Thursday, May 5, 1932 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Pace Thrcb HEEL TRACKMEN AFTER TWELFTH STRAIGHT TITLE Duke and' Davidson Expected to Furnish Carolina Stiffest Competition Saturday. The Carolina track team will seek its twelfth consecutive state championship in the state meet Saturday at Emerson field. Duke and Davidson will offer the stern est competition to the Tar Heels, although State and Wake For est have entered several indivi dual stars. The annual affair promises to be one of the clos est in several years and records are certain to topple in - more than one event. ' The dashes will feature Far mer of Carolina, Brownlee, Duke speedster, and Fleagle of David son. These men have turned in brilliant races this season and to all indications will hook up in a merry speed duel. The 440 mark of 50.4 set up by Ottinger- of State in 1930 will have to weath er the attack of some fast quar-ter-milers in Marland, Fulmer and Floyd of State, who won the event last year. Fulmer has beaten both Marland and Weil this year and both runners will be out to even things up some what. The timers may be in for a surprise when one of these men hit that tape. - - Jensen May Run 880 In the 880 Carolina will be represented by Tom Watkins, Wallace Case and Mark Jones, who ran a nice mile and half mile race in the Duke meet. There is a possibility that Clar ence Jensen, star miler, will also run the four furlongs-. Bradsher of Duke has run one of the fast est half miles in the south 'this season, having been clocked in a 1 :58.5 race about two weeks ago. Jones, after running a good mile behind Jensen in the Duke sta dium, came back to almost break the tape ahead of the Duke ace in the half. The event last year was taken by McGinn of State in 2:00.2, but with competition as keen as it will be Saturday, that time may be bettered. The state standard of 1:57 in the 880 is held by Minor Barclay, Carolina rimner who won the race in 1930. Galen Elliott's mark of 4:23.4 in the,mile looks quite secure, but with Jensen and Jones of Caro lina and Red Lewis of Duke toeing the mark", a change may occur. Jensen ran a 4:28 mile in the Duke affair and is capable of bettering that time. Mark Jones will be defending the title he won last year and will be a hard man to beat. The Blue Devil distance ace has been run ning a good mile all season and may rise to the heights Satur day. .Coach Ranson may also shift Ed MacRae to the mile race instead of running him in the two-mile race. Two-Mile Is Toss-Up Bob Hubbard and Red Lewis will renew their rivalry in the two mile and 'will be pitted against Brannon of Davidson who has broken 10 minutes for this event in competition. Hub bard. Tar Heel distance man, broke the worsted in 9 : 58 in Dur ham last week, which is not much slower than Cliff Bifucom's time made in winning the champion s' i-rw nin vpfl.r.' The Tar Jill J 1 UU 1UU t J -w" - Heel's time of 9:51.7 is a state record and may be bettered Sat urday. Lou Sullivan, who al most caught Lewis "in the Duke meet, will make the boys step-to beat him to the tape. MRS. C. E. McINTOSH TO TEACH AT MONROE Star Hurdler 'A ::: - v;. DEACONS HOLD TO LEAD MG FIVE Duke and State. With Three Wins and Two Losses, in Tie for Second Place. Rip Slusser, Carolina timber topper, who will be pitted against Johnny Brownlee, Duke ace, in the low hurdle race Sat urday for the state champion ship in the event. Intramural Schedule Having downed every team in the Big Five at least once, Wake Forest keeps its decisive hold on tot) nlaee in the state standings. Duke and State, with three wins and two losses, were nearest to the leaders. Carolina has three losses while Davidson is still to get its first win. The complete standings low: y Team W Wake Forest 4 State ... 3 Duke : 3 Carolina 2 Davidson 0 Wake Forest needs to win only half of its remaining contests to take the championship which Duke won last year .with only one defeat. Any other team would need to cop almost all its remaining games to win, even if L 0 2 2 3 5 CAVALIERS PLAY HERE TOMORROW y Virginia Baseball Team Has Won Forty-Five to Carolina's Forty-Four in Series. Virginia Captain fol Pet. 1.000 .600 .600 .400 .000 BASEBALL Thursday ( Manlv vs AvphpTc yov'pt Tn ps v TbPto the leaders lost the majority of ni,;. q -d; itoo aU, v its games. Davidson does not Di-ii TTorvrxQ Qio hold a mathematical chance to a.ak i Tv,; n0o noifo finish higher than fourth . - .ttj 1 j. i j. in uaiiima iv-iiu i . . ... a a V. o Q;motpv,i v, The State-Davidson battle is 7ot t, ( tw. TTnnsA vs .the only game left on the sched- j X f University, Va., May 4. Vir ginia's baseball team, which goes to North Carolina this week-end for the annual two game series, has made the finest showing of any Cavalier nine in many sea sons. It can lose all its remain ing games and still emerge with the best record since the crack club of 1924 which won nine contests in a row. The Cavaliers have won ten games and have lost only one, with six more games remaining to be rjlaved. The Tar Heel nine will be played first in Chap el Hill Friday afternoon and then in Greensboro Saturday. Virginia goes to North Caro lina one-up in this series for the first time since 1926. This chain of diamond contests dat ing back to 1891 now stands with Virginia winner in forty fivp contests and Carolina the s winner in forty-four. V x v ? ' - ; - - - - s , 5 ; :v :. : y A s v ' j TAR BABIES WIN FROM DANVILLE BY SCORE OF 10-3 Frosh Score All Their Runs in First Four Innings on Nine Hits. Bunching their hits and show- . ing some nice baserunning, the Carolina freshman baseball team took their third win in a row yes terday by downing Danville high school 10 to 3. Although both teams turned in four errors each, many good catches were turned in bv both teams. Much of Virginia's success on rvr, oil t10,v crino the diamond this spring is ac- in the first four frames on nine Ti . J i 11 1 J I. Z rtf creauea 10 me leauctsuip hits Rand opened the first in Captain Frank Sippley, who nin th a walk, went to second : . . -r-r 1 1 A 1 I nlavs first base. He leads the Virerinia team with a total of o mm- 1 1 1 1 an JUooney s ount ana scorea wTian 7o?7st rrof tVio fir. Viit. foT ten stolen bases and has batted the Tar BabiS Four more men .438 so far this year. Baseball Results AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit 8; Chicago 7. Cleveland 8; St. Louis 3. Others not scheduled. Mangum. Friday "" No games scheduled Caro lina vs. Virginia. ule this week, but all teams ,will see action next week. TENNIS Thursday SIG ALPHS HAND DEKES DRUBBING CAROLINA FROSH FAVORED TO WIN IN STATE MEET s State Track Championships for Yearlings WiH Be Run Off With Varsity Meet. After a lapse of several years, the freshman state track .cham nionshins will be run off this X year in conjunction with the var sitv affair. Each member of the S. A. E.keot their record clean mi o- Pi will hp. renresented in Mr oTinie o-imp srVipduled. of defeats bv downing the Dekes vAflrliner p.vpnts which nrom- xiv iv-iiiiikj fc-- v - v c j Baseball: Carolina vs. yirginia. 10 to 6 in a hard and fast game. jse as keen competition as the .. ' ' The Dekes got off to a good start, others on the program. TAR HEEL TENNIS counting three times in the first Carolina's freshman team has TEAM BEATS N.Y.U. inning while , holding S. A. E. been undefeated to date and will . 11 ittI nvinvn Vl rtTITZiTTZll I ff lI.Li.l li r - scuieies. wuuicid, iwYcti, oner no nine oppusiuuu mc The Carolina tennis team con- came back in the second frame other teams. The Duke first year tinued on its way to national hon- t thino-s Un with three runs, mn -fpli wiVa bf nrp. the on- ors by taking the measure of s. A. E. then clinched the battle slaught of the Tar Babies but New York University's team with four more markers in the wm be aided somewhat by the Tuesday by an 8-1 score. Army, fourth inning. Harriss on the entrants of the other schools in which was encountered yester- m0Und for S. A. E. pitched well, their attempt to come out in day, Yale, Harvard, and Brown wnile Waterhouse and Cope were front of the Carolina frosh. comprise the remainder ot tne best in the field and at bat. The Davidson freshmen are cer- 3:45 (1) Phi Sigma Kappa Aycock , Best House, Pi Kappa vs. Sigma rni sigma ; w Phi and Swain Hall Are yers vs. Grimes; (6) Mangum Other Winners. vs. New Dorms Friday NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 4; Pittsburgh 1. St. Louis 7; Cincinnati 0. Boston 3; Philadelphia 0. Brooklyn-N. Y., not played. schedule. Woollen and Lineberger led the tain to figure prominently in the ' , . ti r- t . . I The Tar neeis win i ace some m k. E. attack. the crossed the plate in the second inning on two singles, a double, a walk, an error, and four stol-: en bases, Hinkle swiping both; second and third after he had singled. Mooney's one base blow accounted for two of the markers while McLaurin's double brought i in the other two. Frosh Get Two in Third The frosh connected for three more base hits in the third in ning and counted twice, blows by Manly and Rand driving the runs in. The final three mark- Band To Be Heard ers were the result of two hits, At Virginia Games an error and three more stolen bases. Berry doubled and Mc- The band will play at the Laurin was safe on an error. Carolina-Virginia baseball game Zaizer drove Berry in with his in Greensboro Saturday, leaving second hit, McLaurin counting Chapel Hill by bus from Pierson on Hinkle's long fly. Zaizer who hall Saturday morning at 10 :30. bad stolen second and went to Members will wear the band uni- third on Hinkle's blow put the forms consisting of white duck fmishtTier touches on the frosh's trousers and the band blazers, base running by making a clean . which may be checked out from steal of home. . the music building this morning Two of the Danville runs were and all day Friday. the reSult of errors,, while the Immediately upon arrival in 0ther came in the seventh when ! Greensboro there will be a wentv hit a long double with one street-parade, and immediately 0n base. before the game, there will be aniy pitching the first four parades to the Memorial stadium innmgs for the Tar Babies and and inside the grounds. Bill Webster, who finished the con White, who was drum-major for twirIed go0(i ball, both giv the band for several years pre- ing up fiye Mts and getting five J J"1 X. . n V r"v -I'M cr 1 "1 vious xo mis year, iiuj uccu " strikeouts each. Mooney, fwiin p.nrp.d to lead the band in the pa- , Vivn 1TT1PS at l,WU JMiigreo xui tin win- final scoring as they have sever al outstanding athletes on their team. State and Wake Forest are not as strong as the other three but will receive their allot- f ormidable opposition in the Score by innings : Crimson racquet wielders, who Dekes 3 0 0 1 2 0 06 will b out to avenge last year s o a F. 0 3 1 4 2 0 x 10 defeat at the hands of Coach Aycock Wins Another Kenfield's proteges, who snapped with Weiner pitching his ment of points. a streak of Harvard victories. usuai good ball and the whole Childers and Gunter of Caro Harvard has one of the strong- team fielding well, Aycock coast- hina) Goodwin of State, former est teams in the country and e(j to its sixth straight win, interscholastic champ in the s-hmild thft Carolinians duplicate HnwriinO' Old West 10 to 1. AV- envin-f-c nn rl Tarrel of Duke will WA V V-w " I V V j V I kJ KS lAi A AM. -w their feat of last year, they will coc bad the contest won with wage a merry battle for premier be in line for national recogni- two runs jn the first two frames honors in the dashes. Childers i . i i I . . i -9 i t tion. but they went on to maKe nve ana Tarrel have ootn oeen ciock- i mrvo in h a fifth and their last orl in n flat this Reason m the T. E. P. TAKES EASY" three in the seventh. Old West century and Gunter and Good- WIN FROM CHI PHI got their lone run in the sixth win have approached that mark. offpr two hits. Besides Weiner s Cnnprrari a twentv-two flat fur- Lewis took an easy win from ph R 0bbinka nd Grindstaff Uma to beat Tarrel last Friday in the championship race Saturday. The sprints will furnish plenty competition but the other en trants will not be lacking in action. cured to lead the band in the pa rades in Greensboro. Band men. are requested to be at Emerson field ten minutes be fore the game Friday, at which game they will play. ERICSON TO TEACH AT JOHNS HOPKINS Mrs. C. E. Mcintosh left yes terday for Monroe, where she will teach an intercession class for the extension division of the University until the beginning of summer school. She is ex pecting about sixty teachers to xjcvvio wuik iii - pitcnmg, IvOUUlllS anu jriiiiuaLaii long tO Deat larrtJl la&t .rut Manly in intramural tennis yes- gtarred for the winners. Simon an(i wiU be a slight favorite 1 3 ,TtV, 41 MnnfTllin WOTI OVP.T - . y-i -i ttt i -. . L J xeruay, wxiiic maugum was best tor um west. "Rpst House ana tne vjuesuuu Dr. E. E. Ericson, associate professor of English, has been I engaged to teach in the summer session of Johns Hopkins Uni versity. He will handle a gradu ate course in old English and an undergraduate course in Pre- Shakespearean drama. Dr. Eric- son is an alumnus of Johns Hop kins, having taken his Ph.D. in English philology from that in stitution. the plate, Zaizer, with two for four, and Barham with one for one led the batting for Carolina. Cunningham connected for two singles and a double out of five times at bat, Wenty got a double and a single for four, and Clarke got two base blows for four to hit hardest for the losers. Zaizer turned in two beautiful catches in left field for Carolina, while Durham made several nice plays at second for the visitors for the best form in the field. Score by innings: . Danville 000 101 100 3 Carolina 142 300 00010 PATRONIZE OUR -ADVERTISERS , tvtoVcj Fnvfpipd to Avcock. In iXLCU. JVO luiivnw " thfi fraternity league T. E. P. took an easy victory from Chi Phi while Sigma Nu won from Msl Psi after an extra match in the singles and Markham and Carson of Phi Kappa Sigma won from Phi Sigma Kappa by a for- - . . i i XT feit. The match oetween me Lawvers and Everett will , be played today at 3:30 o'clock. Rosenstranclrof Lewis naa an easy time winning from Hum- phyres of Manly, taking two love-sets in the singles, mc- MiVhopl and Gentry of Mangum jfnA Tinnt. and Hinson of U.tiictii'CVJ. ii""" Best House by a score of 6-2 m all matches. Byerly of Sigma Nu had to play Barker of Zeta Pci nn Pvtra set in the singles before he and Thomas defeated the Zeta Psi team. A. S. M. E. to Meet There will be a meeting of the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at 7:30 tonight" in 214 Phillips hall. Score by innings: Aycock 1 1 0 0 5 0 310 Old West ...0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Everett Loses Second After giving their opponents a two run lead in the second in ning, Best House came from be hind to win over Everett 5 to 3. Saville Will Speak Dr. Thorndike Saville, profes sor- of hydraulic and sanitary rrv, ho or-orino- engineering - in the University in the second with a run, but school of engineering, wiubpea un Wd at assemblv today on vvaier jLVtirtitb came uatA w uwunu mj. - times and take the lead. Best Power. House tied things up in the third and then went on to win with a run in the. fifth. Crouch and Pickett were outstanding for the w-m t t T-V 11 winners. Kosen lea Everett s attack. Score by innings: Best House ...012011 05 Evprett 0 3 0 0 0 0 03 Phi Gams Lose With Poole doing the twirling and the whole team fielding headsup, Pi Kappa Phi was vic torious over Phi Gamma Delta 6 to 1. The winners scored their markers when they bunched their hits in the second, third, (Continued on last page) MOTHER'S DAY GREETINGS Sunday is Mother's Day Alfred Williams & Co., Inc. BOWLING 24 ALLEYS 24 DURHAM BOWLING CENTER E. Chapel Hill St. DURHAM Special Debate N.C.C.W. and the U.N.C. QUESTION: "The Cancellation of German Reparation and Inter Allied War Debts.,, Thursday, May the 5th, at 8:30 O'clock GERRARD HALL OUR SPEAKERS: FORNEY RANKIN A. A. LAWRENCE Formal . SPECIAL DEBATE Chas. Raper Jonas (Republican)..... ... . 1 U. N. C. 1927 Charlie Price (Democrat) U.N. U Friday Night, May the 6th Gerrard Hall 8:30 QUESTION: "What Party Should You Support in the Coming Elections?" Open Forum Afterwards This Debate was secured by the Republication Club, also sponsored by the Debating Council. enroll. r

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