1 I Sunday, S .. j Sunday, September 20, 1931 Stadid Vzzs Two THE DAILY The American flyers who were fined in Tokyo for photo graphing Japanese fortifications ought to be good for a movie con tract in southern California. Indianapolis News.' An Ohio butcher was recently held up and locked in his ice-box by bandits. When released by the police, he was the coolest man in the room. The Humor ist (London), Alumni Loyalty Fund Solicits Annual Appeal For 1931 Pledges PARTING...-. -PERHAPS FOREVER YET PARTING PROMISED HER HAPPINESS! . Tin 4 MONDAY mn rm rvr. n m n fP Overhadows any picture ever made! ' ' with JACK HOLT RALPH GRAVES PAY WRAY Adventure above the clouds. . . zooming pfIanes. reckless, stunting' pilots. ... intrepid, hardy ex plorers battling death in the loneliest place in the world. V "" ' ' ' ' ' EXTRA ADDED j ATTRACTION Bobby Jones tells you how he plays Golf "THE PUTTER" First of the series PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS BEGINNING MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST, THE AD MISSION PRICE WILL BE REDUCED TO 35c The inside Story of High So ciety by one who knows! "SECRETS OF A SECRETARY" with CLAUDETTE COLBERT TUESDAY At Last. ... A Drama of Love in Which a Husband Gets a Break! ' "BAD GIRL" with JAMES DUNN SALLY EILERS WEDNESDAY 1 1 -j r "You like me, dont you ? " -t "Yeah, but what's the good? I'm only, a factory hand, and you're Mr. Griffith's nephew. We oughtn't t to be seen together." BUt they were seen and so began Based on the sensational novel by THEODORE DREISER Superbly directed by JOSEF VON STERNBERG with Phillips Holmes - - - Sylvia Sidney Frances Dee and Irving Pichel GREAT NOVEL COMES TO LIFE The Drama Climaxing Twenty Years of Effort THURSDAY CHARLES SICKFORD in "EAST OF BORNEO FRIDAY BERT WHEELER ROBT. WOOLSEY in "CAUGHT PLASTERED SATURDAY Receipts to Go Towards Sup plying Loans for Needy Students tut ETHICS COURSE TO RUN FOR THREE QUARTERS II The 1931 appeal for contribu tions to the Alumni Loyalty Fund will be conducted during the month of October in an ef fort to have it completed before the date of President Frank Graham's formal inauguration on November 11, according to a recent announcement by Felix A. Grisette, director of the fund. The receipts from this year's fund, like those from last year, will be used to provide money for student loan funds. Inas much as President Graham is known to be deeply interested in student welfare, the "Loyalty Fund directors jfeel that nothing could be more inspiring to the new president as he formally be gins his new duties than a gift of this kind, representing as. it will, the good will and active in terest of thousands of alumni. Annual Pledges Asked Every living alumnus of the University who has not previ ously made an annual pledge to the Loyalty Fund will be asked to make some gift to the Univer sity during the campaign in Oc tober. The method of proce dure to be followed will consist of appeals by the agents of each class, by local committeemen working in their respective com munities, and through local meetings to take place through out the state. Present-indications are that University alumni will respond liberally to the appeal, according to Mr. Grisette. Although there is a possibility that individual gifts will not be large, it is ex pected that a large majority of the 15,000 living former stu dents will give something. The Loyalty Fund Council urges that every alumnus send his gift either to his class agent or the Fund office in Chapel Hill early enough 4hat a full report may be made at the time of President Graham's inauguration. Barwick Is Chairman Allen J. Barwick, graduate of the class of 1900 and a promi nent Raleigh attorney, heads the list of outstanding alumni who constitute the governing board of the Alumni Loyalty Fund, known officially as the Alumni Loyalty Fund Council. The 1931 campaign marks the first one over which Mr. Barwick will preside as chairman, although Ire has for many years served as a member of the Council. Mr. Barwick. succeeded Leslie Weil, '95, of Goldsboro, who was chairman of the Council for many years and who still serves as a member of the group. In addition to Messrs. Bar wick and Weil, the Council is composed of the following ten alumni: Dr. H. G. Baity, '17, Chapel Hill ; Burton Craige, '97, Winston - Salem : President Frank Porter Graham. '09 : Al fred W. Haywood, '04, New York ; K. P. Lewis, '00, Durham ; Dr. J. G. Murnhv. '01, Wilming- ton ; Dr. Ira W. Rose, '06, Chap- t TT'll ' T HAT O ,3 OK I ei Jim, J. iviaryuii oauiiuwo, u, 1 Chapel Hill; C. R. Wharton, '12, Greensboro; and Dr. Louis Round Wilson, '99, Chapel Hill. During 1931-31 Ethics (Phi losophy 171) will be taught by Dean F. F. Bradshaw one eve ning a week all three quarters, between one and a half and two hours each meeting. The credit is one course total for the three quarters. No partial credit is allowed for one or two quarters work. The evening on which the weekly meetings will be held will be decided at the first meeting of the class which will take place at 2:00 o'clock, Mon day. September 21, in room 205 South building. This method of giving the course has been adopted experi mentally in order that more cur rent Events may be used as illus trative material in the course, and in order that the instruc tor and class members may have more opportunity for acquaint ance, discussion, and exchange of viewpoints. A JWt Tf ft f? 5; - 'VS " i " " lin Noxac by st wpf y turninj tfl knofied end ol tfa brrl V. yo wind wtch. Leak-proof ( smooth, Y 6 Horn. YOU won't find this in the ref erence library-Hfstoo new. You ve Sot to so down strct to m0 up-to-date supply stores to see the Conkliti Nozac MUi pen that winds like a watch." Visible ink section or an- opaque barrel as desired. The visible in section enables you to look ri3ht into the ink compartment at any time and watch the birtrt of a sentence. The Nozac holds 35 more ink than other pens of the same size because there is no rubber sac in the barrel. Examine the Nozac. Try it And see if you can get along without one. Depression-proof prices. The pens $6 and $10; pencils to match $3.50 and $5.00. THE CONKLIN PEN COMPANY Telephonic conversation with the White House has doubled in the past two years. Perhaps Mr. Hoover fijndjs it easier to control conversation by tele phone. Savannah News. TOLEDO, OHIO Chicago San Francisco DEALERS, stock and show the pens that sell. Write for Catalog. 1' yet, there art other Conklins brand new col ors new shapes. Thepens$2.75to $8 pencils to match SI .00 19 S4.50. jMarorttwewuOT CAROLINA STUDENTS ! Freshmen, Upper Classmen and Graduates BERMANS m. st 0K.Ej Ioc Is glad to welcome you for another school year " For saving on all your purchases, including everything you wear, or anything you need for ' f outfitting your room See Us Before You Buy DIFFERENT SPECIALS EACH AND EVERY DAY Any Self -H elp Student Gets a 1 0 Discount on All Purchases One Dollar and Over , GOLD Pasteurized Grade "A 99 Before Breakfast Deliveries Made to your Home, Room, or OflSce Many a high hat covers a low brow. Pasadena Post. In America, prosperity is j again beginning to make its ap pearance in the head-lines. It is somewhat slower, however, about making Jts appearance m I the bread lines. Dublin Opinion PUBLIX KINCEY THEATRE COMING WILL. ROGERS in "YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" PLATE LUNCH 25c , Meet Me at SUTTON'S DRUG STORE , "The Students' Drug Store" Special Attention Given to Orders. From University Students 3 Dairy fimd Chapel Hill Branch Retail Store 140 E. Franklin St. . Telephone Tim Structure Usefuhi liam Kenan : University is one of t gridiron country. takes the p lEmerson st sible by the! liam Rand of his mo! late Mary I Rand Ken There 13 the South! Carolina's irchitectui roundings. famous sp Kenan stj he has evt It is re foot path emptying 24,000, i five minut top of th with the 1 ing it verj Mr. Keif was $300, he added struction other featj contains f , shower an Tar Heel i er side likl ing playeij The sta constructi ving stanc top and c stands, a When a v the Caroli pole over with the b, on the oth B05 Directly which are have been on the nor the Goveri party, anc side is eqi seats for porters. The tur playing fi drainage with tile The cover field appe; Wooden wTidthhav crete tiers of Dough the contir Washingt up by ste rangemen spectators "foot room De Althoug game, in ed Davids stadium 0 the stadii dedicated ter at the ginia Tha With hi eliminatec the school stadium c the Unive While t Pennsylva are invesi increase i leading br felt in Ch students a sixteen c twenties t tobacco se This pr vance ove throughouf tempt of l the marke to pipes at 1