Pase Two Z$z S)atip Car eet t3 Published daily during the college year except Mondays and except Thanksgiving, Christinas and Spring Holidays. The official newspaper of the Publications-Union of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription price, $2.00 local and $4.00 out of town, for the college . year. ' Offices in the basement of Alumni Building. Glenn Holder .................... .Editor Will Yabborovgu.M gr.-Editor Marion Alexander....-!? w$. Mgr. Hal V. WoTH...Cirndation Mgr. . ASSOCIATE EDITORS John Mebane Harry Gall and ASSISTANT EDITORS Robert Hodges J. D. McNairy Joe Jones - B. C. Moore . . J. C. Williams . " ' CITY EDITORS E. F. Yarborough ...!,; K. C. Ramsay Elbert Denning J. E. Dungan ". Sherman Shore SPORTS EDITOR Henry L. Anderson ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS Browning Roach J. G. Hamilton, Jr. REPORTERS ; Holmes Davis Louis Brooks Kemp Yarborough Clyde Deitz George Sheram Frank Manheim JB. H. Whitton J. M. Little Charles Rose Mary Price J.. P. Tyson Nathan Volkman E.,C. Daniel W.' A Shulenberger G. E. French William Roberts . Bill Arthur Hugh, Wilson Harold Cone Jack Bessen Everard Shemwell Ted Newland W. W. Taylor Vass Shepherd B. H. Barnes . M. M. Dunlap Howard M. Lee George Barber Craig Wall : Jack Riley John Patric J. J. Dratler Henry Wood Charles Forbes .. . , Jim Moye BUSINESS STAFF Ashley Seawell ' , Tom Badger John Jemison Harry Latta Bill Speight Donald Seawell COLLECTION MANAGERS J. C. Harris T. R. Karriker B. C. Prince, Jr. Stuart Carr Friday, March 7, 1930 PURLOINED PARAGRAPHS . "A sculptor says that, without fear ing the comparison, many of our Lon don statues could be placed among the most famous "ones in Italy. The trouble is . that they aren't. The Humorist (London). The New York World mentions the firm of Bee and Biank, "publicity advisors to Colonel Lindbergh." We suppose its connection with this famous client must bring the firm a tidy bit of publicity. Detroit News. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt says: "World peace is a hundred years away.". And when that century is up no doubt there will be waiting plenty of new issues that will ... have to be fought out.-New Orleans Times Picayune. According to Ursula Parrott in the Mentor, women are not having as much fun with "this freedom" as they expected to have. The most obvious growth from the seed of "Equal Everything for Women" is a large and increasing crop of left over ladies. Atchison Globe. Tar Heel Topics The, epitome of incongruity; The : South Carolina legislature is considering a bill to outlaw the "stretch-out" system. Anyway, the London naval conference has not been entirely in vain it has given a few dozen delegates a nice vacation abroad. Senator Smoot must have tasted a sweet victory yesterday when the Senate passed his bill providing a tariff rate on Cuban raw sugar. ' What with a "galaxy of stars" participating, the first Southern Conference indoor track meet in the Tin Can tomorrow night should be quite a brilliant affair. Washington was fifth in the number of major crimes com mitted in American cities dur ing January, according to sta tistics of the International Asso ciation of Police Chiefs. Evi dently they- didn't count those committed by Congress. An Opportunity for ' Athletic Eminence V Tomorrow evening a unique event in the history of southern conference athletic competition will be staged in the Tin Can. Track stars of the first magni tude, representing practically every major college and univer sity in the south, will compete in the first conference indoor track meet. - : ' There , is a strong probability that the meet will be v made an annual affair if it is successful, bringing to the Univesity an event comparable in importance with the conference basketball tournament in Atlanta. Con siderable credit is due Bob Fet zer, Dale Ranson and their as sistants for arranging the meet. Although the Tin Can is hard ly an example of ; aesthetically pleasing architecture, it affords "1 excellent facilities for the affair. In fact, it has been converted into a miniature Madison Square Garden through the expenditure of a tremendous amount of . hard work. It even excels the fam ous New York sports center, so far as actual facilities for stag ing the events on the program is concerned. . The idea of an indoor track meet on a large scale is novel in these parts, tsut tracK as an intercollegiate sport is assuming an increasinglyimportant role in the " south, and "the University will be assured of leadership" in it if tomorrow's meet is success- fuL' The program in itself, in cluding as it does a long list of events in which many of the most notable figures of Ameri can collegiate track competition will participate, offers induce ments to 1 attract every real sports lover here and that in cludes practically the entire stu dent body. But the fact that the University is confronted with an opportunity to secure permanently an annual cham pionship tournament places at tendance upon the meet in the duty category. . '- ' A Further Observations of Debating at Carolina; There can be no doubt that the system of debate which is employed by -this and other American universities is an im perfect one. American colle giate debaters usually lay too much stress on memorized speeches and too little on the na tive platform, endeavoring td couch their thoughts in langu age that betrays no. hesitancy. Although these criticisms are valid, they must be considered in connection with the background which the average debater of this, or other American univer sities, has. Those who have heard inter collegiate debates in Chapel Hill in recent years have noticed that the participants laid great stress online phrases, subtle jest, and a great wealth of extraneous matter that was pleasing to the ear, but which failed to throw much light on the question. 1 The speeches of the debaters have in large .measure been reminis cent of after dinner speeches, and as such did not fulfill the expectations of those who hoped to hear the question argued with care and precision. It is not at all uncommon to hear people say "I didn t want to hear a lecture." 1 These are the common criti cisms which people are offering of the debates in which the Uni versity has been represented in recent years. An assistant edi tor of this publication discussed the problem at length in Wed- nesday's issue, raising severally French and German for can- diction of tap, dancing into in questions which the present! Mafc fnr ,wtnri' Tr0oa wniwintp loWinrr oni T writer, who has been rather in- iiumiy assoeiaieu wun ueDat-i5 respectively. The French ex ing for the last three years, de- animation will be held in Mur sires to comment upon. phey 314 at 10 o'clock and the True it is that students al- German exam, comes off in ways attend the Carolina-British Saunders 109 at 9 :30. iHf lM!.v iAH HEEL' debates in large numbers; but why? Is it not because of curio sity about the looks and voices of the -Britishers, rather than to hear the debate itself? It is manifestly unfair to contend that the English system of de-. bating is better Ihan the Ameri can plan merely because of the fact that students attend the Carolina-British debates, which are, conducted on the English scheme, but refuse , to attend de bates between Carolina and some other American university which are conducted according tothe American plan. When American teams debate in Eng land the audiences are much larger than when two British teams are competing. The crowd is drawn by curiosity, rather than by a desire to hear a discussion of the particular question under consideration. But let us consider the two plans aside from the problem of the audience: Under the Ox ford, or British, plan the subject is not disclosed until the speak ers ' are on the platform. The debate must" be entirely extem poraneous. There is a great deal of spontaneity in; the speeches, and the' debaters lay greater stress on the, rebuttal. On the other hand, the Ameri can plan provides that the de baters shall know both the query and their respective sides a con siderable time before the debate. This enables' tne contestants to prepare speeches and to memo rize them beforehand. A weighty objection to this procedure is that the opposing teams often argue in parallel directions. The result is that the thrusts of the opposing team are of ten not an swered until the rebuttal. But one must remember that most of the British debaters who come to this country are profes sional or graduate students, and that the average British college student has a much wider ac quaintance witk literature and other phases of educational data than the average American college student. Just why this is the case is obvious when one examines the status of English society and- scrutinizes the in fluence of that institution upon the character of the average Englishman. The American college debater cannot hope to compete with graduate and pro fessional debaters from England in a debate where the query is not announced until the audience has assembled. Were this the case, our debates would be less interesting even than they are now. An intermediate system of de whereby the query is announced ahead of time, but the debaters do not know which side thexwill present until they have taken their .places on the platform. This seems to embody the solu tion to the situation. Regardless of the numerous criticisms which are being di rected at debating, the fact is that students of the University are taking more interest in that activity. The debate squad sys- tem whereby the prospective de- baters study the question under faculty supervision is proving a great success. For every varsity team there are about eleven well prepared contestants. Debating is gradually regaining its lost territory and will continue to do -so as long as the spoken word is supreme. J. C. W. OrXl EXAMINATIONS FOR DEGREES TO BE MARCH 29 The annual oral examinations be given on March 29 and April Headers' Opinions - , i 1 DR. BAGBY FOR PRESIDENT Editor Daily Tar Heel: The writer was much inter- ested this morning' upon ob- serving your presidential bal- lot" but was greatly disappoint ed upon noting the absence of the name of the man, who, to my mind, is best qualified to head the destinies df Carolina for the next half-century. I refer to Dr. English Bagby, of the psychology department. There are many reasons why this man would make the ideal president. First, his appearance. There is no one on the faculty, proba bly, with the same appearance of dignity and charm. His very bulk inspires confidence in what he says, and his boyish smile shows a keen interest in every thing that goes on around him often an amused interest de lightful in a college president. Second, his youth. It is the fashion nowadays to choose youthful men to head colleges and universities. A man as young as Bagby would naturally build for the future. Third; his permanence. With Bagby at the helm, the very first official act of the new ad ministration would be the build ing of the finest golf course in f Vi o pnimW nf fo-rnlinn And if Carolina possessed the finest golf course, there would, so long as it was maintained so, never be an incentive forthe president; to leave. This would be highly desirable. Fourth, his goodfellowship. No one ever accuses the psycho logist of being "high-hat." In fact, he is quite the opposite he's just "one of the boys." One could always walk into the pres idential offices, perch on the of ficial desk and bum a cigarette from prexy. Fifth, his great interest in humanity. Bagby is delighted when he can aid anyone in psy chological difficulties, and of course, to a psychologist, most difficulties are psychological. Sixth, economy; My candi date has no expensive habits, and does possess, in fact, com fortable personal fortune. He would undoubtedly work cheaper than many imported presidents. - Seventh, publicity. If Dr. English Bagby were the presi dent of the University of North Carolina, and could be induced to make his characteristic! speeches frequently, he would! make Carolina known from the San Juan islands to the Flori da keys, and 'from La Jolla- to Fort Kent, as well as in distant countries. ' For there never was another man who could express ideas so interestingly. John Daniel. . THE TROUBLE WITH DEBATING - Editor the Daily 'Tar Heel: May I' be heard on the sub- ject of debating? J. D. McN., writing on "The Present Plight of Debating at Carolina" in Wednesday's Tar Heel, suggested that all was not well with "the venerable institu tion. Even during a boycott on the Carolina' Theatre, it seems, students are unwilling to accept the substituted entertainment provided by the debating team. I am not so sure that debates are intended to be amusing. The government assessed no tax on I them during the war. I stand unalterably ormosed to the intro -ok askance -at piano accom- Tniment to the, third affirma e rebuttal. ? The' ultimate fault with 'vl r- Ilegiate debating is not that it unentertaining but that it is ineffective. The antiquated and bombastic diction of the debater fails because it is unsuited to convincing argument. Who savs "The ?entl(man who lust left the floor,, should be in dan- ger of the Council, and who says "I have definitely and conclu- sively proven" should be in dan ger of heflfire, principally be cause the one statement is trite and wearisome and the other false. The annoying phraseology of the debater and his devastating puerile seriousness are not what is wrong with debating; they are the results of what is wrong with debating; An intercollegiate debater should say something definite about a pertinent and generally interesting question. He need not prove anything definitely and conclusively in most in stances he will be unable to do so, strive as he will. The ques tion for debate should be con sidered as a sub j ect for discus sion rather than as a problem to be settled. It is to be seriously doubted whether the twenty year old debater will be able to prove finally that modern sci ence is, or is not, antagonistic to theistic faith ; if he is intelligent and has' spent some time in reading about the subject ne :?houId be able to express some interesting views on it. The question on which he is to ex press such views should be se lected with some idea of pro priety. "Resolved : That disem bodied spirits inhabit the crys talline heaven" is inherently un interesting to a modern audi ence. "Resolved: That skiing be made a ma jor sport at Caro lina" is without local appeal. The debater fails in the choice and proper discussion of a suit able subject with reference to his ownability, the audience, and the time limits within-which he is confined principally because of the system. Since debates DANCE TONIGHT - - f - ' - .- :' . Alamance Hotel BURLINGTON Jack Wardlaw And His Orchestra 9-1 P.M. i are still pace with See the Season's Vogue in the Latest Colors and Shades at -"' NAT'S Friday, March 7, 1930 are judged and ict0rie3 appre ciated, at least by the coach, the performance of the individual debater is perverted from rea sonable discussion to absurd his. trionics. Instead of saying any thing he asserts everything, Rop ing that his violence and vol ume will scare the judges into rendering a favorable decision. Some good is done by replacing (as is done in many Universi ties) the three voluntary and non-professional judges with a single paid critic-judge who 'will prefer discussion to declama tion. More is accomplished by omitting the judge altogether. It is a mistake to assume that there can be no good debating without an anticipated verdict, just as it is erroneous .to as sume that women cannot have beautiful legs without Atlantic City contests to determine which has the most beautiful. When the system of intercol legiate debating is changed to encourage intelligent discussion instead of unintelligent ', asser tion and nauseous bombast, edu cated people ' will resume the practice of attending debates. ARNOLD WILLIAMS. Daily Prayer Grant, we beseech thee, 0 Lord, that whenever we go out of doors, we may draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head highland fill the lungs to the utmost; that we may drink in sunshine, greet our friends with a smile and put our souls into every handclasp J Grant this, 0 Lord, for Christ Jesus sake. Amen. The above writings, put into the form of prayers for the use of the Y. P. S. L., were taken, for the most part, from "The Notebook of Elbert Hubbard" published by Wm. B. Wise & Co. New York. GLASSES LOST Lost: Several days ago, pair of black horn-rimmed glasses. Return to Campus Confection ery and get reward. V Script setting the college men - 4

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