vrv - , ; , ifn. and Dr. Alexander has attained oaboutrub; . f .. , -i i iici rAcnonal and national and the method 01 learmus r work, in his intelligent and cour ageous efforts since the Great War, and for his active partici pation in international confer ences. He is a native of Ten nessee and a graduate of Van- derbilt University, and is an at tractive speaker who will appeal to North Carolina students in terested in the rapid develop ment of the south , in its larger participation in international affairs. The Weil Lectureship commit tee is composed of RrD. W. Con nor, C. T. Murchison, Irf. R. Wil son and v Howard W. Odura, chairman. ' j uuii) ui t jv. 4.1, :ful lad came rushing up with a

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