Pass Two THE DAILY TAR HEEL Thursday,. October 25, 1933 The official newspaper of the Publications Union Board ef the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where it 13 printed daily except Mondays, and the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Chapel Hill, N. C.,. under act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, ?3.00 for the college year. " Claiborn M. Cam Thomas Walkers Marcus Feiiistein.. -Editor ..Managing Editor .Business Manager Editorial Staff ttytthpt A T. T?0 A T?"D Vfrenl J. Lee. Jr., chairman, John F. Alexander, A. T. DilL Vermont C. Eayster, F. Pat Gaskins, Milton K, Kalb, William H. Wang, Robert B. 1 Bolton, Ben C. Proctor, H. JNeison lansaaie, unxi . Lindeman, Jean S. Cantreil, W. R, Eddleman, W. C. - Idol. Jr.. Jeanne Holt. George Malone. FEATURE BOARD Joe Sugarman, chairman, Raymond Barron, Bill Marlowe, Walter Terry. CITY EDITORS Carl Thompson, Phil Hammer, Jack Lowe, Bob Page, Irving Suss, Bob Woerner. nvcir xfTTM wiMr Pnwpll. Walter Hargett, Eleanor AXJUUi illAJAl mm w ww -w 7 - Bizzell. SPORTS DEPARTMENT Bill Anderson and immie Morris, co-assistant editors, Morrie Long, Ralph Gialanella, Smith Barrier, Milton L. Scherer, Andrew L. Simpson, Tom Bost, Jr., J. w. Conner, Aiei auua. EXCHANGE EDITOR W. C. Durfee. T?TTPnwTTRS nnn MeKee. Don Wetherbee, John Wig gins, Carl Sommerr Harold Broady, W. W. Boddie, Reed Sarratt, Jim Daniels, Ed Goldenthal, Paul TeaL George MacFarland, EdwiH Kahn, Francis Clingnian, " vSr,orv Pbbpt. Norman Adelman. John Eddelman, Mar garet McCauley, George Stoney, Margaret E. Gaines, Kalph Uurgjn, am wuiara. Business Staff ASST. BUSINESS MGR. (Sales) Agnew Bahnson, Jr. ASST. BUSINESS MGR. (Collections) Joe C. Webb. OFFICE MANAGERS L. E. Brooks, James Barnard. DURHAM REPRESENTATIVE F. W. Smith. LOCAL ADVERTISING STAFF Butler French, Esley Anderson. Hnrfi Primrose. Melvin Gillie, Phil Singer, Robert Sosnick. CIRCULATION MGR. Ralto Farlow. No More Drunkards For Germany Hitler's Germany announces that compulsory sterilization will soon be in order for chronic drunkards and all persons afflicted with nervous diseases of proved congenital origin. Steriliza tion may be secured by anyone outside of this class who so desires it. Germany has recently been engaged in start ling the world in as many different ways as pos sible; and we imagine that this new announce- Lewis Inmates Stalk Big Game In Special Hunt Proprietors of Dormitory Store Offer Prize to Student Cap turing Wild AnimaL "Notice- Notice!" The inhabitants of Lewis ment will arouse no little disturbance among dormitory and visitors to the people who like nothing better than hurling a lower quadrangle did notice. i A - 1 1 J. 1 i.1 - -1 , -- . tiraae ax, some measure aesignea to Dener society i mis announcement, placed on which at the same time greatly infringes upon! the dormitory bulletin board, individual liberty. Germany has always fur- was the cause of all the excite- nished such people with a bountiful supply of ment: excuses to exnioit oeiore tneir inenas, dui tms Wild Animal Will be Let time we believe that the latest measure put Loose at 10:00 p. m. To the over by Hitler will not so much afford grounds 0ne who captures it "the House ior condemnation as it win present virtues to wi1 donate a Free Dope. GAIAALLW. I T -n l-ii -n'lt -mr -l . The old idea of personal liberty has been L , , , . , . pretty well blown up, and most people realize L ! today that a person entering society has given up all claim to absolute personal liberty. At flip cam a tirriP mpr1irn1 smatipp tiA wnrld nvpr , , n, , . , , quisitive natives of the dormi agrees upon the great benefit to society which I? , . Lewis, were sponsors of, the event. They were besieged for hours with the questions of in results from sterilization when used as a means of abolishing certain diseases. Liberal thinkers have long recognized the sanity of the idea and have pleaded its cause. Modified forms of this idea of protecting posterity from preventable would they divulge the secret concerning the nature of their beast or his hiding-place. Excitement Reigns Excitement reached a high but. wpll-nior'h rnrnrnhlp rHspnsps hnup PYbihifpfl , . , . , pitch as the news of the contest themselves m laws prohibiting marriage under r . , , . certain conditions. penetrated to every room of the CITY EDITOR FOR THIS ISSUE: BOB PAGE Thursday, October 26, 1933 The Burden Is Ours Webster defines honor as "a nice sense of what is right, just and true, with strict con formity thereto; that which rightfully attracts esteem, respect or consideration." We have an honor system, theoretically, if not practically. Many years ago it was started, for then this was a school for gentlemen, and gentlemen then, as today, needed no prompting, no reminder that to cheat on an examination was, first, the thief's role and finally the dis graceful admission that the cheater was will ing to sacrifice his honor that attribute which should be his dearest possession for a grade. Is it worth it? Are ten, or twenty, or thirty points even, on a quiz, the effects of which are forgotten in a year, worth the, giving away of something -that can never be regained? For with honor, with integrity, with belief in our selves, we lose self respect, and once lost, that -can never be found again. Many students gentlemen only in name de - light inwardly when they see the professor leave the room during an examination. It gives them a chance to read their book, or to scan their notes, or look oyer their neighbor's shoul der. And yet, how they would howl if the in structor watched them. They would bristle with offended dignity and pride. What have we come to? Must we lose this heritage which has been handed down by gene rations of Carolina gentlemen? Must we lose faith in the honesty of modern American stu dents? Is a monitorship necessary? We hope, sincerely, and deeply, that it is not. We hope and believe that the student body will rise to justify the confidence professors have felt in their integrity for so many years. It rests with ' us. W.H.W. Tt is rhamPipri.V nf fiprmv w, sU building. Much speculation as does a thing, that thing cannot be done more to the species of the animal was thoroughly. She lacks inspiration but this time ?hc0mg' ?r0I?e esthat she has seized upon and put . to work an idea which other peoples have only toyed with. Ger- King Kong" Kahn was to be re leased and captured again for body-at-Iarge is invited to at tend meetings and enter into the discussion. The International Relations club is governed by an executive committee composed of three faculty members and five stu dents. Bull's Head Program Features Woodhouse Professor E.-J. Woodhouse will speak on "Tools for Social Change" at the Bull's Head pro gram in the Y. M. C. A. this af ternoon at 4 :00 o'clock. In his talk Professor Wood house will touch on Fascism, so cialism, communism, and modi fied capitalism. He will bring out the symptoms that show a trend towards these different forms, discussing in connection with this the newer books on these subjects. Among these are "My Battle," the autobiogra phy of Adolph Hitler, and "The Great Offensive," by Maurice Hindus. Arnold Breckenridge, Harry Dosher, James Ferrendo, B. H, George, W. B. Harper, Ruth Hall, Eleanor Lockharty Jule Mc Michael, Vida Miller, Woodrow Massey, J. H. Price, G. E. Rad ford, .George Steele, Howard Spain, W. H. Sawyer, and Kath leen Tyer. Buc Staff Meets The art and editorial staffs of the Buccaneer will meet tonight at .7 :15 o'clock in Graham Me morial. It is essential that every member be present. SEVENTEEN IN INFIRMARY The following students were confined to the University in firmary yesterday: J. B. Aaron, Week-End Special For Thursday & Friday One group McGregor SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS reduced to $5-95 (not all colors and sizes in each style but a good selection to be gin with.) IDE TUX SHIRTS (New price will be 2JL5) The YOUNG EMSjlSHOP 126-128 E. Main St. DURHAM many has again pointed the way for the world Priie Others thought the in social legislation. R.L.B. Infirmary Service ' In a letter to the editor of the Daily Tar Heel, a student recently complained of the service he received at the infirmary. In his letter he says . that attention was refused him outside of regu lar office hours in the case of "minor, painful injuries." After questioning several students who have had occasion to make use of the infirmary's facilities, and recalling our own experience, we have come to the conclusion that attention is denied no one, no matter what hour the patient applies. We know of a case in which an indi vidual having a non-serious, though somewhat painful and annoying ailment, called at the in firmary at least a dozen times within the space of three tlays, two of these calls being made after midnight, and at no time was courteous, efficient attention denied him. ' i We will admit that when a patient calls at the infirmary with the prime intention of be ing excused from class, and when he places in the background his tale of his existent or non- - existent ailment, he will be referred to the regu lar schedule of office hours this schedule be ing maintained in order that all the facilities of the infirmary may be placed at the disposal of those who are really sick. Perhaps : this is the student's cause for complaint: M.K.K; DECORATE FOR HOMECOMING whole affair a fluke, saying that it was a device on the part of the sifnrp-lrppnprs r Vinnct fTipii aalpc v 1CT r a by the assembling of a crowd . - , , .,, , on me nrsi iioor 01 me aormi- a iew years ago tne 1. m. u. a. witnarew f from camnus nolitica with t.hp. flTiTimmppmpnt. 1,0 ; ;4-i-p Un- t,- interest m xne prize was bv its nrocedure and actions since, it is Pvident neigntenea wnen a represenia- that instead of taking itself out of politics it tive f a tobacco company, going has done a srreat deal to take itself out of con- rougn tne ouiiaing, onerea w tart with tvP nnmnna add a carton of cigarettes to the a 4. it. v i . . . . prize tnat had Deen announcea. At nresent the Y claims that its nffWrs arp elected without nolitics at least that, was broad- J usl Deiore lu :w 0 cloCK Tne I 1 11 -1 1 ly contended in the Y election last year. This occupants 01 tne aormitory came, in one aware 01 wnat been a practice for some time and when the nerce nature tne ammai was, group gathered for the election of officers those manv came weann old clothes, men who had taken an active nart in its nre- ugh shoes, and even gloves. vious organization work were surprised to see The Pssibilitv of the animal's many new members present. When the election bein a &reasv caused some was in nrnppss tbpv snw tyipti pintp rifi, TOv.rtTv, of the more fastidious to wear thev wprp in snmp instrjnppa nnt pttpti Qrttioinforl overalls. Some of the bolder A frame-up using outworn political tricks car- and less -delicate students came ried the election. clad only in pajamas and under- The Y could or.rnnv n nrr.Tr.iTiPTit nA wear. A few wore bathrobes. ' mJ wmmuvu V MUU UOvx KA.X I a-position on the campus here as it does at But these were draped loosely many other colleges.' There is no reason why overtheir bodies ready to be the Y should not admit its politics. These poli- discarded at the instant greater tics are not necessarily bad, but it will do no speed was needed in the race. good to attempt to cover up the obvious to Melee Begins the benefit of certain political groups. The Y The bel1 in the carillon tower should make its beneficial influence more broadly struck ten. The huntsmen were 1 elt on the campus. W.R.E. ready. The animal was released from the game room, and the mad scramble was on. Such yelling, shrieking, shouting and talking had not been heard on the Hill since Norm Quarles first round with Bobby Gold- Bravo Again stein last winter. But not for Editor, the DAILY TAR Heel: lone-. A. J. Snvder staersrered to 1 - - V ' . It is a deplorable situation that a group of his feet from beneath the pile students here should have to see fit to combine up. He held the captured beast in order to restore integrity to a classroom. But in his hand a lowly ground they have combined for the common; good of squirrel. xiie giuup uore no animosity towards that Thp wirr was awarded tne one .who was reported. But to get to the per- amid tWnnpprs nf m W Tai slQe 01 tne Question, to cheat or not to fortunate hunters. The crowd cheat; it gives one that considers the demoral- w'dpd QT.d Twis dnrmitorv xmg mnuence tnat is exerted m cheating a J it nnrmslrv-a norm fine, satisfaction to know that his manuscript alcy which it will keep until cuixtams ins very own worK. une student said, "ov -r,v Marvin, nnd wnen ieners around me cheat and make high grades and I don't cheat and flunk: then, I feel that IJknow as much as they and surely deserve as much credit as they, regardless of public opinion. I highly commend the action taken by that group and know that my sentiments are shared by a goodly number of the student body. Surely Speaking The Campus Mind "Martin Johnson" Puckett bring 'em back alive again from the jungles of the lower quadrangle. Relations Glub Studies International Affairs (Continued Jrom first page) they have taken a progressive and beneficial to address the student body. The ..... I n 1 1T step which is importantly related to the student same Iounaation nas suppnea life on the campus. R.W.B. the club with numerous volumes on international relations. At various times whole sets of books have been donated to the Three girls, all under 12, were suspended this fall from the Fallsington, Pa., school because they wore socks. Socks, their princinal tnld group' their parents, are all right in the. sixth era dp A further departure from the l x j: jf.i . 1 - ' uui uisgraceiui m tne seventh. Purdue Ex ponent. ACT IN BEHALF OF HONOR SYSTEM policy of the past few years is evident in the fact that the cluB has announced an open forum method by which the student- 10 DISCOUNT on our GOODRICH TIRES GENERAL SERVICING CHEVROLET AUTOS If you bring this ad with you.. McMillan motor co. 1 Block Back of Post Office 1 j;.. N' j ywi . x Kf i. t-i, I' 'V 1 ' 'A4 i ' t ' ' v - I , 4 f v y i 1 , V ' '' ' Ay MEET THE GIRLS You asked to see more of them, so we're bringing the 200 dazzlers them back . . . of "42nd Street" and many more in a bigger and grander ne whit from Warner Brosr. "GOLD DIGGERS of 1933 with JOAN BLONDELL RUBY KELLER WARREN WILLIAMS GINGER ROGERS DICK POWELL GUY KIBBEE $9 r '2 V- Other Features: Cartoon, "Laughs in the Law" News .Nuw FLAYING W "1' IWIWIWIWHIIIillllMIW