REPORT CALENDAR ITEMS TAR HEEL OFFICE BASEMENT ALIBINI BLDG. f t REPORT CALENDAR ITEI.IS j TAR HEEL OFFICE j BASEMENT ALU3INI BLDG. , is ii!ri . Mi DTp MC ITMT? YVVTntT -r!; ... " j : : - - v . , . . SPORTSMANSHIP IS SUBJECT OF CHAPEL SPEECH Dean Bradshaw Tells Freshmen That Sportsmanship Should Be Part Of ManVPhnbsophy. In a short talk during chapel Dean F. F. Bradshaw described the principles of sportsmanship as the central Idea underlying university ;life. "This idea is a product of .western civilization," : Dean Bradshaw .'said, Ir-fand; it v should be , an Essential o part of : every 1 man's philosophy;" : Dean Bradshaw illustrated his 'feinar-s'mtH'refraces to Field Marshal Haig, well-known figure of the late war. Whenever pos sible Haig cast his lot with that of the private soldier, and never at any time used the. power of his office to benefit himself. Dean Bradshaw spoke of this as the highest and most preferable type of sportsmanship. He said that a man following this idea asks nothing for himself but is anxious to carry his part of the common load. The dean showed how these principles applied to student life by explaining their connection to conduct, the administration of student offices, the attitude of players in athletic contests, etc. Dean Bradshaw pointed to a new field for the practice of sportsmanlike conduct by direct ing attention to Carolina-Duke rivalry. He urged friendly rivalry tempered with mutual respect. . '.: Preceding Dean Bradshaw's talk Rev. C. E. Rozelle conduct ed a short devotional exercise. Dr. Abernethy, the University physician, was to have been pre sented to the freshmen yester day, but he was unexpectedly prevented from coming. He will speak in chapel this morning. Y Membership Cards May Now Be Secured Officials of the Y. M. C. A. an nounce to the student body that a National Council ruling speci fies that city Y. M. C. A. organ izations shall .extend visitor's privileges to no member of stu dent organizations except that they have a membership card signed by proper authorities. They have also ruled that no card, can be issued unless a pledge has been .made and paid to the ' student organization. Those who have ' paid their pledges and wish to secure cards should call at the Y office. American Historical Society To Hold Annual Session Here -o- The American Historical As-bia University and anemi sociation will hold its annual nent historian, is president Dr. sermon from December 30 to W. K. Boyd, of Duke, is chair January 1, as the guests jointly man of the committee on pro of the University of North Caro-1 grams. , lina and Duke University This1 The general banquet will be is the first time that the meet- held on Tuesday evening,- Dec ing has ever been held in con- ember SI at the Washington nection with southern universi-. Duke Hotel Numerous other ties . I social functions are being ar- The day sessions on December ranged. . 31 will be held in Chapel Hill;' The the rest of the meetings . will faculty of the f " take place at Durham. Head- the program to read papers quarters will be the Washington W. W. Person, wte sub w Duke hotel. wiu be' 'f1 Tvl The association is made up the The5deV of representatives from . the zuela;" '.fd United States and Canada. The with the .subject .. registration is not limited, any- tionary Vw S one being able to attend the j" de EouthacBam W Z? a session, t tt1.... t), fm-merlv professor of history -at Colum-, ertrand Russell -o- Noted Lecturer Presents Third Program Of Student Entertain . nient Committee In Swain Hall; Sets Up Intellectual ,' . H9nesty, Happiness and Culture as Ideals! -o- Bertrand Russell, famous as a philosopher, publicist and es sayist, spoke to an appreciative audience in Swain hall last night as a feature of the student enr tertainmerit program-': His sub ject, "Need Moderns Be Cyn ical T was considered one of the jjamelies1t;that; could be-brought to an audience composed largely of: college students. ' - V Speaking V in extraordinarily,! clear terms and for the period of but one hour! Mr. Russell "de bunked' the ; usefulness" of the "olI ideals" ' surrounding God, patriotism, Truth and; LiDerty, and set up in their place as gen uine and eff ective ideals to which the young generation may . ad here with ah absence of hypoc risy intellectual honesty, hap piness,' and culture. ' . Persons who have been long attached to the University in various capacities were unani mous in their opinion that no speaker, in recent years at least, has been given as enthusiastic a reception as that accorded Mr. Russell. Mr. Russell is an, experienced lecturer, having lectured exten sively atTlambridge and at Har- vard, where he was special pro-1 Woof ter Attends Research Meeting Dr. T. J.' Woofter, Jr., at tended a recent meeting of the Social Science Research Council advisory committee on inter racial relations at Atlanta. Other members of the , commit tee were Will W. Alexander, George Arthur, Carter Goodrich, Harold F Gosnell, Charles S. Johnson, Joseph Peterson, Mon roe N. Work and Robert S. Lynd. TODAY 10 :30 a. m. F. D. Chadwick, regional Boy Scout executive of Atlanta, will speak in chap el. Visitors are asked to oc cupy the seats in the balcony. 12:00 a. m. Professor H. G. Baity will speak to all fresh man engineers. 2:00 p. m. - Meeting of the Sketch club on Rosemary lane. 2 :30 p. m. Bull's Head book auction at 215 Murphey hall. 4:30 p. m. Co-ed tea at Spen cer building. ' terials land Their , Collection; and R. D. W. Connor?: 'Contqm- porary North. Carolina. What's Happening: CHAPEL HILL. N. C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 Speaks On fessor of philosophy. . He is now on the regular lecturing staff of the British . Institute of Philo sophical Studies, and has recent ly, been invited, , .to. deliver a special course of lectures- the QoljegK 'JBte. js;a prblific.,writer and. his Articles appear cpnitanW ly in. lea. fiiagriesny of his hooks, jhavel been trans? lated 4hto; forjgn0, languages. Among his 'most important are f:Eaulionthe;Good-iife," .".The, Anaiyskj ofv Matter," "What I. Believe," "The A.' B. C. of.- Atoms,"- and . "Introduction to. Mathematical , Philosophy." Speaking, of the, author. Profes sor Ralph Barton Perry pf Harvard-, says: "One of . the -most genuinely - distinguished . and brilliant philosophic minds of the age."- . . ;; ,Mr. Russell arrived yesterday afternoon from Greensboro where he lectured at North Car olina College on "The Outlook for Civilization in This Machine Age." Last night he was the dinner guest of Dr. Archibald Henderson, who has known the philosopher for a number 'of years, and who introduced him to the Chapel Hill audience. SALE CAPTIVATES LOCAL AUDIENCES Speaks To Community Club and English Classes; Is Making Lecture Tour "of Southern States. - John B. Sale, author of "The Tree Named John," a book of negro folk lore, which, although only recently published by the University Press, has already attained wide popularity, capti vated several Chapel Hill audi ences Monday with readings from his book. Mr. Sale is from Columbus, Miss. At present he is making a tour of educational centers in the south. ; Monday morning he appeared before children of the Chapel Hill schools and before Univer sity English classes. Monday night he appeared before mem bers of the Chapel . Hill Commun ity club and "their guests. Mr. Sale read several selec tions from his book. The . first sketch, entitled "Learning to Swim," told how, Henry, the hero of "The Tree Named John," convinced his pal, John, that he could never learn to swim unless he swallowed' a fish bladder the larger the bladder the better the swimmer. , . ' , " The second selection pictured vivi dly -how the plantation chil dren conducted the funeral of a disreputable .rooster.. . Henry and John again played the lead ing roles. . Henry, always the master of ceremony, directed the mourners, the songs, and preached the funeral, declaring that the rooster had to be "preached down to hell because nobody had never heard him re pent foV his sins." Mr. , Sale's mimicking of the negro boy's preaching and praying demon strated rare ability, r 5 ; , These two selections, together with. - a r short : one entitled "Spe'ence" Vhat you, -gits w.'en you, won't Jarn by lis'en' :to whut de old folks tell you"-rrcom- pleted the program. 7-u COUT EXECUTIVE FfffiETING WILL BE HELD TOMORROW Boy ' Scout Leaders Of North Carolina -To - Meet -December 5-7; H. D. Meyer In Charge Of Program. - . In order to meet the : credit requirements for 'The Growth of the Scout Executive" ; the University , and, the Boy Scout Executives , pfT:( North Carolina are off ering December .; 5, 1 6, 7 the first of the,Boy idOiit,;Jemi narf hich;are"giveil eadhvyarV r Aibrr Meyfii:of:the Ufiivefsfc ty faculty is Jn ; change of th educational program; in North Carolina, - serving,, as a member of the regionaL educational com mittee, on x which j the states i of Georgia r and Florida also have members. ; RIr, Meyer -has an nounced that only . two seminars will Jbe held . this t year, whereas there were three last year. . In order to secure the full credit of 25 hours a year, each program will offers 12 1-2 hours of credit. . The executives must attend both seminars and all periods will be divided as follows : Six hours of preparation and guided discussion of subjects of , local council administration ; nineteen hours of presentation and guid ed discussion of subjects of vital interest to scout executives, and a supplementary reading pro gram to be assigned, requiring 1,000 pages of reading matter. 4 The complete progrram, " all parts of which will be given in the University Y. M. C. A., is as follows: Thursday evening 8 :00 to 10:30, General presentation of program "Putting Committees Into Operation," Mr. Chadwick. Discussion. Friday Morning 9:00 to 10:30, Meeting in Bingham Hall 306, "Advertising and Publici ty," Professor M. D. Taylor. Discussion. 10:30 to 11:00, Chapel Talk, F. D. Chadwick. 11:00 to 12:30, "The Modern Family," Professor L. M. Brooks. Friday - Afternoon 2:00 to 3 :30, "Public Speaking," Profes sor George McKie. Discussion. 3 :30 to 5 :00, "Citizenship and Volunteer Service," Professor Frank Graham. Discussion. Friday Evening 7 : 00 to 9:00, "Vovational- Guidance," Mr. Johnson. Discussion. 9:00 to 11:00, Meeting with University Scouts Y. M. C. A. Organiza tion of Alpha Pi Omega. Saturday Morning 9:00 to 11 :00, "Court of Honor Meth ods," Leader, W. E. Vaughan Lloyd. - Discussion. "The Out door Program' Leader, Mr. Steere. Discussion. 11:00 to 12:00, Business Session.- - In addition to the regular program, the executives and the other visitors will; be given an opportunity to visit class rooms, see demonstrations, arid have conferences with faculty mem bers, v'- ' Of the thirteen executives in North Carolina it is practically assured that all will attend, bringing with them a number of laymen and scoutmasters. Ac comodations for the visitors will be assigned, by the University in Steele dormitory. Meals will be provided at Swain hall. History Notice Examination- for the" removal of entrance conditions on Ameri can ' History will 1 be held in 301 Saunders .hall Thursday af ternoon, December 5, from 4 to 6. o'clock, v .-.-..j i r '- Annual Weil e Meld In ANNUAL DI DANCE FRIDAY EVENING Will Be Held in Senate Han Of New West; Garland McPher son and J. C. Williams To Lead. - ' " ,; The second annual Di Senate Sanice,,wiil tbe'held Friday .eve ning, December 6, in the.Di hall, which is located on theihird floor Of New jWest building, -: Alex Mendenhall and his Tar Her boys have been engaged to inaugurate the last; series of dafies;; before -the .Christmas holidays, and will furnish music for, the t senators and their guests from nine till one. V -. The dance will be led by Gar land McPherson. ..He will be as sisted by J . C. Williams, retir ing' president of the senate, and H. N. Patterson, treasurer. The names of the young ladies to lead the .dance were not available when this information was se cured. . All active or former members who have settled with the treas urer for their dues and assess ments, will be granted cards for the occasion. These may be ob tained from H. N. Patterson on the second floor of the Y or from Garland McPherson at the Sig ma Delta house. In addition, some member of the dance com mittee will be in the Di hall on Friday afternoon to issue cards. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY HOLDS ANNUAL BAZAAR The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will hold its Christmas bazaar at the Presby terian church on Friday, Decem ber 6. The bazaar will open at 3 ti. m. Tea will be served in the social rooms of the church. District Racketeer Forces Playmakers To Pay In Cash Before Renting Them A Bus (By Milt Wood) Carolina's redoubtable Play makers are back home from ah eventful 3,000-mile pilgrimage in the North, which for sheer thrills was equal to the dramatic climaxes of the folk plays they gave to audiences, and which for hardships was almost on a par with those of colonial pioneers. ? A ' bef ore-dawn crash on Thanksgiving morning between their bus and an automobile driven at terrific speed by two allegedly 'drunken men in New York City ; one 60-hour; stretch of bus riding in which they did not change their ; clothing or even so much as brush their teeth ; and some dangerous deal ings with a New York City gang land boss for another bus after theirs had been wrecked in the accident these are only a few of a chain of exciting incidents of their roadside adventures. But the ' show went on as shows must go. on in spite of accidents, racketeers, cyclones or what not. The Carolina Playmakers made every one of their appointments, and in addi tion added One bill to their ori ginal itinerary. I ' . -, j ;;. Upwards of 7500 people in 11 cities -vof eight states saw the productions of Carolina folk plays as given by the troupe from Chapel .Hill."v The3r)were lauded ?by many! distinguished j 'ivy NUMBER 62 Lectures To Gerrard Ma Dr. W. W. Alexander, of Atlanta, To Deliver., Lectures Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Dr. W. W. Alexander of At lanta is to deliver the annual Weil Jectures in Gerrard hall Friday, Saturday andtSunday of this week at 8 :30 p. m. The subject of the' series of lectures' is ''What Is the South?" - Dr,; Alexander k an authority on the. subject of racial relation ships and should t bring '- some very timely messages to the XJni versity-Jpn southern problems. He is well known to many . here and those who attended the Blue Ridge conference, in' 1928 will remember some of his talks; In speaking of the coming lec tures Dr: Howard W. Odum, of the Weil lecture committee, says : "This r is a subject in which a good many students ' are inter ested, and, of course, a good many of the professors ae dis cussing the subject. There is, too, a general revival of interest in old things of the south, and especially at this time because of a critical attitude of the North towards the South, particularly as related to the industrial situa tion and theDe Priest reactions. Dr. Alexander has given a good deal of thought to values, and I imagine a - good many of his questions will be new to many of his hearers." The subjects of the lectures are : Friday, "Truth" and Fiction About the, Old South"; Satur day, The New Rulers," and Sun day, "The Older Values in the New Life." . The Weil lectures are an an nual event and were founded by Henry Weil of Goldsboro in hon or of his father. Mr. Weil is an alumnus, of the University and chairman of the Alumni (Loyalty Fund. audiences, by noted playwrights, and equally famous producers, critics and publishers. But to tell the details of some of their roadside adventures, as Prof essor .; Frederick H. Koch likes to call them. The automobile crash came very early - on Thanksgiving . morning at 110th street, Goth am. The setting was perfect for an accident and their veteran driver, ; Frank Daniel was even more careful than usual. He ap proached the intersection at five miles per hour.. It was raining and one of New .York's typical fogs choked the upper air. As the Playmakers' bus started across the intersection, a careen ing sedan approached their flank at a maddening pace. . Daniel turned the bus to prevent a broadside blow. The crash was sufficient to knock the big bus across the street and at one time' it tilted precariously on two wheels but did not turn over. The two men in the sedan when extricate from their de molished car were hurried to a hospital! A bottle of whiskey was found on them. The Chapel Hill troupe members were only slightly bruised and cut by fly ing glass. "H The "bus; however, was damaged beyond repair ": ' t'iPb'Kfcfc investigation g'avo the Playmakers little consolation be ybn4he?f&ct thafrif ; one of the T.p'i-'' (Cmtimiedlm page:iwo '' -JA-. .- - ( V