MARINE BAND CONCERT 3:30 TODAY KENAN STADimi :,IARINE RAND CONCERT S:30 TONIGHT ., TIN CAN 1 t , X -f VOLUME xxxvm CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 NUMBER 4S I I s MX : FOEEIGN.STIM' Scholarships -Offered .In Ex change For Those Given By American colleges. Co-ed Athletes X limited number of fellow ships and scholarships are of fered by the international -student exchanges of the -Institute of International Education to American students who wish to Vtudy in foreign lands, it was an- ' znounced here yesterday. These .given in exchange for those of fered by American colleges to the nationals of the countries concerned. General requirements for eli gibility : a .candidate applying for one of the scholarships must (1) be a citizen; of the United ! States or one" of its possessions ; (2) at the time of making the application ' be a graduate of a college, university or profession- , . al school of . recognized stand ing, or at the time of entering upon the fellowship have met this requirement ; (3) be of igood moral character and intel lectual . ability, and of suitable personal qualities; (4) present a certificate of good health; (5) possess ability to do indepen dent study and research;-and ( 6 ) have a practical reading, writing and speaking knowledge ;'of the language of instruction in , the particular country. . v .These opportunities are open both to -men and to women. A special meeting of all co-eds interested in' athletics will be held this afternoon at four o'clock in Gerrard hall. Carl Farris, basketball coach, will make a talk. Elec tion of co-ed managers for various fields of athletics Will also take place at this meet ing. A special invitation is issued by Ida V. Weaver, pres ident of the Co-ed Athletic Association, to every co-ed wno is interested in any form of athletics to be pres ent at the gathering. T ft larme -Ji$aiia.-i o appear - : : Today . In Two Coiicer ts Eirst Show Is This Afternoon In Kenan Stadium at 3:30 And Tonight In The Tin Can At 8:30. McINTOSH ISSUES FROSH STATISTICS The United' States Marine arrives here this morninsr to deliver two . concerts, one in Kenan stadium f at 3 :30 and the other at the "Tin-Can" at 8 :30 tonight. The band, which has been making a tour of eighteen of the largest cities in the United States,' brings with it two spec- iaL cars, one for the members of the band and the other for the baggage. It has also chartered two busses to bring the players to the Carolina NInn. where- day registration has been secured in order that the band might get a rest before the concerts. Twentv trunks containing all the players' belongings will be carried to Raleigh where the band will go in busses after the concert tonight. The band will Buccaneer Notice , There will be a meeting of the Buccaneer staff tonight at 7:30 in the Buccaneer Of fice in . the basement of Alumni building. : Cy Edson, r Editor ESPERANTO C. ... E. Mcintosh, executive secretary of the School of Edu cation, after checking over the report on the midterm grades of ireshmen m that school, has an nounced that their progress made thus far this year has been much"' more satisfactory than that of previous years. xiimuugu mac yyxo a. tuuomci- , - - , . , . , -. ti able decrease in the enrollment rr a - , - -i, . eigh for Norfolk, where its of freshmen this fall from that , , . ' , . , v j. . , , i i next concerts will be held, of last year, this year s scholas- .. ... - A tic record compares, relatively, Recording to qhas A. Horr, ....... i.M ,-, f i,4. advance agent for the band, a- v,-c "The afternoon performance be year, according to his announce-,t nAA ment. 6 , , - , A, , . j . mi '- i - , greatly to tne success oi uie The number of first year men feACl . ,. n. enrolled in the school is only 81, Program." Mr Horr continued year. Of this number, however, dmm, that he had not seen a a tro 4- Ai,n wi place wherev the work of man 40, or 53 percent of the total, " , v, , , . , . i i i, xi. i and Nature had combined with checked all their work, while on- , rr . ..j. -, such marvelous results. He Preference in selection is given f was very enthusiastic over the Hdates under 30 years of yearv lour' U1 ilve. Ua nf the " afternoon Scholarship and fellow- of the total ' number, failed to performance the stadium. , CLUB MEETS TUESDAYS World Language Society Holds First Meeting; Forty " Members. Admission Tickets v General admission tickets for $1.00 for the public will be on sale at the Book Ex change and the Tin Can for the U. S. Marine Band Concert. GLEE CLUB WE GIVE CONCERTS IN FOUR TOYiN! Woof ter Directin Folk Culture Study 'i3 Complete Plans For Trips Be ginning Next Week An nounced By Homer Lyon, Business Manager, .v- age. . Scholarship and fellow- ' lul"' . ' Z performance in the stadium, ship holders must have sufficient eck any of their work, to 24 The band which has beeE The band, which has been in money of their own to cover IZZl operation for the past 129 years, traveling, vacation, anu liiciucu- - , . nas piayea at an tne presiuenuaa tal expenses. Certain steamship kade3 on ?lm' inaugurations from Thomas . Of0om. xnere were oa Vi lwh, , , xru lines anow a xeuuuwuiu oi- rQCJf jeiiersons uuuugu inciuwi, shin rates to the Fellows, and year, to 88 (?r per cent) in some cases free visas may be par. ui ms year c, It hag in all its seven score secured. , ' A VTJ, ... . r" years of existence had but nine Countries where the fellow- cnee anwu leaders,- and was for 12 years led shins and scholarships are of- niy une vv, wnnc xxu by Sousa; Wi,ile in Kansas ;An A iic-ri a Pho- m tne scnooi receivea xnree A&) , - - n n 0AA ifa tt nr two X's and one W. - Slovakia, trance, uermany, nuu- - - ... Italy and Switzerland. ! performances. According to Mr. H. F. Comer, general secretary of the Y, "The United States Marine Band .. r i PLANS BEING. MADE FOR tZV;-SECTIQN HERE ".students interested should see The freshman class practiced will ring here only the highest Dean Addison Hibbara oi tne "Carolina Ho!" the new foot- class music, and unapei rim ana liberal arts school on the second Rrm which was written for the University are. exceedingly floor of South building. 1 ia Virginia came, at chapel ex- fortunate in being among the Hhills fp.wvTirivilefired cites that will University Xientai ... nT1r minted on thenl hear this noted band.", - Course Given ThlS wprfV distributed to the fresh.- Those in charge of the ticket v " Wppk Tn 5 .Cities rnfin at that time. ' sales especially urge all those ' . .. i' a tool- i3nrrpff that expect to attend the after v Dr. R. O. Schlosser of the "T exerces with a few noon performance to .please get -Northwestern University dental :!th0 their tickets as early as possi-school-is instructor this month chea f bie so as not to allow mix- for the 1929 postgraduate den- to up at the last minute;. , ' Si Phi Assembly Holds rrnlina Dental society . iC "J Unof A nicnuccJnTic North Carolina Dental society and the University extension di copies of the song. Barrett is planning to mtro- VISlOn. I 1 . XT J " " v- Dr Schlosser is conducting duce "Carolina no 11U regular membership in attend- classes this week m mnsiun, oiviy, lxxx ance, tne rmianuiropm assemuij plVVi Greensboro, Winston- special feature of the cheering met in reguiar session Tuesday Salem and Charlotte. program for the Thanksgiving night The- proffram for the His subject is "Denture Im- game. Arrangement die uuu6 evening included a discussion oi nrpions Modeling Compound made with Grady Pritchard to the nW constitution and the TophTIlP ' ..--.- uvu" IlUUauuu vx iivii Enrolled for these courses are cheerio group m banuua Following the reports ol tne 145 North Carolina dentists. er, so that plans ior me ui- various committees, - Speaker ing at tnis . game Allbright presented a full and NThere occurred this week 3 events of interest, not only to the philologist but the average student interested in world af fairs. The first was the deci sion of the Irish Dail to appro priate a large sum of money for the furtherance of the use oi tne Gaelic language at Gal way col lege, where very little English is spoken. The second event took place in Turkey. The secondary schools of that new republic agreed to discontinue the teach ing of ancient languages and to adopt the modern languages m their curriculum and to latinize Turkish. The third, and most pertinent development was the first meeting of -the Esperanto Club of the University of North Carolina, held last Tuesday at 5 o'clock. The meeting was originally planned to be held in the "Y" but due to the unexpectedly large number of enthusiasts who responded to the invitation printed in the Tar Heel Gerrard hall was decided upon as the most suitable gathering place. More "than forty persons, two of them'co-eds, all interested in a world language movement, listened attentively as Dr. Ernst Metzenthin, the leading spirit of the club and its teacher, traced the history of the earliest uni versal language attempts. Oc casionally he digressed for a moment to point out a few of the many unnecessary forms with which modern languages are so overburdened. And many were the smiles and sighs of contentment as he stressed the fact that the simplified grammar of Esperanto can be very easily learned in an hour or two and that with the aid of a dictionary letters could be written after several lessons. It was decided that there would be no formal club orga nized until the members have a fair knowledge of. Esperanto. Classes are to be held every Tuesday at 5 o'clock in Murphey hall and all students and other people interested in becoming members of this world move ment are' invited to attend. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Woof ter, Jr. left Chapell Hill Tuesday to spend a week on St, Helena Is land, S. C. For the past two years Dr. Woof ter has been di recting a study of folk culture among the negroes who make up the larger portion of the pop ulation of the island. Living thus in isolation the inhabitants' of St. Helena have developed customs, a dialect, and a civilization which have at tracted the attention of num erous social . research groups. The present survey is being sponsored by the Social Science Research Council, a national or ganization, and the University Institute for Research in Social Science, of which Dr. Woof ter is a member. The Research Council serves as a clearinsr house for social scientific information. Al though it is not endowed for re search, it frequently conducts surveys similar to this one, us ing funds obtained from various foundations. Di Senate To Hold Tryouts For Debate ; The Dialectic senate held its weekly meeting in New West Tuesdav nisrht. Much interest was exhibited toward the bills that were placed upon the floor and many arguments were presented. Following the clerk's reading Complete plans for the annual fall concert tour of the Univer sity glee club to begin Wednes day, November 20 were an nounced yesterday by Homer L. Lyon, business manager of the organization. Twenty-ni ne mem bers of the club, will make the trip which is to last five days. Leaving here on the morning - of the 20th the club will make its first appearance the -; same night at Queens college, Char lotte. On succeeding nights, performances will be given at Monroe, Concord, and Spartan burg, S. C. For the first time in three years the University, glee club will participate in the Southern Association glee club contest to be held in February at Furman University, Greenville, S. C. The local organization was re-admitted into the association unani mously on application. Professor Nelson O. Kennedy will make the trip next week" as accompanist and soloist- for the concerts. The following men have been selected by Professor Harold S. Dyer, director, for the tour; . First tenor : Steve A. Lynch, W. T. Whitsett, Charles Aiken, Charles C. Duffy, E. L. Swain, George Winston, W. P. Park; second tenor: J. C. Connolly, W. L. Boynton, William Barfield, F. P. Stinson, H. L. Lyon, Jr., and J. W. Slaughter; first bass: E. S. Clarke, T. C. Reynolds, W. L.' Hines, C. B. Overman, Paul R Patter.. T. W. Bremer, Wof- What's Happening Notice Bv arransrements which iIa with f the Davidson Athletic Depart -SlnriA To AddreSS V ried out in the best manner. Engineers Tonignt J .1 S ade of the engine mB -school will address the William I ,Cain student chapter ot tne; 'American "Society of Civil Engi neers at its regular meeting -tonight at 7 :30 o'clock in: 206 Phillips liall. Mr. Slade's sub ject will be "The Adventurous Engineer." ' Following the .ad dress, moving pictures, . Build 4ng New. York's -Newest- Sub way' -will hp' clear explanation of the revised constitution, , as drawn up and presented by the constitutional committee,, Several of, the amendments were subjected to heated discus sions. However, all of them were of the minutes, the President announced that the tryouts for or(j Humphries, A. H. Fleming, tne mary u. yy xiguu ucuaw jr and A xruil ; secona Dass ; would be held Monday night at j p. Scurlock, J. E. Miller, F. 7:30 in the Di hall, New West M Prouty, W.G. Brown, P. S. .... i -m r TkT . " building. . senator lucrnerson, barter and A. J. Stahr. - - further reporting for the dance . . ' - committees, stated that' Jack dORBHTORY PRESIDENTS Wardlaw has been engaged to RESPONSIBLE FOR GRASS furnish music for the occasion. Mr. Hanna was presented for At the last meeting of the membership and was unani- Dormitory club it was decided to mously granted full privileges, make the dormitory presidents except that of voting, his initia- responsible for th grass ad tion to take place at the next jacent to their respective dormi initiation meeting, the date of tories. which has not yet been set. In the past few years it After the clerk's reading of has been the policy of the dor- the calendar, the following res- mitory government that the olutions were discussed and dormitory councilmen should not voted upon: have jurisdiction over any ac- Resolved : That the Dialectic tivities outside the dormitory senate go on record as request- walls. This year a student has ing the officials of the Umver- to be warned only twice to keep sity to repair the walks in front 0f the grass before he i3 ex of Swain hall. . pelled from the college dormi- Resolved: That the Dialectic tories. A student has been hired senate go on record, as stating to go around and warn the of- that, since co-eds are permitted fenders, to enroll in the University, they should be admitted to all classes, j? d. W. CONNOR SPEAKS Senators Davis and Shreve AT KINSTON DEDICATION argued pro and con upon the . R. D. W. Connor, historian, rtf rbitinTi: Sena- delivered the address at dedi- I W M I I I I 111 M, WW V m w - . I I OiUUt ment the students .of the Uni- included in the final draft which versity can secure tickets to was accepted by a substantial the Carolina-Davidson game majority. for $1.00 , by bringing their .---.After' cpmpleting the business pass books to the Book' Ex- at han(j the remainder 0f the change. The regular meeting was taken up with the these tickets iz 52.C0. I initiation of seven new men. 2 :00 p. m. Meeting of the new ' r.lass in administration of justice in'the law building. 3 :30 p. m. Concert by the Uni ted States Marine band in - Kenan stadium. V 4 :00 p. m. Meeting of all co-eds interested in.athletics in Ger rard hall. 7 :00 p m. Varsity basketball practice in the-gymnasim. 7:30 p. m. Meeting of the De bate club in 201 Murphey haU. 8:30 p. m. Concert by Marine band in the Tin Can. tors Shreve and VanCleve up- cation of a "Caswell memorial vJia cnA oninfinTi hPiTio- fence" in Kinston yesterday. The ably opposed by Senators Mc- fence surrounds the tiny Caswell tt v,vv MpPatsoti The cemetery of a plantation two Vio Hpfpat the miles west of Kniston. The exer- , :11 in o - cises were divided into two Ulll, x-o. An No further resolutions were parts, oonnor psui re placed on the calendar, and after Hvered in the city. Hie audience woW rriimm bv the was conveyed in automobiles to the cemetery for the closing ITI 1 If- III - I 1 VT. I XT i I IIViU AAA I " VA X WAV) ' Wiv w - - I nf rarrviner the two re- ceremony. V. v V I ; vooAlii-Hn-nc! nvsr, nTi'f'.ll UUillllllB lCOVlUM" V.w . , the next meeting. Amencamsm : Shuddering -to - . think how wicked people have Tn September. 1913. Adolphe become ;' being unable to produce Peoud was the first 'flyer to any evidence except what some hnori thA'1ooT."" one said. Durham Herald. I x- ! 1