Saturday, January 13, 1934 THE DAILY TAR HEEL ' - LP ' N;M EN-MA FTOT- rr I II Quarles and Hall Headline To night's Boxing Meet with Virginia Polys. CONTEST WILL BE TOUGH Tar Heel Pugs Round Out Train ing in Good Shape for Their Season-Opener Tonight. Featuring what promises to be a "battle royal", between Nor ment Quarles and Fred Hall, lightweights, the University of North Carolina boxing teams will begin their campaign for Southern Conference honors by meeting the strong Virginia Polytechnic Institute pugilists here in the Tin Can. Last year Referee Charlie Short of Baltimore honored Quarles by saying he was "the greatest collegiate boxer" he had ever seen. The brilliant lightweight made history in 1933, thrilling thousands of fans in Chapel Hill, by decisively de feating Bobby Goldstein, Vir ginia's national 135-pound cham pion. It was the first time the Virginian had been beaten as a collegiate. Finishing the season without a loss to his record, Quarles blew through the South ern Conference boxing tourna ment winning the featherweight crown in great style. Dope on Fred Hall v Fred Hall, Tech's threatening 135-pound sophomore find, will by no means be a breather for the dazzling Quarles. This boy is no pushover; he employs a powerful punch, and more than that, he is plenty clever and fast. Last year as a freshman, Hall finished his season without bowing to any opponents. In fact he has several knockouts under his belt. With Quarles looking the best of his career, showing added finesse, punch, and speed, the lightweight event should be a real treat. The failure of Piatt Landis to return to school considerably weakens the upper berths.' How ever Coach Rowe is making ev ery effort to groom James Car ruth to meet "Red" Negri, V. P. I. crrid and boxing star. Last year Negri extended Landis to an extra round before he finally succumbed to the relentless at tack of the Southern Conference heavyweight titlist. Coach Esleeck Comments Several weeks ago, Dick Es leeck, popular boxing coach at Virginia Tech for the past eight seasons, had hopes of assembling a great ring team at V. P. I. this year, but his dreams vanished when many of his proteges failed to report for boxing. . Comment ing on the drought of pugs, Es leeck remarked : "Well, I lost three stars I was counting on, two of my best sophomores did not return, and four of the eight classes on my team are as va cant as Goldsmith's Deserted Village." : " A wire reached the Daily Tar Heel office stating that V. P. I. has assembled an inexperienced freshman team, strongest in the lighter weights. : This should not worry the Tar Heel coach as he, too, has several formid able lightweights. Tom O'FIa- herty, stellar 135-pound year ling clouter, looms as Carolina's most nrnmisincr rineman. Al though Tom has '-.been; troubled by a sprained thumb all week, he has managed to keep fit and is raring to go. Marion Diehl and Joe Fisher, who fill the ban tam and welterweight divisions, have been showing up well in their afternoon schimmages. Medynski, Crooning Pug ' In the middleweight classes Jule Medynski, the crooning box er, and Max No vich, upper-cut exnert. Rhnnld oersuade the alumni that 1 Carolina will con tinue to be a threat to all op- Tentative Line-ups FRESHMEN Carolina Dir. Diehl 115 Price 123 O'Flaherty 135 Fisher 145 Medynski 155 Novich White Trimpy Eutsler Williams Quarles Lumpkin Hornaday Giddens Ray Carruth 163 175 Unlim. VARSITY 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 Unlim.- V.P.L Wilson Hull Prestige Shaf er Dillon Rothery Lakin Brandon !MitcheD Hall Fausel Bussey Spruill Dillon Negri STAR TAR HEEL FORWARD ponents. When asked for a statement concerning the boxers, Coach Rowe, who is a man of few but meaningful words, said, "The boys have been training faith fully and are eager to get start ed. I have been greatly pleased by the manner in which they have been cooperating with me. They have the right fighting spirit." Major Harvey L. Miller of Washington, D, C, will referee the bouts. The freshman bouts are scheduled to begin at 7 :30 o'clock, followed by the varsity fights which will take place at 8 :30 o'clock. Admission will be 50 cents per person. No student will be admitted without an ath- etic passbook. Maryland Books Nine Grid lUts For 1934 Liners Maryland ; Athletic Authorities Book Navy arid Indiana for Next Grid Season. (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) College Park, Md. Jan. 12 University of Maryland athletic authorities recently released the 1934 football schedule for the Old Liners. They 'will meet Navy and In diana in special headline con tests. Navy is an old gridiron foe, having appeared on the Maryland schedule before, but thA Indiana eleven is a new comer to their schedule cards; Drop Tulane, Duke In 1933, Western Maryland, Tulane, and Duke were met along with the usual Virginia "Big Four teams and St. John's, the former three teams will be dropped from the Terrapin schedule. The schedule: Stp. 29 St. John's, here. Oct. 6 Washington and Lee, Lexington, Va. -. Oct. 13 Navy, Annapolis, Md. Oct. 20 V. P. I., Norfolk, Va. Oct. 27 Florida, Baltimore, Md. V'7';t Nov. 3 University Va., here. Nov. 10 V. M. I., here. Nov. 17 Indiana, Blooming ton, Ind. Nov. 29 John Hopkins, Bal timore. TODAY'S CONTEST V ' ' "" - """"" ' mmmimmmmmtmmkf ... : .... mr 'ir--iii i r - , - .,..., y fll , amtM , , -, , , f J. - l "v . . . TERPS LIEEr V. P. I. FIVE TODAY VfflLE 1 Maryland's Basketeers and Ring Teams Have Doable-Header With Virginia Teams. Above is a characteristic action picture of Virgil Weathers! all- southern forward and senior. Last night he played a beautiful game against the V. M. I. cadets, running-up "Snooks" Aitken for scoring honors. His floor work and general all round Dlav was the feature of the Tar Heel quintet. The victory over V. M. I. gave the Carolina five, three Southern Conference triumphs: Clemson, V. P. L, and the cadets. IPiianfioiHis Siae Last Mali Sally To OcK; W M 138-t 3 Four crood boxing matches which should pack- any man's arena with fans hungry for the ring spectacle headline Southern Conference fightdom. N. C. State will meet .the South Carolina Gamecocks; Duke, Clemson ; Virginia, Har vard; V. M. I., Maryland. Duke's cagers will finish their northern trip today, meeting Navy in an afternoon game at Annapolis. (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) Lexington, V.a, Jan. 12 Trailing at half time 15-12, Carolina's White Phantoms ral lied brilliantly while holding the V. M. I. five's scoring guns si lent, finally winning 38 to 18. This- is the North Carolinians' third conference triumph. Final count is no . indication of the brilliant play put up by the hard fighting kaydet quint. The Tar Heels started slowly while "the V. M. I. cagers leaped quickly into an early: lead which they held until intermission. Second Half All U. N. C. Following the rest at half time, the North Carolina invad ers started a brilliant display of pyrotechnics. Not only did they put on necessary offensive power, but they also cut off the local club's chances of victory when they held the kaydets to one field goal and one foul goal. The Tar Heels showed a well coached five which came through when the going got tough. Aitken, Weathers Lead Scoring "Snooks" Aitken, diminutive Carolina forward, topped both teams in scoring with 13 points, a dozen points from action and one foul shot. His running mate, Virgil Weathers, was runner-up with 10, four field goals and a brace of shots from the gratis line. Weathers stood out like a star, shining on the offense con- si while his floor work MAM " was scintillating. Downey, guard, led the losers with six points, three field goals Captain Hancock, center, played a fine floor game. The Tar Heels will finish their Virginia trip tomorrow night, mPPtirnr the W. & L. Generals in Doremus gymnasium. Box Score: Carolina 4 G Ft. Aitken, f -6 1 Nelson, f 1 1 Weathers,' f -I". 4 , 2 Glace, c 1 2 J. McCachren, g :.. 1 0 Blood- g ...... 1 0 (C) D. McCachren, g 1 2 Total ... . . ....:....15 8 . V. M. I. ' G Ft. McLoney, f . 0 0 Smith, f 2 1 (C) Hancock, c 1 1 Downey, g . 3 0 Total 8 2 Score at half: V. M. I. 15, U. N. C. 12. Non-scoring subs : Carolina, Long, f ; Beale, c ; Kaveny, c ; and Harris, g. Late Results S. C. 40; W. & L. 23. , State 32; Davidson 29. Carolina 38; V. M. I. 18. Princeton Will Have Varsity Boxing Team Six years of effort by Prince ton students to have the Uni versity represented by a boxing team have finally been realized as the f acuity committee on ath- leucs nas sanctioned sucn a team. ' : ' . The team will be coached by opiaer jeny, wen Known pro fessional boxer, who has been directing the Tiger intramural program in boxing, and Win throp Rutherford, .Princeton graduate and 1933 New Jersey heavyweight amateur champion. Rutherford represented the United States in the Olympic games. x The first match for the Tigers will be against the Newark Athletic club which has several New Jersey champions and two eastern champions on its team. The tentative schedule for the rest of the season includes Penn, Navy, Virginia, Springfield, Penn State, and W. & Ll TP 13 3 10 4 2 2 4 38 TP 0 . 5 3 6 4 18 (Special to the Daily Tar Keel) College Park, Md., Jan. 12 Maryland's basketeers and ring men will round up an ambitious tour of Virginia schools tonight when the cagers finish their jaunt with V. P. I. and the pugs clash with V. M. I. Thursday night, the Terps won a Driinant upset victory over the Duke Blue Devils 37-33 in College Park. Last night, the Old Liners met Washington and Lee and tonight they will round up their Virginia trip by taking on the V. P. I. quintet. Pugs Meet Kaydets Lt. Jack Harmony's ring- sters will meet the V. M. I. kay det boxers tonight in Lexington. The boxing squad right now is not as strong as the one which defeated V. M. I. last year 5-3, but - it will still be much better when eligibility gives them re newed strength January 24. Only Three Vets Lt. Harmony has only a trio of veterans to form a nucleus for his ring club this winter. The letter men are: Harry Carroll, 125-pounder; Lymna McAboy, 155-pound division; and Stew art McCaw, light-heavyweight. In last year's meet with the kay dets, McCaw won while his team, mates, Carroll and Mc Aboy lost. Dope on Terp Five Coach Burtin Shipley in out lining his plans for the cagers' campaign hV Virginia, 1 indi cated that he would stick to his four veterans, Spencer Chase and Bob Snyder, forwards ; Ruf- us Vincent, center and Bucky Buscher, guards But then Bucky's liP sopho more brother has come through in fine condition, winning the game from Duke Thursday night. Grapplers ViIl Find Tough Sled ding in Heavier Divisions Against N. C State. McLAURIN LEVDS TACK 5Iatmen Out for Revenge of Last Year's Defeat at Hands of Y'est Raleigh Boys. Freshman and varsity wrest ling teams of Carolina and State will inaugurate their 1934 sea son this afternoon at 2:30; o'clock in the Tin Can. The Tar Heel varsity aggrega tion is seeking" revenge for a heartbreaking 18-14 upset which" the Wolf pack handed them last year. The West Raleigh grap plers went on to annex the State, championship following their victory oyer Duke. i - ) ; ;;-:::-:::::::::::" x-:-: ::::::::-:: : t BOXERS ATTENTION! , The weighing-in time for men who are going to box on the . . . - freshman and varsity teams to night against V. P. I. has been changed. Freshmen will weigh in at 3:30 o'clock and varsity men at 4:00 o'clock at Fjmerson stadium. , McLaurin Leads State James McLaurin is the State, captain. He wrestles in the 155 pound class and he was consid ered among the best in his weight last year. Other State stars are Croom, 175; and Mor-V rah, 115. Croom's only defeat last year was by Percy Idol,. Carolina's Southern Conference heavyweight champion, ' while Morrah was outstanding last year losing only two matches . -Carolina will pin its hopes, chiefly on four lettermen, Thad Hussey 118 pounds; Captaiii Clarke Mathewson, 126 ; Morton Hiller, 145 and Mac Aumanr.. 175. Of this quartet, Captain Mathewson' and ' Hussey were1 victors over their Tech oponents last year. These men are all v beginning their final year oh the mat. '"' Four Weights Untried The material for the four re maining positions on the team-! is new and untried, and has yet, to prove its strength under fire.. The probable entries are BosV or Hodges, 135; Simdnds or Greer, 155; Efland 165; and ; (Continued on page four) BANC $1.00 TGMG BYNUMGYM IT" in 9:30 O'clock Jelly v.. Music By Left wieli iapii Mi Oireliesttm Tickets On Sale At Pritchard-Lloyd's 4 FRESHMEN ADMITTED '