THE DAILY TAR . HEEL i. tL3 i. . t c J GOBBLi TTTH 7 KfJ2S I I 1 1 7 PM RAT 1 I m H 1 Conference OP riff A Fit? T TTTT 1 1 H f 1 S 1 T7ftfTRATT.5T? mm fiijIM I IT LUrk o 7 TT rim "5 SECOND GAME diMilb liiUiiiiA Friday, October 3, 1030 T I i. LATEPRACTiCES V. P. I. Hopes to Turn Back Tar Heels With Fast Backs And Heavy Line. Special to the Daily Tar Heel Blacksburg, Va., Oct. 2. An eleven which refuses to stop short of the goal line is the sort of team Orville Neal, head coach at V. P. I., is moulding to meet North Carolina's onslaught in Miles stadium here Saturday. That is what the Gobblers are doing in scrimmage this week. Two backfield combinations are plugging away at a stubborn de fensive eleven with a speed and dash which augurs a bitter struggle when the Tar Heels in vade the stadium, where V. P. I. team has yet to meet defeat af ter four years of campaigning. Half of the laurels now adorn ing the varsity brow ; belong to Neal's linemen, who are clearing the way for the ball toters not unlike the powerful forward ar- ray wmcn burned up Old Dominion gridirons under Ben Cubbage back in 1922. The Gobb ler forwards apparently have uncovered the final punch which too often was not there in the opening game with Roanoke Col lege last week. The Gobblers are playing the sort of ball they played Saturday in midf ield and not the brand they displayed at the goal line. Coach Neal is running Gene Hite, big sophomore, in one guard and is alternating Harry Stark and Red Jones in the other. Earl Dyke, the lightest of the guard quartet at 180 pounds, also is showing lots of drive and is forging to the front in the battle for places in the Carolina encounter. All V. P. I. knows that the Gobbler forwards have the weight. The big question is, "Have they the speed of a first class line?" Neal believes that they have, for the usual lumber ing tactics of the first game are not evident in Miles Stadium this week.' The small army of Gobbler followers who watched the squad in action through four weeks of nreseason toil and trouble are just as sure that the forwards will carry through in the big games. It is true that, a trio of the seven are' new to var sity ball but they pack an aver age weight of close to 190 pounds from tackle to tackle and better than 180 pounds from end to end. , , For the first . time V. P. I.'s eleven is confronted with a foe of superior deeds in the home stronghold. Small wonder that the linemen are charging and blocking in keeping with the best traditions or that Coach Neal is tuning up his pass defense and spurring his backs to a desperate charge at the Tar Heel ram parts! J i FRESHMEN CLASH WITH MARYLAND The! freshman football team will begin its schedule when it "h Mnrvland frosh on October 18. The contest ought to be a hard fought and an in teresting one. The U. N. C.squad is compos ed of about a hundred and fifty men and they seem to be round ing into fine shape. With such a large number out, Coaches En right and Farris will have . a hard7 time selecting "those who will play. Each man on the squad has been given a chance to show his ability, and several good players have come to the front. One of the reasons for the strength of the team is that there are a number of capable reserve men. The present selection isr' only temporary. . The successful ruler in 'Peru is one who does not spill his Li ma beans. Virginian-Pilot. , . Ernshaw's Hurling and Coeh rane's Hitting for Athletics Too Much for Cardinals. The Tar Heels left last night at 8:15 to open their first for eign invasion of the season Sat urday in Miles stadium at Blacksburg, Va. Before leaving, however, Collins gave his men another stiff workout. The third team scrimmaged against the strong freshman outfit, while the first and second teams drilled at the .West and East ends of the stadium respectively. The frosh looked very good against the third team The work of Weisner and "Hackney in the backfield and Gus Mclver in the line stood out. Norman Hackney is the brother of Bunn and - Rube Hackney, both for mer Carolina athletic"" stars. Jimmy Moore, showed up well. He made several long gains and threw a lot of pretty passes. Archie Davis was at left end on the varsity line. Ellis Fysal was back at his old post, left guard, with Mclver at the other guard position. The remainder of the positions were unchanged. Davis probably will start at left end as Nelson is in the infirm ary. There is a possibility that he will leave today. Bob Black wood, veteran guard, was left behind because of a bad leg. The rest of the squad is in fine shape for the Gobblers. The squad will have a light workout at Roanoke, Va., this afternoon. They .will spend the night there and go to Blacks burg -tomorrow morning. The following men made the trip: Johnson, Tabb, Davis, Parsley, Brown,Bridgers, and Nichols, ends ; Thompson, Hodges, Un derwood and McDade, tackles; Mclver, Crew, Kerr, Fysal, New combe and Dunavant, guards ; Lipscomb, Gilbreath and Allen, centers ; Wyrick, Branch and Moore, nuarterbacks : Maemer. Maug Chandler Nash Erickson, Thompson and Slusser, half backs; House, McNeil and Hous ton, fullbacks. . Stringfield Records To Be Available Here Records of Lamar Strjng field's latest composition will be available on the Hill in a few days, it was learned here last evening. Stringfield is a native Carolina musician and com poser who has recently joined the Chapel Hill literary colony and is connected with the Uni versity for research purpose. Red Seal record selection from Mr.' Stringf ield's" American Syrri- phony have been available in the past few weeks but have been sold out of stock. , Regulation priced records havpbeeh order ed and will be f orale in a few days of "Cripple Creek." " This , selection a favorite in the new music world of classical music. It has been featured in New York by the 'Rosy Theatre orchestra recently.-'" Intramural Notice All independent teams, not affiliated with a dormitory or fraternity, that wish to enter teams in the tag football league or in the fall tennis tournament, must see Mac Gray in the intramural office at Emerson ' field between 3 and 4 o'clock on Friday after noon. This isHhe last chance. The regular season for the tag football league will start Monday, October 6. The ten nis tournament 'will start later in the week. . MAC GRAY. New V. P. I. Coach i m Coach Orville Neale, new head mentor at V. P. L, is installing the system of play which he used at Western Maryland for many years. The system contains many tricky formations and plays, and the Tar Heels have been busy preparing a defense for it. - WRESTLERS LOSE ONLY ONE STAR FROM LAST YEAR Coach Quinlan Anticipates Suc cessful Year for Carolina Grapplers. While Coach Quinlan is busy ing himself with the football squad, several of his veteran wrestlers are getting themselves into condition for the coming season by taking frequent work outs iri the Tin Can. These men are part of a contingency of ten letter men returning from last year's state championship team. Bob Zealy was the only man lost by graduation last June, and with Captain Fred Stallings leading the assault, this year's team has hopes of copping the southern conference crown. All divisions will be well cared for by veterans with three of them working Tn the 148-pound class. Wayne Woodard, ex-captain, will be back in the 135-pound class with Mayne Albright, while Fred Ferguson, one of last year's most dependable men, will be in the unlimited, making both classes exceptionally strong. . .In. Captain Stallings the Tar Heels have one of the best men in the south. During the past season Stallings , won all of his regular: ..matches and made a good showing hr the southern meet in spite of; injuries. Ma rion Cowper, veteran 160-pound er, is now out for football and will probably, work in the light- heavy class this year. He is a senior and has starred consis tently for two years. ,. Moore Saunders, Houghton and Usher will again be in togs and can be depended upon to give a good exhibition at all times. Although the letter men ap pear to be favorites in pre-sea-son doping, several of last year's reserves and freshmen will have to be dealt with before any man clinches his position. Carolina may well hope for the best team in her history. I Squad To Have Final Practice In Roanoke, Virginia, This Afternoon. The Athletics continued their winning ways, crushing the Car dinals yesterdav 6-1 at Shibe Park, thus making the presen t standing 2-0 in favor of Phila delphia. . The game, a Comedy of Er rors, was poorly played and lacked the usual thrills of the fall classic. Philadelphia started off in the first inning; tallying twice on three hits, among them Micky Cochrane's secord circuit blow of the series. St. Louis , made it a ball game again in their half of the second, scoring their, lone run-on Wat kin's homer. This blow inci dentally marked the youngster's first appearance in a world series and he made ,the most of it. George Ernshaw, righthand er, hurled for the champions and had little trouble in holding the Cards in . check. Flint Rhem started for the National League champions and pitched good ball, lack of support behind him be ing.the main reason for the Card loss. - ':- . ' ; , . Today the teams will travel to St. Louis where the next three games are scneduled and, if heed be, the last two will be played in Philadelphia. Play by play description: First Inning Cardinals: Douthit lifted one high to Dykes. Adams flied to Simmons in left. Frisch doubled to right! This hit broke,, the tie between Frisch and Eddie Col lins for total hits in a world series; Frisch's new record is 43 hits. Bottomly flied to Haas. Athletics: Bishop flied , to Douthit. Adams made a pretty pickup and throw 5 to retire Dykes. Cochrane drove out his second homer in two days, crash ing one over the right field fence. ; Simmons singled over second. Foxx doubled to left, scoring Simmons. Miller out to Bottomly. v Second Inning Cardinals: Hafey flied to Bishop. . Watkins hit one over the wall for a home run. Man- cuso singled to .short. Gelbert's hard grounder to Bishop took a bad hop and went for a hit. Rhem fanned. Douthit flied to Bishop. Athletics: Haas fanned. Boley popped to Frisch. Ernshaw flied to Hafey. Third Inning Cardinals : Adams flied to Mil ler. Frisch's grounder went through Boley's legs for an er ror. Bottomly struck out. Coch-, rane s tnrow to eaten r risen i i 1 11 - ! was bad and on the error went to third. Hafey fanned. Athletics: Bishop grounded to Bottomly. Dykes fanned. Coch rane was safe when Frisch fum bled his grounder. Simmons doubled to right, scoring Coch- ( Continued on last jage) - FOR EXPERT TYPING Telephone 6736 after 5:30 P.M. . NOW PLAYING Milton Sills in "SEA WOLF" ALSO News Comedy With reports coming directly from Miles Stadium in Blacks burg, Virginia, where the V. P. I. and U. N. C. football teams play tomorrow the Grid-graph will show the progress of the game in the Tin Can at 2 :30 o'clock for those unable to make the trip to the Virginia institu tion. Extensive plans have been made by Mr. G. Wallace Smith, of the faculty of the school of engineering, to have the best possible service for the patrons of the Grid-graph. A special telegraph line has been construc ted from the telegraph lines in Blacksburg direct to the field in order that reports can be ready relayed without delay. In spite of the fact that the cost to show this particular game will probably be greater than any other the Grid-graph will show during the season, Mr. Smith announced this morning, the admission will be; 25 cents, a reduction due to the fact that those in charge jpf the game-indicator wish to introduce the board to the new men on the campus, at an attractive rate. The Grid-graph consists of a ! large rectangular board with a space marked off as a football field. The position of the ball is denoted by a movable light. The scores, downs, and yards to gain are indicated by lights above the field and the kind of play , by lights below. On each side is a line-up of the opposing teams, with lights indicating the ball carrier and the tackier. Herb Nelson Hurt "Herb Nelson, first-string end on Carolina's varsity football squad was taken to Watt's Hos pital in Durham yesterday after noon to undergo treatment for stomach trouble. Nelson was a mainstay on one of the flanks of Coach Collins championship j aspiring team, and his absence will make a great difference in the outcome of the important game with V. P. I. at Blacks burg on Saturday. Herb was hurt in the game with Wake Forest, it is thought, last week end, and as his stomach began giving him more trouble, he was removed to the hospital in' Dur ham. c E ARE your assurance of dollar for u w dollar value in used cars. We offer you these tempting values in unusual used cars. : . :; 1 Model T Ford Roadster . .. . ..; $ 25.00 . 2 Model T Ford Coupes :.v.:...: ... 25.00 1 Chrysler Coach ...:..::::....i.:::i.- 125.00 1 Essex Coach 75.00 1 1929 Model A Ford Sport Coupe ....... 375.00 1 1928 Chevrolet Coach ..:.: J . 225.00 1 Chevrolet Six Coach at a Bargain. OW about your (jroodyear Pathfinders for your best and most economical 30x3 .... 30x3 Yr FULL OVERSIZE 29x4.40 ..:......$ 5.65 30x4.50 ;.i....:..l::..l;:..; 6.45 30x5.00 j,..iVi,I;:80 31x5.5 J... 9.90 30x6.oo--j:j...:l 11.80 -PHONE 5161 FOR QUICK SERVICE- "Ford Products Since 1914" L Fall Intramural Tennis Race To Be Held Also, Starting October 8. The opening of the intramural sports will take place on Mon day, October the sixth, on which date the first intramural tag football game will be played. This campus sport enjoyed a most successful season last year, several hundred students com peting in the intra-dormitory, and fraternity contests. Last year the New Dorms aggrega tion won the dormitory cham pionship, and Beta Theta Pi won the fraternity championship. In the match between the Betas and New Dorms for the campus championship, the Betas were the victors. -Athletic managers of the dif ferent dormitory and fraternity teams received tag football enT try cards several days ago. These cards were returned to the intramural department not later than yesterday. Any managers who have failed to turn in their entry cards should turn them in , sometime during the dayJLf they wish to be included in the sched ule which will be announced in the Tar Heel Sunday morning. On Wednesday, October the eighth, the fall tennis league matches will get under way. A great deal of interest was mani fested in intramural tennis last spring, and this year it was de cided to run the league this fall. The tennis and football schedules will be arranged so that there will be no conflicts between the two sports. New Dorms was the dormitory winner in this sport also, and Beta Theta Pi again won the fraternity league. In this sport, as in tag football, the Betas defeated New Dorms for the campus title. For the last seven years the Grail Cup has been awarded to the best all-round intramural athlete. Donald Waugh was winner of the cup last year. Waugh was a performer in four different sports : football, track, fencing and baseball. The Grail Cup is something worth working for. AH Carolina men are in vited to make a bid for it. Any list of those who rule A merica is incomplete without the namerof the fellow who invents fads. Atlantic City Press. 3 tires? - We suggest use. J..-.$ 4.75 5.05 1