- Pase Four THE DAILY TAR HEEL Wednesday, November 25, 1331 IMOIR BAND TO PLAY FOR GAME HERE TOMORROW Famed High School Organization On Third Trip to Carolina Virginia Classic. For the third time in the last five years the Lenoir high school band has been engaged to play as well as the bands from the two universities at the Thanks giving game. The band appeared here in 1927 and again in 1929, and has played for the Wake Forest-Mercer and the Duke Washingtoh and Lee games-this year. ' The band was first organized in 1924 by captain JVC. Harper with thirty Jnembers. Lenoir was the third high school in the state to form a band, following those of Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Playing in the class "B" competition it won all the "trophies ever given in any state contest in that class. ' In 1929, it requested to be allowed to compete in th class "A" group, 1 composed of larger schools ; it tiedfor third place. In the same contest last year it tied for first place with Char lotte defeating Winston-Salem, Asheville, High Point, and Salis bury; The band was organized through the efforts of the Lenoir post of the American Legion. Through' them the '' instruments were ! procured and ' Captain Harper, one of their number, volunteered to conduct it. Un der the direction of Captain Harper the band has -steadily progressed until it is now known all over North Carolina. Two different governors of North Carolina and one of Virginia have written to express their approval of the work of the band.v - 'The Lenoir 'band, contrary to most bands, has been) a finan cial success. MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT LILY DAMITA . in "Friends And Lovers" "V " also Comedy Novelty DOORS OPEN AT 11:30 CAROLINA TO PLAY AT THANKSGIVING GAME 4 X 7 t " " ' ". 1 .: . I f C"- 1...'".'' . r - .... . ' r - :: "C 'This crack high school band, winner last year of band competition among North Carolina high school band organizations, will play here at the Virginia-Carolina football game" tomorrow. The band has played at. Thanksgiving football games i n Chapel Hill in 1927 at the dedication' of Kenan stadium and again in 1929. James C. Harper, an alumnus of the University, is director of the band, while a number of its former members are students in the University. Student Employees Twenty-nine students have been employed to sell refresh ments at - the game tomorrow. A total of thirty-two boysv have applied for employment through the holidays to the . self-help bureau. ... - -r . . Alpha Kappa Delta A special meeting of the Alpha Kappa Delta sociological frater nity has been called for Friday night at 7:30 in room 301 Alum ni building. .' . 1 Sporti, Lounge & Dress Clothing Far the University Gentlemta. SALTZ BROTHERS 16 1 Franklin St., Chapel Hill, N. (X, Other Shops tt: WASHINGTON, D. C, ml UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Biniiinii""'"""""imninrrinr"""'"""""""""""""'"""1 Library Science School Courses Since the last issue of the University catalogue the depart ment of library science has been replaced by the school of library science.' A story' in the Sunday Daily Tar Heel based upon the catalogue conveyed a misimpres sioii about the school. Accord ing to the story the department offered two courses whereas the present school presents sixteen. Sigma Phi Sigma Banquet The local chapter 'Of Sigma Phi Sigma fraternity gave a banquet for the delegates of the eastern district conference of the fraternity Friday night at "the Carolina Inn. Dean F. F.'Brad shaw, Mayne Albright, Haywood Weeks, and William North, inter fraternity correspondent, were the speakers. R; S. Farris was toastmaster. Carolina Gridsters Place Six Aces In All-State Selections (Continued from preceding page must be relegated to the second team. Two triple-threat inen, Char ley Pearce of Davidson and Bill Croom of Carolina, fouglit it out for left half; the Davidson southpaw getting the decision. Few .will forget the great kick ing exhibition that Pearce put up in the Carolina game; his kicking was responsible for the low score. Not only has Pearce scintillated in the Tar Heel game, but the Wildcat halfback has starred in every game for Davidson. " On the other hand, although Croom is one of' the best passers in the state, his work pearly in the season has been on the "in and out" style. Slusser Unanimous Rip Slusser was an unanimous choice for right half.' Rip, be sides being a ten-second man, is a great' defensive player and his offensive ability is seen in his scoring record of 42 points. There was doubt concerning th second team post but Hipps 0f Wake Forest was selected. Tt Deacon youngster was handi capped by a weak forward wall in front of him, but in spite of that, has managed to reel oil plenty of yardage. Kid Brewer, Duke captain, had little trouble being placed at fullback. The Blue Devil is one of the leading scorers in the south, and Carolina fans well re member how that boy hits a line. Of the rest of the crop, Chand ler had an easy time making the second team. Those getting honorable men tion are: Gardner (Davidson), center; Werner (Duke) and Duke (State), guards; Stroupe (State) and -Harton (Duke), tackles; Hyatt (Duke), and Crawford (Duke); ends; Mason (Duke)', quarterback; Laney (Duke) and Wihson (State), halfbacks; Mills (Davidson),' fullback. - . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS FANCY ICES PHONE L-963 SHERBETS X ; , "Ice Cream Specialists" , , Durham Ice Cream Co. Inc. .. FAST FROZEN ' "BLUE RIBBON" ICE CREAM Made With Pure Cream ' "Good to Eat af All Hours" Durham, North Carolina BLOCKS PUNCH TEE TORB HEARD ALL OVER THE WORLD X Vol. Ill NOVEMBER" ,25, 1931 No. 32 T HE F ORD E X H A U ST Published in the interest of the Motorists of Chapel Hill and vicinity by I STROWD MOTOR CO. Bruce Strowd Editor We hope everyone in this community can remember many things that have come their way during the past year for which they are thankful, and that greater causes for thankfulness will fill the year ahead for all of us. ' The Management and employees of this business are very thankful for the support accorded 'them this -year. . We know we must merit your goodwill and continued support to stay ; in existence ; therefore we promise , you our very1 best service every day in ' the year, also a full dollar's worth of merchandise for, , every, dollar spent withus. r Our , organization consists of 28 men, most of whom are, supporting a family of two or more, and spend approximately 100 of their earnings in this com- munity., AGAIN WE HEARTILY THANK YOU FORD Sales Service ' Strowd Motor Co. Ford Products Since 1914 y 9 ",J'.'.vKvWX W h I . do more and more , KZlM m J W - takers say: : 1931. Liggett 4: Myers Tobacco Co. THEY'RE MILDER. It's the tobaccos! The mildest that - money can buy. Ripened and sweetened in the sunshine . , . . cured by the farmer . . . then aged ior two years m wooden hogsheads. THEY TASTE BETTER. These tobaccos are put to! i . - . . sciucr ngnt. luca aroma of Turkish and mellow sweetness of Domestic, blended and cross-blended to Chesterfield's own BETTER TASTE. THEY'RE PURk EyeryAihg that goes in Chesterfield is tested bv exoert ctmUl u. ' ' ... , -F.i -vM, 4UC purest cigarette ?.?? wjpness. sanitary manufac ture . ..no hands tourh as pure u the -witer you drink!' THEY SATISFY. You break open a dean, tign.Uealed & ujSa P a weu-nued cigarette. Yes, . sir . . you're going to like cigarette! And right there is where many a smoker changes to , V Chesterfield. They Satisfy! K