YACKETY YACK STAFF 2 O'CLOCK TODAY OFFICE - YACKETY YACK STAFF 2 O'CLOCK TODAY OFFICE UK u H ' 1 5 i s i ft CHAPEL HILL, N. O, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 NUMBER 47 11 UJ M 11 J 1 1 x in . iLJaank 1V1D; D o Jack Crawford Will Play; Rumored That He Will Go To "WW 1- W - Hollywood Comedies. For Series of Jack Crawford's orchestra which is to play for the German club Thanksgiving dances No vember 29 and 30 is to play for photoplay comedies according to rumors. Elaborate plans are being made by the German club officials for these dances. Lead ers for the dances were elected by the club two weeks ago and plans are practically completed for the dances. The set will be held in Swain nail this year. Five dances are to be given, two Friday and three Saturday. It is said that Crawford, director of his orchestra, will be come the next funny fat man of the movies. - Photoplay managers who have seen" the comedy antics and humorous grimaces with which Crawford delights his dance audiences are trying to get the big fellow to sign Up for a series of two reel comedies. After playing here the comedian may go to Hollywood for his first picture. v Jack Crawford's orchestra is one of the crack dance bands of the Music Corporation of Amer ica, and its phenomenal success in the past year has been due to the original and mirth-pr6 ' voking stunts of its leader. Crawford is known as the ""Clown Prince of Jazz." More over, he is an excellent saxo phonist, as well as a versatile entertainer. Everywhere the Clown Prince has appeared from Atlantic City to California, amusement man agers have been besieged with thousands 'of requests to have Jack Crawford back fora re turn engagement. Dancers like Crawford be cause he is really funny, and moyie audiences will enjoy him for " the same reason. His grotesque expressions range through every detail of comic and pathetic expression. ALUIIrH LOYALTY Yackety Yack Meeting There will be a meeting of the Yackety Yack editorial staff this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the office in the basement of Alumni building. Travis Brown FRESffillEN SING SONG COMPOSED FOR VA. CLASH Chapel Exercises Led By Cheer leader Barret; New Carolina Song Taught. FUNS liJLsiii rt:. 5 OLMTTEE THURSDAY Local And Class Representatives To Confer With Council To Make Plans For Campaign. The chapel exercise yesterday morning was conducted by Cheerleader Jack Barrett, who endeavored to teach the fresh men the new football song which appeared in yesterday's issue of the Daily Tar feel. Steve Lynch assisted the cheer leader in the singing. Telling the freshmen of the song, .Barrett said, that it was original, being written by two Carolina men, and hence might be accepted as the. Carolina foot ball song if sung creditably. He ventured to state that it con tained -no little of that quality called "pep" and invited the agreement of the freshmen after the pianist had played the music Then Steve Lynch sang the song. ' After testing their voice,s the freshmen took up the air. Soon Gerrard hall was ringing with the lively; strains of. the new song, and before chapel was over the men had, at Cheerleader Barrett's injunction, "really killed it." Freshman Notice A call meeting of the council of the University Alumni Loyal ty fund, to be held here tomor row, was announced today by Leslie. Weil of Goldsboro, chair man of the council. The council will meet with representatives from the local alumni- committees andx some fifty class representatives The meeting will be the first general conference to consider the whole problem of private gifts to the University and will be concerned principally with following up the 13,000 invitations for gifts recently sent to alumni. The council of the alumni fund has been busily engaged in this work for months now, and dur ing that time has invited into active participation in the work a representative, of each living alumni class near fifty in all. In addition, local committees to aid in the work have been formed in a large number "of places in the statew These organizations are aid ing the loyalty fund council in its attempt to build up the habit of private giving to the Univer sity. r; The council anticipates (Continued on page four) TWO CONCERTS ON PROGRAM BY BAND Afternoon PerformancV In Ken- an Stadium; Evening Concert PLAY GROUP TO START NORTHERN TOURSATURDAY Included In Bill Are "The No 'Count Boy,, "Magnolia's Man,"; And The Original Ver- sion of "Job's Kinfolks." Mold Aosemfoly lect Four Offic TTTT juiere jlo In "Tin Can. Freshmen who handed their names in at the Y to be ushers for the Marine Band concert will report today at the Y at 10:30 to receive further instructions. Collegians Do Admirers Dirty Trick; Wear Regular Clothes r "Conservatism That's the watchword" of the collegians of 1929. So says Sam Love of the United States Press in a Sun day feature. "Theyx have done their admirers a dirty trick this fall. They have begun to wear regular clothes.", ' Sam is writing of the reform of Joe College as he has seen it in the universities around the Manhattan village. His reaction after the survey seems to be one of surprise, especially when he finds that "A great wave of something or other possibly a desire to look human has swept over the frat houses and dormi- tories and the result is so start ling that it would have been noticed before had not public attention been diverted by the lowering hemline of United States SteeL and women's dresses." The writer seems to be par ticularly startled that the uni versity men have become well dressed. He quotes one sophis ticated young man as saying: "Oh no, it's not being one any more It's not ood form, you know . . . I mean it's not the correct thing to 'slop around Even last year it was rather the berries to drop in at a dance in any old outfit, but this year any one who tried it would simply get thrown out on his spine. Evening clothes are the only thing for .dances . . . as lar as formal occasions are concerned. And a dance is a formal occa sion, isn't it?" As another 'smart young man has put it, "There are a great many things wrong with the world, but why add your person to the list?" And so far as cam pus attire is concerned, the most condemning blow of all is struck when Mr. Love declares: "It is also bad form for even a star athlete to go around wear ing a sweater with a big letter on it. In fact, wild horses could not drag an athlete into such a sweater." Take heed to the decree of Fashion,- O, ye heroes oty tne athletic arena! From clothes the critic turns tn mil etre morals and the new campus code. On this subject he says fhat tie has learned that, although a friendly draught in dulged in privacy is permissa ble, "getting pickled openly and flaunting an alcoholic -ego is de trbp." iM ; - ' And according to Sam there is also a .new chivalry towards the girls among the members of (Continued V on page four The following is the program which will be given by the Marine band here tomorrow. The performance will include two concerts, one in Kenan sta dium at 3:30, and another in the Tin Can at 8 :30. The man ager of, the band, Mr. Radcliffe, writes regarding the program, "Captain Branson, wTho is leader of the band, is noted for his generosity with encore numbers, and you will find that this pro gram represents about one-halfi! the numbers actually played." Afternoon program, 3:30 p m., Kenan stadium . Overture "The Flying Dutch man" by Richard Wagner ; In termezzo "Al Fresco," Victor Herbert; Solo for cornet "The Premier," Edward Llewellyn (Arthur S. Witcomb) ; Charac teristic March "Parade of the Gendarnes," Matthew ' Lake ; Suite "Neapolitan Scenes," Jules Massanet; intermission. Marche Heroique, Camille Saint Saens ; Solo for Xylophone "Grand Tarantelle," Stephen Heller (Wilbur D. Keiffer) ; Grand 'Valse Brillante, Fran cois Chopin; Hungarian Rhap sody, Franz .Liszt; The Star Spangled Banner, , Evening concert, 8:30 p. m., Tin Can: Overture "Carneval," Anton Dvorak ; -Nocturne "Dreams of Lov'e," Franz Liszt ; Solo for cor net "Bride of the Waves," Her bert Clark (John P. White) ; Grand Scenes from "Andrea Chenier," Umberto Giordano ; intermission. . ; Rhapsodic Dance "Bambola," Samuel C. Taylor; Solo for Trombone "Ecstacy of Spring,' Robert E. : Clark (Robert E. Clark) ; "Pasquinade," Louis Moreau Gottschalk; "Carneval in Paris," Johan S. Svendsen; The Star Spangled Banner. Saturday The Carolina Play makers will leave for their twenty-sixth Northern tour. The regular bill calls for three one-act plays, but in Baltimore and New York this will be changed to a presentation of the three-act version of Loretto Carroll Bailey's play "Job's Kin- folks." The plays to be presented are: "The No 'Count Boy," , a negro comedy by Paul t Green ; "Mag nolia's Man," a mountain come dy by Gertrude Wilson Coffin ; and the original one-act version of "Job's Kinfolks." In those cities where "Job's Kinfolks" was presented on the Northern tour last fall, "Black Water," a one-act sequel to this play, will be given. The company for the tour : Gertrude Wilson Coffin, Loret to Carroll Bailey, Nettina Stro bach, Phoebe Harding, Muriel Wolff, Howard Bailey, Holmes Bryson, Fred Greer, Bill Day, Jack White, Arthur, Kaufmann, Robert Erskine, Elmer Hall, Hu bert Heffner, Frederick Koch. The first performance will be given in Petersburg, Virginia, on November 16. On the eigh teenth the full length version of "Job's Kinfolks" will be 'pre sented at the Guild Theatre ini Baltimore. The next night the regular bill of one-act plays will be given at the Hedgerow The atre, Rose Valley, Philadelphia. On the twentieth The Play makers appear at LaFayette College, Eaton, Pennsylvania ; at Lehigh University, Bethle hem, Pennsylvania on the twenty-first; and at Morristown, New Jersey, on the following day' The Playmakers reach New York City on November 23. At the MdMillin Academic Theatre, Columbia University, -they pre sent "Job's Kinfolks," both mat inee and night. On the twenty fifth and twenty-sixth they ap pear at The Fine Arts Theatre in Boston. Farmville, Virginia? and Ahoskie, North Carolina, on November 29, and 30, complete the itenerary. Bason Will Talk Of Engineering1 Fields Professor George FT Bason, head of the department of elec trical engineering of the Uni versity, 'will speak to the fresh man engineering class this morn ing. Mr. Bason will explain to the group the fields open to the electrical engineer and the type of mind best suited to enter this work. This talk by Professor Bason is the fifth of a series of weekly talks to acquaint the engineer ing freshmen with the scope of activities included withm each branch of engineering. Pre-H vious talks have been given by Dean G. M. Braune, Professor A. W. Hobbs and Dr. F. C. Vil- brandt., v ' What's Happening 10:30 a. m. Professor George F. Bason will talk to the fresh man students in the school of engineering. 10 :30 a. m. Meeting of the freshmen who will serve as ushers at the Marine band "concert. 2:00 p. m. Yackety Yack edi torial meeting in the office in . the basement of the Alumni building. 2 :00 p. m. The Sketch club will meet. 4 :30 p. m. Co-ed tea at Spencer building. 7 :30 r. m. Meeting .of the Gamma chapter of Alpha Psi Delta in New West. 7 :30 p. m. Miss Mary Hunter will present a paper on "American Landscape Paint ing" at the Episcopal parish house. Frank Graham, T. S. Rollins, And J. Kenyon Wilson Com pose Nomination Committee; Meeting November 27 and 2S. W. T. SHORE TO PRESIDE Announcement of a committee to nominate alumni officers for 1929 was made yesterday by W. T. Shore, president of the Alum ni association, who was in Chap el Hill for a short time. The committee is composed of Frank Graham, Chapel Hill, chairman; Thomas S. Rollins, Ashevjlle, and J. Kenyon Wilson, Elizabeth City. Nominations will be made at the annual business meeting of the Alumni associa tion here November 27-28. Four offices are to be filled by election by members of the Alumni association. These are president, first and second vice presidents, and alumni repre sentative on the University Ath letic council. The alumni busi ness meeting, or General Alum ni Assembly as it is known, will nominate to the members of the Uumni association two candi dates for each of these two, of fices. Ballots will be distributed by mail to the alumni immedi ately after the Alumni assem bly, and a tally of the results will be completed by January 1 .when -newu officers- take office. Reports will be given at-the assembly by Maryon Saunders, alumni secretary; George Watts Hill, general treasurer; the Alumni Loyalty Fund council, and the alumni representatives on the Athletic council. There will be two sessions of the as sembly, the first being Wednes day evening, November 27, and the second the morning of Thanksgiving day. More Satire And Relaxation Than Conflagration At Fire Engineering Groups Will Meet Thursday Two of the three University engineering societies will hold meetings Thursday evening in Phillips Hall. The mechanical and civil societies will meet that evening; the meeting of the electrical society will be held next week. The mechanical engineering society which was organized two weeks ago will hold its sec ond meeting to continue its or ganization work. The William Cain student branch or the American Society of Civil Engineers - will be ad dressed by J. J. Slade, instructor in mechanics and drawing, on the topic "The Adventurous En gineer." Mr.' Slade will discuss the. work and life of the inde pendent engineer. In addition to the talk by Mr. Slade, there will be a showing of a moving picture "Building New York's Newest Subway," This picture shows the: con struction .work onwthe . new Eighth Avenue Subway in New York City. (By H. J. (hlland) At 9:15 Monday night the first of the season's blazing social events flared up at the corner of- the Intramural , Ath letic field. Most of the best people from the surrounding dormitories were present to see the event. Following the city fire truck down Franklin street and past Spencer Hall, turning . at the corner, a long line of cars help ed the excitement along . f with horns and headlights. . The flames of the fire were easily visible beyond J Dormi tory, but, helpful as they al ways are, the crowd of students which was already assembled directed the fighters with whoomner veins of "Fire V Since it was too hot to stand within ten feet of the fire and half the field was illuminated, the assistance was hardly neces- sary. Apparently considering the fire as too small and unimport ant, for their full attention, the truck and most of the men re mained parked on the pavement. One vman, complete with blue uniform, hat, and pike, .. came down to look the fire over. His appearance was immediately hailed with- cheers and loud handclipping. He smiled pleas antly. ;.. : , - The usual enthusiasm at so cial : fires quickly 4ied down. After all, it was only ax rubbish dump which was ablaze, and there was no furniture' to be dramatically" and superfluously dragged out into the middle of the street, no jumps to be made from upper stories onto mat tresses below, and no . water to explode fountain-like and un expectedly from the middle - of the hoses. Nor was there a piano to be played while x the flames leaped about, as at the Pickard Hotel fire of a few years ago. In short, after the first five minutes, it was unex citing. Several students mut tered something about "Money back. . . ."and "Not what they used to be. . . ." It was too early in the even ing for the crowd to be properly attired for "fire-att en dinar . in pajamas, so that the proper background was missing. The pine trees lit with a yeow light against the dark blue of the skj' was interesting, but not excit- ing. Ana tnere was ram. , As a curtain-raiser for the Chapel Hill fire season, the recent affair was a disappoint ment. Chief Foister has promis ed bigger and better fires, more rescues, more opportunities for organized cheering, and more co eds at the fires which remain on the schedule. If these promises are carried out,, he may un doubtedly expect better gate re ceipts; and more co-operation of the; .type : which, i has always featured the proper kind of public fire in Chapel Hill.

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