Wednesday, May 7, 1930 THE BA1VX TAR, HEEL Pare Three Battle Of The Caroiioas . To- Take Place Today Diamond Squads of North and South Carolina To Meet for First Time Since Spring Of 1926. Meeting on the diamond for the first time since the spring of 1926, the Tar Heels take on the Gamecocks ' of South Carolina here this afternoon at 4 o'clock on Emerson field. The last baseball tie-up of these two institutions from sis ter states resulted in a 3-2 vic tory for the Tar Heels, then un der the tutorship of Coach Duke Duncan. Diamond relations were then suspended for three seasons and today's game re vives an old rivalry of years' standing. Contests have been hot between the two Carolinas in every branch of sport for sev eral decades and the present clash is expected to be no excep tion. The Gamecocks are compar able to the Georgia nine, with whom Carolina was barely able to break even in a four-game! series earlier in the season, in that they have on their lineup several men of football note, among them being Boineau. Fans are hoping to see Mar shall Rand back in his old place at second. "Casey" Jackson has been holding the second sack job with little difficulty while Rand has been out with injuries, but there is a greater need for him on first in . order that Cap tain Jimmie Maus may be able to add a little strength to the outfield. Behind the bat, on first or in the garden, Maus is en tirely at home, and his hefty heave with the bat insures him a regular position wherever he may be needed most. Potter or Kushner will be used behind the" bat, the former probably getting the call because of the edge he holds in batting power. Since Maus has been fill ing out his nine innings of field work at first or in the field, these two rookies have been having a hot race for the backstop posi tion. Both of them handle .the! throws from the mound with consistent ease but have been a little weak on the hitting. Pot ter came through With a homer in the Wake Forest tilt last Sat urday which, added to a single earlier in the game, raised his batting average considerably. Luf ty and Whitehead will as sume their regular places at third and short, while the out field posts are subjeet to conjec ture. If Maus takes one of the garden positions the other two will be filled from a multitude of candidates, aiming whom -are House, Davis, Sher, felythe, Branch, Paxton, and one or two more. Auburn Wright, one of the two veteran moundsmen left from last year, will probably do the hurling for the Tar Heels. ' The Gamecock lineup was not available in time for publication. Frosh Go To Virginia The freshman baseoall team left Chapel Hill today at 8 o'clock on a four-day trip through Virginia. The frosh will play three games while away, returning by Greensboro, and will arrive at Chapel Hill Saturday night. They will play Fork Union Prep School at Fork Union, Va., Wednesday; Woodberry Forest at Orange, Va., Thursday ; A. M. A. at Fort Defiance, Va., Friday. Coach Cerney has announced that the following men will make the trip: Adkins, Chandler, Griffith, McNeill, Scarboro, Pat tisoll, Peacock, Ferebee, Powell, Riggs, Daniel, Whitehead, Dix on, Croom, Connor, Whiteheart, Barber, Walcjc, Allen, Daniel and Riddle, Baseball Results AMERICAN Cleveland, 7 ; New York, 6. Chicago, 4; Boston, 3. Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 1. Washington, 5; Detroit, 4. NATIONAL New York, 11; Pittsburgh, 9. Chicago, 3 ; Brooklyn, 1. Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 3. Philadelphia-St. Louis (rain). PIEDMONT High Point, 8; Ral. 8 (7 inns.). SALLY Charlotte, 5 ; Columbia, 1. Asheville, 2 ; Augusta, 2. Greenville, 8 ; Macon, 5. VARSITY GOLFERS CLASH WITH DUKE Play at Hillandale Course To morrow; Take On State Saturday. With the outcome of Carolina in the recent Southern Con ference Intercollegiate Golf Tourney still fresh in mind the Tar Heels are considered to have a fine chance of capturing the title next year since Sam Perry, Harry Pritchett, Bill Duckwell, and Bill Legwen, the big guns of this last tournament, .are graduating in June. Thursday Carolina will meet Duke at Hillandale, Duke's home course. Although Carolina won the state championship handily, this match with Duke cannot be considered a snap, since the Tar Heels are combatting Duke on their home course. Duke is rumored to have a strong indi vidual team and should give Carolina a rough time of it. The Tar Heels will have State as their opponent this Saturday, Carolina being the Wolfpack's guests at the Carolina Country Club at Raleigh. On Saturday, May 17, Caro lina will embark on a trip to Charlottesville, Virginia to play Virginia at the Farlington Country Club, this match being one of the final athletic matches in which the Cavaliers and the Tar Heels will meet this year. Lambda Chi Alpha Wins Lambda Chi Alpha continued its winning habit yesterday af ternoon by defeating Phi Delta Theta 7-4. After the first two innings, which were played in the rain, both pitchers hurled good ball. Bob Bullock was on the mound for Lambda Chi Alpha and he worked , a fine game, striking out eight men. "Brick" Gran tham, the losing pitcher, was given poor support. The mainspring of the Lamb da Chi Alpha attack was Stan ley, who laced out two home runs. Team R H E Phi D. T. 1 220 00 4 5 L. Chi A 430 0 7 8 3 Batteries : for Phi Delta Theta Grantham and Griffin; for Lambda Chi Alpha Bullock and Prevost. . HOLLETT TO MEET WITH JUNIOR ENGINEERS SOON A. R. Hollett, coordinator of the junior year cooperative work in the school of engineer ing, will meet with each section of the junior class in engineer ing in the near future. The three groups in civil, elec trical and mechanical engineer ing will meet separately to talk over with Mr. Hollett the jobs each man will take in coopera tive work. Then each man will give Mr. Hollett his three choices, and the, jobs will be as signed later. Intramural Baseball WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 No intramural games scheduled on account of the North Carolina-South Carolina baseball game here. THURSDAY, MAY 8 3:30 p. m. (1) New Dorms vs. Mangum (a game rained out April 17) ; (2) Delta Tau Del ta vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 4:30 p. m. (1) Alpha Tau Omega vs. . Sigma Chi ; (2) Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Sigma Kappa. FRIDAY, MAY 9 No intramural games scheduled on account of the Carolina- Yirginisi game here. SPEEDY FRESHMAN SQUAD WILL MEET STATE WEDNESDAY The undefeated freshman speed merchants will journey to taieign: weanesaay to engage the strong State frosh in a-dual meet. In addition to their un blemished record in dual meets, the Tar Babies annexed the state freshman championship Satur day in Greensboro, tallying first place in the three freshman events. The men to make the trip to Raleigh have not yet been de cided, but it is expected that the men who participated in the 66 60 triumph over the Blue Imps will be over in Raleigh when the call 'is put in for the first event. 40 Beginners In Golf Tournament There were 40 starters in the annual foursome flight tourna ment staged by the Chapel Hill golf club during the last two weeks. Leavitt and Trabue played Bynum and Caldwell in a semi-final match Saturday af ternoon; finals will probably be played off Tuesday. Prizes will be given to the winners by the Book X, Students' Supply Store, and Pritchard-Patterson. Next Saturday play will, start for the president's cup and the club championship. This is the first year of the president's cup tournament, and a large field of comnetitors is expected. A sil- ver loving cup has been pre sented by the Students' Supply Store, on which the name of the winner will be engraved. x In the finals of the Women's tournament, Mrs. Couch won over Mrs. Quinlan 44-52, and was awarded a silver letter opener. Among the participants were Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Leav itt, Miss Branson, and Miss Bul- lit. The golf committee has made arrangements with Sam Paul sen, manager of the course to give free lessons on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 to 10 o'clock to any women of the community interested. Frosh Meet State The Tar Baby tracksters will engage the State freshmen in a dual meet at Raleigh this after noon at 3:30. The following men are requested to be at Em erson field by 12:30 ready to make the trip: Brock,' Cordle, Davis, Donnell, Drane, Babriel, Geiger, Hamlet, Harrell, Henry, Hodges, Hubbard, Jensen, Jones, Lindeman, Martindale, Mitch am, Newland, Pratt, Shepherd, Stafford, . Watkins, Nicholson, Redding and Wornon. Wilton In Semi-Finals Wilton high school went to the eastern semi-finals in the class " B baseball eliminations yesterday by defeating Weldon 4-3 in a 12 inning game here. Garland Smith's single with three on base in the third inning ended the contest. Ben B rum mitt, Wilton slab star, fanned 13, and his pitching was a fea ture of the game. MTERCOLLEGIATE OUTBOARD RACING GAINS IN FAVOR J. E. Wilkinson Sets New Rec ord of 3 Hours, 26 Minutes, And 3 Seconds for 138 Mile Marathon. (By Les Gage, Sports Ed., Col lege Humor) College students who have or ganized this spring for compe tition with outboard motor boats are not only interested in the short races but are already be ginning to give some thought to the distance marathons. In the annual Albany to New York Marathon for outboards held on the Hudson recently a new high speed record of 3 hours, 26 min utes was established by J. E. Wilkinson, driving a 32 horse powered boat. Wilkinson swept into the lead in the last two miles of the 138 mile grind by sensational driving after a disastrous start. Soon after the starter's gun popped, Wilkinson was stalled due to water having gotten into his gasoline. Working frantically for a full half hour while the field of 111 other racers swept by, he final ly started against the discourag ing odds and piloted his way to victory. His time for the course comes within two minutes of equalling the running time of the century between Albany and New. York. Wilkinson, driving a 32 sea horse powered boat and Frank James who came in second with a 24 sea horse powered boat, ex ceeded the former record with motors of smaller displacement than many of the others en tered. Although intercollegiate out board racing this year will be confined to-the short events, it is highly probable that within the next year or two several sensational marathons will be planned for these student driv ers. Freshman Y Cabinet Nominates Officers At the freshman Y council meeting Monday night the nom inating committee nominated the following men as officers of next year's sophomore 'cabinet: president, Bob Barnett, Tom Worth and "Bim" Ferguson; vice-president, Tommy Thomas, Cabell Philpot, and Charles Rose ; secretary, Charlie Allison, Bill Hoffman and Billy McKee; treasurer, Jim Steere, Ernest Staples and Lee Richardson. These nominees are to be vot ed on at a banquet which is to be given May 19. A committee wras appointed to take charge of the plans for the banquet, and a big , closing "get' together" is being planned. All cabinet members are requested to watch for further announcements. Sigma Chi's Win Sigma Chi won a close tennis contest from Sigma Alpha Epsi lon Monday afternoon by win ning the singles matches. Sig ma Chi forfeited one match to S. A. E. and in the other match es Farleigh, S. A. E., won over Holcomb 6-4, 6-4; Waterhouse, S. A. E. defeated Jacoehs; Sig ma Chi, 9-7, 9-7. a in -ii ii mm ii Jobs Wanted Due to the recent closing of the. Welcome In Cafeteria, sev eral boys who have been doing self-help work are out of jobs. The self-help bureau is unable to take care of the large num ber of students who are apply ing for work daily. Mr, Leon ard is asking that anyone who has work that needs to be done call at the Y. M. C. A. All work will be taken care of and appre ciated. , Intramural Tennis WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 No intramural games scheduled on account of the North Carolina-South Carolina baseball game here. THURSDAY, MAY 8 3:00 p. m. (1) Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Delta Theta; - Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Kappa Sigma. 4:30 p. m. (1) Zeta Psi vs. Sienna Epsilon: (2) Beta Theta Pi No. 1 vs. Phi Kappa Alpha. VARSITY NETMEN MAKEjMG TRIP Team Will Enter Southern Con ference Intercollegiate Tourn ament At New Orleans. WILL RETURN MAY 20 Carolina's successful tennis team, having defeated all good teams in the state, started out on their southern trip today to seek new worlds to ; conquer. The Tar Heel net stars will pre sent a strong and well-balanced team to their southern foes as each player boasts a successful season up to date. The team will be represented in singles by Hendlin and Liskin, who have each won six matches and lost one to date ; by Captain Merritt and Graham, who have each won six matches and lost two; and by Baggs who has won all of his five matches. The doubles end of the team will be held up by Hendlin and Liskin, who recently won ..the state doubles title ; and by Captain Merritt and Graham, who have won most of their matches this year. The schedule of the trip is as follows: The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, May 7 ; Vanderbilt University at Nashville, May 8; Sewanee University at Sewanee, May 9 ; Georgia Tech at Atlanta, May 10; University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, May 12; Tulane at New Orleans, May 13; Louis iana State University at Baton Rouge, May 14; Southern Con ference Intercollegiate Tourna ment at New Orleans, May 15, 16, 17. The team will return in time to play Duke on May 20 at Chapel Hill. Meyer Speaks at Henderson Dr. Harold D. Meyer, of the sociology department of the Uni versity, addressed the Vance county teacher's meeting at Henderson Saturday, May 3, on the subject "Modern Trends in the Home." TNone of Bancroft's j sensational hits e q u a 1 1 e d this for thrills and smashing action! GEORGE BANCROFT shows you how con ventions crumble when love commands in 'ladies love Brutes' Added Paramount NewTs , Screen Song COMING "Hallelujah' Vf Do They vf 5 Him? WWW Now Playing film Everett Defeats Lewis Everett's baseball team de feated Lewis 4-3 yesterday af ternoon in a game limited to three innings by darkness. Wil liams' fine pitching for Everett was offset by his teammates' errors which allowed three un earned runs to cross the plate in the last frame. Bloom's sacri fice fly sent Brown in with the winning run in the final inning. Score by innings : . Lewis ... ........ 0 0 3 Everett .. 2 1 1 Batteries: .Stewart, Rankin and Willey; Williams and Chaf- itz. :; " ; Koreans' IELD a moment to the eternal emotions ! Lilt ing, soft as down, sweet and sure ... here's a dance tune that gives the girls a chance. .. Every one of this list of Victor Records has that unique personal pull that only Victor arrangements ... and Victor artists, cream of the world from jazz to symphony ... can ive! Get this consolation and joy ... at your Victor, dealer's NOW 22334ALONEWITII MY 0 It E AM SXat. ShiU kretandthe Victor Orch, aocfLAZY LOU'SIANAMOON-Hiio Hawai ian Orchestra 22322 IX MY LITTLE HOPE CHEST and SING YOU SINNERS The High Batters 22332 THE OXE E LOVE .II7ST CAN'T BE BOTII EflEH WITH ME Philip Spitalny and his Orch, and BLUE, rk LRN1NG GREY OVER YOU Aat. Shdkret and the Victor Orch. 22346-SWEEPIN' THE CLOUDS AWAY Coou Sanders Orch. and ANY TIME'S THE TIME TO FALL L LOVE Philip Spitalny and his Orch. 22337-THE WOMAN IN THE SUOE-Aol. Shilkret and the Victor Orch. and ONLY LOVE IS REAL Tfte High Hatters , 22339-W IIEN IT'S SPRINGTIME IN THE i IIOCKIES and DOWN THE RIVER OF GOLDEN DREAMS t j auo Hawaiian Orchestra ALL Trds MUSIC YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT on- Weekly Release .11 Kmm Studeots' ly More "Everything in Stationery" VICTOR

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