s - Page Four THE DAILY TAR HEEL Sunday, April 10. i932 V0SSr,lULLER TO PLAY TOMORROW 1 JIM FILM Metro's Talking Version of E. R. Burroughs' Story to Show at Carolina. U. N.C. DEPUTATION TEAMS TOURING STATE The week's bill at the Caro lina theatre opens Monday with ."Tarzan, The Ape Man," Metro's new talkie version of the fam-j ous Edgar Rice Burroughs story. Maureen O'Sullivan plays opposite Johnny Weissmuller, world's champion swimmer, who has the leading role. Joan Bennett proves that her ability as a comedienne equals her dramatic talents in "Care less Lady," Tuesday's showing. , In this production her role is that of a New England maiden, brought up by two very prim and sedate aunts. . Jack Hulbert, star of English music-hall .and screen come " dians, plays the lead role with Renate Muller in the interna tional comedy 1 hit, ' ;: v??' ' v .... i - Pictured above are the four deputation teams from the University which will put on three-da v The Office programs in North Carolina towns this month. Among the students composing the teams are: Girl" Wednesday This pic- William McKee, W. E. Uzzell, Jim Kenan, F. M. James, Ralph Gardner, John Miller, W. C. Bar i,no o t,"4-m ,if i field Lee Greer Lee Reinhardt, Carl Plaster; Albert Cox, Jr., J. C. B. Ehringhaus', Jr., Ed Hamer, ture has Deen anotame nit m Jack poo Ezra Griffin," Claude Freeman, Al Williams, Arlindo Cate, G. H. Lennard, Everett Beam, London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Bim Ferguson, J. U. Gilbreath, Robert Barnett, Thor Johnson, Bill Allsbrook, Bill Minor, and ana all the other uontmentai willard F. Betts. - FRESH3IAN COUNCIL WILL INDUCT NEW OFFICERS At the meeting of the fresh man friendship council tomor row night the new.officers of the rising sophomore caomet wm De installed into office. Claude Free man, president; Ed Martin, vice president; and Simmons Patter son, secretary, are the new offic ers. The senior cabinet has a full slate of business to be taken up when it meets 'tomorrow night. World News v Bulletins Hindenburg Meets Hitler Today The second political battle be tween Paul von Hindenburg and Adolph Hitler is closing today as 37,000,000 voters prepare to elect a new president of Ger many. Hindenburg, who missed a clear majority over all candi dates by 174,328 votes in the March election, needs only a sim ple majority to be elected this ime. cities in which it has been! shown. .. - ; ; . : Bill Haines Thursday The activities of a national radio broadcasting station form the background for the story Women In Fashion Field Need Trained, Distinguished Taste (Continued from first page) ap- told in "Are You Listening?" les f Q hich it ma b t TTTM1 TT starring wiinam names ana qqq Madge Evans, Thursday. The But hope that all f ug picture is based on the widely- here are fortunate enough to read J. P. McEvoy story, of ra- have that happy combination dio entertainment and delves which is sure to lead to SUCCSS into the less familiar behind-the scene aspects of the "radio rack- jU(jgment et. uthers mciuaea m the cast are Anita Page, Karen Mor ley, and Joan Marsh. Lily Damita's role of a penni less Paris girl who crashes high society in Paramount's musical romance, "This Is the Night.' playing Friday, is no more ro mantic than her own real life story. A king, Alfonso of Spain, gave in this field fine taste and sound Fashion Is Powerful Factor I have tried to show you that taste may be a sort of instinct and that it is not necessarily al ways accompanied by a really good mind, but the second qual itygood judgment, is undoubt edly the ' flowering of sound thinking. Perhaps to the unin itiated sound thinking may seem like a tall term to apply to her her name, Damita, which h, triyial and changing sub means li i, tie ictuv. it w aa ui her early career as a dancer, when she appeared by royal ject as fashion, but I don't think so. We know that the term fash ion is today a vital factor in hun- command before the Spanish dreds of the ffrGatest industries court. Prince Louis Ferdinand, Lf our country You only have son oi tne iormer uerman crown to be associated with a fashion prince, wanted to marry ner. magazine to realize what a pow- 'ihe wmce ot Wales once made erful factor fashion is in busi f -X. J . TT.ll I . J- I a nymg visit to nonywooa to and how much business is See her. , I in Tinnrl rt-P coiTnVoo rv-p ncrrvm Spencer Tracy, who has ac- en who have trained and dis quired stardom within the last tinguished taste, plus a full por year, heads the cast in "Young tion of common or garden sense. America," here Saturday. WpII t.hA mipctinn ia hnw tn begin to train for this work. It CT?rTT7T CTV WTT T JJJJKjA-VlJJ JL k?JLXV TT JLLilJ occuio iw inc uiab uic vv uiuii P"R A HTP A TF C R, A FT now wno are today the out- - - - - " I j -I . 11 ! I t standing successes m tnis neiu XI 1. 1 ' 1 1 (Kin Ten News Service) ai "lose wno nave arnveu uy ' FnstnTi. Til.. Ar,ril 8. With Perhaps the longest but certainly the formation of the "Secret the forest of all routes-which, Six" committee to investigate the 3 ows merely a high flown truth of . the graft charges word r the old adage- Ex brought against Northwestern Perienoe is the best teacher'- TTnivprsiv hv Dr. .Tamps M. an empiric training that comes Yard, university Director of Re- f rom th sloy cumulative pro Hmnn, Aivii ni ' W cess f gathering knowledge madA fnr a thnrmih rnnsidra- from actually working m a busi tion of. apparent graft in all or- nes infad trying to attain . it by taking courses m this and According to the head of the that' committee, the "Secret Six" will At first glance it might seem work in secret with no announce- that the most important thing ment of the meeting places. This tor a young person to determine move is made to avoid publica- would be in just what branch tion of any false rumors or false of the fashion business she might -statements which may be pre- make the greatest success. But RPntpd to the committee. I am inclined to think that this Results of the' committee's should be of secondary import work will not be published until ance. the "Secret Six" has concluded Association Important its entire investigation. It seems to me the really vita Preliminary negotiations with thing in the very beginning of those claiming to know of mis- your career is to become associat- dealings in campus associations ed with some person or group of will be made by the organization persons whose standards of sponsoring the "Secret Six." The taste are high and sound. Once committee will probably consist your own taste is soundly f orm of three senior students, all lead-1 ed you can choose any branch of ers in campus activities, and this business that your natural . three faculty men, who are mem- talents seem to fit you for be bers of the administration. cause, oven in these distressful days when the supply of every thing seems to be infinitely great-, er than th demand, we still find that good taste is not a drug on the market. I stress this point particular y, because we have found that it is much more difficult to eradi cate a second taste once it' is formed than it is to impose a correct standard on an untrain ed mind. That is why I so often take inexperienced girls on my staff at least these girls have nothing to uniearn. That is what I should like to see this Fashion Group become a body of well equipped able crit ics of the mode in all its phases. Oddly enough there are thous ands of well-known reporters of fashion, but has any one ever met an accredited fashion crit ic ? And why shouldn't there be ? Need for Critics There are recognized critics of all the other arts painting, sculpture, literature, the stage let a poor unfortunate artist, writer, or actor put iorth an unworthy offering and the press is free to flay him at will but for some reason or other (can it be advertising) the great fashion designers who consid er themselves just as much art ists as any other creators have escaped all published criticism. Either we speak well of them in print or we do not speak at all. Learri to trust your own judg ment don't depend merely up on labels. Just because some body whose taste and knowledge you believe in tell you a thing is smart or right, don't be content to let it go at that unless you, yourself, can see why it is good. We should train our eyes and our judgment until we have suffici ent discrimination to cnoose a good thing wherever we find it regardless of its label or its price. In that way we can be come real authorities in our own right. Acquaintance With Fashion The best way to familiarize with smart fashion is to have a speaking acquaintance with it or at least a bowing acquaint ance. If you happen to have a social position that Harings you naturally into touch with people of taste and places of fashion, your role is much easier.' If you haven't it, avail your self of every opportunity to ob serve the current mode correctly worn. Lunch, occasionally, at a fashionable restaurant, even if you can't order anything but an egg Florentine. Go to first night at the theatre, go to the opera, the races, the polo, study the snap-shots of the mode. ; If you are in a position to do it, try to get your firm to send you to the fashionable resorts Palm Beach, Newport, etc., and, above every thing, get to France as soon and as often as you can. Once in Paris, you are at. the source of the mode fashion is born there and from there it travels far and wide. Of course, go to the openings and go with a perfectly open mind don't think that because a house has a great name all its models are bound to be good, and don't think that a small house may not have some good ones, too. Don't think about labels think about facts. Market Place of Mode These openings form the most intensive training ground in the world for a student of fashion. It is here that your powers of observation and your critical judgment can become sharpened against the wet stone of a thousand varying opinions. You are in the market place of the mode. Listen ! don't talk listen observe think make notes of everything you see written notes, if you can. If not, mental ones it is excellent practice. Give yourself time to let your own impulse crystalize. Don't be carried away by the obvious and the spectacular. Everybody is sure to see that. It is the so phisticated eye, the trained taste that spots the subtly simple, the elegant, the really smart dress at the first glance. But remember that that is the dress you love to wear and the one thais likely to outlive a dozen tricky little mod els. Try to be articulate about fashion, but don't become artic ulate before you have learned to think beyond the stage that dis misses everything with, one or the other of our popular adjec- tives divine or lousy ! Drawing Important And in the fashion business, whether or not you intend to be come a designer or an artist, it will be a tremendous asset to you if you learn to draw even if you can only draw well enough to make croquis little rough sketches these will be very val uable no matter what branch of fashion work you pursue, and, if possible, develop the ability to write. Learn to write . about what you see with originality with colour and with verity. In short, if you can have the sophisticated view-point of woman of the smart world, the sensitive perception of an art ist, the clarity of thinking of a Walter Liopmann, tne common sense of a hard-boiled business man, and the flawless taste of a perfect lady you'll be an ace in the fashion game. Norfolk Men Still Waiting Police yesterday attempted to communicate with an under world clique in Toronto on the theory that members of the De troit purple gang are involved in the kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby. The three Norfolk 'Inter mediaries, who believe to have communicated with agents of the kidnapers, maintained their policy of "watchful waiting" for new developments. Stock Exchange on Trial According to a report yester day, the Senate banking com mittee will open its investiga tion of the New York stock ex change tomorrow, with Richard Whitney, president of the ex change, on the witness stand. Manchurian Drive Hampered Boggy Manchurian roads have thrown the burden of the cam paign to suppress rebels against the new Manchurian state upon the Japanese air, forces, accord ing to a report yesterday. A strong protest was filed yester day by the Soviet government over the arrest of several Rus sian citizens, alleged to have been plotting with Chinese Com munists against tne new gov ernment. Italy Favors Canceling Debts Fascist Italy yesterday advo cated a flat, definite program fo: renunciation of reparations, can cellation of war debts, and con crete disarmament. According to .the Italian plan, all navies would be cut to the Italian pat tern -? CALENDAR Vesper organ concert. Professor Kennedy. Music building 4 :00. B. Y. P. U. meeting. Baptist church 7:00. Playmaker reading. "Alison's House." Playmakers theatre 8:30. MONDAY Assembly. R. B. House, speaker. Memorial hall 10:30. Y. M. C. A. cabinets. Y building 7:15. Amphoterothen dinner. Carolina Inn 6 :00. Hapgood Returns to New York E. G. Hapgood, general trav eling secretary of the Zeta Psi fraternity, has returned to the organization's central head quarters in New York citv af ter a three-days' stay with the chapter here. Well somebody did accept our invitation to g6 spying with us or rather, we- should say, "some bodies," for two very well-known 'men - about - campus" went along, and we had a merry, mer ry time of it, spying at every. hmg from tobacco pouches ties and canes (please, who can tell us why, in men's clothing stores they always display canes, no body ever carries 'em), to draw shaves and razor blades. We even stopped to ask the Texaco man if he carries candles, but he didn't. Here's something which is worth knowing, though, he does carry airplane oil. Of course you've seen the big dog in the window of the Univer. sity Book and Stationery Store, with a Carolina cap on his head, a Carolina pillow-cover between his feet, a Carolina pennant be hind him, and, best of all, Kay Kyser's record of Carolina's, Hark the Sound of Jar Heel Voices," on display around him. Clever, we call it. 4s Now here's a question, take your time before writing the jiswer. Have you a colorful and designing sole? That's the new est in the line of footwear and we saw it in the windows of the Campus Bootery. The soles of the shoes we saw are mottled red and black and some of the rubber-soled ones even have in triguing designs made of rubber like cleats. It'd be quite a scheme to shoe-print everybody on the campus, for then you would be able to track down V everybody by' their footprints in the sands of Chapel Hill. Tell us that- window display doesn't allure or discourage. We peered- through the windows of the new Tar Heel Restaurant and liked the looks of the cool, green-painted room so much that we went in and bought a cup of coffee while we made further in vestigation. Nice place they have, clean as the proverbial whistle, and man, what coffee! The open kitchen next drew our attention and we went back to see how "Adam and Eve" were put on a raft, then wrecked. We watched them make up one of their sure-to-be-famous Tar Heel specials, too. . Some day we're going down to the Fire House, borrow the longest ladder -they have, and take it up 'to R. A'.Eubanks Gro cery Store, (the store next to the Texaco Gas Station) , so that we can peek in their window. We're not so terribly tall and it's quite high above our heads, but what little we can see always looks so interesting that we want to peer more but alas, we never, can. Just wait'll'we get that ladder, though! ' Mirabile dictu, (we bet you don't know what that means), they've arrived, and what a com motion they're causing. What? Why the new Ford eights, at Strowd's. We've only one sup pressed desire which we'll hasten to tell you. It's that we'd l&e to ride in one now that we've seen them. Do you know any body who might like to take us?