THE DAILY TAR HEEL Tuesday, NoTenber'12, 1929 Published daily during , the college year except Mondays and except Thanksgiving, . Christmas ; a n d Spring Holidays. - , , . t. The official newspaper 'of the 'Publi cations Union of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N, C. Subscription price, "$2.00 local and $4.00 out of town; for 'the college year. . n.'-ii Offices in the , basement of ; Alumni Building. ' '. :UT, -..x'.y Glenn Holder ..LI.112: -Editor Will YARBOROUdHir.' Ef tor Marion ALEXATl'MiMjSir. ASSOCIATE . EDITORS John Mebane Harry Galland ACCTQTAXTT TnTTflRR J. Elwin Dungan- ; "HJ. D.'McNairy Joe Jones 'i Ct Moore ' J. C. Williams V . ' CITY EDITORS -E. P. Yarborodgh ,: " K. C. Ramsay Elbert Denning ' Sherman Shore ' sports Editors - v, Jo s Eagles . . Crawford MeKethan Henry "L. ; Anderson.- , REPORTERS ''' Howard Lee . :' ' Holmes Davis -Louis Brooks Charles Rose : Kemp Yarborough Mary Price J. P. Tyson .'. . Browning Roach Al Lansford J oe Carpenter Peggy Lihtner 'V E. C. Daniel "W. A. Shulenberger G. E. French ' ! Frank Mahheim -Mary M. Dunlap Clyde Deitz George Sheram Robert Hodges John Lathan B. H. Whitton Nathan, Volkman George Stone George Vick u Jack Riley T. E. Marshall ,.- R. T. Martin J. S. Weathers Stanley Weinberg Tuesday, November 12, 1929 Tar Heel Topics This movement to introduce Esperanto, "the world lang uage," into the University doesn't interest' us very much. We've passed our required for eign language courses, thank you. , "Twenty Thousand WatckTar Heels Win Battle of the Caro linas" headline rifi the S. C. D. Except for the fact that the capacity of the South Carolina stands is . about 7,000 and' they were not completely filled; Sat urday, it's a darn good headline. War In The ' Making. ; ; Chapel Hill's Armistice" Day celebration . wis '. ; impressive enough, perhaps too impressive. For the collegiate mind, if a term so vague may be applied to the mental reaction mechanism- of the "undergraduate norm," is highly impressionable, and such celebrations as that in which Chapel Hill and the Uni versity ' participated yesterday tend to cast a veil of glamour about the horrible realities of modern warfare. Colonel Prates speech, the feature number of the celebra tion program, emphasised the "unselfishness, self -sacrifice and patriotism of all those connected with the events f f 1914-1918." He asserted that the real pur pose of Armistice - Day. celebra tions is to commemorate the ac complishments arid; patriotic services rendered during the World War. As an Armistice Day address it jwas above the aver age, but such speeches contribute much toward the fallacious con ception of war which has exist ed since civilization began. . Re unions of war veterans,' Fourth of July celebrations, observances of military events do nipre to make war possible than , all the causes of international friction and efforts at self-aggrandizement of Napoleons and Kaiser Wilhelms. . ttji' 4U? For a few years after every major military conflitt the world goes through decided reaction against war as a means' of set tling international differences. Maimed survivors,. ?. poverty stricken nations. nUmiiiions of war graves help create a world-wide revqlsion, -3 against militarism and itonsequnces. But gradually this wprld hatred of war is displaced by- admira- tion for the Heroic deeds of mili tary men, for the pomp and splendor that is associate with their feats. National pride in military prowess is aroused; patriotism is strengthened by Armistice Day celebrations; in ternational animosities are aroused; the inevitable result is another world holocaust of war. . Perhaps Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front is to blame for this ebullient editorial out burst. We -have just finished reading the book ; it is capable of transforming the most rabid militarist into an ardent advo cate of pacifism. If all members of Armistice Day audiences had read the translation of Re marque's book, the "war-mak ing" propensities of the address es delivered on these occasions would be nullified. Co-Education At Carolina Although the University of North Carolina is not a co-edu catfonal institution strictly speaking, it can be considered such for all practical purposes Even after making concessions occasioned by the fact that the admission of women to the Uni versity is a comparatively re Cent thing, the writer is inclined to think that co-education here lacks a lot of being a howling success. . ' s To even the casual observer it is obvious that the Carolina co-eds constitute an isolated element; that is, they are includ ed in the student body as a sep arate division rather than as a component part. The purpose of this editorial, however, is to dis cuss the co-educational" prob lem at Carolina from a construc tive standpoint without attempt ing to allocate any faults or de ficiencies to any particular sect of the student body. To begin with, co-eds should be admitted to all classes on an equal footing with men if they are admitted at alL The insti tution cannot be entirety co-educational until this is done. Com promises seldom work in the field of education. An institution should be either strictly co-educational, or it should not open its doors to women at all. Unless women are welcomed to all phases of the University's ac tivities in which they are compe tent to perform, they cannot pos sibly feel that they are a regu lar component part of the stu dent body. The "All or None Rule" applies to this situation equally as well as it does in psy chology. In the second place, there Js no valid, reason why women should not be allowed to enroll here regularly as members of the freshman and sophomore classes. The first two years of academic work in any college or university are designed to con stitute a preliminary to the final 'two years. The present system of admitting women only after they have attended some other college for two years involves numerous transfer difficulties which are a grievance to the various deans as well as to the co-eds. Furthermore, any stu dent who has not had the two years of preliminary training which the freshman and sopho more years at Carolina comprise is not fully equipped for the lat ter two. Furthermore, women who have attended some institution such as N. C. C. W. for two years are only slightly better fitted to cope with conditions on this campus than they would be if they entered from high school. Conditions here and at a typical woman's college are almost without similarity. Pinally, the tendency of the most progressive and most in fluential universities of the country is : toward complete co education.. Is there any reason why the University of North Carolina should not follow suit? c;w. Readers9 Opinions ATHLETIC OVERCONFIDENCE Editor Daily Tar Heel, I once read, a book in which the author tried to establish the fact that man is the only animal which learns from the mistakes of his ancestors. To a person who lives in a college community that fact is not very obvious. A new group 'comes on each year and goes through exactly the same steps as its predecessors. No facts gained by experience seem ; capable of J, carrying over to the rising gen eration. ' :- ' ; V- .... The particular thing I have in: mind is the fact that it does not help anyone to get up on his. hind legs and tell the yorld how good he is. . Our football team beat Georgia .Techi, a feat which seems not to have any great distinction this ear- so far, and immediately tHere goes out from, this campus one of the most terrific barrages of self praise" and blatant boasting that I have ever seen. So great has been this bombast that the coaches are kept busy giving, out interviews to try to counteract it. They know that when there in anything like parity of abili ty in two opposing teams , over confidence is the worst possi ble handicap. A team having entered a game feeling that in a couple of hours it will be marching off the field in glory, if it meets a little surprising re sistance in the first few plays, or in any part of the game for that matter, drops into a men tal state from which escape is a miraele and defeat'Hsalrribst certain. I do not knowwho is responsi ble for the extravagant sports news which found its way into the public press under ; the Chapel Hill date line following the Georgia Tech game but1 I know that whoever it is he is doing the University community a serious disservice both as to the success of the athletic teams and to the respect of the general public. Crowing over a victory is no part of the game and is cer tainly not a part of sportsman ship, nor is it news. Sports news is all right, it is what builds up public interest in the game, which in turn furnishes the money to carry on an ath letic program, but sheer self glorification is the hall mark of an ass. It is extremely irritating to have to live through these waves of . boastf ulness which follow a j- little success in athletics and realize that nothing can be done about it in the way of getting a new generation of college stu dents to profit by the mistakes of the past. A. W. Hobbs ARE STUDENTS LITERARY? Editor Daily Tar Heel: Your editorial in Thursday's Tar Heel deploring the general disregard of literature by the "collegian" seemed just a little sweeping in its statement of the conditions that actually prevail. Doubtless there is ho "great renaissance of interest in litera ture among the average run of undergraduates, but we cannot agree that "The glorious and splendid panoplay of life great authors present" is "non-existent" for even the average. First of all, students do 'not go abroad to read. They can be seen at the "Pick" and at the football games, but they are not quite so noticable in the library or in their rooms. At those places they are, for the most part, screened from public view. Secondly, the average, under graduate has not; yet learned to talk glibly about ; Literature (with a capital ). And some times we become slightly irri tated with the 'current" on last month's best seller it smells of of the dust-cover blurb. Even the beauties of Shakespeare and Browning begin to 'fade with being recalled too often. Third ly, the writer of the editorial might be surprised at the re sults to be gained from -questioning individual undergrad uates. Even in our horribly me chanistic Engineering School L there is some poetry read, possi bly more than he thinks, not re quired reading either. Sever al students in that, school asked to be allowed to write . themes on literary topics not two days ago, even in the face of a per fectly good list of engineering topics to choose from. Occa sionally an instructor is pleas antly surprised by a reading re port somewhat in excess of that required, and not infrequently he finds that the student even knows something about what he has read. But this is not reading for the pleasure oi lt.jior, tne inspira tion" of it?. Maybe not. In spite of this, , however, we do not like wholesale condemnation. Great literature, . jjreat art of any kind is not easily appreci ated. It must first be under stood, and we welcome any ef fort made to understand it. We believe that a great number of students are making a conscious effort toward this end, notwith standing the fact that they are not shouting vive la-Belle Lettre and writing defenses of poetry. Thos. B. Stroup joTva mebane A M V We ain't never going to say nothing else about women; and that includes Mary and Edna and Kat and Connie and ; Judy and Jane and Flossie. I ' Stew dangerous. Many are the campus literary lights of former days whom we, in our egocentric predicament, forget. Those lights didn't fail; they merely sputtered in the grease af accumulated knowl edge. Brilliant things were done by them. And with a prayer that they won't read this issue of the Tar Heel, we are going to attempt to imitate them. PTERIDOSPERMATOPHYTA (After John Marshall) "Jese, guy!" shrieked the queen, "Dialectical anfractuosities, Superfluous Verbosity, can never hope To bowdlerize a brain. Stumble Against my smile a toasted tidbit For unwary children. What ho and ha! Grins stream down the alley of My mind. Ah, mad wag, learn again ' All that you once unlearned. CHANSON -.. i (After Peter Gray) If you didn't want me "Vhy did you say you loved me? Why did you break my faithful heart? Why did you pull my love apart? If you didn't want me Why did you say you loved me? TRIVIA (After Sinon) Had a lover Damn good one too!, One day he said "Oh, countess !" "Count yourself," I said. So he drowned himself In a barrel bf rainwater. ROOM (After Joseph Mitchell) After the third clrink, tne room looked like an umbrella with a ' ' hole v: poked in one side. It looked the. way : sardines feel. It looked like it wanted somebody to spill hairtonic on it. It looked queer as hell. RAIN . (After W. W. Anderson) The rain came down in trickling drops About the flat feet of the cops. No bird was seen and none were heard ; What wretched weather for a bird ! The sky began to clear, and day Poked through the dark and then the sun rl'll swear I don't know what to say; By Jove, how was this pome be gun?. . CHALK DUST ( After -D. S. Gardner) This dust from chalk eats out my soul; " ' . What wretched things we mor tals are: Forever striving for the goal Without a wagon on our star. BROKEN-HEARTED (After john mebane),. The door was open and strayed, Marched my affections on you pa- rade! Alas, alas, what can I do? You've broke my cussed heart in two. Sunday Tea The regular Sunday afternoon tea held in the vestry room of the Episcopal church was one of the most successful so. far this year. About a hundred students and cp-eds attended. Homemade candies and cakes were served by the ladies of the parish. Mrs. John H. Anderson was. the hostess of the affair; Mrs. Harding poured tea. Mr. "Bason rendered several Negro spirituals. - i Garden Club To Meet The Chapel Hill Garden club will meet this afternoon in the lecture room of Davie hall at 3 o'clock. Mrs. L. A. Mahler of Raleigh will address the meet ing. Mrs. Mahler is a former president of the Raleigh (garden club. The president of the club invites all to . attend. : . ; Groves In New York Professor Ernest R. Groves of the Institute for Research in Social Science spent Saturday, November 9 in New York City where he addressed the Ameri can Association of Private Schools. Exceptional Preparation for a Business Career is offered college students in the 1929-30 WORLD CRUISE OF THE S.S. LETITIA JL X JL AH the glamour and thrilKof visiting t-f U U strange lands, seeing strange people and studying at first hand their art, literature and nation al" customs. Deck sports, gymnasium, swimming pools, interesting social programs and dancing for recreational hours aboard ship. The 4Letitia " 83118 with a complete college faculty, headed by Dean Charles G. Maphis, Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, University of Virginia. Mary B. Housel, Ph.D., will be dean of women. A wide variety of college courses is avail able to all who desire academic credit. Also special courses in world markets and foreign trade. ' $T $C worldbecmesyour classroom. A broader outlook, understanding and appreciation of international events will be of inestimable value in later businesand social life. vv ness management of En April 17th. Inclusive cost nt For further M'pi!wder' T1V!aily Tar Heel, box 672 Personal Eepresentahve for North Carolina EN ROUTE SERVICE, Inc. Infirmary List Howard H. Simpson and B. U. Whitehead are still confined to the infirmary with mumps. R. N. Wooten it down with a severe case of bronchitis. Catholics Invited To Durham Parish The Catholics of Chapel Hill are invited to attend a supper to be given the members of the Durham Parish at 7 p. m. Wed nesday, November 13th. Several cars and a bus w21 meet the students at Sutton's Drug Store at 6:30 Wednesday to take them to Durham. Students who plan to go to the supper will please call Miss Irwin at 6466 after 5 o'clock Tuesday, in order that neces sary arrangements can be made. ( Sparkling! Enchanting! Adorable Nancy romps away with a charming romance! Helen Kane sings three new song hits! Jack Oakie raises the roof with his hilarious comedy! You'll agree it's the gayest, merriest, fastest picture of the season! with . Nancy Carroll Helen Kane JackOakie Paramount 's All Talking, Singing, Dancing Collegiate Musical , . : . - - Comedy Wow .-. Added Screen Song Pathe News LAST TIMES TODAY WED.-THUR. Bebe Daniels , in "Rio Rita" r 9 - i The cruise sails from New York De cember 28th. under Route Service W ; $1450. up. " details, see