Page Four CONTEST WON BY WILSON STUDENT) Woodrow Harrison Takes First Place in State Latin Contest Held February 24. I Ti Etete-wide Latin contest for North Carolina high schools which took place February 24 was won forV Wilson high t..-i u w., TTi according to an announcement by E. R. Rankin, contest secre- tary, yesterday. The competi tion was sponsored by the Uni versity extension division andi - w the Latin department. Papers submitted by 368 stu- dents representing thirty-five high schools were judged by a committee from the Latin de- nartment consisting of Profes cAro fianr-a-a. TTrtw a A Warrer. BViOVVWeV Wllv, J I QWnft s oVanrnnrtJ i,fpii;n WnnnrpMA mAntinn trait to Maw "EVvrfr P.nrrnll wot, Wilsie Bussell of Durham, Mary WJk I AAUVAAI I Cathren Walters of Durham, PornlinA Rim nf Wilson and Billy Hudson of Chapel Hill, TaWnfir. fi. and fifth places, the Wilson institution ""0 7 I had the highest average of any . , . , . scnooi entered in tne contest. Uther scnoois suomiumg at - . .... . 1 least one paper witn tne graae al of 90 or better included Char- . n . . -!.... I loiie, -ayevaue. uasioma, Louisburg, and winston-saiem. The Week (Continued from page two) moratorium. TM . 1 J ? 1 jrians vueu ior J 1 . 1U X1 1 uon convention to De neia mis year on Chapel Hill campus, Speakers include the politic Carl Goerch, Washington, N C. n!e.'l.e!!J.anid J1,0. cummeuiauir, rraiu r laujs. Porter Graham, and Dean Fran- cis F. Bradshaw. The dates : May 5-6. Thursday, March 16 Seventy gridmen receive call for continuance of winter foot-i ball from Mentor Chuck Collins. Drills will begin Monday after noon, Kenan stadium. Freshman class contributed one hundred dollars to student loan fund to be used for short term loans not to exceed fifteen dollars. Loans are for thirty day period ; for f rosh only. Order of Golden Fleece an nounces acceptance of Governor J, C. B. Ehringhaus to speak at annual tapping exercises, set for April 27, Memorial Hall. Friday, March 17 Names of more than fifty Carolina students recorded in mass tennis tournament planned with Duke University. April 3 to 8. Lists will remain open for one more week. Bowie-Cherry appropriation bill passed in first reading in House of Representatives. Ap propriation of the Greater Uni versity cut to $644,800. Figure to suffice for three branches of G. U. N. C. University, alone, in 1929 received $894,000. Continuance of Open Forum lectures urged by patrons of series in meeting at Gerrard hall. Saturday, March 18 Regular baseball nine with somewhat changed line-up won from the rookies in an extra in ning game by 8-6 score. Sunday, March 19 The four class presidents met with their executive committee officials to discuss plans for aid ing student council in University convocation Monday. A special group of students was called together to organize the various county clubs, with the idea of writing home solicit ing parents' aid in fighting the Bowie-Cherry bill in the Legis- Uorid News Bulletins Zangara Dies Guiseppe Zangara, the little 1 L 1 1 forms of government, was elec- a t - day morning ai auora, r lor.u for the murder of Anton Cer- mak. Chicago mayor, m an at- tempt to assassinate President Roosevelt. Ohio Valley Flooded New rain yesterday swelled . the already overflowing mighty Ohio river and its tributaries whose floodwaters have driven thousands temDorarilv from tneir lowland homes and taken at least eight lives. Spring's Here . " ... . 1 Soring arrived last night at exactly 8:45 o'clock eastern standard time. The "Vernal Eauinox." the time when the sun begins to shine more strong- 011 tne nortnern nan 01 mejvu mauomw,. j. world than on the southern, brings to a close another abnor- mally warm winter. I ... u- V cul il A rA T-nsmo StrAncth 0 (Continued from first page) Hamilton of Carteret, rallied " ' I ,rnntl(, ths vnte(! down. 75 to 23 proposal that " I veterans be cut ten per cent on seven hundred thousand dollars. This was the test vote on the substitute bill strength, and al- though the sections of the bill in nnoMl nomiiflj f 0i,nw0fi general carried, it showed that general carina it buuwu um, it 1 J M.M. It ' 1.1- Jl I the rapidly siana pawers in retreating substitute bill ranks. I The friends of state institu- tions were enthusiastic in their ?hecies " the reopening 0t the case tor tne scnoois wouia strike a..Q'n!r!"lrer: " House this morning. The efforts of students and the constituents interested m tne education cause i , . , vuivFu b- "j DerS OI tne JiOUSe. iviercnants uppose urn The "odious sales tax" was the subject of a tirade from the backers of the economy bill, who apparently see in it the doom of North Carolina. It was signifi- I- 1 J-l L. JL1 "I- I cant, nowever, tnau tne xvier- chants Association of Raleigh declared m a full page adver- tisement m a Raleigh atternoon newspaper yesterday that "We and counterfeit," was his de- actually missed the bag. John- Heels are conceded a slight edge DO oppose the evils of a Sales clara tion of confidence in the ny Peacock turned and yelled to because almost all of last sea Tax, but, if our choice lies parents of North Carolina. "Peo- Sergeant Keller who was in the son's veterans are back in the ONLY between this measure and the injustice of further reduc- tion of aDDronriations for state institutions, we unqualifiedly en- dorse the former as the lesser of two evils." It was signed by all of the principal merchants of Raleigh, and is the first indi cation that the bug bear of sales tax is rapidly- becoming a harm less kitten. If the Bowie-Cherry bill is defeated on the final items of its second reading this morning, it is likely that the original appro priations' figure of $832,000 for the Greater University will be reconsidered. The present bill advocates a dole of $644,800 to the three institutions, and it was evident yesterday in the lobbies that the discussion of this item in the bill will be subject to dras tic revision or discard in this morning's session. lature. Monday, March 20 Student mass meeting con vened in Memorial hall at 10:30 with President Graham outlining the results of the passage of the Bowie-Cherry bill would likely have on the University, and urg ing students to wire parents re questing them in turn to wire Legislators to aid cause of edu cation. Don Shoemaker. THE DAILY President Graham Urges Opposition To Bowie-Cherry Bill (Continued from first page) Graham followed Weeks. Re viewing the occasions of the past when the student masses had mobilized to defend and sup- port the University, Ps'dent rr - in reopening the Umvty after the Civil War ; in securing adequate classroom and dormi- tory facilities for a greatly en larered student body after the World War in 1920-21: in corn- to th id - th university last year when 200,000 was lopped from its budget, when al- most every student started, with gifts of $5,000, a loan fund that grew to $100,000, keeping over 500 boys in school; and in giv ing up their holiday two weeks J I If 1 "I s uruer uie crisis might not force the clos- mg oi tne university. "Tnis morning, we garner not to attack anybody, not to im- siaent uranam contmuea. "There are good men and true on the other side. iney are , T . T A.-L. -I II l "ro"r T V n "l mor for North Carolina for its ... . . 7 nnh ip swhnns its nnnnn hpn T.n. ? "C,:! LTw ' I J.. II U II Mil (' WH I H fM I I' L I S U u ; mnnisiziiif mis Domt. uiei. j j i - . , . . 37' ' .Zi Z" Z Z" money( institutions; save the ... tjw win i i liuiiir: ll. oavc. avc 7--. r 7""- inc t.hp TTnivp.rsitv to a Herht - l ho;se he sa d that it "cannot nouse, ne saia, znaz it cannot , .j. n. h sfrnrV :rv. " - be dest d , cannot be struck "Ti-in- t.w nrMBmt meaa. UO "11. .' . . wnnM rA Z.I ".i ..HLU:t"r.u,, . tion to a polnt ei i per"cent be. low the 1928.29 level President Graham reached the climax of h!s address the statement, If they don't give us a dollar I TT 'll 1 1 I I the University will be here next ,rov tTo wq j oticwptWI tvIi I j v"""- -" proiongea applause. raying tnoute to tne sacn- fia nf -PnPnlfv nrd sfnrlPTita ir . '.""'"v ."v -v.w. i maintaining tne standards ot tne University in the face of drastic appropriations cuts, President Graham declared that the great men of the nation were shocked at the treatment which this in- ... . m I stitution nas suit ered. "Tne peo- ple of the state are not going to have their children cheated by giving them something cheap ple all over North Carolina are hnsv today, coveriner the coun- ties fitrMino- t.n save the state." Concluding his address, Presi- dent Graham told the story of how the letters of one woman, Cornelia Phillips Spencer, had saved tne University alter tne M amJ paign to that one, he expressed the belief that the students then doocmwicu in iviciiiui iai uau the Dotential nower to save the gtafp r na mfli,nmfl armnnn,.o,vn w pMpt. arh w ht. th anrinir holiday, nost- a u Kovino. x crisis, would take place around Easter. Students to Pay Bills All students whose names be- gin E-J are scheduled to make payment of their bills for the spring quarter at the business omce today. Failure to pay or to make arrangements for pay- ment will result in a $5.00 fee for delay. Pledging Announced T"V ii sr-r T1. ! ueita i.appa ipsuon an nounced yesterday the pledging of William J. Moore of Wheel- ing, W. Va., and Harry H. Mont- gomery of Natrona Heights, Pa. TAR HEEL Around The Field (Continued from page three) fpsi ran wield that racauet and anv team, especially Duke, in - I the east to aspire to conquering tnem, is mu.y u,M1iU-"; Know we naven b guu lirant, numoer iwo raius-uis tercollegiate player, and our cap- tain back, but still, why should we holla? DUKE WILL HAVE TROUBLE wiffc nnr mlf toam also. Last year the Tar Heels beat the Dev- T A bll V Q -v ii diggers m two uudi wwio, for the conference title, out lost to them in the state tourna ment. Still the season's score was three to one. We have the same men back and then some. The present squad has been working hard preparing for its first stiff match against Wash ington and Lee next Tues day. This contest ought to be a honey with Billy Howell, national star and Walker Cup player, pitted against Carolina's number one man, Alan Smith, always a great muucjr Besides Smith, Coach Kenfield has Carl Cramer, sophomore flash, who turned in a thirty-one for nine holes at Hope Vallev last weeK. rie came m wun a thirty - eight for a total of sixty. nine- Not bad- Captain Billy Ln,t t , uurien, r,rwm uaum aim tttmi o.ji Dauier 11 i 1 T J IT " I ra q". m the three round competmon on u uu - min . .tnelour men 10 raeel uf..UiH.kM -j i -. i SSaIA YOUNG AK,U1JNA A oaseoai, squaa on. - i j i u snape rapiuiy anu siioum give r7 ! T " a gQQ(j account of itself against .,..- .. ,. the " stiff opposition scheduled. ?"He. 5 aieanIla! ...r ul jinx on the . d amd kould f yeaf Wfflle POWell Veriril Weathers Jim Dixon Johnny Peacock, Jim Griffith, Bill Croom, and Lamy MpC skill rA ttm rhipf mam n -u i -u t j I uuacu vyuumus may nave a iieau- ache. SERGEANT KELLER HAS AN 1. j-i: .!, unci i nix iiacn. ui lCUUig wn.ll it base runner missed the baa". Yeah man. Sarge never misses them either. Jim Tatum clout- ed a homer the other afternoon and started around the bases. He touched first and second but . strode risrht over third. Several players on the bench noticed the error' hut there was some, arcrn. ment as to whether or not he stands, "Did he touch 'em all Sarere?" The Serjeant shook his head and held un three fintrers. He never misses that kind. Mrs. MacKinney To Sing Solo In ChorUS Mrs. L. A. MacKinney "of Chapel Hill has been chosen to sinS a S01 Pari in a cnorus be assembled at the State Fed- eration of music clubs choral l i i tt i t iestivai in Kaieign during April. The chorus, numbering several hundred voices, will be conducted oy naroid uyer, I i !. J 1 l l . i j neaa oi tne local music depart-1 meni ailu rauo,uu crairman oi 1 J- S 1 1 1 I cnorai iestivais ior tne iedera- tion. The Raleigh chorus has been organized by the state federation in connection with the program of tne national organization to popularize cnorai music and choral festivals throughout the country. roiessor JJyer reports tnat in tnis connection more than one hundred choral festi- vals nave been scheduled for perlormance before June. Buccaneer Business Staff There will be an important meeting of the business staff of the Buccaneer tonight at 7 :00 AH members are asked to attend. CALENDAR Y. M. C. A. devotional iu.ou. - i tn.nn Memorial hall Forum Patrons--2: 00. , Bnus Head reading 4:30. y. M c A Di Senate 7:15. New west. ph Asseinblyzl5: New East. OUTSTANDING RADIO BROADCASTS Tuesday, March 21 6 :00 George Hall orch., WABC CBS (860 Kc). 7r45 The Townsend Murder Mystery sketch, WJZ NBC (750 Kc). g SQ Wavne jnz orch.. WE AF-NBC (660 Kc). g.fin Jane Frnman. WAPr, songs, 9:00 Ben Bernie orch., WEAF. 9:30 Ed Wynn, comedian, kyEAF. 9:30 Robison's orch., WJZ. 10:30 News, Edwin C. Hill, WABr hajju n -nnqnv WAT?f! -w. j """i 11 :30 Isham Jones. WABC. ' 12:00 Don Bestor orch., WEAp Jane Proman who over the Columbia chain every Tues , ' fr is the beauty queen of the air. a, came to radio a short time affQ from the d ranks of the University of Missouri. The Townsend Murder , Mys- K ver WJZ every Tuesda'. Thursday, and Satur- is written by Octavus Co- hte"'. knT,.be8 T hlS ?ef f 'Tf . ,fJ , j r to SP hta wares er the ether. rCS I J-'.Vy.O. nnT tttito tvt av rrn iTllJjr Eilvo i 8 l i j QTT'T T T1NJ1? TTT TIM COMING CONTEST (Continued from page three) game. Due to the shortness of time in which the players had to practice, the scores were ragged. All scores must be in by Wed nesday morning, at which time I -r-r . . ... Coacn Kenneld will announce his starting line-up. The match with Richmond Thursday should be a close affair, but the Tar fold again this season Rev. Griffin to Speak The Reverend G. W. Griffin of Washington, D. C. will dis cuss at the Rural Church Con ference at the Baptist Church tonight at 7:30 p. m., "Christ and the Common People," and "His Work with the Farmers." There will be a special musical 1 nrntrraTTi Nisbet to Lead lorn Nisbet will have charge - . ,uuuu I li9 4-1-1 ta Kinminff r- -1.o I f r rn Ir i fV 1 f-vm r-wn r I In n 1 I A T 1 nSflon " lcluiusi pray- er, and two meditative selections Pn the oran bv Walter Patter- son w11 comprise the program. Eight in Infirmary Eight persons were under the University physician's care yes- terday. They were Ben Atkins, L. L. White, Jimmy Craig, RalDh B. Cheek, W. C. Pitt, Edwin Lanier, Jisaku Fukusato, and J. S. Ginsberg. Invest Tour. Spending Money in Permanent Pleasure by Learning to. DANCE or PLAY A JAZZ PIANO Reduced g & studi0 . . We Guarantee Satisfaction Miss Boring (0141 4496 t , Tuesday, Slarch 21, 1933 SCHEDULED TOUR FOR PLAYMAKERS STARTS TOMORROW Itinerary Includes Elon College, Char lotte, Elferbe, and Camp bell College. Their scheduled spring tour through eastern North Carolina will be begun by the Carolina Playmakers at 2:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, to be com pleted Saturday. The itinerary will be Elon College, Charlotte, Ellerbe, and Campbell College. . The three plays to be present ed are the same as on the last tour Davy Crockett by John Philip Milhous, Four On A Heath by Foster Fitz-Simons, and Stumbling In Dreams, by George Brown. The casts also remain the same. The Playmakers will play first at Elon College on Wednes day night, and at Queen's-Chi-cora College in Charlotte on the following night. After a per formance at Ellerbe high school Friday, the players will complete their schedule Saturday evening with a program at Campbell Col lege, which is famous among dramatists as the alma mater of Paul Green. Carolina Folk Comedies, the latest volume in the series of folk-plays, will be displayed and sold at each place of perform ance on the tour. During the last tour twenty-seven copies were bought. Cobb Entertained Collier Cobb, former head of the geology department, is to be honor guest at a dinner giv en by members of the geology department at the Carolina Inn today on the occasion of his seventy-first birthday. Laundry Refunds Available Laundry refunds for the win ter quarter will continue to be, distributed today and tomorrow from 9:00 to 5:00 o'clock in the lobby of the Y. M. C. A. R. R. CLARK Dentist Office over Bank of Chapel Hill 0 0J Also Comedy Review NOW PLAYING CAROLINA PHONE 6251 J P & C y I " i If" N .- ,i n ....... . I . jT'' v " ' A u n II . D LL1 V i

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