rv7 .Jr.- MJt: V- FREE BAND CONCERT tonight " 7:30 DAVIE POPLAR X FREE BAND CONCERT TONIGHT 7:20 DAVIE POPLAR 13 ' 5 ' y s VOLUME XXXVIII CHAPEL HILL, N. C TUESDAY, BIAY 6, 1930 NUMBER 162 rn a i i i 1 KM ' ii M. ii - MJ 11 TO Rl) w 1 Pi ;J... Vy Xl L Vti?! 1 SUPREME COURT JUDGES INVITED TO LAW BANQUET Enjoyable Program Planned For Affair In Carolina Inn" Wednesday. The law school association of the University will give 1 their annual banquet Wednesday night at the Carolina Inn. The affair will be a large one arid over 100 guests are expected. . Ed Scheidt will be toastmas- ter? while the principal speaker of the evening will be President Harry W. Chase. All five judges of the North Carolina Supreme Court have been invited and are expected to attend. A complete program of songs, speeches, i poems, and other at tractions have been planned, and the affair promises to be an enjoyable one. The entertainment committee which planned the banquet is composed of the following men : Professor M. S. Breckenridge, Waddell Gholson, Peyton Ab bott, J. H. Chadbourne, Wex Ma lone, Tom Gold and Moore Bry son. ; . -'' '. :, The banquet which was held last spring was quite a success. It is reported as having been the best in the history of the asso ; iatipn. .. . J?xofessor M.. TVVan Hecke was toastmaster last year and Judge Brogden, speaker. At the banquet a picture of the third year law class will be presented to the law school as sociation. , ROSE HEADS N. C BAR ASSOCIATION Another of the University's alumni has recently been elevat ed to a proiriinent position. Charles G. Rose, prominent Fay etteville lawyer, was chosen to head of the North Carolina Bar Association. Rose is a trustee of the University. Mr. Rose graduated from the University in 1900, taking his law degree in the law school here in 1902. While in school here Mr. Rose was editor of the Tar Heel, a member, of the Or der of the Gimghoul, and the Kappa Sigma fraternity. - His son, Charles, Jr., is now a freshman at the University, on the Tar Heel staff, and is pre paring to enter the law school. SECOND EPISCOPAL TEA ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD The second Episcopal tea of the spring quarter,; which was held in the Parish house Sunday afternoon, was attended by a large number of students and out of town ?guests. Mrs. J. H. Anderson was assisted in receiv ing by Mr. J. B. Bullitt, Mrs. G. M. Braune, and Mrs. A. S. Lawrence. The "Y" quartet sang several selections, and group singing was accomplished on the piano by Donald Wood. Punch, cakes and candies were served during the calling hours. The tea next Sunday will be held especially for students and their mothers in celebration of Mothers' Day. U. D. C. MEETS TUESDAY The local chapter of the U. D. C. will hold its usual weekly meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Mar vin Utley on Vance street. Kress Man Here A representative of the S. H. Kress Company will be here tomorrow morning to interview those seniors who have expressed an interest in seeing him. All such persons should ap ply to -Henry Johnson at 114 Bingham hall after chapel. CHASE ADDRESSES FRESHMAN CL ASS Enjoins Men of '33 To Complete Education At Any Cost. After an introduction by Dean Bradshaw. praising him for his twenty years of faithful and ef ficient service to the University, President Chase in his last mes sage to the freshman class is sued a challenge to them not to let' financial difficulties deprive them of-a college education. The speaker called attention to the fact that a college educa tion" is becoming a normal ex perience and that over one mil lion persons are attending col leges in the United States, mak ing more than one percent of the entire population. He fur ther said that prior to the Civil War and ; for some time -"after, that a college education belonged only to the wealthy and privi leged and that there are more men in college now than there were in high school then. College Trains for Life ' Dr. Chase further stated that he regarded figures on tne in crease nT financial returns for college men of very little value because financial gains were not the big object in obtaining a col lege education. He told the freshmen that they were going to appreciate life in a fuller sense after coming to college. He compared the benefits of a college education to a geometric ratio bringing immeasureable re turns in the future and contin ued saying that each year meant more than the one preceding it in college. In closing he stated that the University was now going through a period of severe econ omizing and that this fact should not cause a slack in pace. He said that no one should let these difficulties deprive him of his life investment a college were forced to close up after op education. He closed by asking crating for a month or more, the class to work on and to con- j For a while the building was tinue their education- and to go rented by a Greek cafe and cafe- nnf anrl mnlfA their mark in North Carolina and the South. He congratulated them for be ing the most progressive fresh man class ever to attend the University. Deputation Team To Make Wilmington Trip The Y.M.C.A. deputation team will leave for Wilmington at 1:06 o'clock Thursday after noon. They will give a week-end program, visiting several schools and Hi Y clubs. The team will consist of the Y.M.C.A. quartet, Jack Connel ly; first tenor ; Fred Laxton, sec ond tenor ; Wofford Humphries, baritone, and Jack Miller, bass and the following speakers : Pat Patfprson. F. M. James. Jack Dungan Ed Hamer, and Will Yarborough. DI SENATE WILL HOLD IMPORTANT SESSION TONIGHT An exceptionally interesting and important meeting of the Di Senate will be held tonight. President Rector will preside over the discussions on the bills which will be brought up. A new treasurer will be elected to succeed Pat Patterson who has held the office up to now. A lively discussion is expected over I the bills to be brought up. The main topic of discussion will probably center about the reso lution offered by Senator Mc Kee: "Resolved. That the Di Senate go on record in favor of the confirmation of Justice Par keras associate justice of the United States supreme court." The Di seems to be very much interested in this subject and many heated discussions are ex pected. , Other bills to be discussed are "Resolved, That the state should support at its university those students possessed of unusual talent, but lacking the necessary funds," and "Resolved, That the governor of North Carolina be given the veto power." : The report of the banquet committee consisting of Sena tors Dungan, Dratler and Pat terson will also be given tonight. According to preliminary plans, the Di will have a banquet .at the Carolina Inn, probably, the third week in May. This too will be of interest to all attending. Those who are absent from the meeting will; be automatically dropped. The president of the Di urges all to attend and take part in the stimulating discus sions. CAFETERIA GOES OUT OF BUSINESS Successful Management by Mrs. Troutman Keeps Welcome In Open For wo Years. The Welcome In cafeteria; next to the post office, closed its doors this morning to further business. This cafeteria, which has been under the management of Mrs. W. E. Troutman, has been operating for approximate ly the last; two years. Prior to the opening of the Welcome In cafeteria the build- ing was occupied by numerous other cafeterias, all of which teria combined; but on account of business ; troubles, it soon closed its doors.' Then just be fore the Welcome In ' cafeteria occupied the place, a cafeteria was operated there under the name of the Carolina cafeteria, which also closed up in a short while. ' ; When Mrs. Troutman opened the new Welcome In cafeteria some two years ago, everyone thought that it would meet the same fate as all of the others. But by good business manage ment and by serving a good! menu, the Welcome In was able, to continue much longer than any of its predecessors. The announcement of its closure this morning came as a blow to the community. No plans have yet been made, for a future opening. HUNDRED PRIZES ARE AWARDED AT One Thousand Entries Trans form Tin Can Into Flower Garden. - With more than 1000 entries, 114 of which were awarded prizes, the annual Chapel Hill flower show, held in the Tin Can last week, was judged the best on record. The flower show is Sponsored annually by the Wom an's club of Chapel Hill and was this year directed by Mrs. H. R. Totten. ;..v- Complete to the last detail, the show transformed the drab appearance of the Tin Can into a veritable flower garden, with profuse colors and perfume com ing from displays of all sorts of blossoms from roses, aquilegia, and iris to large collections of unnamed - field flowers. Rock gardens with fountains, fish and sometimes a turtle ; ' landscape with forests, drives and . hill ; and lawns with bird baths and shrubbery all added to the beau ty of the show. I Prizes numbering 114 were awarded. These were made pos sible by merchants of Chapel Hill, , Carrboro, Durham and Greensboro, together with sev eral local citizens. v Among winners of prizes were Mrs. K. M. W. Tack, Mrs. G. W. Lay, Mrs. J. M. Lear, Mrs. Moody Durham, Mrs. H. R. Tot ten, Mrs. C. E. Preston, Mrs. H. D. Carter, Mrs. P. H. Quinlan, Mrs. T. E. Best. Mrs. P. L. Burch, Brewster Continued on last page) POLICE OFFICERS raOTOG RACE Model T Rum-Runners Almost Escape Local Law Enforcers. ; (By D. C. McDuffie) Policemen Wright and Lloyd had a very exciting experience Saturday night: - A , report came to these officers that a 1925 model Ford roadster was coming through Chapel Hill loaded with liquor. The Chapel Hill police men Were too smart, however, to, allow this fast model T Ford roadster to come through the town of Chapel Hill without some disturbance, so they waited for the vicious rum-runner to make his appearance. The officers were soon con- - vinced that the report was a very true one, because they soon heard the sound of a . buzzing model T motor. The Chief and Officer Wright were in the force's model A Ford facing in the same direction the rum-run-ner was coming and prepared to make a fast "take-off." This dangerous rum-runner, unaware of the fact that two officers were waiting for him, came by driv ing very slowly, but as soon as he saw the two officers in blue he advanced his speed consider- ably, Chief Lloyd and Officer Wright were off on the second. According to the report it was impossible for them to gain much speed on the fast model T Ford until they were almost within the city limits of Dur- (Continued on last page) Junior Dance Friday The annual Junior Prom will be held Friday night in Bynum gymnasium from 9 until 1 o'clock. Plans for the affair are as yet incomplete, but a meeting of the dance committee is to be held today. Further announcements will be made later. The dance leaders for the occasion are to be Henry House, Herb Nelson and Jack Lindley. The dance commit tee consists of Artie Marpet, chairman, Will Yarborocigh, Tom Craig, Mayne Albright, and Pat Patterson. ! WADESBORO GIRL WINS IN CLASS A TYPING CONTEST Winston-Salem, Asheville, and Charlotte are Also Winners In Annual Event. Miss Nancy Lee" Brasington, advanced student in typing in the Wadesboro high school, emerged from the 108 represen tatives from 20 schools to win the class A medal in the annual high school typewriting .contest here Saturday with an average of 58 words per minute for a quarter of an hour. . - In the' class B ' contest, in which groups competed, Winston-Salem high won the silver loving cup offered as a prize with a team average of 57.58 words per minute. Class C. and class D contests i were won by Miss Sarah Stevens of Asheville high and Miss Marie Lindsajr of Charlotte Central high, respectively. Miss Selma Factor of Ashe ville high won the accuracy medal with an average of 46 words per minute for the entire contest with only one error; while Miss Pauline Stroupe of Charlotte Central high took the high speed honors, averaging 75 words per minute. In the shorthand contest Dur ham and Asheville tied for first place in the advanced group, while Durham won the begin ners' contest. These contests are sponsored annually by the University extension division in cooperation with the North Carolina Commercial Contest Association, of which Mrs. Cora L. Odum of Charlotte Central high school was elected state manager to succeed Miss Ruth A. Ford of the R. J. Reynolds high school, Winston Salem. Mrs. Myrtle Asbury of Char lotte Central high was elected secretary and treasurer.. Inspectors In Town Two state health inspectors were in town yesterday; and were well pleased with the exist ing sanitary conditions through out the community. They were Dr. A. H. Kerr, chief inspector bf the State dairy division, and Dr. E. P. Caruthers, district in spector for state board of health. Phi Interested In Philippines The Phi Assembly tonight will get into regular business after having delayed the considera tion of the Philippine Indepen dence question at its last meeting. PRESIDENT CHASE WILL SPEAK AT HONOROTEMONY Scheduled For 8:30 At Metho dist Church; Much Interest In Event. The Order of the Golden Fleece will hold its annual tap-; ping in the Methodist church at 8:30 o'clock tonight. President Harry Woodburn Chase will be the speaker. Professor Horace Williams will introduce Dr. Chase. Hooded figures wll stalk the aisles, in impressive ceremony, to pounce upon the select few who have been sufficiently out standing in the different student activities to merit membership in the Fleece. The usual wide interest is cen- , teringsC-n tonight's tapping, nat urally enough, since Golden Fleece is the second oldest col legiate honorary organization in the country, and since member ship is generally considered the highest campus honor obtain able. - Speculation among students as to which of their number would be tapped has been rife for months. Prospects of stu dent leaders have been common topics of discussion for weeks. The Daily Tar Heel put forth the" list thought by staff mem bers to have the best chances in the issue of April 25. Tonight's tapping, when- the black-robed argonauts roam the aisles, will bring the long period to an end, and from all indica tions there will be a record crowd present for the annually impressive ceremony. President Chase's appearance tonight will be one of the last opportunities for the retiring head of the University to appear in an official capacity before the student body as a whole. COMMITTEE MEN NAMED BY HENRY btud" Jienry, president of the rising sophomore class an nounced last night the member- 1 A ll snip oi xne executive committee of the class of 1933. Thirteen men have been chosen by him to- Qirl in Via mono mnor . vF nlnoo CXU XXX Vli XXXCXXCjXXX JJL (laoo smokers, business and the an- nuai sopnomore nop. Edgar (Tommy) Thomas of Wadesboro has been named chairman of the committee. He will have as committeemen: D. Howard M. Lee of Dunn ; Frank Hawley of Portsmouth, Va. ; R." E. Brooks of Elkins Park, Penn sylvania ; Hugh Wilson of Chap el Hill; "Shady" Lane of Mon- Robert Davis of High Point; Howard Wilson of Greenville ; Thomas Watkins of Jackson, Miss. ; Sparks Griffith of Marsh ville; and George Weaver of Raeford. - Law Review , Out June 1 According to a report coming from the office of Dean C. T. McCormipk of. the law school, the North Carolina Law Review for: June hasi gone to press and will be distributed June 1. A. K. Smith of Raleigh is the editor of the publication, while Professor R. H. Wettach of the law school is the faculty mem ber in charsre.

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