Sunday, October 9, 1932 THE DAILY TAR HEEL. Page Two -x -n 'i JHooT achievement prove that their the future. So-i HisUt xD&lly Uai tp&Cl rnme and that they are minotaurs, and UiuD nave ueen lxic umy uumw So- far the Sheiks, saga of Wang Lung ana ms lam- the Thirteen lily, unlike most sequels, equais strength of style and beauty to give evidence of the right ap- its companion piece, The f ood proach to the collegiate atmos- Fortft. Witn me ue-tu - Wan(r T tier, a wealthy land- Trtm r-t-rrw is nlPflcrp da V. After! jf --P -J-Vi Trrcrf I nwnor horn a noor farmer, the x wiij-wi j. .i o . I IIllLWic OX JlieiilUJCXO uj. uuv w"v . i i -i nii I ... . t I x : dirnpfon ro J-nrr TtroPWS OT TTlllLUai lUUltlllli- .1. A , nnmAtiQa "trv tnrmil - TPflnpr S lLLLeie&b lis uutuivu - 7 I LIIU If V- ' - - I Nl II 1 f II II I M I I II. .""M II . I JT, Av- 1 a vv w - -vtoTi s 1R79 . Subscription price, .. , . , 4- I - . ,...v -i ,1 t ,.,,-u in thp iat VIA. V- of the Publi- -Fn to take char ere. .. it: -rA TTnivp.rsitv I Cations uinuu "uf1" "" . n.f. of North Carolina at v,napei um Fl f h H r where it is printed daily except Mon- Lleventn Hour days, and the TnanKsgivmg, nrik- naze mas, and Spring Holidays, interea s second class matter at the post f&na. n r Hill. N. C. under act UUiVV W- - 7 - . ' . , : n 1 over. S4.UU ior me tuucSc - - , n .i I J? a I I v-p - Offices on the second floor 01 tne wiU Decome iormaiiy clasuuaicu. Graham Memorial Building. . Prpsumablv. bv this time the his OVf LI11U111U11L UWVA v .w I . - freshmen and fraternities atp the neceSsarv traditions and the sons, brought up in the lap 5 -ptt, ,o fiintKshA nf ln-scurv. The youngest son, i. aisc vaiuiiua 11 wiii k"v I - -1 . . , 1 x j--u I ttt 4-T rr?oT. aconmes xne nas iallen into oacK up xo tuts vvau tne xi - high collegiate standards of our chief role in the book as a com .F.A. r -dct t. Frlitor -frp.?bman will understand IlcU. VJT. i 7 I " vuwv . Geo. W. Wilson, Jr....Mgr. suitor situation weU enough to maKe a contemporaries. xv. Aitxiuau 0 sensiDie cnoice, aim iuc ua- nity will know which new men Shoe- will be assets to them. That this will be true in some Editorial Staff pnTTnPTiT. RflARD Don V.. C Daniel. Jr., ' iXSBXiSt?Xn cases cannot be denied, but that Robbins, Ervin Jafee,, Otto Stem reich, H. C. Perry, B. B. Perry, V. J. Lee; Milton Kalb. m-rv friTTflRS T. H. Walker. Bob Wnpmer. Bill Davis. DESK MEN Otto Steinreich, Carl mi Clan-rcra ATalDTie. Li. Ll. lUUUipSUU) uv-vifev. ' TTntchison. W. R. Eddleman. ttf; ATTTRE BOARD Joseph Sugar mander of men and warrior, who becomes a revolutionary general and war lord. The two books together portray the rise Our We Nominate For The Pulitzer Prize Department When the Smoke Clears Tho prnnomic disaster in the j f familv of jaiiu iau w t " throes of which the world has U,?no rjointr fr nower through it will be true in all cases can been struggling since the mem- cultivation of .the soil, and fall be denied. It seems that the orable October 29 has left marks ing int0 decadence through de average freshman is o limited on the campus of the University sertion 0f the land. With pros it PYnprience that he comes to which are sadly to be regarded. on every hand, Wang college in more or less of a "fog," But none of these marks is as was a kind and generous lord, r riimpl which usually takes disngurmg ana repulsive to tne , . -fh the cominor of famine han twn I clorious name of this institu-l iwiru; v,a -Prnnfl it. tippps- ;- - : m.u.. DtUl USIUWO I . .. . , dllUUOluoiuyuv, -. H'Xoh &TS weeks.' And with a freshman Hon as the amount ot cut-tnroat gary td regort to harsh measures. : v , 1 . 1 . i! 1 j nnn iwiohinir TX7 mrn nna nppn rarrim t- t n j nfh Royster, jonn Acee. dlViamff ms time Detweeu scv- i"""6 : MISS xSUCK nnaiiy uraws SPORTS DEPARTMENT Cuwik fraternities it is thorough- m during the past twelve days her vigorous simplicity, the old arr, x. a., ""s""',- . . TfOBVflH , - :w in fwn wppVs hv men who are someday to leaa t- Q Q WJ1T1 Wpph Lawrence lnompson, ixai.u uwv., ny pu&siuic uni " -1 , age ui uit a-xi, j TT Morris. Crampton -iramer. OQnv o-pf. tn the state into nourismng opui- REPORTERS-FranJ Hawky. W. 0 ence Marlowe. J . JJ. vv iiisiuvv, 'ui" --" 1 , - . j. derson, Raymond Jtsarron, iaines jt would be an interesting ex- xne iiumwcx SrJfX,terHareett,T' Hicta, periment to ask each freshinan men this year was much smauer T.i w Keel. Nelson Lansdaie, ijro rlov tn nresent the than tne amount m previuui. vcamaww " - . , , J- T I vil IJiVfeW "v X I . . 1 I J T " jv O led by the years, embittered by his son's dislovaltv. yet ever noble in his pathetic eager way. reasons for his choice. In this Trio MftTris. Koberr rage, JJCVTif -" " ? lieorge rinoaue&, xv. -f"-T' - " . , , Charles C. Toda, Jaenry way WOUld De pOSSlDie 10 see rmTlff MISS, t lLHL- I a Suss. Clar XIlliUp xiauiiui., e ' ATI11Q Elizabeth Johnson. Business Staff CIRCULATION DEPT. Tom Worth, Manager. - OFFICE STAFF Pen Gray, Asst. Bus. Mgr., John Barrow, Ass t. Bus. Mgr., Randolph Reynolds, Collec tion Mgr., Joe Webb, W. B. Robe son, Agnew Bahnson. ADVERTISING STAFF Howard Manning, Adv't Mgr , W. C. Jones, Advt. Mgr., John Callahan, Jim Cordon, James Mehaffy, J. Ralto Farlow. . Sunday, October 9, 1932 years. i? or this reason it was imperative that each fraternity make the best possible impres sion on a number of boys to in sure their getting enough men to fill the quota. Had they been content to merely make impres sions all would have been yet serene on the much celebrated western front, but the weaker lodp-ps found it necessary to m- whether freshmen are given loner enough period to "size up the situation. This is not necessary, how ever, to realize that if a fresh man's hands are left free for a quarter or even a year, that if he were not confronted lmme rifooiv wih hp task of choosine: o vctPvniA7- thpn hp could make dulge in the age old pastime of a natural choice without being mudslinging, much in vogue by under, any pressure whatever, inferior individuals and groups -fVopiip would from the first throughout the universe. X t VVX XAXWAK w w I 1 I assume their proper place in his When a fraternity boasting mind, and hewould most prob- the grand total 01 two men on ably get more out of his first the staff of any University pub year at the University, lication has the temerity to Rushing the very name con- promise a freshman that he will notes a wrong attitude. In an be made editor of the TAR Heel ideal university, there would bepn three years. 11 ne joins tnat no rushing. - Only a . period of ioage, ana men uisparages uie accomplishments ana men in other lodges, it is soon enough for the other fraternities on the Hill to take a hand either w,v -morlo onrprnino the rising The University of North Caro- through the Interfraternity JLTCCii .. ... . I ., , . . frpnpratWs future in any held Una tho the oldest state univer- uouncii or oy means 01 maivi- o,rn,ir sitv m the country is woeiuny auai enorus. . UX CliUtavuui. I " . . . tx thoncrh the entire lacking m certain attributes XU IO U viiwo . . I thinking public had expressed that go to maKe a genuine co - u -fpiino-s towards the possi- lege, un otner camera OUR TIMES By Don Shoemaker The Day Of Youth "Editors are always eager for new viewpoints and the outlook hpld bv the rising generation. So F.llerv Sedgwick, editor of hA Atlantic Monthly expressed himself regarding the future of adjustment. youth m the neia 01 ixa.- 13,, this statpment does not stop A Plea for here. It might just as well have Reel College Life The Greeks Have A Word in It In digressing: Two weeks of joyous genu flection ended ina haze of glory last nie-ht as the campus fra ternities shooed the last first year men out of their houses more' or . less at twelve sharp and resolved en masse to attone for their sins. It was unani mously realized and resolved that the old adages "All's fair in Love, War, and Fraternity Rushing" and the "Lord watches over little babies, drunks, and rushing chairmen" were true to the very letter. After all, rush- Ossining, N. Y. Sing Sing's 1932 football prospects are dark er than the inside of your derby hat. The speedy backfield and sturdy line of the mighty Os sining eleven has been wrecked by paroles, pardons, and dis charges. Unless the courts send him somA new talent. "Alabama" Pitts, colored captain of the pqtm thrpat.pns to waive the three-year eligibility rule and play lifers. His agents have scouted the reformatories for schoolboy athletes, Pitts said, and a likely young quarterback, doing time for robbing fruit stands, .will re port for practice as. soon as" he can get himself arrested for sticking up a coffe pot. Meanwhile "Alabama" threat ens to complain to the Carnegie Foundation about a pernicious practice, which, has cropped up in penal athletic circles. He objects, he says, to the transferring of convicts from one prison to another. For in stance, two of his tackles, a guard and a halfback, will play in Auburn or Dannemora uni forms this season. Of course, 'they were sent there because they were too rugged for Sing Sing, but "Alabama" is annoy ed, nevertheless. "How can my boys get to play San Quentin on New Year's day in the Tournament of the Sub- Rosas," he asks, "when those crooks keep stealing my players from me? It ain't honest, I tell you." "Alabama" has worked out a new hidden ball play. It is sig nalled by the cry, "cheese it the cops." He will try it when his boys meet the Fort Jervis police team. Queen's Univ Journal. ing season, like a wedding anni versary, comes but once a year, and with the realization of its culmination, a wave of 'Svhew's" sweeps the campus. Hardly ever in the history of the Oldest State University has such a flood-of potential man power hit the campus. We will have with us, safely anchored behind pledge buttons, four freshman class presidents, after Monday afternoon. There will be three editors of the Tar Heel fone in his freshman year) and the Buccaneer will operate smoothly with three business managers and four art editors. Seven freshmen will play on the Davis Cup team next year, for those of our mys tic orders who wield a tennis racquet and a tennis racket, have enough push to place their fresh men (if they come around, you know) in the list of those fav ored netmen. It is fully understood that there were three managing edi tors of the Tar Heel last year, each one in a different house. Of football captains, there will be any number of potential indi viduals after pledge day, un questionably a revelation to our gridiron mentors who are aware that team elections lapse into fraternity frame-ups. The usual number of freshmen promised class executive positions will be again disappointed, for though these pointless posts have been offered to at least fifty potential Taylor Bledsoes, in rare in stances do more than fifteen men find themselves incumbents when the fall election is run off. (Continued on last page) hilities of youth. For since the youth ol today will be the elders of tomorrow, it is only natural that the present elders are pleas ed when members of the young er generation show signs of promise. Certainly these elders each year sees a manifestation of col lege spirit, tradition, and quaint custom designed to render in tolerable the life of the fresh man, and hence-to guarantee a real collegiate atmosphere. THOSE NEW BOOKS Van Loon's Geography as pub lished by Simon and Schuster, is Thp Pavnlina ramnns has no rvnp of thp outstanding fall ill, wiAX vxiiMi ww. 1 viiv . "are always eager for new view- hazing. Our frosh are not re points and the outlook held by quired to wear freshman caps, NTnth- the rising generation , tney are 1 vxu , interested to see who shall take ing distinguishes them from the their places. And like all human lordly sophomores, juniors, and beings they are happy to give up seniors, mere are no uauuwu- their responsibilities as soon as sopnomore moD ngnis, no urn. books. To begin with, the jack et unfolds to become a map of the world, with which you can liven up a bare space on your wall. The idea-drawings found on every other page . will do much to decorate the vacant cor-1 thp "vipwnoints and the VXiv . " JT look" of the youths show thev are able to "carry on out- ings in Sparrow's pool or the ridors in your brain. This book is an incentive to learn Geog-I raphy" all over again according that Old Well, in fact nothing to give . PY-nvPssnon to thp fpftlmo Ot dlS- V." O - HIS TYPEWRITER KEYS UNLOCK THE DOORS OF A THOUSAND BOUDOIRS! famous scandal columnist who sees all, all and spills everything. The private life of the 'IF with Lee Tracy Mary Brian mm MONDAY - with Dick Powell and 100 others LZ3 h That Scandalous Comedy about Scandal Columnists! OTHER FEATURES Mickey Mouse Cartoon, "Grocery Organlogue, "Daffy Ditties" Paramount News Boy" ' i. vi nxmAa i v,oa hpPTi said that like and animosity that should to Van Loon. xi,:CT ; 1, nf vouth. Peo- exist between the first and gee- "Iceland, an interesting poll- lllld IO WiVi UJ v. J I I m AX" XV. iAaa -noiTit out Tllim- ond vear men. At football games tical laboratory m the Arctic - uie witu xu.-c " - ... . . . .1 . ,r,. mpn who arp tAk- ana aances we nave nu iaw mau ucean . . -. Ausuia, tne uu. t J 1 M r X n . - u 1 1 1 . 1 T k , -4 it in -4-1 I it fnrmprlv hPid bv enames us to numinate oui tnat noDoay appxwiaieu .unwi 1. old men They use that as con- freshmen as they should be no longer existed . . . India is i,0x j0,r ia -uA humiliated before the crowd, in full of Indians . . . Belgium, a elusive piuui i,itu " I it jii j .e xt, t? xt, -pnvcrpt. short we are content to sit back countrv created by scraps ot pa- uay ox vuuiu. xjuu J..t,-- - ... j. that the old men who are retir- ana anow me xresnmen i-y per ana ncn m vcijruuuB ing were themselves youths thru tneir nrst year umuumi- mternai nannuny ... when they went into the jobs, capped and unmolested to the "We are no longer able to And the ones whose places they disgrace 01 tne name 01 aro- piunaer ana men us aim neartny as uui xatncxo xiu. w- 6 Faul Ajreen s New Screen Play CABIN IN THE COTTON with " Richard Barthelmess TUESDAY 9$ took were also youths when they hna. were first employed. Why then should anyone call this a day of youth any more than any other Jime? In the correct sense every day is the day of youth. Some youth, however, have their day before others do, since it is the vonths themselves who deter mine when their day shall come. They are the ones who are reT sponsible for their own develop ment. And they of their own accord determine society's de mand for them. The youths of today can not live hoping that their day wil soon come. Instead they must through their own thought and ent from other schools and so acking in the virility of other camnuses is intolerable. Imag That we should be 'so differ- cause . . . well, if you really want For Kids From 6 to 60 At Last! The Real Family Picture A Riot of Fun Harold Lloyd in to know . . . because our consci ence won't let us or if we our selves. irP tho feeline-a of the Carolina "We are fellow passengers on I man who goes to the movies and the same planet, all ot us equal-1 sees real collep-e life nortrayed ly responsible for the happiness there. He must inevitably come and well being of the world in to realize that hp. has made a which we happen to live. great error, that Carolina is not Van Loon has created a hearty a rpal coIWp. and he will re- and fitting companion piece ior o-T-f v,ia v,iVp nf schools. his Rtarv of Mankind. He has glbl Alio l,uuvv I -a ' Ptahlish a leffiti- taken Geography out of the dol- XX VV C X - I . . , rv,Qfa nioim to the name of uni- drums and made it the dramatic UlUbC V.1U11U - I ......11 .r i,0vp must, hp a Preat re- setting of the historical stage. form in our methods. We must Sons, Pearl S. Buck. (The have quaint customs, freshman John Day Company, New York) . w,iOQ ho.7ir.ov and traditions if Reviewed Dy isernaru x. irerry. X UlliJ( "M"OI I , . - , the latter have to be made up in Sons, the continuation cf the 66 M 5 ovie Crazy" with CONSTANCE CUMMINGS The Comedy of the Year WEDNESDAY WILL ROGERS In His Funniest Picture "Down to Earth". with Irene Rich 1 IPWi THUR. WILLIAM POWELL KAY FRANCIS in "One Way Passage" FRIDAY fill A PUBLIX KINCEY THEATRE - ZANE GREY'S Greatest Western Thriller! "Heritage of the Desert" with RANDOLPH SCOTT SALLY BLANE J. FARRELL McDONALD SATURDAY

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