STATE TRACK MEET. STATE TRACK MEET FINALS 7:00 TONIGHT AT GREENSBORO FINALS ' 7:00 TONIGHT AT GREENSBORO r - . 1J :-.ILP PT- VOLUME XXXIX NUMBER 160 BILLY Formal Prosrram For Institute Ready Soon The formal minted nroeram for the Human Relations Insti tute is now on the press. The eicht-nn o-p nnm-nVilof mt. gpsUon Phi Delta Win Help ries a cut of the new Memorial Sponsor Banquet wiin inom- Jhali on the front cover and an as as uuesx. MCIiEE IS MADE PRESIDENT OF FOREIGN CLUB uiiAfiiij hull, n. i;-, paiui i - .aa. i i to m i m t IB fr v Tf Tt DEBATERS FiIEET FIfflN HEAD Elected President of. Debate sent Carolina In Split Meet Council at Thursday JNigni Tn Oerrard. Meeting. The local end of the dual de- At a meeting of the debate . try r i rf analysis of the Institute subject bate between the North Carolina councii on Thursday night, Mc- - , o . . ,i x: j xr. -1 maner. insiae mere is a nis- - n -r-rr i n tt: wn. Tnn0a n-ia oW twi I . ... . x special institute ; . . NATION MuuKWS Luncheon baturaay Next Saturday afternoon there will be a special luncheon IMWRSITY UFA I XV ri;o Tn fnr thA sw. U1U 1 41J lion OI Uie xiuxuaxx nwanuuo I-,,. . j r- stitute dealing with international Bn wXrTiT Mn reiau-uxus. x imtooui v. r:r Inside there is a his- At tne reguiax luccuug ui uie V college i or women Epsilon Phi Delta Cosmopolitan J and explanation of the In- vergity wiU take v . r nr -i stitute. and a rnmnlptP hmir hv . , . lub in tne i. m. . a. inurs- 7 x- . llj! AwCUl XXCii. V College for Women and the Uni- Bride Flemmg-Jones was elected do university At 11:00 o'clock this morning day night at 10 :30, Billy McKee was elected president of the or- . & j samzatwn ior tne coming year. ; He succeeds Beverly Moore. Nents. The back cover out-! XlliiAC 1"""" . r o I , - tiation Other officers who -were cnosen were arry oijxter, il II I i 1 - IJIi t l. . t i- n I j 11. i . . ttuu me ---6 " " 7rdon university are to ue tue one of the leading educators of lace m uer- yresiuenv oi cue tuuuu. vxiu . . gts JoSpnus uamels, f vA cnntll ATu! of the nation will rard hall tonight at 8:30. The A. Olsen was chosen executive - the vtleish News and f?tPmPTi. Pdu. hour TDrocrram of nrocfidure. i l j i. n.4-nv,. t " query xo oe aiscussea is uesoiv- ocviciaxj. r-vV , f. ge ?ev(fea ed: That the several states f)h comer Tina hppn asked to be I x i uui k IVitLUlOj auu 1UCU jiwuuuvun V Jl.v t 1 XL a a n n . m v I . . . was eiecteu pieiucui, ux Hie ux- and a r t f k 1 "' wie &CVCIl1 dw;a i?lemmg-Jones nas receivea tne toastmasxer ior me wctaiuxi. ajj 0f iife will attend tne ganization for the coming year. ' nr,,ao should enact legislation calling two mohograms for debating and Another special event next funeral of Dr. Edwin A. Alder- B succeeds Beverly Moore. J;"r, Za for unemployment insurance. has aiready served one year on week is the banquet sponsored man, late president of the Uni , 4-:,. ni lines me organization, ana tne rpi, nn ttai Mnvai.QnfoiiTT TT j m . . a i I :. . . , - j.. j me meeting wa Pxx- rnTrmiittPPq wlnVVi 1ivp "'.' tne council, ne wm succeeu v. Dy Epsilon rni ueita, Arapno- versity 01 Virginia wno aiea oi marily to elect officers and to 01 commiwees wmcn nave ar Bm Speight and Fred Ward- w Speight, a law student, under terothen. and the International aDoolexv Wednesday evening. 1 wfw"iran t m t n a "m QQTm ito i i i ' a . w - lOTIf I J i XJ J 1 .. fi . i. nr 3 A.,AMI - iwnnsp unrninisi.rnLiiiii mui e u.c-1 ot-inno inn rvinnrinv ivtiiirLisi This is a SDlit team meet Wlthli.000 i,,,ra hoon Viplrl tTinn in anv Lixv XTtv!o TVinmaa n3 oriiPst- a member of each school on each gingle yji2Lr before this time. sme. a team composea oi v,iyue - . . ANN AL KAINUUHil Barnett, Baroody, vice-president, Bob secretary, and Ted treasurer. Banquet Planned The club decided to join with the Amphoterothen club, and Goes Through By 64 to 41 Vote IS PASSED AFTER SECOND READING ci. i Ti wwn Aa " wiseix xs oxixeve txiu xji&uy iaimo vit- , . n u i.4- ;i.f professor of English and an m nt-mitfno t-n t-ii-iVil-i criao Inner HP x x 0 1 TIC il u in xirhn tive and Wardlaw the negative "OWb mil Hundreds of telesrrams and messages of condolence were re ceived from persons scattered throughout the United States. Statesmen and business men STAOFXI RY GRAIL FOR NEW INITIATES joined with the educators and personal friends in expressing the International Keiations Club in sponsoring a banquet to be given Monday night at six o'clock in the Carolina Inn, Nor- Despite Stand of House Insurgents remains on the schedule and that a radio debate with the Univer- a busy day Uity of Virginia on May 19, The House had rpvoc 4?nt.Wqy. rkriaiio rnursaav wnen tne mxurv tax which win be Droaacast irom HUH! AXlUlimo, ivjuuvi wuviiuu . - - candidate for the presidency, amendment bill was passed on Richmond. The Carolina team who will be attending the Hu- second reading and the gas tax will support the affirmative of man Relations Institute is to be amendment cut in addition to en- the question Resolved : That . . 1' IV H W TIT.-. J 1 1 . ' J 1 i the main speaker for the even- acting tne moss, iNorman, anu taiKing movies in xnis cuuiniy ng Etheridge bill levying a flat during the next ten years will The Duke cosmopolitan club minimum for automobile li- promote the general welfare extended an invitation to the censes. more than they will retard it. Carolina chapter to attend a bar- At the outset of the meeting Men will tryout for this meet becue supper to take place next the house began to fight over May . Friday evening. Several mem- the luxury tax bill. Legislator bers of the local chapter will at- Erwin proposed an amendment tend the supper. x to refer the luxury tax to popu- The initiation for the "spring lar vote in 1932,- but Connor quarter has been definitely " set jumped up to say that the issue for Monday night week. Seven before the house was a comer tYdhZ T. had served in the position of The annual informal banquet at the death 0f the xne ueuate uuBiiu vuu w executive secretary for several of the Order of tne uran tooK man under whom the University the home season as only one meet . ' MntAnAoA nlace last night in the Carolina nf Virginia has crrown to more with a rising vote of thanks to Inn at 6:lo o clock. The affair than fjve times the size it was Mr. McKie f or his splendid serv- was m nonor 01 tne memuer& when he became its neaa. ice" who were admitted to the society 11 activities of the univer- ' , , , , , on Thursday night of this week. sjty were suspended, including At the debate squad meeting president of the athletic contests scheduled for a few minutes later L M. Q . - toastmaster dur. teams on trips. !5rooKs, 01 tne sociology ueparu- ' . - . -nh tW . . , . ,.a flTllw- ment, gave a short speech on ""3 .. .uk BmuCu talktaovies, in preparation were aeWeo- ?ity wi.l serve as active pall f nr tli p radio debate with the Pie- 1ACW meu"'w oearers. xu c. xxan, . Uersity of VbgtaiaTn May are President Frank Graham, nipph,, Fenton Gentry, Jack S. W aTwUlbethefardebte of who was unable to attend the McLihenny, Robert- L. Rainey, 19 ana will De tne last aeote ux f nf T.i. rr 01 n Ai,n Cmi'fli the season. PURDUE'S CENTER IS STIMULUS TO DEMOCRACY IN EDUCATION banquet due to his being out of jonn K. Sloan, C, Alfonso Smith, town on official business; Dean jr Williamson W. Fuller,2nd, F. F. Bradshaw and Coach Bob and William T. Thomas. Fetzer. Both Mr. Bradshaw and Among the messages received Mr. Jb etzer spoKe Dneiiy. das- yesterday was one from Chancel marks were also made by the hor Eimer Ellsworth Brown of new members and- members 01 1 jW York University, who tele- ; r- - L , - , -P I 1" I X V W Wixx T y londay night week. Seven before the housewas a conter- MIdi Backed By a Student Assessment of Four Dollars and the senior class who were at- a hed that flags wereying men are to De taxen in at wxxa eiice xepuxu anu Housing AU Campus Activities Develops True tending a Urau oanquet ior me af half mast over that mstitu- time. ment to it would be a virtual re- ttwcWv Snirit last time. ' a tnW of resnect to Dr. HIT WA. UX ( T aa. I - I WlViA jection. Brooks of Durham op-! -r-i j J T 4Uin4-n1 I All tv rwi -i tt-m " , ;, iLiiii..:" . o fraternity memuexa uuuawu Aiaerman. uean layior uiiduic posea tne mea 01 xne um uexxig n7Wn & an artfote 1 cention place for guests of -the -re: John Manning, Archie Da- nTa xvhn were amon? the w-rt AIM J X.4--.--v I !ll 1 nMArll vtii-mKnY At I " " " J ' 7 - - . i I v"''" " " " TO AtteilQ insuiuic wmiei &xnaxx xiuxiAu.x throuah the courtesy university and provides a gath- vis, Henry Conner, Charles , , ti . .i 4 ttfz J (JIA,U uj bity to uib u nun. vnu" jt.iw.wv- --- o uviuu atxuuu.u6 - i Utiiexo wxiu nuc ftiuuug wv ffath- LrJo "uint-ir P.nnTiPr. Charles I j. a o rTZi ' thP mn' ? tiTl?, '5 0 tie Daily Princetonian ang ering, place for returning alum- Rose Ed French, Red Gilbreath, . Mrs Woodrow Wilson, T nqtaVp Cleec vote ?f 7 T m DAILY NEBRASKAN desm&m ni.. and Sam Breen. Dr. Harry W. Chase, whose, in-. iISi2Sl t0 adf al ' thiimrjHwfikaiciiig.fMiu- Assembly hall, in the center The new non-fraternity mem- duction into the presidency of was mjurea in an agreed to do this. cess of university centers, or of the first floor, accomodates bers are; Percy Idol, Red Ham- the University of Illinois, Dr. inursaay aiternoon eii xu House insurgents and hold- .7,w rt,w,o 5?.n nnrlPR for dancincr. 450 or i m.:r aixa noom Trnf au , v,;0 nrow t at. li'nrrrvv. TTQ :c nnW 1T1 thP BUI- . . . , , . , -j I llLVll VqUVVWV&lliVa, vt wwa w ww -jf. J let, X7X1XI X1.XOLUX1, VTA I XxlvieXXXlclXX ,WrC5 wH Alio "J "w mgton; " . outs still maintained their stand v aies throughout the eoun- more persons for banquets and B bw Mason and Greer. tend at the time of his death; .CTUtAeBtttei Sri TaTLT ' ?atheriDg ! Ln0t mre lT There will also be an informal President Nicholas Murray But- nave several suicne& uuvcn of pv had and nut the re- . oaa a Twn rpp.pntion -"-" .... , 10.aa U.-. v.; 11;;- his head. I what they had and put the re port through by a vote of sixty- ... - I MVi u This accident will keep four ayeS and forty-one no's on Taylor from taking part m tne scond reading. The For Human Relations Institute a3 deiegation, which cooperat- ftad been planned, ne wab ed to put the general sales tax speak in the Baptist church to- fw WppVs aoo stood tlllUUgU J.v " morrow morning. As yet no one solidlv opp0sed to the luxury has been named to substitute amendment. ior him. A new revenue saver was also JJean Taylor is Purdue's student union mnia- . flc- . ... lance tonight from y:UU to iz: uu ler, 01 oiuiuuxa v , ing, financed largely through the rooms which adjoin this mam by the John D. Rockefelle, Jr.; Mi- j? x. ; v. i nil nnp. for men and one for wo- ., . . - i,i ATonWiiitA minister of the c,wc i iti thP hall, one ior men ana oiie xux wu- eixuxus ui oiuutiiw, -, - 1 ' . j nwflf ntl ip build- men. are usea ior conierexxueo Grail in honor of the new initi- chael MacWhite, minister of the ates. Jelly Leftwich and his Irish Free State to the umtea a3 - words of a booklet on tne Duna- mw ; ates. Jelly Lettwicti ana ms msn rree oiaw w t sh delegation, which cooperat- j a home for the whole Pur- and committee meetings by prac- orchestra will play f or the occa- States ; Bishop William T. Man t0 ed to put the general salestax W, tkaUy student organizatl0ns. J yfe fae gecond ni - of New York; United Its financial backing was or- Separate smaller banquet rooms f three dances to be spon I 5tates Senators Copeland of New ganized primarily on a plan are provmea wr uuu quarter by the Grail. York; Fess of Uhio; ana owan- I which in 1910 resulted in the which average more than two construction of a memorial gym- each week. m . w I nriri vi 1 1 il' 1 11 ill ill rf-i. 1 iTTiiiufi. j.u& -T is the seconu , nuttincr a flat tax on cer- , - niPr. tv,p o-pnpral lounee. where , i ; :.a . Ur in. 1 r--- . , nasiuxu. xm-xi ui , o - - - iiwn wno was mvneu w , . , 0 antnmnh ps ana .., , .. .!.-. stitute, and who will be unable . hundred City Elections son and Glass of Virginia; and Josephus Daniels, secretary of 1 - p tain .types of automobiles and gitys graduating classes before men and women students may The candidates for office m 0,Tm?1? xrm .j . 1 111 L.y -xi v c vtiiw 1 fhnf timp was accustomeu. w kiv- meet tu unxv- ui f000 "'" uit avj viwv.. " 1 . -.. . .-r-r to attend because of accidents. W . hpr The senate that time was ac . 11HP1 room in the Mn v R. f rom 8 ;oo in the ATTRACTS MANY 1 wciB"f " 1 iTicr JbO IX; r year tu wie wuonuv- mUSi gtuv-i. , , v - 1 leteher Brockman was serious- . f ixty cents p lo.k,,;; t i also used by LAminir till sunset are: for V . tion iuna. me xix uuixvxxaaB. . , 0 . - Tim nnnnal Sonhomore 10D .. , , o t j 1 i . i. jn.ani, rt satnrnav wY 1 'nnnn i mr iour-i ly injured in ah auto wreck in New York City several' weeks ago. was in favor of a sixty cents tar but there were too many tax but there were too nuuur ned ft guitable gate for Purdue's couples at dances on oaturaay mayor; zeo council, ior xuux- - Bynum automobile owners and dealers fidd but when the class evenings, while in general it pro- year councilmen: R. D. W. Con- between 9 and 1 in the house to pass. of m2 conceived the idea ot a vides a place wnere sxuaenu axm nor, r. l,. curcn, cruuxe ; , AT)proximately 350 bids v The question that promises to union buiiding the original $5 alumni may sit and read before son, Eugene Andrews J. T. 1 criven out for the dance for , stir up the biggest fight is the assesSment was diverted to the a large cozy fire-place, maga- ("Bull") Durham, ana c . : Leftwich and his oeverai xown resxuexiuo gag tax exempuua -" student union iuna. xne tux zmes anu uBno" " twuuu xa orchestra furnished the music, .tillage who will open their gar- eastern fishermen, farmers, boat continued to grow slowly until there free of charge. The union cilmen, R. M. Trimble and H. leaders 0f the dance were : jn.inif fVipl . :ii wps. . i :oiVoL.r.x : nrViinVi qVp pare of a ixrviffipM n P TTinshaw for I , vitiis i.ii i rii- fiiiinii. iiiiiiiic Gardens On View operators, saw mm owiiexs, wo- after the war wnen an intensive caiexena, winn a. vvmuieiu. u.!.--"-- Henry x arirl thp consumers ow,r.rr cnrlpnts. alum- Ai nprsniis at a time,' serves jndyp of the recorder's court is i , v.,vr Lerxx xiiiaio - campaigu omu6 , i " r , i . . Nunn: oparKS Chnrioo q Mor,mim Mav 2 f rom 1 wimnsps outside I : j ;a onrrrviPTiprl tTiftto- Loariw i 000 luncheons at rush I nn-nncofi bv L. J. Phmps. bmce . kj. iuaiiguuij 1 Ox gclBUlinC x-a Jf- f " next two weeks are: Mrs. The leaders of the dance were : ive Henry and Elizabeth campaign among students, alum- 341 persons at a time, . judgeot tne recorder cuuxt, x fin j onrrTTiTitpr! thfito-Loariv 1 000 luncheons at rush onnosed bv L. J. Phipps. Since t . ' , a ' .vU u. iuuium, . oi uasunxic r in ciiiu. iiiiiuo "ub" ""v . -A-A- " Mprham: ana ren oampexx xxu w 10 ii::uu anu may o the roaas nave taneu uuuuiw- guu ana actuax wu- nours, wim oiuucuu Uvx r uu cuuumaiu uao --- jjss jones 3:00 to 6:00; Mrs. Louis Graves, of thousands from the road bill structi0n took place from June at $4.50 a week. self against Zeb Council, it is The dance was strictiy formal, Mnv o -o.nn 19-00 and , i foiop rpvpnue for moi ;i v.a lorlirjiir,n in ah cndPTi.s are entitled to use noT-nin fViat hp will be the next . , . j " xx vim .w vv - - wnicn is w a.av oi xux uiitxx i,AAc uvuiv 0wvv.v - v-v,A -. and iiiQ PYTClTlSiSlUTn was uecurat- lay 3 from 10:00 to 1:00 and the whoje state and county sys- 1924 the building, with registration mayor of chapel Bill. ed suitably to fit the occasion, from 2:30 to 6:00; Mrs. H. R. tem It was argued that .most Although not entirely com- cards the same as certified mem- - pt? ORATION The music of Jelly .Leftwich and Totten, Mrs. N. B. Adams, and of these enterprises profit di- pleted the buiiding already berships. Also, all alumni and STUDENTS ON PRUBAliuiN their Mrs. A. A. Kluttz every day for rftctlv or indirectly by roads all campus activities as a friends of the university who .Lxvc:Y stlldents in ct.ndard and class was in the next ten days. Two springs j ding to their establishments. to Purdue students have pledged and paid up .to date & on aca Uded oyer the be on exhibit: Mrs. E. C. Tw0 bins were presented to the who lost their lives in the World a iife membership of $100, pay- fthe part Sothfloor. Branson's down the slope off ,oads committee. The first cut- War. According to Purdue able in five installments of $20 J tadronned at XrP were, of course, at the Hillsboro street, and Mrs. Karl ting' all exemption was rejectea, Univrsity officials, the memo- each are members. All other h . &r failure function) the usual number of Osier's opposite the Peacock the other cutting fifty per cent rial union develops a true JJm- persons who have any connec- tQ chck his wJk Seventeen of Crashers" who somehow always home on Tenney circle. was accepted. versity. spirit, stimulates the pro- tion with the university -are en- .ndpt rh ked all their aucceed in getting into these Infirmary List Those confined to the infirm ly yesterday were: Carlton E. Wilder. Jospnh V. Randolph, Raymond Cohen, Ida Currie, Gorman E. Wells, Herman Vin sn, Lauchlin W. McKinnon, and 'Carles F. Crum. Post Office Painted rrua irfprinr of the postoffice Alio i",,v , -Ft ay has just been painted, ana airer Postmaster Herndon nas ceived bids for exterior painting, work will be begun on the outside. per social side of education, im- titled to use the union Duiimng the W U,sedlv strictly class V func proves the standard of social upon payment of ?4 per semes- twQ x.s.. tions. The usual .crowd gathered activraes among 8luui ht. . ThP liberal arts school re- around the gymnasium to iisien democratizes the undadu- Pledge that a student pass at to the music and some even ates by giving them a chance to tluu1w, . . n11Jir riimbed to the rear window sills come together on a common Delta Psi announces the pledg- least four courses m two quar- climbed to the . . " tji. -e TTWr TJ-rrQ- TJlnrlon. I fora rf rPSIflenre ana at leaou w va- P ground at a meeting place. "g ui r; - v - dancers. ioa - tVip Tn;i;mn. oflrVvrda a re- boro. mve xw wu

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